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File: 71 KB, 1200x675, thegraph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24934537 No.24934537 [Reply] [Original]

why is everyone talking about selling when this is 50c? are you that short sighted? never selling literally, accumulating more now

>> No.24934628
File: 32 KB, 847x793, 1590083515496(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After doing some digging into graph i stumled into something. there is in fact at least one private group that is using the code storage vulnerability to transfer out GRT from hardware wallets.

>What is this exploit?
There's a security layer in Graph's source code that deals with storage ticks. Basically, even in cold storage where they're untouched, there's a cache protocol that will occasionally ping public wallet addresses to verify their contents. Unfortunately, GRT has a slightly different version of this protocol in order to make micro-pings for staking purposes. Most staking rewards are going to be really small transfers, so the grt devs lowered the tick rate for these pings. However, if you're using a hardware wallet, your storage is operating at the NORMAL tick rate, creating a cache gap where someone can use an SLQ% injection to gain access to your wallet. There's already been many posts of Anons opening up their wallets to find all their tokens transferred out to mysterious addresses, losing tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars.

>Does this affect other tokens in my hardware wallet?
No, as this isn't a vulnerability with the wallet so much as Graph specifically. Other tokens, even on wallets that have been affected by the exploit, are safe.

>I haven't touch my wallet in years! Can someone really randomly gain access and steal my GRT?
Sadly, yes. This affects PUBLIC addresses, and these are most likely being chosen at random.

>I have my GRT on a hardware wallet! What do I do?
Either transfer them to a paper wallet (safest), an exchange, or trade for fiat.

>Can this be patched?
Yes, but it will take time. This isn't something that can be done in a week, as it's tied to the security layers focused on staking. These have to be rewritten very cautiously, else other major functions of the GRT source code can break.
I'll stick around to answer any other questions you guys might have.

>> No.24934653

This really is going to be the next LINK kek.

>> No.24934681


>> No.24934716
File: 923 KB, 1801x821, 1608326140320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I use ethereum apps? If so, then I already use Graph every single day.

Uniswap? Aave? Yearn? Sushi? Compound? Whoever you are, chances are you use the Graph in some way or another. Graph is not an essential infrastructure for ethereum apps, much like Chainlink (token not needed) and Ethereum itself.

In july they/them were processing 6 GORILLON penises a day, and the growth rate is exponential so that's probably a lot higher now, they're guessing 600 GORILLONS plus. Every single ethereum app pays Graph users for their penises.

Now here's the worst part. Graph is in the process of centralizing, which was not the purpose of this sale + mainnet. Indexers and janitors (people who are providing data to projects like Uniswap FOR FREE) will now need to take HRT and fake it. Projects like Uniswap never needed to buy HRT to pay for their cummies. And people who read all of the above can delegate their HRT, steaking it on a grill and enjoying a good meal.

You are right for thinking that she was pumped already. YOU are too late. This is literally the only project that cannot be farther from LINK, in terms of scaleability and broadness of use case. Not buying this here is like not buying Link after it pumped from $5 to $19, i.e not being a monkey buying tops.

>> No.24934717
File: 247 KB, 800x1688, E954388D-7F31-40E3-86DA-92861A8B5990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure

>> No.24934786


>> No.24934827

Parsiq is too soon, not viable now.
Try again 2022.

>> No.24934829

where can i buy PRQ? cant find it on binance

>> No.24934845

translating to English: FUD and copypasta.

>> No.24934885

Wait a few weeks, they got a big funding from binance 2 weeks ago.
Its on uniswap or gate.io / exmo and coinmetro

>> No.24934906

I hope technobabble FUD like this actually shakes boomers and retards away kek

>> No.24934915

Lol they have clients like algorand, dash, celo and chainlink using their service as we speak.

>> No.24934984
File: 1.21 MB, 1801x821, 1608326771002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eternal reminder that if you buy GRT right now you're buying fully aware that :
>paid shills have been trying to create a hype narrative for weeks on end
>same paid shills caught samefagging several times in multiple threads
>total supply is ten billion (10 000 000 000) meaning you're buying something that is already valued at 2.4 billion mcap
>VCs bought in at $0.03, maybe even lower (already up x8)
>token is literally NOT NEEDED

See pic and link related (https://4stats.io) and more for proof of samefagging and an unnatural marketing campaign. It's not too late for you to sell before you get burned when it inevitably goes down to 0.08 or even lower as the marketers stop trying to find suckers to buy. Your choice anon.

>> No.24935023

I mean the top 150 cointains only multimillionaires. I wouldnt want to be dumped by those

>> No.24935073

Nope, PRQ will be big in 2021, so will be Graph and LINK. Literally the only three projects that matter.

>> No.24935104

thats a good point

>> No.24935190


Jokes on you, I hold both :^D

>> No.24935220
File: 42 KB, 600x600, jew_basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one thread it's mine and Im already +799% up from this GRT shit thats hilarious
and the
funniest thing anons is that I still don't know what the fuck this token does

near anonacks never relax

>> No.24935240

one of those threads was literally me. also, its not fair what you're doing. this is the only decent project thats been on this board and you're trying to stop people from buying, worse yet trying to get them to sell.

whats the point? what do you gain from others not buying into something which will take off in a years time?

>> No.24935293

This guy gets it.

>> No.24935366


> its not fair what you're doing
> just buy at a 700% pump and be happy that it will go up sometime in the next 5 years

crypto fags are the worst.

>> No.24935428

i sold at .25 buy order at .15
these fags are high on hopium and when it dumps i will make even more profit

>> No.24935429

You're doing god's work anon.
I wish I had the balls to go all in at 10 cents yesterday, I'll go make a few pastas myself for *edditors.

>> No.24935459

What a stupid lie.... the coin FROM LAUNCH is only up 150%

>> No.24935737

3 cent ico retard

>> No.24935806

>why is everyone talking about selling when this is 50c? are you that short sighted? never selling literally, accumulating more now
im only selling my initial at 0.50. im holding the rest until $100+. im super long term bullish on blockchain and GRT