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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 116 KB, 3002x1725, THE GRAPH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24908669 No.24908669 [Reply] [Original]

top 3 coin in 1 months, This is bigger than Filecoin+DOT combined and you got in the opportunity to buy at only x4.5, this is out of this world deal


>> No.24909128

Guys i seriously advice you to do even a minor research, This is 3$ worthy rightnow

>> No.24909167

fucking retard

>> No.24909210

Just listed on KRAKEN

COINBASE KRAKEN AND BINANCE IN THE FIRST DAY, This is bigger than Chainlink you guys seriously don't understand, they're doing 12B queries per month this is a scale that no project that isn't ethereum can match

>> No.24909248

Trying to get up to 1m GRT below $0.15. 830k so far. These prices are a fucking godsend, pre-sale retards have no idea what they're selling.

>> No.24909266


>> No.24909273

>massive supply
hard pass

>> No.24909276

Stop trying to make us buy your presale bags. There are better opportunities.

>> No.24909315

Sorry bro but all these 'mega projects' like filecoin, graph etc. Are to make the teams and VCs rich, NOT YOU

>> No.24909330

How about you pretend the supply is 1000x smaller by just moving the decimal point. Fucking brainlet lmao

>> No.24909333

why would any1 buy shit like this, gosh people are so fucking stupid

>> No.24909347

Severe price surpassion going on, prepare for liftoff

>> No.24909376

okay jijeesh, shall we compare the number and scale of projects that use filecoin vs the graph?

>> No.24909395

>Stop trying to make us buy your presale bags
then don't make a post about it bumping the thread.. lol.

>> No.24909399

those ICO cucks dumping like fags. once their bags become lighter we're taking off

>> No.24909530

I'm glad pajeets are missing out

>> No.24909550
File: 51 KB, 500x425, 1593607577680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Go back to gambling on useless shitcoins that will dump and die tomorrow.
We're busy with real investments over here.

>> No.24909557

Graph is valued x40 less than Filecoin while being x100 better project

>> No.24909590
File: 51 KB, 1068x544, The-Graph-Team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is with the team tough? And why doesn't their page have a tab to view them?

>> No.24909617

>a bunch of nerds
is it not what's required to run a crypto project?

>> No.24909680

>a bunch of literal who's with no last names
How is this not a red flag?

>> No.24909714

Why wouldn't you just go and check which projects and exchanges already rely heavily on the graph instead of applying uniswap defi shitcoin type of fud, team fud top kek

Any moment of Graph below 3$ is a crime

>> No.24909733

Jesus fuck have you been paying zero attention to what the graph is doing already?

>> No.24909744

>no women
That's enough for me.
Buying in.

>> No.24909754

>>a bunch of literal who's
they've been running this project for 2+ years and are powering major crypto tokens and platforms. not really anons are they?

>> No.24909767

Easiest 10x and that's being conservative

>> No.24909819


>> No.24909836
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>> No.24909839


>> No.24909872

7k grt is all I have. Suicide?

>> No.24909922
File: 194 KB, 1242x1242, 1594550152424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That didn't stop LINK from becoming a top 10 coin, even with that fat fuck dumping all the time.

>> No.24909935

What will you be signalling subgraphs with?

>> No.24910080

his ass

>> No.24910390
File: 131 KB, 1471x704, aaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

market cap and current price based on 1 billion supply... and yet the supply is going to 10x to 10 billion. you think the price will massively pump while the team is releasing 10x of the current supply of tokens over the coming years?

>> No.24910434

>$30bn valuation

>> No.24910454

It's pumping

>> No.24910522

I can usually tell whether people are trolling or just being slow on the uptake, but you're something inbetween

>> No.24910552

Graph is top 4 worthy rightnow. It's your job to prove otherwise

>> No.24910764

Bro I am a retard but it looks like it just launched. Is it only worth .135 cents per coin? How could it possibly be top 4? How could it possibly be worth even $3 right now? Give me honest answers. I looked into the coin like you said to do, and I just don't see it at top 4. Not yet.

>> No.24910886

it's not worth 3. it's worth 300

>> No.24911082

I like how trumptards are unintentionally shilling liberal boomer trash with this image lmao

>> No.24911192

Alright, buddy. I bought some. I am a poorfag but I do have a job and save money and buy crypto and other shit occasionally. So I bought some and will hold on to it for several years. Let us see where it goes.

>> No.24911306

graph, link and eth are core infrastructure of the future. they will be multi trillion dollar projects.

>> No.24911340

Big if true.

>> No.24911343

Actually this looks awesome.

>> No.24911382
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>forgetting about offchain computation

>> No.24911494

This. I see a 10x easy.

>> No.24911518
File: 70 KB, 696x1024, 1602556063356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought 25k lol

>> No.24911570
File: 112 KB, 640x429, uGvCmjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 3 coin in 1 month
ask me how i know you're poor.

>> No.24911578

bit of a bag here. glad people are shilling it, might get my initial back lol

>> No.24911656

What price did you buy at?

>> No.24911697

Market most of the times don't value projects correctly. It'll get there when people realize Graph is already top 5 networks in this space rightnow.

Bargain of the centruy, consider yourself lucky. There's no valid case for 50% of the top 10 to be valued above Graph

>> No.24911705

this is retarded
t. bought a stack

>> No.24911722

WEll I did buy some. Thanks, I guess.

>> No.24911737

Huobi too nigga

>> No.24911768

Literally makes no difference when the project has had users when there was no token

>> No.24911911

what is the make it stack?
I have just under 50k

>> No.24911928

The fud people came up for this project.. Man you need to be incredibly dumb not to see through it.

The clock is ticking, not much left before 0.13$ will be seen as fudders dream.

>> No.24911929

It does if the token is to become mandatory to use the product

>> No.24911947

>Market most of the times don't value projects correctly. It'll get there when people realize Graph is already top 5 networks in this space rightnow.

>> No.24912018

Bought £200 worth

t. Poorfag

>> No.24912019

vc money has been all over this shit for a long time and supply is fucking massive. just settle for your 50k and forget about it. no normal person is making it off of this project.

>> No.24912043

By releasing on several big name exchanges all at once, is it a fair distribution strategy or an attempt to pump?

>> No.24912116


>> No.24912158
File: 373 KB, 600x600, 1579475504172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top committers on github are white

>> No.24912216

just transferred 60$ worth of LRC to this shitcoin, let's fucking go.

>> No.24912235

Almost certainly some kind of quick buck money making scheme, but that doesn't mean we can't hitch along for the ride

>> No.24912261

Or maybe exchanges know this is top quality project? You don't see shitcoins get listed immediately on launch on Coinbase let alone Kraken.

Also this will help normies to buy in alt season, I think big players have big plans for this coin, The current low valuation makes me think this could pull gigantic moon mission without stopping.

>> No.24912305

do you use revolut? trying to figure out if it would be worthwhile for me as a burger for the purposes of holding foreign currency

>> No.24912352

What part of 10 BILLION monthly queries while unmonetized are you missing anon?

>> No.24912371

Just got 500.

Am I gonna make it?, Or should I say fuck STATERA and get another 1k?

>> No.24912564

how's 500 dollars sound? this is not a make it play unless you're putting high five figures in.

>> No.24912706

Where can I view the query amounts

>> No.24912730

If you're a webdev/hacker you could do something like type "The Graph queries crypto" into google

>> No.24912785

I did and it’s not clear

>> No.24912795


>> No.24912816

dont think theres a released chart, just their own word

>> No.24912817

Ok I got that blog post. Others quoted 350m daily in November. I was wondering if there was an explorer where I could see that in real time

>> No.24912820

How have UNI, AAVE, COINGECKO, LINK etc. been paying to access The Graph's services up to now? And will they need GRT to pay in future?

>> No.24912826

Bruh this ain't "make it" amounts I'm talking, I'm thinking more like cover a bill (or two at best) in February. To "make it" we'd need to throw in know 10k.

>> No.24912868

>1 post
>cover a bill
go back to your story you fucking monkey

>> No.24912882

>service works perfectly fine without a token
>team makes a token to make themselves rich and allow VCs to dump their huge bags
>/biz/ buys this shit because "maybe the token will eventually have a use"
>token dumps

>> No.24912901

My ip changed because I'm on my mobile ya wet noodle. I'm the poorfag who dropped £200

>> No.24912931

Higher than that now. 400 million a day.


>> No.24912938

now its decentralized. no more aave front end not working, no more sorry we are having issues at uniswap with our front end. gfy

>> No.24912963

this shit is going to 1tn mcap

>> No.24912973

Just bought 80k, will i make it?

>> No.24912977

testnet is free
thegraph are making the transition slowly as indexers are moving from testnet to mainnet
literally happening as we speak, by q1 2021 they should have completely moved
you need to understand its the indexers that are keeping the testnet alive, once they all transition, theres no more free bread

>> No.24912989

is $500 dollar possible? Give it to me straight

>> No.24913076

Hadn't payed attention until now.
Made a little reasearch and think it's a good project.
I put 1k into this. Let's go give me a 10x

>> No.24913087

Oh shit it's actually moving

>> No.24913122
File: 1.37 MB, 720x480, 1604784523564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24913138


>> No.24913183

How does staking work? (Yes me dumb)

>> No.24913191

Wasnt this supossed to be top 5 on launch?
Fucking kek retards, told you.

>> No.24913193

Only if crypto reach 15T-20T marketcap overall. 50$ is more realistic for me.

>> No.24913201

>it's decentralised
>this makes it more valuable
Yeah that's working out great for uniswap. Entire dev team took their hundreds of millions and walked away. The "community" can do the development now :^)

>> No.24913213

yes. once Bitcoin moons and total crypto market is in tens of trillions then $500 GRT is totally plausible

>> No.24913236

$50 would be stupid money. If this thing gets to even $10 over a year I'd be popping bottles

>> No.24913255

Give me$1

>> No.24913279

Meant for>>24912989

>> No.24913284

80$ EOY


>> No.24913296
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 4121E2EC-2C05-488C-A15A-77385F0604E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey goyim get your free shekels

>> No.24913307

Already peaked Kek

>> No.24913351

you just pick an indexer and click delegate
theyre not getting fees yet (no one using mainnet until what i said above)
but they should be getting rewards (3% yearly inflation)
but its way too early to know which indexers are the big bois, so maybe you should chill for a few hours and wait for info from the team

>> No.24913358

>Go back to gambling on useless shitcoins that will dump and die tomorrow.
you mean like graph?

>> No.24913372

This isn't the next chainlink.

>> No.24913390

This isn't even the next XRP lol

>> No.24913394

So it is written, so it shall be done.

>> No.24913404

You’re right it will be valued higher than LINK in 1 year

>> No.24913412

ok cool. are they required to pay in GRT once mainnet launches?
and users can delegate their tokens to indexers and earn rewards, correct?

>> No.24913419

>blockchain agnostic
>baseline infrastructure
>widespread adoption
>token backing a decentralised ecosystem that is "pay to play"
It's the closest anything has gotten in the last 3 years.

>> No.24913429

Sirs you told me this would be worth 50 bucks on 2 seconds after launch?
What about my village? Ahhh?
Should I buy more before more tokens are in (6x curry circulation) in 1 vishnu yer?

>> No.24913434


>> No.24913628
File: 76 KB, 942x837, 1600120949277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK REEEEEEE I have 0.2 BTC stuck in livecoin and I'm trying to get support to let it out

>> No.24913652

You had 3 weeks anon

>> No.24913686
File: 292 KB, 959x1084, 1599667458904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I should have opened a support ticket ages ago
Will probably only get a 50x now not a 100x >:(

>> No.24913833

Whatever benchot

>> No.24913868

Its so fucking obvious you guys we are spoon feeding you easy money

>> No.24914027

I hope 7500 can recover the raping BASE did to my portfolio.

>> No.24914099

What did they do

>> No.24914133

I lost 2k because I’m a newfag who didn’t know what a rebase was.

>> No.24914170
File: 67 KB, 1068x1214, Screenshot_20201218-041240_Coinbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24914223

Gotta learn sometime I guess

>> No.24914314

How to mine this?
Worth it?

>> No.24914315

why did this shit moon randomly today? how is this shitcoin already more valuable than ADA? Their reddit is just like 200 people, only one dude keeps posting and there are no comments. What is this scam?

>> No.24914339

what's a rebase?

>> No.24914361

Maybe you should go back then

>> No.24914362

1 billion monthly queries already.
This has been the backbone of DeFi for a while already.

>> No.24914418

They averaged 350 million a day in November

>> No.24914431

Bro try 10 billion monthly

>> No.24914432

I'm becoming rich of this thing

>> No.24914434


>> No.24914443

$0.16 just broke
$1 eow?

>> No.24914456

I looked at reddit to see if there was a legitimate community for this coin. This thread is mostly FUD. Hard to believe the 10x.

>> No.24914459

it's crashing because of fags like u

>> No.24914465

Wtf is up with those insane pumps in seconds???

>> No.24914478

How? I'm buying not selling

>> No.24914490


>> No.24914494

Already 13B monthly lmao. By this time next year it'll be 100B+.

>> No.24914500

big boys are playing

>> No.24914509

Buy pressure comes from every possible crypto project that needs to process blockchain data, from smart money that wants to capitulate on the massive fees of serving that data, and from indexers aka miners that get rewarded for it
Sell pressure is pajeets and "what does this coin do"ers

>> No.24914523

Insanity, I'm all in on this. It's like watching my life skip years.

>> No.24914528

Dude reddit is still jacking off over nano and cardano wtf do they know

They are buying my bags at 10x and they're going to like it

>> No.24914553

It's being manipulated from the second it got listed by exchanges, This is a goldmine and they slowly filled their bags, There's a reason literally all tier 1 exchanges listed it on day 1, not even polkadot and filecoin got something like this.

In 3 months you'll understand that the listing price was a greedy exchanges move and your opportunity to make it 2017 style

>> No.24914571

Exactly. Pajeets are running out of coins. 3$ in 2 months incoming.

>> No.24914581

token not needed

>> No.24914595

I am so fucking comfy holding a 475k bag

>> No.24914602

lol i'm just shitposting because I put 30k in and am a pessimist. forgive me

>> No.24914619

fuck my life, by the time I'd get money in an exchange, it will already be too late. I'm always fucking late damn it.

>> No.24914630

Fucking yes, FOMO'd in with my peasant $2500 of ETH, swung 3 times up to 23k GRT. $3600 right now on Uniswap.

>> No.24914635

I only have 25k. But am poor 3rd worlder.
If this goes to $10 I've made it.

>> No.24914650

Just to put it in perspective Uniswap gave literally every pajeet who ever used their exchange 400 coins each and it still went to 900m mc in a week through all that sell pressure

After the sell pressure from pre-salers is over, who will be selling?

>> No.24914662

A.It's not valued more ADA
B.But it should, but a margin
C.It's the most undervalued project that ever graced this market
D.It's just launched today, All tier 1 exchanges listed it.

>> No.24914667


>> No.24914671

Anything under .3$ isnt too late, theres easily more upside as this is a 3bil+ mkcap, just dont try to swing or panic sell like a pussy, staking is theoretically already working, just gotta wait for indexers to get their shit together in next few days

>> No.24914700

This is the bubble feeder coin.
It grows from the DeFi bubble, this is another level.

>> No.24914716

godspeed, my friend. I too was born in abject poverty. I have a good job now and have lived very cheaply so I would have the ability to gamble on something like this.

>> No.24914724



>> No.24914734

I mean by definition, Graph is a catalyst for bullish market, It'll start the next DeFi run (Already caused the first although in the background).

>> No.24914790
File: 73 KB, 534x548, 1608005037482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in with 50% of my portfolio at 0.14 how fucked am I?

>> No.24914809

Through in 200

Fuck it, ride the tiger and see where shit goes

>> No.24914816

How long can you hold? It'll probably get higher in January

>> No.24914820

you've already made money. why do you think you're fucked? if you think you're fucked just sell now and take your winnings.

>> No.24914822

Sold for Tomochain. Thanks for buying the top.

>> No.24914831

How does $10 eoy sound?

>> No.24914835


I'm an excited retard

>> No.24914839


what are the odds this appreciates in value because of retards btw?

>> No.24914840

I’m 70% in with my average buy at .14

I got 475k and I feel comfy as FUCK

>> No.24914849

Take your fud somewhere else graphlet. You’ll neck yourself in a couple months.

>> No.24914851


>> No.24914865

Based. I’m in college and only have 3.5k grt :( feels bad man

>> No.24914900

it's a worthy gamble, my friend. most of your peers are spending that 3.5k on alcohol and aids-ridden pussy. salute.

>> No.24914906

Thanks bro. See you on the other side

>> No.24914913

$0.20 today

>> No.24914948

The best part is this thing is reasonably hedged against BTC.

>> No.24914962

Got 600 GRT at 0.13, literally all I can spare.

>> No.24915042

Would this be a good short hold?

>> No.24915049

Is it too late to buy 1000 right now or is it done pumping ?

>> No.24915056
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>> No.24915064

Hopefully us stacklets can see a decent gain
t. 900 GRT stacklet

>> No.24915094

That will be worth 90k in a couple years

>> No.24915109

just go all in pussy

>> No.24915116

You can’t gamble 160 bucks?

>> No.24915181

i'm gonna COOM

>> No.24915182

Damn bros i got so fkn baked tonight i thout whatever fuck it and sold 5 btc to put into this It's pumping haha. I don't know anything about it, I just fkn bought it lmao what ca you do with it? like read graphs or something?
Is it some kind of token for viewing graphs or something? whats the website

>> No.24915218

not trying to be mean, but you're all in with like $100, $150? what's going on anons?

>> No.24915219

Uh haha

>> No.24915226
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>> No.24915236

righjt on man

>> No.24915259

Poorfag, have a kid, have a mortgage. Realities of life, friend. I'm not all in, I can only spare this right now. If it sticks where it's at I can triple my take next week.

>> No.24915322

I've got 400k GRT, will I make it?

>> No.24915342

I see anon. Hope you can make a few bucks on it at the very least then. I too have a mortgage and kids, I think I've just had some good luck this last year with money falling into my lap while others are screwed by COVID and life in general.

>> No.24915351

Absolutely. Thanks and good luck.

>> No.24915358

Broke $0.18 wall
There are not many sellers, this thing is gonna moon

>> No.24915360

if this goes to 10 dollars I'm gonna move to Russia and buy the blonde teen wife of my dreams bros

>> No.24915404

I fucking bought more now at $0.17, even though I got in at $0.10.

In the future I can tell my grandkids how I made it by putting everything I had in one random coin I had just found out 5 minutes ago.

>> No.24915415

lol made my day

>> No.24915481


>> No.24915484

fucking nice
I've just been swinging it all day up about 50% but I could have just held at .11 cents and been up higher lmao

>> No.24915490

Checked. You are going to make it, friend. Everything is so comfy here.

>> No.24915504

I keep buying and it's still not dumping WTF

>> No.24915514

Poor, I did sell some shit coins and am at 2k now

>> No.24915551

buy that grt anything under 30 cents is still a steal uncategorically

>> No.24915554

This is my first time getting a x2 in a single day on my entire folio.

>> No.24915562


Based dream, anon. Good luck.

>> No.24915567

It's undervalued and many still don't understand the scale of this project. It should've launched in the top 5 but we got this massive chance to finally make it thanks to CZ and pajeets

>> No.24915569

yo guys I have like 770 thosand graphs now. what's the website? i want to see my graphs please

>> No.24915571

>no more walls till $0.20
>no more walls till $0.20
>no more walls till $0.20

>> No.24915598

i want to read a graph showing uh cats :)

>> No.24915633

tomorrow i will buy more goodnight bros

>> No.24915655
File: 197 KB, 900x722, 1565849431299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up at 5am
read this
bought 15k
going back to sleep

>> No.24915672


>> No.24915713

we haven't even started lol.

>> No.24915761

fuck I really need to have an alert for new coins listed to kikebase. Fuckin woulda bought this as soon as I saw it listed

haha I used the word kike.

>> No.24915785

mfw GRT is already #68 on CMC

>> No.24915818

What was the price for this presale? Wanted to buy some when I found out about it but the pre sale had already ended

>> No.24915824

thank you bro
may there be anya semashkos in our futures

>> No.24915846

Too undervalued. We're heading to the top 20 with this circulating supply

>> No.24915881

about 3k people got in and they had different caps depending on how they answered the form that they had to hand in together with KYC.
The caps were $500-$5000 per person. (16667 to 166667 GRT).

>> No.24915954

this shitcoin has doubled since op posted, wtf

i bought 1500 worth as a gamble after skimming the white paper, lets see what happens

>> No.24916014

Gonna dump like avax kek

>> No.24916017 [DELETED] 

I got 11k graph, not a lot but whatever fuck it . I bought into the wrong shitcoins, so maybe I bought into the right one this time

>> No.24916037

Is $10 realistic for this coin? I think so but obviously could take a few months

>> No.24916069

it can be $5 eow

>> No.24916075

I have like 33k graph due to fomo, I pray im not retarded and it goes up to at least 40-50 cents

>> No.24916101

these digits will decide the fate of the thread

repeating and everyone is gonna make it

misalignment and we are all doomed

>> No.24916102

Imagine there’s 1000s of others like you with weak hands which will start dumping soon enough

>> No.24916131

Nah, I have enough to live off of. I have made mistakes with ANS, XRP, and LINK. I will not fold or yield

>> No.24916141

Buy now, never hitting $0.17 again

>> No.24916157
File: 45 KB, 999x827, 551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't fucking buy because coinbase is buggin fr rn

>> No.24916162

Oh shit


>> No.24916172

Bought a small stack of 4K gert or whatever you call it at 13.9. Just gonna hold this shitcoin for a while I guess

>> No.24916176

Avax opened at deluded valuation+It's marginally inferior project from the get go+It did fucking x15 and not only x6.5 like Graph.

Not a valid comparison, In fact it should be bullish sign for Graph.

>> No.24916193

101 is symmetric

>> No.24916195

lmao I bought and already dumping. Sorry bros

>> No.24916212

Also AVAX didn't get listed on Coinbase/Kraken/Okex on fucking day 1 all at once.

A comparable launch to AVAX relative to the project Graph is+The tier 1 exchange listing should've given us 2$+ at opening.

Like i said Graph opened at DELUDEDLLY low valuation, It's only up from here.

>> No.24916218

How do I get into these presales for later coins?

>> No.24916226

Made like 50$ from this shit coin so far nice

>> No.24916229

Yep. I bought too and it's dumping. J U S T

>> No.24916235

I didn't do my entire folio, I did do my entire shitcoin gambling profit stack tho

I actually sold at 19.5 cents because I'm out of gas and thought that would be a good stopping point. If I send some more ETH over I can swing. Oh Lord it's happening.

>> No.24916256

just got to buy cuz of work
strong needful at 17.5
i can dca this is legit project r-right?
token unlockes when?

>> No.24916258

Go back up motherfuckers!!! Just a bit more

>> No.24916262

it says im up 10 whole dollars on my machine and I just bought in where are you looking :^)

>> No.24916293

I have been spending far too much time online. I dumped all my alt coins except LTC and traded for a metric shit ton of GRT. The way it was introduced is quite strange. This is not your normal shitcoin. I'm logging off for a few days. Good luck frens.

>> No.24916299

From the peak, naturally. Time to hodl.

>> No.24916311

you could try by googling project like "the graph" and go back to the sources where it all began. Then use those sources to get involved for future projects.

>> No.24916314 [DELETED] 

i`ll tell you for a small needful
im true to my word and if you think otherwise maybe we just found a use for kleros


>> No.24916323

meant for >>24916218
I was lucky and got pulled in by a friend in early october.

>> No.24916482

So it's invite only by getting into their discord and that kind of stuff.
Thought there was a way to just get in through Binance.

>> No.24916490

if this is true
3k x 166667GRT at $17 = 85mil
the whales have 85 mil to dump
if the project is solid they'll dump 30-50%
if its pnd they`ll dump 50-90%
dumping would reduce the price so they`ll have even less
vol now at binance alone is close to 100mil

>> No.24916603

it wasn't invite only.. Anyone could get in. What I meant to say is that my friend told me about it.

here's an invite for the official GRT discord channel. Maybe if you browse the channel history you can discover how others found out about it. Or just ask someone there.

>> No.24916608
File: 498 KB, 667x1000, 2oO3sJJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I become an indexer?

Apparently it's all Google Cloud Postgres shit
I wanted to use my own machine since I can just leech free electricity and have a server setup from work with no oversight

>> No.24916994

You’re either brainlets or Pajeets. Either way you should kill yourselves. How is 18 cents considered dumping?

>> No.24917036

aLL the way in

>> No.24917083

How much is a make it stack?

>> No.24917093


>> No.24917105


>> No.24917111

>bought at 12c
>sold at 19.5c
>bought again at 18.1c
>it's 19.6c again

holy shit anons I have literally made like $3000 today and that is a FUCKTON for a poorfag like me. AAAAAAAAAA GIVE THE GRAPH YOUR ENERGY

>> No.24917112


>> No.24917113

Huge inflation to come, plus seed round at half a cent, only absolute fuckin noobs are buying here they learnt nothing from buying filecoin at $80 before it dropped to 28?$

>> No.24917331
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, cozytimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wot's dis shitcoin you talkin bout mate? BTC is a graph too. Everything is a graph. Your entire life is a graph. Aliens are a graph. Universe is a graph. To exist means to be a graph, to underly the rules of a graph. Only the truest entity named God is not a graph, and all graphs alltogether, not cyclical, nor acyclical, nor all directions, nor non direction.

>> No.24917377

all in at .16, no fucks given world ends soon anyway

>> No.24917414

Yeah I do like pussy

>> No.24917480

truer words have never been spoken

>> No.24917848

Imagine holding Statera over this. Bro I will throw you a bone. All the 2020 Biz still coins like Stakenet, Statera, RSR, etc are good projects, but they are a standard deviation underneath Graph. Yes I hold bags of the other ones. But GRT is Link at .30

There are 400 Million DAILY queries. This isn’t some shitcoin. DYOR

>> No.24917855

Nice digits too, God speed anon

>> No.24917923

It’s hard for newfags to understand. Those of us who bought Link in 2017 and 2018 get it. But newfrens don’t know how to see through the BS and shilling.

If you can’t tell 100X projects by now, you should even be on Biz desu.

>> No.24917960

dumped all my bags immediately

>> No.24917964

This is WAY easier to understand than Link. Back in 2017-2019 we were all speculating about use cases and partnerships.

Graph is literally already transacting 400 MILLION queries every single day. It’s not rocket science.

>> No.24918017

I just dumped $1000 in xrp gains into it. LETS FUCKING GO! this is a hidden gem easily $1.00 by easter

>> No.24918031

already in profit lol

>> No.24918099

Are any of you actually gonna delegate or you just trading? I'm thinking of putting a good amount into signalling one or two sub graphs

>> No.24918103

so true...not like Uniswap developed a functioning product to begin with without ever asking for a penny and then proceeded to airdrop your ungrateful ass 400 for free but yea I get where you are coming from definitely the same exact scenario

>> No.24918156
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 445D15D5-3CA3-4550-A9A3-72BD72A4CBC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got 24k stacks how comfy should I feel bros

>> No.24918402

As soon as I bought it started dumping. Kek.

>> No.24918403

Cool, another free money from Coinbase earn to dump into BTC.

>> No.24918424

I'm going to follow the big guys. I don't trust myself to pick better than the market, and even being behind others on the bonding curve i'll still be early in the long term

>> No.24918709

It's dumpin

>> No.24918745

i used to come to biz in 2017/2018 and i remember link threads reading suspiciously like this one. i also remember there being very little information about link online, similar to the graph now. very curious...

>> No.24918755
File: 229 KB, 640x360, 1597367286812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24918769


Do you use ethereum apps? If so, then you already use Graph every single day.

Uniswap? Aave? Yearn? Sushi? Compound? Whatever it is, chances are it uses the Graph in some way or another. Graph is essential infrastructure for ethereum apps, much like Chainlink and Ethereum itself.

In july they were processing 60 MILLION queries a day, and the growth rate is exponential so that's probably a lot higher now, I'm guessing 100 million plus. Every single ethereum app pays Graph for their data.

Now here's the best part. Graph is in the process of decentralising, which was the purpose of this sale + mainnet. Indexers and curators (people who are providing data to projects like Uniswap) will now need to buy GRT and stake it. Projects like Uniswap will now need to buy GRT to pay for queries. And people who do neither of the above can delegate their GRT, staking it with an indexer and earning passive income.

Don't make the mistake of thinking, this has pumped already. I am too late. This is unironically the only project that has come close to link, in terms of scaleability and broadness of use case. Not buying this here is like not buying Link after it pumped from $0.11 to $0.4

>> No.24918777

Damn pajeets shilling this shit with garbage copypastas.

>> No.24918796
File: 649 KB, 1125x1509, FA3A50AB-0575-4682-BB6C-3CB6626A20F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely fucking based digits

>> No.24918807

It's a fud pasta...

>> No.24918811
File: 16 KB, 360x450, Pepe_%28VC%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you use ethereum apps? If so, then you already use Graph every single day.

Uniswap? Aave? Yearn? Sushi? Compound? Whatever it is, chances are it uses the Graph in some way or another. Graph is essential infrastructure for ethereum apps, much like Chainlink and Ethereum itself.

In july they were processing 60 MILLION queries a day, and the growth rate is exponential so that's probably a lot higher now, I'm guessing 100 million plus. Every single ethereum app pays Graph for their data.

Now here's the best part. Graph is in the process of decentralising, which was the purpose of this sale + mainnet. Indexers and curators (people who are providing data to projects like Uniswap) will now need to buy GRT and stake it. Projects like Uniswap will now need to buy GRT to pay for queries. And people who do neither of the above can delegate their GRT, staking it with an indexer and earning passive income.

Don't make the mistake of thinking, this has pumped already. I am too late. This is unironically the only project that has come close to link, in terms of scaleability and broadness of use case. Not buying this here is like not buying Link after it pumped from $0.11 to $0.4

>> No.24918838

This is also fud. Graph is processing 400M+ queries per day now lol

>> No.24918847

Guys, my GRT aren't showing in my Ledger Wallet. Is it just a matter of time before they add it in the available ERC-20 token list ?

>> No.24918854

If you interact through MetaMask you can see it.

>> No.24918861
File: 4 KB, 789x63, Captura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wHAT THE FUCK i cant buy graph??????

>> No.24918879

I mean yes, but I sent them FROM metamask. On etherscan, they are now real, as tokens of the ETH address of my ledger. But they dont show up in Ledger Live

>> No.24918897

I'm getting you now, sorry ! I have to connect ledger to metamask. But do you think they will add it so i can directly use Ledger Live ?

>> No.24918898

Yeah ledger live doesnt show it yet. But if you desperately need to transfer them you can connect your ledger to MM and it will work.

>> No.24918903

100% guaranteed. GRT is blue chip.

>> No.24918922

thx buddy !

>> No.24918979

Nah I'm not buying your vc bags at a 5x. Fuck your listing price.

>> No.24918986

Even the Fud is Bullish WGMI

>> No.24919001

Oh wait I meant 30x. Fuck you in the was you disgusting kikes.

>> No.24919032

It's x6 from public sale.. And it's a bargain, But whatever.

>> No.24919041
File: 306 KB, 532x536, 1607543927972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sent the GRT I bought to my nano wallet why isn't it showing up?

did I fuck up?

>> No.24919057

30x from private sale you scamming queer. You deserve a bullet in the skull.

>> No.24919093
File: 69 KB, 629x711, 1608198838913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the original listing pump because I was sleeping, I bought in at .185 am I gonna make it?

>> No.24919107

>if i can't buy for the same price as VCs I'm not buying
good luck in crypto, bro

>> No.24919393

30x sounds like a big dump should be coming..

>> No.24919427

VC locked for half a year, And even then i doubt there'll be dump.

ICO buyers are at x6, and most of the dumb ones already sold. The smart ones are aware this is a top 5 coin so they're less of a problem.

>> No.24919575

Is it a buy now?

>> No.24919653

>smart ones
kek, literally didnt sell a dime but increased my bag by 100%, maybe i am a 500k moron graphlet

>> No.24919726


>> No.24919809

Check etherscan. It doesn't appear in the Leger live ui yet

>> No.24920406

Reported for spam, keep it to one thread

>> No.24920508
File: 46 KB, 680x810, 1608236697064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something pops up on rewards
>catalog instantly filled with faggots telling you to buy it

>> No.24920575


If you need to query the graph, you pay in USDT/C or whatever but the payment is settled in GRT. Is the GRT burnt? Or just used to pay the node operator?

Whats the pumpamentals here, if it's not burnt?

>> No.24921510
File: 553 KB, 760x1140, 1d48ed6ec5d4fa0319be176b8cde0b7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumors of PayPal listing next

>> No.24921575

$1000 EOY.