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File: 3 KB, 125x120, ;ybuyvblujghv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24940195 No.24940195 [Reply] [Original]

>BTC price breaks record the same week
Youre all a bunch of coomers arent you?

>> No.24940231

I resemble that remark

>> No.24940401
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>> No.24940848
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>> No.24941152
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This meme implies that women should have a say in which men reproduce and which dont.
This is the fall of man.

>> No.24941188

>paying for porn
>using a public ledger cryptocurrency
What an absolute disaster

>> No.24941350

*rich deranged social schizoid

>> No.24941364

Me on the left

>> No.24941369 [DELETED] 

Whether you agree with it or not, women have been the choosers for the past 80+ years in most western countries.
I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's literally a social construct that men used to be able to choose their wives. In nature women submit to the most dominant males. If you're the dominant male you get to breed with all the women in your "tribe". If you're a beta male you don't get to reproduce.
Modern society is trending towards this because there are fewer and fewer social norms limiting sexuality.

>> No.24941371

Imagine paying for porn

>> No.24941444

Whether you agree with it or not, women have been the choosers for the past 80+ years in most western countries. And there's not much you can do about it as an individual.
I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's literally a social construct that men used to be able to choose their wives. In nature women submit to the most dominant males. If you're the dominant male you get to breed with all the women in your "tribe". If you're a beta male you don't get to reproduce. Modern society is trending back towards nature because there are fewer and fewer social norms limiting sexuality.

>> No.24941692

>using public ledger funny coins to buy drugs in 2010

>> No.24941846
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>women have been the choosers for the past 80+ years
Yes, but it turns out women have retarded ideas about what an "alpha male" is.
Apparently being a millionaire doctor is the equivalent of 3 inches in height, as women woould rather date a 6ft guy over a 5'8.
Same for abs: you can be a drug dealer chronic criminal, but if you have abs youre obviously a superior human being to a boring engineer.

Womens sexual selection is a meme that worked in tribes but any kind of civilization needs to take womens rights away. When left to their own devices it turns out women dont even want to have children but just have fun.

>> No.24941858

is this legit? have the jews really accepted Bitcoin now? How the fuck do we profit?

>> No.24942047
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, 1600475479567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have the jews really accepted Bitcoin now?
But the creditcard bankers are jews as well so Im confused. Are the jews jewing each other? And if so, who is the gigamegajew at the top?

>> No.24942198

They have been accepting it for months you retard.

>> No.24942439

I don't disagree with most of what you said. I was just describing what society is like.

>> No.24942537

>someone who doesn't understand Neurology or Evolution
If you study both these topics you will figure out why women act the way they do. There have been lots of studies on these topics.

>> No.24942586
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never paid for porn in my life and I never will
but the coomer market is pretty big I think

>> No.24942612

Maybe the Goldsteins and the Rosenberg are one some kind of clan war right now, who knows.

>> No.24942648

Me replying to you on the wcreen on the left

>> No.24942675

They are evolved to patriarchy, take that away and...

>> No.24942691

Humans haven't even evolved to digest corn fully, why would an animal implement the blueprints for a society into its DNA after just some millenia?
Cavemanogic still rules society today, the big and strong guys are still the most valuable choice for women.

>> No.24942710

Men also have neurology and evolution, you dont see them raping and raiding in the streets. Somehow men are capable of restraining their biological urges.

>> No.24942780
File: 979 KB, 1280x720, death to s0y.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the big and strong guys are still the most valuable choice for women.
It just sucks that I get to pay for the bastard retards that come out of it via my taxes.
Why cant single mothers starve?

>> No.24943030

Stop paying taxes, and they will starve.
Buy XMR, and REFUSE the vaccine.
Also rape nature and destroy science. Only patriarchy matters.

>> No.24943070

Shut the fuck up Amanda S

>> No.24943256

Kek that video, cat immediately saw that the human would not be a threat and was easy prey

>> No.24943339

why is it underperforming compared to btc? It should be @400$ by now but its doing 70 is it undervalued?

>> No.24943370

Didnt they just delete 80% of their porn? Why is no one talking about this

>> No.24943509

Wait until they take UNN.