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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 499 KB, 2880x1616, GRT-Sale-and-Distribution-desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24916021 No.24916021 [Reply] [Original]

>one of the best projects in crypto
>gets ruined by the shittiest token distribution scheme known to man

>> No.24916052

what do u mean

>> No.24916065

rug = pulled

>> No.24916086

He means there are way too many tokens and a very small amount of people hold all of them. Basically guaranteed to get dumped on for eternity.

>> No.24916095
File: 169 KB, 1875x680, 1_Yn28eOzUrQSYkLAPZRb-Sg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24916127

To put it in perspective there are 10B tokens and 90% of those are held by just 100 wallets.

>> No.24916151

that's how all projects are at the beginning

>> No.24916166

not quite goy

>> No.24916184

Uhhh, you must be new. I've never seen something like this outside of outright scams. Even LINK which has a pretty terrible distribution was 10x better.

For the record I don't think this is a scam. I just don't think they give a shit about token distribution because they've held onto enough to power the network. Seems like the ICO was generally a cash grab.

>> No.24916324

Do you understand 90% is locked and starts versting after 6 mos?
Would it have made you feel better if they just didnt mint those tokens until 6 months?

>> No.24916388

Wrong. Indexing rewards curve is a goldmine for VC's, The more GRT you hold the more you make, There's a reason the biggest VC's (Coinbase, Coingecko, CMC etc.) are part of the indexer/curator program, They're in it for decades.