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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24915947 No.24915947 [Reply] [Original]

Factory faggot here again. started 130pm finished 5am. I didnt pack enough food so for the last 6 hours i was on nothing but coffee. Today i woke up and was suppose to go to the gym. I literally could not move every single inch of my body was aching. How do older anons do this shit?

Also on 2 several occasions i couldnt keep up with the machine and fucked the assembly line up and got roasted n humiliated infront of everyone. Fuck this shit i am in hell

>> No.24916003

Get a better job. You've got the worst one so getting a better one cannot be too hard.

>> No.24916050

>How do older anons do this shit?
conditioning maybe. I am always confused when i see a foodservice wagie doing their job for <$30/hour. its just amazing that anyone would accept that.

>Also on 2 several occasions i couldnt keep up with the machine and fucked the assembly line up
do managers play with the speed setting on the machine to see how fast the wagies can go?

>> No.24916115

Cancel your gym immediately. Your job is your gym, you get paid to workout, inb4 cope, that mindset is essential and will help you. Are you in a union? Take every union bid and interview for every other position in the company. I burned out after years as a chef and got a job on the floor of a smoothie and yogurt factory five years ago. Then I bid to get trained in how to make the NAKED smoothies and the drinkable yogurts. Then after a year I interviewed to be in water treatment and the company sent me to night school. Now I work for the state in the water field. You can do it too anon, get into maintenance, boilers, water treatment, anything that requires a state license.

>> No.24916144
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Office faggot here. Im lying in bed, just dreading the start of the day. I just wanna get high and play vidya.

Im in hell too anon. If i work my fastest, at the end of the day i only have 20% morr paper on my desk than what i started with. Wage is hell.

>> No.24916255
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Fellow factory faggot.

Your job sounds easy as fuck.
You wouldn't last a literal week as an elite industrial athlete like my team and I.

Eat better, more water, invest and get better job. Then you won't have to worry about being a factory faggot anymore.

>> No.24916284

They drink, anon.

>> No.24916302

Are you a boiler tech or do you work in the laboratory side of things? Genuinely interested.

>> No.24916347

factory wagie here , no but they always try to speed it to the max possible without fucking the product , doesnt matter if the wagie cant keep up, need that profit

>> No.24916386


>> No.24916412

But because the management and director are not very high IQ, they don't realise this comprises product quality. In turn customers complain but company cannot do anything because it is too dumb.

>> No.24916441

Then company complains to wagies. Fucking hell. If you're working there and posting here you're already too smart. Just find something op

>> No.24916473

I worked in an ice cream factory for a summer in 2004 and it was torture

>> No.24917050

I’m a treatment plant operator. I operate/run/troubleshoot wastewater receiving plants and drinking water distribution plants. But lab is another way off the factory floor. And boilers is great. All you need is a low pressure black seal and then can build up from there. Job security since states mandate licensed operators for water plants and licensed boilermen be onsite 24/7.

>> No.24917072

Nice blog post bro. Please tell me what you ate for dinner too or how long it took you to take a shit.

>> No.24917086

I'm a labtech but cool info. Wish you luck with your future endeavours, hustler anon.

>> No.24917110

Lol I get paid 20/hr with cushy benefits to trim pot while wearing headphones for 40 hrs a week. Life's good.

>> No.24917148

damn OP, I was hoping your thread earlier was a larp
Hope you can save up your cash and invest it into some good shitcoins
good luck

>> No.24917352

How do I get a job like this?

>> No.24917412
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OP is this you

>> No.24917462

Unionize bitch

>> No.24917887
File: 3.32 MB, 4128x3096, 20201218_185551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch room was too full bros another break outside by myself

>> No.24917947

i was a warehouse wagie in hs, just made boxes all day and talked to the jamaican guy stacking the boxes lol. pr chill acc

>> No.24918061

Add 50lbs and its me

>> No.24918523

im honestly sweeting up to the idea of suicide. im 29, skilless, worthless degree, but i have just under 70k. i applied for a thai tourist visa so i can go fuck hookers and i might just accidentally drive off the road or something when the novelty wears off. there's no way for me to see work as anything but slavery. i can't will myself to do it

>> No.24919597

Learn to code

>> No.24919608

OP, those hours aren't normal. you're not just a wagie, you're a literal slave. find a better job

>> No.24919657

99% of wagies in the world works way less than 30$h

>> No.24919661

Sounds like robot work to me

>> No.24920712

>How do older anons do this shit
we are not pussies. try not being a pussy. you're welcome, fren

>> No.24920767

remember this you ungrateful cunts

t. radiation exposed particle accelerator maintenance shift worker, 18$/hr

>> No.24920775

You should learn how to intermittent fast. I am a tradie who does it every day without issue no matter the hours.