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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24913896 No.24913896 [Reply] [Original]

>crabs for 3 years
>crabs when BTC hits its latest ATH
>dumps when BTC subsequently dumps

Is there a more cucked token in existence?

>> No.24914218

Are self serve ads ever coming?

>> No.24914468
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probably like Q3 or Q4 2021 or some bullshit

fuck this stupid fucking token. Once BRAPanon finishes selling his stack, this shitcoin is OVER

>> No.24914561

God forbid one of the only tokens with an actual use-case and active ecosystem grow on its merits rather than speculation and exuberance.

>> No.24914725
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I wish the team would try to add value to bat just once. Its like they don't give a fuck.
Meanwhile Eich is on Twitter arguing with 16 year olds about Corona

>> No.24914854
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pic related

>> No.24914918
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all Eich does is Corona-post and Luke Mulks just posts the most retarded shit I've ever seen

It's disheartening, nobody on the team (especially BAT side) seems to take shit seriously, they just duck legitimate questions and concerns and post the stupid fucking tweets I've ever seen.

*disclaimer, I'm not dissing the work they've done, just the way they appear over social media. They appear completely unprofessional and retarded.

>> No.24915032

I wish posting this gay chart was a bannable offense

>> No.24915072

Thats how normal companies operate. Google, facebook, netflix etc etc will never ever be run like they are a Justin Sun project. You might be able to scam a ton of gullible crypto retards with those antics, but you are never going to attract legitimate clients, partners, users or investors. I doubt there is a single project outside the top 10 that has over 1m monthly users, and they will remain that way for probably forever. Crypto is a shitshow

>> No.24915119

More like stealth phase. BAT hasn’t had a take off yet.

>> No.24915146

the token is 100% useless not to mention centralized. creators are already starting to use lightning network instead (see Adam Curry, inventor of the first podcast).

>> No.24915157

>Brave is the biggest buyer of BAT
>doing nothing for the price
they're the ones stopping it from dumping any lower than 20c, anon

>> No.24915230
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hope you're right amigo. You can compare Brave to "normal companies", but the fact of the matter is, they utilized BAT as a cryptocurrency and need to own up to aspects that fuel crypto projects; namely 1) price and 2) hype.

Wanting an organic community to evolve around BAT is one thing, but you know the best way to propel that community? Exciting price action. Hype. The rest will flow. LINK had a cult following on /biz/ at 20 cents, true - but NOTHING keeps a cult following if it's 20 cents for 3+ fucking years. Link blew the fuck up, went to 2 dollars, and then $20 not long after. That's how you get attention, that's how you attract attention to your project.

Nobody wants BAT. You can't fucking give it away anymore. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.24915263

Based if true. Looking at a $112 token if thats the case.

>> No.24915311

If your most crucial long-term goal is staying above board and on the law's good side into the next decade when various legislation inevitably changes the crypto utilization landscape, you play it safe.

This means KYC.
This means don't manipulate your token price action out the ass so the SEC can come back later and sodomize your company.

>> No.24915329
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Something to consider: when was the last time you actually bought BAT?

I can't even remember. I packed my bags full of BAT and haven't touched it since. I transferred ~200+ BAT to my browser for tipping, but I have to remind myself to do that every once in a while

it's seriously not a very intuitive project at the moment. Brave is fine, no complaints with Brave - I use it every day on multiple devices. But BAT? I don't buy it, I don't use it, I rarely even think about it. It's just.... kind of there. And its value reflects that. Probably won't even move much, even in an alt bull market. Really fucking sad.

>> No.24915359
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Guess people just don't have the attention span for BAT.

>> No.24915396
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Ok, I agree, no project should be manipulating its price. But that means that Brave can't get people to legitimately buy BAT? That means that big power players aren't buying BAT in bulk. Basically nobody is buying BAT, which is unnerving and disappointing.

I don't want anyone to manipulate the price, I want Brave/BAT to convince people to fucking buy it and to generate organic and legitimate excitement around BAT and its price. It's a fucking dead coin right now and I really don't see that changing in 2021.

I think I've been here twice now; end of 2018 and end of 2019. Just fucking hoping and wishing shit will change next year. And the price is still fucking 20 fucking cents.

>> No.24915430

It saddens me that they dumped almost the entire UGP at dirt cheap prices with virtually no effort to hype it up. They could have gotten so much more value out of it.

>> No.24915516

They ll abandon the token in notime, every fucking move from the team is pointing this way.

>> No.24915794

Why does everyone keep bringing up $.20? Is this just the random snapshot everyone wants to go on. Its been $.45 like three times while every other coin in existence was dead in the water. The "good performers" are up like 50% from their 99% drop. Its all about perspective. Those people holding onto dogshit were probably shacking in their boots for the last three years too. I would not want to trade place with a litecoin fag at all.