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File: 38 KB, 460x379, aZmo263_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2490123 No.2490123 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I just came to say a last goodbye to you guys, I really enjoyed my time spent here, you guys are great people, despite all the pajets scans is all the deceit in the shilicoins that you do here, I think it's great people who put all Their savings on crypyto hahahaha, but that's not the case, I'm writing this because I was diagnosed with an disease, I do not want to go into detail, but it does not have a very high recovery rate, so no matter what It happens as biz becomes, remember, you are people who want to break the system, fight, go behind shilicoins, go after everything, you guys are awesome, thanks for every moment (it's only for the begs whore Do not start with the shit of "oooh you're dying, give me all your bitcoins," I tell you honestly, fuck you)
Goodbye friends, for you a great trip to the moon

>> No.2490144

Later, friend. Hope you feel better.

>> No.2490162

what coins do I buy? come on you forgot to end your shill thread

>> No.2490178

How much did you make and what are you going to do with it?

>> No.2490193

Ah this explains a lot. Certified 14 year old.

(No disease btw, he's just after attention).

>> No.2490195

I recommend spending it on blow and hookers

>> No.2490230

I did something around 50k, it was not much, but I started with 4k, I'm okay with it, I think I'm going to give it to my family and the rest will try to do a backpacker trip

>> No.2490240

Dont give up man. Keep fighting. Wish you all the best and get well soon brother.

>> No.2490255
File: 1.78 MB, 270x188, thirstysnek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye tambourine anon. May the cryptogods give you a sweet spot in lamboheaven.

Have this thirsty snek.

>> No.2490284


God speed, brother.

>> No.2490373

Thanks for the support guys, you guys are awesome
I can not do anything if you think I'm lying, what would I gain from it?

>> No.2490384

Take care m8.

>> No.2490403

Since you are dying, donate your money back to /biz/ or rot in hell faggot.

>> No.2490406

Attention. Think people, if you were on your deathbed, is samefagging shit threads all day REALLY how you'd want to spend your final days?

The idiot was caught out, now he's trying to make excuses so people don't think he's a loser.

>> No.2490420

What are you even talking about?

>> No.2490423

Hope you recover broseph, good luck you can do it, we berieve in you

>> No.2490441

So you retarded I'm saying goodbye because I'll leave

>> No.2490619

make every second count, OP
nothing is over until the tambourine tambourines

>> No.2491001

Damn dude, you shit on OP for supposedly wanting attention, but here you are so furiously calling someone out for lying just so you can prove that you have some shred of common sense and intelligence. Do you think anyone who is actually smart does what you're doing?

>> No.2491023


what's the disease, terminal faggotry?

>> No.2491064

Do you get vision of mooning coins?
What to buy cancerbro?

>> No.2491069

Shill me a coin OP. I will HODL in your memory

>> No.2491171

Lets pump anon coin :'(

>> No.2491324

jesus christ rekt

godspeed OP, do something good with the money and be sure to enjoy your last days, you sound like a very nice kid

>> No.2491375

Hahaha, just the biz to make me laugh right now, I have visions of mooncois, go all in xem and syscoin in the future is gone explode

Hold dgb, you remember me every day that this coin goes down, my memory will be eternal
Thanks dear anon, just choose any coin, to be honored with a pump is enough joy

>> No.2491391

Lol dgb!! I hope your death is painful and your cursed soul goes straight to hell to burn in hellfire and tortured for all eternity you cancerous faggot! And that goes for all dgb holders and shills

>> No.2491392

Thank you anon, thank you all

>> No.2491401
File: 98 KB, 395x650, 1497687691773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha,Remember, one day it will reach 1 dollar

>> No.2491713

Hah! Knew it.

The old, "be a twat, get caught out, try to slyly laugh it off, get called a faggot, oh shit, that didn't work, now I better try pleading for sympathy" card.

You bellends are so easy to read.

>> No.2491832

What the hell are you talking about, man?I'm sick but that's not why I'm going to be crying or whining every 5 seconds, but I really want to understand, why the fuck are you bothering so much, fuck you, are you retarded or something?

>> No.2491837

yea, as easy as the ol' "i'm gonna hide for 40 minutes luckily noone on this thread is still active so people won't notice I got absolutely rekt into a million pieces but I get to say the last word and come out victorious before the thread gets archived"

>> No.2491926

No you're not you shitty little no lifing cunt.

You have NO fucking "rare disease" so there's no wonder you don't want to go into details. You simply want some attention and sympathy, for mummy to tell you that yes dear, you do have a life, you are special and not just an empty wannabe who doesn't matter and can't even post hundreds of fud threads without people noticing.

If you actually had a fucking disease that severe, you wouldn't be wasting your final hours spamming "pajeet" and "scam" in every fucking thread for DAYS straight with literally nothing to gain.

Wanna know how I know this? My wife is suffering from end stage renal failure. I have to plug the lass into a dialysis machine every fucking night to keep her alive. Shame on you, using such for your own sympathy, you cockgobbling little loser.

And yes I'm saging your thread as well. So you don't even get the bump out of it. Feel free to continue doing so using your own alts.

>> No.2492028

Dude, you know that the thread itself was dying, it was going to be archived, I do not know anything about your wife, I wish it better for her to live well with you, I just know that I stayed here my whole adolescence , I had no friends when I was younger, I did not really specify my illness simply because I do not want to, I do not want to fucking bump in any altcoin, if I wished I would have given in the initial text, I am not his wife , You know how to interpret, I'M WITH A DISEASE WITH LOW RATE OF HEALING, it does not mean that I'm on my fucking deathbed now, I'm saying goodbye to the biz just because I do not know the fucking future is no I know how it's going to be from now on, I just made a text telling my story, not a fucking reason for you to have been so trigered like this

>> No.2492064

>>2491926Besides I did not say that I spent days is sick days here in the biz as you are talking, I literally discovered everything now, damn, I'm not to blame for your life, I did not want to bump in any currency, just see the previous messages It was never my intention here.

>> No.2492069

>"I had no friends when I was younger"

Explains a lot. You still don't, that's why you spend every fucking day fudding on here for some attention. That or like someone else said, you're being paid.

"disease with low rate of healing". Bollocks mate, you've been rumbled. Doubling down with the mushy talk to try and play the victim and get some sympathy to soothe your empty life, when it's obviously fucking you. You couldn't even help yourself continuing fudding with your shitty pic folder.

Post some actual proof, timestamped, and I'll take it back. I can, can you?

>> No.2492103

Absolute utter tosh. Who races straight on /biz/ when they find out they have a "life threatening disease with low rates of healing".

You apparently say you "did not want to bump in any currency" (whatever the fuck that means), yet forget you've already revealed yourself with "despite all the pajets scans" and >>2491401 Continuing your same old shit you've been doing all day.

I see right through you.

>> No.2492136

I do not want any proof of you, I did not want anything from you, I really did not say anything to you, I'm not shillando no currency, just look at the messages here, the fuck of my life, person does not interest you, , What's going to be the difference, you're going to say it's a lie, that's fake, I do not understand why you got so turned on by a simple post

>> No.2492182

Live the rest of your life to the fullest and ignore the buttblasted faggots on here OP. I don't know what you expected from /biz/ after all.

>> No.2492192

mmhmm, no currency but you still post the typical "pajeet scam" bollocks. Pretty invested for a nocoiner, specially one who's apparently suffering from such a critical disease.

Go to bed, give it a rest for one fucking day. Saged.

>> No.2492195

Fuck, why the fuck you got so triggered because of a post, you know the difference from a joke to a real thing, this shit is a joke, stop being so paranoid, stop thinking you have a person rubbing their hands behind the Screen talking 'OHHH, NOW THEY WILL BUY MY CURRENCY WHY I'M GOING TO DIE', THIS DOES NOT HAVE NO FUCKING SENSE

>> No.2492223


>> No.2492282

don't be so triggered because one /x/ tinfoil tier faggot OP everyone here believed you, he's just taking it on you because he got btfo and he's trying to live with it now, it's hard you know

get the fuck out of here go live your life anon, don't even reply to this post it's not necessary

>> No.2492647


>> No.2492680

So your wifey got a prolapse? Was this her first rodeo with BBC?

Man that's fucked up.

>> No.2492799

I'll see you in LamboLand bro. We're all going to moon together.

>> No.2493541

Make a bucket list.

One thing on the bucket list needs to be the most awesome biz shillpost ever. Just put a little wink ;-) at the end so we know it's you.

I will pray for you, anon, God is the only one who has the power to save you.

Spend time in good community with your family - I'll pray for seeds of joy and light amongst you and them in this tough time - and for Gods mercy and his healing.

Remember there's always hope, and in the end no one will live forever, there is still hope even when things look really bleak.

Remember this when the seeds of joy and light start appearing :-)

>> No.2493681

Good luck and godspeed

>> No.2494009

Damn, what's your problem man?