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24934231 No.24934231 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24934278

also 1.2/10B supply for GRT, 100/500M for PRQ

>> No.24934421
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>> No.24934503

Biggest difference? Product speaking for itself vs fake hype and paid exchange listings

>> No.24934531

Man you parsiq shills sure are getting desperate

>> No.24934591

ffs these two projects have completely different use cases

>> No.24934643

both will succeed and PRQ has much more upside

>> No.24934669
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>> No.24934714

Unfortunately you cannot choose who makes what posts, theres a completely legit, informative PRQ thread up with zero shilling

>> No.24934752

I love how your retards still think the perform of coins like these is in any way ties to what they actually do.

> Hurrr I'm going to play at this casino because they use handmade leather cards. I'll win for sure!

>> No.24934850


>> No.24934926

And they are synergetic. I have no idea why retards don't get it. And they are ALSO synergetic with LINK. FFS, there is only retards here...

>> No.24934939

Graph dump will be glorious, feeling cozy with my PARSIQs

>> No.24934995
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i was doing my DYOR looking into parsnips and saw the team has almost zero business experience. theyre all academics. this is unironically a red flag for me

>> No.24935000

graph is a great project. got my bag packed at 0.12. getting in PRQ at the moment by DCAing. i think my avg buy price is right around 0.215. was hoping to get more on a dip but that opp might be gone looking at the charts.

>> No.24935036

Graph is a shitcoin with overrated hype and shit all the way. Skip this shit coin and get into $PRQ the real gem with all the road map for 2020 delivered.

>> No.24935054

Apparently its good enough for binance to invest a big amount of money into Parsiq so they can integrate their technology

>> No.24935059

Fuck this scam

>> No.24935060

few understand the true potential of PARSIQ

>> No.24935091

looks like the CEO was a partner at Nation Capital


>> No.24935121
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tle" content="PARSIQ (PRQ) price, marketcap, chart, and ||SQL

>> No.24935140


>> No.24935162

Do you use ethereum apps? If so, then you already use Graph every single day.

Uniswap? Aave? Yearn? Sushi? Compound? Whatever it is, chances are it uses the Graph in some way or another. Graph is essential infrastructure for ethereum apps, much like Chainlink and Ethereum itself.

In july they were processing 60 MILLION queries a day, and the growth rate is exponential so that's probably a lot higher now, I'm guessing 100 million plus. Every single ethereum app pays Graph for their data.

Now here's the best part. Graph is in the process of decentralising, which was the purpose of this sale + mainnet. Indexers and curators (people who are providing data to projects like Uniswap) will now need to buy GRT and stake it. Projects like Uniswap will now need to buy GRT to pay for queries. And people who do neither of the above can delegate their GRT, staking it with an indexer and earning passive income.

Don't make the mistake of thinking, this has pumped already. I am too late. This is unironically the only project that has come close to link, in terms of scaleability and broadness of use case. Not buying this here is like not buying Link after it pumped from $0.11 to $0.4

>> No.24935181

Enjoy bagholding

>> No.24935202

If PRQ fails, I'll start a OnlyFans-Account, think it has so much potential

>> No.24935211

That is so dumb because Parsiq will be used by every blockchain existing..not just Ethereum

>> No.24935242

I will because I wont sell before 50$ ATLEAST

>> No.24935271

look at the marketcap you bufooon, this shit is poised for 10x

>> No.24935286

You forgot that parsiq is a whitepaper project with no working product and graph is already working and used by all ethereum applications.
The only whitepaper only project I ever bought was chainlink because of the crumbs and memes, parsiq has none.

>> No.24935290
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>> No.24935298
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the redpill is this:

***** you need to hold all three projects to make it. *****

Data = oil

LINK = pipeline
GRT = oil analysis
PRQ = refinery

these three projects are frens and they are all blockchain agnostic.
these three projects are the comfiest holds in crypto.

>> No.24935334

Mhh that is just .. not true?
You could use it like Chainlink, Algorand Binance already do - what do you think

>> No.24935439

Um Bitfury is using it to audit.

>> No.24935442


>> No.24935482

parsiq is the opposite of no product, it helped many crypto project already u fucking brainlet, if you dont follow a project stop spreading fake news u absolute fucking reeetard

>> No.24935561

Why do you guys flat out lie? Are you just retarded or is there some other reason?

>> No.24935619

Exactly if people only knew

>> No.24935633
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refute this

>> No.24935656

They will very soon. It will be unavoidable.

>> No.24935684


Gentlemen, I already called the thread. Good day to you.

>> No.24935703


>> No.24935767
File: 66 KB, 353x353, 98D28ACE-D5C4-486F-B366-E57E201C5D8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say oil?

>> No.24935844

>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
Parsiq is an ethereum wallet monitor that sends you Telegram notifications when transactions happen. The Graph is an API for querying data about various blockchains, which is already used by every DEX to obtain real-time pricing information. PRQ is a shoehorned in token used to get discounts when paying for their centralized service, GRT was added to support a decentralized expansion of the types of data The Graph can provide.

>> No.24936031

for those who still doubt parsiq, please do your own research, all i can say that the project is legit and it will deliver, cz_binance himself retweeted parsiq two days ago...

>> No.24936183

Parsiq is a shitcoin no decent exchange even want to list. LINK got binance listing quick after the TGE so did The Graph. Binance invested in lots of shitcoins like XEND. Doesn’t mean anything. The market has spoken. Parsiq is a shit coin and The Graph will enter top 10 soon. Facts.

>> No.24936230

screen cap your own post and check next week after binance lists parsiq

>> No.24936504

>Virgin Graph pays heavily to get listed on Binance right away
>Chad Parsiq partners with Binance, gets CZ to retweet the partnership and will most likely get listed for free in the nearby future

>> No.24936577


>> No.24936608

2.5 ETH
30.000 RSR
10k PNK
5k PRQ

I'm gonna make it guys ?

>> No.24936687

>Not even a suicide stack of PRQ.

>> No.24936699

just yolo'd $3k into PRQ, holding for 10x

>> No.24936855

2$ will be reached before April 2021 screencap this

>> No.24937199

I added 3k more...
Now i'am 2k into it sir

>> No.24937229

2k US dollarinos i mean

>> No.24937266

I like GRT over PRQ because PRQ are trying to do too much at once. GRT is doing the right thing by focusing in on a specific service. PRQ is trying to do all these different things at once, by the time GRT launches their product PRQ will still be in testing.
>inb4 fudder
I like both projects, but I think GRT will have better returns in a shorter time. That said, get a bag of both.

>> No.24937281

Good now watch Anatoly the head dev of Parsiq give a 2 hour long lecture on blockchain and Parsiqs role in it for maximum hopium


>> No.24937344

whenever I see one of those infographs, I know I should invest in the one that's labeled as weaker and avoid the one that's promoted as superior like the plague

>> No.24937403

Thanks for the link, really kind of you

>> No.24937451

Already debunked, next!

>> No.24937476

+ When the Binance listing will happen ?
Do we have the information yet ?

>> No.24937503

Only a matter of time really, wouldnt surprise me if it happens before the end of the year. They are already partnered with Binance and the team has given subtle hints Binance listing will come

>> No.24937707

>they are not the same
they are not the same
>they are not the same
they are not the same
>they are not the same
they are not the same
>they are not the same
they are not the same
>they are not the same
they are not the same

stop trying to weave some bizarre narrative together, and dont you fucking dare drag prq into the shit stain you call the graph

>> No.24937772

All in PRQ

>> No.24937951

rsr.. pnk.. wow

>> No.24938041

I already converted all my RSR for the PRQ

For the PNK, i'am still hesitating to hold it tho