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File: 252 KB, 828x1655, 8836D9A1-0060-4F77-8666-9B1E2A84819B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24928081 No.24928081 [Reply] [Original]

How come normies always buy at the top?

>> No.24928114

greed and stupidity

>> No.24928115

the jews tell them to

>> No.24928311

Normalfags don't start listening until the person talking about their investment is making a profit, then they FOMO into the same investment after the fact and lose money

>> No.24928342
File: 99 KB, 750x759, 15D1CCDD-037D-46A1-9B68-E0432D6DB69A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normies don’t even know yet.

>> No.24928437

If you believe in that graph, you are in for a surprise.... But hey, I bet you to play on it and see what happens if you are a man enough.

>> No.24928490

Nah it's going to go up more before it crashes.

>> No.24928634

The only indicator that matters right here

>> No.24928691

it'll move sideways until march
normies and inst. investors will keep it above 20k

>> No.24928725

everyone knows about bitcoin now

even your parents

>> No.24928789

If you think that pic you poster is where we’re at then it’s you who is the normie. Have fun watching the bullrun from the sidelines while you seethe and join the nocoiner support group on r/buttcoin

>> No.24928820

Also post short you coward

>> No.24928828


>> No.24929115

ya but the dont follow it