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24920648 No.24920648 [Reply] [Original]

I just cashed out of any early morning trade, the accuracy and performance in trading is only possible by loving the art of TA.

When I share eg. $BET tokens (https://wow.link/33Q)) outlook and it's high dividends yielding potentials, it's different from a shill.

I share because I see the big picture, long-term, short-term, mid-term & max target.

This gives me full confidence to do more and profit more.

>> No.24921356

it's not because you know how to kick a ball that you become a famous footballer.

it's not because you know the technicalities of music and can play an instrument that you can money out of it.

TA is basically trying to predict the future from the past.

NO ONE! NO ONE (except god) can know the future.

TA is not about price prediction, but it's more about understanding where we are and what the market did, then it's up to the faggot who does TA with his own experience, to correlate between the past and the current, to predict a possible outcome.

on a highly manipulated market like crypto, knowing TA actually plays against you, just like in POKER where when professionals play against noobs they lose; price manipulators will use TA to predict how you will place your money, therefore they will fuck you up.

in the end, it's all mind games, add to it randomness, and you got degenerate gambling.

YES, trading is gambling.

just don't get addicted to it.

>> No.24921444

* the more confident you are in your TA, the higher chance you will get recked, because price manipulators are also professional traders, they know exactly when to strike.
in the end, those who made TA mistakes are the ones that avoid the manipulation.

see it like POKER, when you play against PROs, that's when things become interesting, because you can enter the mind of the other player and predict how he might play his hand.

the noob traders will make some money, they will scream on every roof that they figured it finally out, bringing more noobs in the space; when the nooby becomes better at TA, he will start playing in the hands of the manipulators, but the harm has already been done, new idiots are already in, and the oldfaggot who finally got rekt, will just stfu and leave.

it's kind of infinite loop of degeneracy.



>> No.24921473

Please stop this anon. Sell your BET tokens and stop shilling. Even when you try to mix it in with a seemingly legit OP it's incredibly transparent. Stop. Buy some BTC, some ETH, and some LINK and relax. Maybe gamble on the graph if you're feeling risk hungry.

>> No.24921495
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Yeah I'm known to also draw lines on graphs