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24916752 No.24916752 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a 27 year old NEET living with my parents. I don't have any marketable skills. I've got anger issues, which has led me to getting fired from most of my jobs and almost landed me in prison.

I think it'd be a good idea to learn to work from home. I can't bring myself to learn to code though. I like practicing spoken languages like Russian because doing so can help me get laid, but it doesn't make me any money.

I tried setting up a Mac emulator on my laptop so that I could code for iOS, but I couldn't get the emulator working, and I don't feel like trying again. If I'm already lacking motivation, does that mean coding isn't for me or should I just push through?

>> No.24916784

push through, also buy RAM

>> No.24916802

buy adderall or get a prescription for it. you can get 6 years of good hard focus out of adderall before it starts ruining your life. use that time to learn coding/develop a skillset that will set you up for life.

>> No.24916834

Kek, I fucking did this

>> No.24916857

>I can't bring myself to learn to code though
either do what >>24916802 says or just try something else. Coding is not for anyone, only absolute autists can do it

>> No.24916863

learn python.
literally used to teach kids programming but it's still super useful

>> No.24916905
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>do you understand?

>> No.24916924

>If I'm already lacking motivation, does that mean coding isn't for me or should I just push through?

you need a proper dev setup to really figure that out. of course you're gonna hate it when your shit doesnt even work properly. emulators suck, if you wanna do iOS just get a cheap macbook or mac mini.

>> No.24917082

If you can't motivate yourself to learn then you're almost guaranteed to fail at trying to get comfy work from home job

Consider adderal if you have ADHD. If you don't have ADHD then just stop being a bitch and power through it. That's what everyone else does.

Idk if it's common in other countries, but in mu country you can get a 1 or 2 year "degree" (not really a degree) in coding. Something like that might help you stay motivated and it will make it easier to get your first job. After you have your first job things get a lot easier from there.

>> No.24917495

Probably consider using your language skills to get a job.

>> No.24917579

Modafinil is probably easier to get than Adderall. Otherwise, start keto diet to get rid of brain fog/improve thinking. And spend more time outside, study in the park if you can (spending lots of time inside is really bad for your mental health)

>> No.24917604

BOXING will change your life. I'm serious anon, just start boxing. It will turn you into a real man and you'll get rid of anger issues. Combat gives you purpose

>> No.24918540

anon if you can't deal with having to power through such basic issues, you have no chance in programming. It's something that takes real dedication to get even just "ok" at.
That being said maybe getting a shitty front end dev job can be done even with no too much effort if you're ok with just being a code monkey

>> No.24918685

youre literally me 6 years ago
i learned to code
everything changed
i made 100k this year without writing a line of code, though

push through, faggot

>> No.24918827

Don't be a nigger

>> No.24918853

no. i learned to code because i wanted to work for videogames now i'm trapped in an office all day with pajeets, faggots and ~*~nerdy~*~ women
you won't make it as a freelance programmer because you're competing against india and the philippines so you'll have to grovel for a codemonkey slave job

>> No.24918880

You don't need to learn to code.
Instead start to build dapps on Cardano with Marlowe Playground.
Code is already implemented.
Use the Blockly visual programming tool to create contracts by fitting together blocks that represent the different components.

>> No.24918891

Wait then how did you make 100k?

>> No.24919218

I started learning a few years ago when I was 22 and now at 25 in my 2nd year of uni I got a remote internship, I wouldn’t have gotten the internship if it wasn’t for being in uni as it’s obvious to me now that EVERYONE is doing the “lern to code” path and unless you are actually gifted and can do some crazy programming shit you won’t get looked at by companies when compared to a 21 year old with a degree. If you think about it logically, you are 27 neet with no relevant degree looking at coding for the first time giving up straight away because the beginning steps are slightly tedious - not a successful mindset at all or someone worth hiring.

It is entirely possible you can succeed though but you need to fix that mentality. Learning coding feels like banging your head against the wall for ages until it clicks and your brain rewires itself to look for solutions in the correct logical steps using the toolkit you develop. It’s hard to get the Boulder rolling but when you do keep pushing and learning and you will get there.
I’ll tell you a motivation technique I have been using effectively - there are tonnes of annoying trannies in programming who I guarantee you will encounter in the future ( I have already had to deal with 3 of the fuckers ), now imagine you have a deluded tranny colleague who is better at coding than you and this allows them to talk down to you, take your promotions, boss you around, etc. I personally wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of bullshit so IM STRIKING FIRST getting as good and educated as possible so I can curbstomp their attempts to take control of my reality. The tran programmer is a motivated adversary and we need to combat them effectively.

>> No.24919264

wed trad cath flip girls and profit

>> No.24919290

based retard

>> No.24919329

So much this.

Being a programmer is like being a skilled craftsmen in the Middle Ages with its own guild system. It takes years to go from apprentice to journeyman to master.

The important thing is to keep trying.

>> No.24919366

>I tried setting up a Mac emulator on my laptop so that I could code for iOS, but I couldn't get the emulator working, and I don't feel like trying again. If I'm already lacking motivation, does that mean coding isn't for me or should I just push through?
mate if you lack the fucking desire to even finish your setup to start trying to code, then yes, it's not for you. besides, why would go from zero straight to trying to code for ios? just start simple with making webpages and then trying to learn javascript.
if you are trying to code for the sake of learning a job and you don't actually want to learn to code, DON'T bother. you will only depress yourself and if you somehow manage to land a job, it will ultimately be a waste of everyone's time after you get sacked in your probation period.

>> No.24919399

are there any analogous drugs, modafinil or r-modafinil or anything? adderall is retardedly expensive here

>> No.24919415

Adrafinil metabolizes to modafinil but is harder on your liver

>> No.24919442

how hard? how many times could i safely do it a week for like 2-3 years

>> No.24919475

i've played that game before, anon. it's just an act all women are whores

>> No.24919746

can i become a coder if i suck at math? like really suck my logic and mats skills are probably likea 4th grader, im 32 years old ''man''

>> No.24919755

fuck bros theres literally not a single stimulant potion available on the minecraft market in my country. entirely dry. fucking gay.

>> No.24919760


>> No.24919792

yeah, people will tell you that math is important but they're lying, whats important is logic. eg. x & y therefore z. you need to be able to think in terms of logical states. most software is not complicated in mathematical terms, and almost no devs are doing mathematical work. some fields like data science or computer graphics do need math though. but consider how much of applications / websites are 'CRUD'. extremely simple logical functions

also i always sucked at math and just am bad at it, even after doing computer science i struggled with algebra and avoided calculus entirely, but i was able to grasp logic with some ease. if you have high verbal intelligence you should be fine

>> No.24919827

Thanks because my profession is graphic design, but its kind of dead industry and the money is really bad, i think i got my last chance in life to change my profession at old age of 32

>> No.24919855

>graphic design
learn javascript and use it to make websites look nice

>> No.24919867

arent making websites dying business? like even a women can make nice websites nowaday with divi or some shit

>> No.24919899

AI will obsolete most dev jobs faster then you think, probably a couple years max. for example look up gpt 3 react

>> No.24919905

you'll be fine bro, i went back to uni at like 24 after fucking up completely the first time (thankfully it was paid for), 32 isn't even that old the neuroplasticity is still there, youre right tho you need to change it around now you have until you're 40 at which point you'll be crushed and used as human furniture and not in a kinky femdom way
if you have graphic design background consider going into UI/UX design for phones. front end web design is an option but it's more saturated imo. every faggot who did a bootcamp is trying to do front end / stacked web dev

>> No.24919912

devs will use those tools to do basic tasks, normies are too stupid to figure that shit out themselves.

>> No.24919928

javascript development is all the rage right now. only small fries are using website templates like squarespace
the bigger risk is the fact that javascript just fucking sucks and websites are bloated shit these days, and we might see a shift toward webdev being done with something else in a few years (at least I hope so)
once you learn to program however, learning whatever new standard that comes around is pretty much just syntax.

>> No.24919936


LOL. Basically in same position as OP .I'm autism and was prescribed dexedrine while I was in university. Maybe I can convince my doctor to give me more now.

>> No.24919949

web will always be javascript, because like bitcoin the network effects are too dominant to overcome

>> No.24919956

i was wondering when someone would be smart enough to invent something like this. i said to myself 10 years ago that the first person to make a plug and play GUI software for mobile app development would be a millionaire

>> No.24919974

Checked and based gatekeeper

>> No.24919978
File: 11 KB, 276x259, 1606201599752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sad truth

>> No.24919988

they have existed a while but suck absolute dick for large scale apps. unoptimized crap. good for proof of concept though

>> No.24919997

by buying Chainlink (LINK) in 2017, now he can fap all day and make more than any wagie or code monkey

>> No.24920011

You just heard one word and proceeded to chimp out

>> No.24920014

UBT is doing this on ETH

>> No.24920019

Fuck off we're full. Seriously. Fuck off.

>> No.24920033

im suprised google or apple havent tried to make one. it would be a perfect farm for their marketplace. getting millions of hopeful NEETs and cat ladies to think their stupid iOS game is the best thing since sliced bread and wanting to sell it on the marketplace

basically an app builder program that works with stupid easy click drag GUI operations like modern website builders for people who know jack shit about coding

>> No.24920035

If you are in graphic design, transition to UX-design and stay away from anything other than basic markup / javascript. domain specific and expert user UX design is the future for the west, pajeets will not be taking thouse jobs in another 15-20 yrs

>> No.24920043

Anyone here make games?

>> No.24920061

apple and google want less shitty apps and fewer apps in general, they want to consolidate everyone into a few apps tiktok, facebook, instagram etc.

>> No.24920074

This guy is right, specialize on a particular UX market, either phone UI wich is 95% rehashing existing templates for appls that will never make it past VC money, OR become an expert in a particular business where knowledge of users is more important than UI aesthetics from pinterest

>> No.24920136

>I like practicing spoken languages
You like this so do this, you will learn something far easier if you have an interest in it. Plenty of translators are needed in a the era of globohomo, look at job listings, what is the most sought after language? Learn that.

>I can't bring myself to learn to code though
>If I'm already lacking motivation, does that mean coding isn't for me
You will not stick to something you don't like and that you already have serious doubts about, I don't care what drugs you take. I wouldn't even start coding you are wasting your time.

You will have to tackle your anger issues, that is a separate matter, you would still get angry working from home and coding so don't think you can escape it doing that.

>> No.24920178

UX or UI? im not the social kind infact i hate people, and i feel like in graphic desing you have to be a normie most of the time to make it

>> No.24920179

ive heard translating is profitable if you specialize in a subfield like a specific industry. finance, medicine etc.

>> No.24920250

It's because All it's it took to know that post was retarded

>> No.24920277

Absolutely, I just searched for translator jobs, first result is for a Polish translator for insurance, immediate start, remote working, £50k per year which is nice money here, 20k above national average wage.
As OP is NEET and something is better than nothing and there are plenty of entry level jobs as well.

>> No.24920312

op can try and maybe succeed if he wants. i don't really care that much. the reality is that if you can't see yourself doing something day in day out even when it becomes a grind, there's no point. if he immediately gives up at the first setback, just save yourself the pain and go get an actual job instead of trying to make it at your computer desk

>> No.24920362

If you're 27, it's over for you. There's no hope of becoming someone for you. There's no escape for you.

>> No.24920388

> the reality is that if you can't see yourself doing something day in day out even when it becomes a grind, there's no point.

for many people, that describes every job

>> No.24920436

>I'm a 27 year old NEET living with my >parents.

Fuck! Imagine the shame of being 27 and still having your ass wiped by your mommy.

How about you take care of this first before you start talking about learning yourself how to code. Do something about your anger issues and get a retard job. You save up some money and get your own place. Maybe then you can start thinking about being all self reliant. Trying to learn how to code from your mom's basement won't get you anywhere. Can't start at the top of the pyramid when you haven't even build a good foundation.

>> No.24920513

>retard job
>you save up some money and get your own place
Your brain is malfunctioning again grandpa, should i just pull the plug already?

>> No.24920569

they are in the end interchangeable, although as an UX dude you could potentially focus only on USER research & quantitative research on user behavior / interaction. I guess the latter could work for you if youre a social mess.

>> No.24920632


>> No.24920636

Keto is based, retard.

>> No.24921184

how did you avoid calculus doing compsci?

>> No.24921213

Whatever helps you lose weight, fatty

>> No.24921339

You're not cut out for it OP. Having anger issues means you're fucking retarded. Low IQ. You won't be able to figure it out.

>> No.24921478

This is some of the worst advice you could give to a NEET unironically.

>get a slave job
>pay rent like a good goy
>get way more stressed out living day 2 day on peanut paychecks
>Use the 1 hour of freetime where you're not completely exhausted to learn something that is moderately hard

This is golden spoon in the mouth and up the ass boomer-tier advice. A lot of people just hate seeing people go from zero to 100 overnight, but it's possible and happens. Stop making excuses and grind your fucking ass off, you can land a job if you're a NEET with limitless free time within 6 months. Stop slacking off, but then again, you're a NEET for a reason because you slacked off your whole life.

>> No.24921802

It was great advice, in fact. If you're not self-sufficient, you're not gonna make it.

>> No.24921998

>become a slave to become self-sufficient
>once you're 27, it's magically over

I know it's b8, but damn even trolling that's just fucked up. It's the equivalent of a dog refusing to leave a electric cage because they truly believe they can't when the door is wide open. These kind of comments come from niggers who truly hate themselves and want other people to suffer due to their mental illness. Get help buddy, it's not over for you. I'm sure you'll feel better eventually

>> No.24922083

Already automated.

>> No.24922149

absolute failure of a human being, your parents must be proud of their 26 year old toddler


>> No.24922271

You should because it's fun. Making your own shit feels good. Start with Python or JS if you wanna do webshit, don't listen to purefags

>> No.24922379

why would you do any of this shit if you haven't already become a normie by 25? just live at mummies, find a basic source of income, invest 75% of it and use the literal endless amount of time to build a skill. shooting to wage and rent at this stage is so retarded.

>> No.24922512

100% true, in fact I'd fucking recommend living with your parents even IF you have a good job. Just stay at home, pay a little rent if it makes you feel a little less shitty and save, invest and save some more. You'll cut way ahead of all your normie friends while only sacrificing a few years of your late 20s. When you hit your 30s, you'll be able to afford a house and have a shit ton of assets, effectively hopping forward 10 years in life and living a really nice 30s.

Anyone who disagrees with this wants you to fail.

>> No.24922547

Yep, stay ahead of the game such that you curbstomp brainlets, do good work and become irreplaceable for your work
Bang, you made it

>> No.24923232

what's the best thing to get into for 2021?

>> No.24923270

a better brain