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24900844 No.24900844 [Reply] [Original]

with BTC breaking ath it’s time to start thinking about which alts are going to 20-50x this alt season. As an experienced /biz/raeli who’s been through a few cycles, it’s clear that for maximum pumpamentals, the biggest winning alts should ideally have a few key properties:

1. Product ready and audited, no bullshit
2. Hasn’t pumped yet
3. Low cap (sub 10 mil, with btc pushing the numbers it is even sub 20 mil is close to a micro-cap)
4. Something DEFI related (for the protocol to increase in value it has to be as close to the fucking money as possible)
5. Sound tokenomics

So without further ado, let me shill something special: DHT (dhegdg DAO) checks all this boxes, AND WITH VC BACKING OUT THE ASS

Address: https://etherscan.io/token/0xca1207647Ff814039530D7d35df0e1Dd2e91Fa84

dhedge DAO is a non-custodial money management protocol that is actually working. You deposit money into a manager’s pool, and he/she/it can only make trades on it, with no way of running away with the money. If youre a shit manager, you don’t move to the top of the public leaderboard, and you don’t get money to manage. All built on SNX (the pool managers execute trades through the SNX platform).

In short, its a decentralized hedge fund platform, and is currently in position to be the premier decentralized hedge fund platform on Eth and therefore crypto. Globally, the total amount of managed capital in boomer markets is about 100 trillion, with billion in crypto alone. As crypto matures, DHT is poised to slowly eat this market due to its first mover advantage, as well as its trustless and transparent system (which is undeniably superior to a tradtional hedge fund, where you need to trust the manager to pay you the amount you deserve/give you back your money).

>> No.24900856

Let’s address the above points:

1. product launched October 25 after several rounds of rigorous audits.


Below is the full report of the rounds performed and bugs fixed:


2. Has barely pumped yet. Only 3x from the 2.5 million bottom, on no news and no hype. So far it’s only been in accumulation on uniswap (not listed on any major exchanges yet, but Binance is basically guaranteed)

3. Under 8 mil cap as of writing this. Fully diluted is higher but that supply won’t hit the market for years

4. Decentralized money management is about as close to the money as it gets. No NFT art or esoteric bullshit

5. Tokenomics. DHT is a governance token, but staking DHT will GIVE YOU A SHARE OF TOP PERFORMING POOLS, RISK FREE. See: https://medium.com/dhedge-org/dht-incentives-mainnet-and-beyond-52a59fcd1e19
This means that as total amount of profit accrued by top pools increases (whether by funds managed or by attracting superior managers) so does your risk-free profit as a DHT holder.

>> No.24900893

Now as for the VC’s who are invested…list is as follows:

Framework Ventures, Three Arrows Capital, BlockTower Capital, DACM, Maple Leaf Capital, Cluster Capital, Lemniscap, LD Capital, IOSG Ventures, NGC Ventures, Bitscale Capital, Divergence Ventures, Genblock Capital, Trusted Volumes, Altonomy, Continue Capital, The LAO, bitfwd (比特未来) and Loi Luu, Co-Founder and CEO of Kyber Network

With tokens vested over a three year time period, so they won’t be dumping on you any time soon. In fact, it’s far more likely theyll be pumping this shitcoin sky high in short order (wth a binance and maybe even kikebase listing). YOU ARE EARLY

A few reasons why this product aligns with biz ideals:

1. built on SNX, and therefore Chainlink.

2. No plebbit bullshit. You can manage money in a completely anon manner. If you make money you make money, if you don’t you don’t. Credentials and karma don’t matter

3. Investors can pull money at any time from a pool, meaning risk is symmetrized: managers win big from big gains (they set the management fee), and lose big from big losses (and can’t easily recover reputation and therefore accumulated funds if they lose)

4. Team is white and not anon. See https://cryptobriefing.com/defi-review-investors-guide-dhedge/

>> No.24901104

Gonna take me a while to read this.. thanks for the quality post tho

>> No.24901174

he posted it a few weeks ago when the coin was around $1. I bought a small bag. It got as high as like $1.65, but I ended up selling around $1.50. I stopped watching it at that point tho. Looks like it's around $1.28 now. Probably "ok" buying point right now, but i haven't looked at the charts. DYOR

>> No.24901204

To conclude, this is shilled directly on main SNX page, front and center. a million whales have big interest in pumpin this. you would have to be a fucking dumbass to not have a bag

>> No.24901240

binance in *january*, guaranteed 3x on that alone

>> No.24901243

A quality post on biz? Doesnt look like the usual pajeet. Thx, will check it

>> No.24901266

I've swung this so many times I've doubled my stack. Keep not buying so I can accumulate before the big announcement.

>> No.24901295

Based and Henrikpilled

>> No.24901299

>t. pajeet

>> No.24901672

actualyl a great swining coin

>> No.24901749

Hold DHT and DFD.
should I sell all my DFD and go all in on dhedge?
I kinda like both of them.
Been holding dht since a buck.
How high will this go and when is a good time to sell? Sorry being retarded I just want to finally make profit on one of my small shitcoin bags

>> No.24901833

both are good holds, you never know when something will pump

>> No.24901895

I also hold FTM and AXN and those bags are getting mighty heavy.
Thinking about just selling at breakeven and going all in on these dht and dfds.
I’m retarded for even holding those 2 in the first place

>> No.24902197
File: 87 KB, 512x512, 1517278337782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's FUN time~

>> No.24902276


>> No.24902450

What big announcement?

>> No.24903169

No mention for days and suddenly 5 threads in the catalogue?

>> No.24903189

oopsy daisy no worries my mistake i thought this was a thread about haircomb
you know the quantum resistant anonymous token on the bitcoin chain
but i can see thats not what y'all are talking about so i'll leave you too it my bad ttyl