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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24938516 No.24938516 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24938563

based niggers
I can't believe they adopted cryptos earlier than our retarded governments

>> No.24938565

wasn't all the recent rugs nigerian too? why are they so tech savvy bros?

>> No.24938590

Lefties if you oppose bitcoin you're racist against Nigerians

>> No.24938621

was thinking the same wtf niggerinos

>> No.24938631

And you’re just racist against Nigerians without the modus ponens

>> No.24938647

White American women whose fathers were nocoiners are going to be trophywives for Nigerian BBC/BTC chads.

>> No.24938656

nigerians are the new white people

>> No.24938660

they started scamming in the 70's, I still regularly get emails from a nigerian prince even now, back in the days my company actually got letters in the mail from them, they have perfected the craft

>> No.24938689

It’s a misleading headline. It’s according to the value on some shit exchange and not the crypto market in general.

>> No.24938704

Nigerians are actually honorary whites at this point. I’ve read books about businesses in Nigeria and basically there is tons of development and investment there but ZOG media FUDs it hard to keep normies out of the ground floor.

>> No.24938736

Based and checked

>> No.24938917
File: 474 KB, 964x1116, 2AA76C3A-426B-40CD-B57F-AE88C900CFA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please, sir, I beg of you. I am in dire need. I am a Nigerian prince. Da peephole of da cuz have detrown me, and I need to hep. Please for the mere price of $5000 I can claim back my trown, and I will repay you back $50,000, I swear on my dead mothers brothers neighbors side. Uh heh! I give muh word! You can trust me. Also my midday has tuberculoniasis, and she needs desperate surgery, uh heh! If you help give me $2000 in Amazon gift cards, I will triple my repayment to $100,000, uh heh! Please, I beg of you.

>> No.24938957

makes sense if I was a niggerland like that I'd want to switch to cyrpto since the government over there makes their people so shitty.

>> No.24938975
File: 67 KB, 720x681, 1594339199916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigeria is an unusual African country.
They are actually very resourceful and tech savvy (for ooga booga jungle niggers).

>> No.24939011

they are the real voodoo boys

>> No.24939044

They wouldn't have spent the time learning crypto if this wasn't for the long haul.

>> No.24939375
File: 210 KB, 994x720, Jedidiah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Every nigger will be financially conquered and deported back to Niggerville"

-Jed McCaleb (cca. 2016, colorized)


>> No.24939491

>wasn't all the recent rugs nigerian
Spotted the pajeet

>> No.24939517

Yes. I think the largest economy in Africa now? I believe they surpassed South Africa.

>> No.24939532


>> No.24940324

Based niggers

>> No.24940344

Where’s my qt3.14 nigerian crypto gf?

>> No.24940370

They are the best of the worst when it comes to Africans, they actually have functional cities and such not just mud huts and eating cow shit.

>> No.24940426

They have been the Eli’s center of digital currency for over ten years. Everyday they do millions of micro transactions from phone to phone.

>> No.24940476

Look, if you want to make money on btc you ahould trade and hold through a Nigerian cutout. Have we not been over thus before? Don't you all have your btc in Nigeria?

>> No.24940754

Their GDP per capita is shit though. Biggest GDPs per capita in Africa are Gabon and Equatorial Guinea

>> No.24940829

Bullish? More like bullshit. Nigeria is not the second largest crypto market by any financial metric, not even close.

>> No.24940889

Chad Nigerians

>> No.24940928


>> No.24940966

Withdraws 30c, fee $2. Lol I love that so many are Already priced out of this game

>> No.24940988

jamaal withdrawing his funds after a hard day of Nigerian prince and love scams on dumb burgers

>> No.24941007

Das rite we is be invented da peanuts, computer, penicillin, science, cars, gold, glass, alcohol, and even anime. Y'alls dumbass racists is be owing us mores than you is can ever be knowing.

>> No.24941009

Nice try OP, but your a faggot. If you not punting SENT dvpn get the fuck off of /biz.

>> No.24941081

Jokes aside, a nigger actually invented the traffic lights

>> No.24941173
File: 271 KB, 750x794, 42BBF705-A4FA-48E0-92B2-62AF84F51DD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African bullish. Blackchain when. Wakoinda now. For real though buy whatever those boons adopt and make money off them again.

>> No.24941204

That's false though

>> No.24941365

Nigerians are honorable white now.


Actually one nigerian scammer gave me 1 monero and some etherum. no white would do this for me.

>> No.24941554
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>> No.24941693

Yeah...for Cardano who are doing deals with countries in Africa. First Ethiopia then moving onto Nigeria/Kenya

>> No.24941732

>bbc btc chads
Come on man

>> No.24942053

Theyre still pretty dump sometimes but they all come to America to get masters and phds and they do well at them too. They're definitely a group that wants to improve themselves and their country and are actually willing to put in the work.

>> No.24942191 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 1200x675, Tani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 year old Nigerian kid who's currently rated 1700 on FIDE
based Nigerians will save west Africa from niggerdom

>> No.24942228
File: 116 KB, 1200x675, Tani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 year old Nigerian kid who's currently rated 1700 on FIDE
based Nigerians will save Africa from niggerdom

>> No.24943126

I thought it was botswana?

>> No.24943229
File: 25 KB, 800x444, 67543591-C6A6-4EF7-A096-E302B99BBBC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salvation lies is these hands...

>> No.24943230

It’s bullish because even blacks can figure how to use crypto if they need to

>> No.24943629

By adoption or number of transactions probably.

>> No.24943750

Need drives innovation.