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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24908009 No.24908009 [Reply] [Original]

I, along with many others, will not be investing in your IPO until you publicly apologize and re-establish positive relations with your Black employees.

And above all else, pledge to Black Lives Matter.

Until then, my business will be elsewhere.

>> No.24908065
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Yep I’m thinking BASED. Fuck racists.

>> No.24908111

By the way, here's some free BAND for you.


1. Band protocol brings real world data to the blockchain
2. Oracles secure and power blockchain with just a few lines of code
3. You can stake band to earn blockchain rewards

>> No.24908167

black employees? how about they fix their fucking crashes every time they get a slight bump in traffic first. its fucking hillarious a company that disabled me from trading at opportune moments is actually going public.

>> No.24908173
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fuck off you poor cunt

>> No.24908190

Triple digits of free coins. Coinbase is the base of based.
During the BLM riots 13 black lives were lost by protests, not by the police. Do black lives truly matter to them?

>> No.24908191

I don't have anyone else to share this link with :(

>> No.24908193

Coinbase autists are so dumb they attempted to front run and discredit a nothingburger story before it was even publicly known what the story is about making everybody curious WTF are they trying to damage control thus turning boring story into a real story. Idiots.

>> No.24908225

Bitstamp master race reporting

>> No.24908250

Are you seriously fucking saying server issues are more important than black lives you fucking racist?

>> No.24908253

Just like link the nazis are buying kleros. They want to roll back 100 years of progress.

>> No.24908287

You some kind of nigger lover?

>> No.24908314
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>> No.24908338

I love PEOPLE. Black people are PEOPLE. Your on the losing side of history bigot

>> No.24908364

niggers cant afford food let alone crypto. this is a no nigger zone. im going to have to ask all niggers to leave this board

>> No.24908443
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>> No.24908489

I'm confused

>> No.24908515

Lmao like you could even invest in the IPO

>> No.24908611

I'll be honest with you anons, race does NOT matter. In a couple of decades nearly every job will be automated and done better than most humans. No one will give a shit if you are white,black, or yellow. Racism will one day become a thing of the past.
I usually come off as a racist when I say NIGGER but there is no negative connotation in my mind. I don't even think of black ppl when I say nigger. I think of a fella on /biz/ or /x/. Same with the ziipperheads, I don't have a problem with em, just hate some of their commie thoughts
We can all be friends

>> No.24908619

Fuck the NYT, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies.

>> No.24908836 [DELETED] 
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>Black people are PEOPLE.
Anon, I'm gonna need you to be honest with yourself. Have you ever lived in a predominantly black neighborhood? Have you ever worked closely with large amounts of black people? Or have you only ever worked with blacks with college degrees who are token employees in your woke corporation?

Sure, black people are "people". But they're not the same kind of people as everyone else. That's okay, but maybe it'd be better for everyone if we just had separate communities. Even BLM wants and agrees with that.