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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 590x790, Steven-Mnuchin-1209904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24885314 No.24885314 [Reply] [Original]

This guy just killed your bull run (obviously some insiders cashed already out, that explains the btc price drop a few minutes ago)

Gathered all rumors:

Transfers from non-kyc dex's like Uniswap to Coinbase will be blocked if the wallet has no KYC.

Defi yields can not be cashed out because there is no KYC

Registering of Wallets and KYC. Uphold wallets are fine if they KYC

Transfer of user information between exchanges that will slow down the transfer of funds

Tracking of every transfer! No exception!

Deposit protection fund

Any more rumors? Post them here!

>> No.24885325

I'm so happy I swung this x5 and cashed out #2500. Still have 20k Base tokens just for the laughs.


>> No.24885338
File: 52 KB, 480x613, 1597496272832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that spacing

>> No.24885342

stay poor conspiracyfag

>> No.24885343
File: 9 KB, 210x240, f22ff2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that explains the btc price drop a few minutes ago)

>> No.24885355

I did the spacing because I don't like to read a wall of text

>> No.24885403
File: 511 KB, 1200x1125, 4B0E9722-B528-4C2E-922E-1B5FFC192439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solar flare

>> No.24885438
File: 327 KB, 1200x1200, d76wfes-a1d0270e-2d33-421a-9bf2-755fbfa26f49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sounds meaningless.

You just VPN yourself and tornado stuff from your real wallet to your KYC wallet if you want to.

Retarded and impractical. Probably not happening.

>> No.24885441

Your loss faggot but he’s right. Insider here. Already sold my position ( ~500btc) and I’m waiting to go mainly into xrp afyer this dump. 75% xrp, 25% alts.

>> No.24885459

0/10 larp, nobody with 500btc is Dumb enough to be buying jeds bags

>> No.24885467
File: 58 KB, 550x549, 1608137426160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting to go mainly into xrp

>> No.24885533

Based schizo, 2k eoy

>> No.24885537

>Insider here
>( ~500btc)
woah anon, you just got pump and dumped by your group

>> No.24885543

No one cares about KYC. This has little to no impact on crypto. Imagine thinking you'll be able to buy anything in the future when fiat fully migrates to crypto without your wallet being verified first. Stop trying to avoid taxes you can't win against governments

>> No.24885828

900 btc here. just sold all. 75% into akonkion, 25% atari tokens. Just trying to help anons with my inside knowledge

>> No.24885860


>> No.24885893

Imagine not understanding the worlds global token of exchange. Good luck with your ‘citadel’ maxipads and whatever you stinkies are up too these days. Real money is about to come into the market and they aren’t picking your shitcoins. All they are waiting for regulations to pass before they make their real investments. 4-5 weeks for regulations is a lie. They are coming in 2 with the upcoming ‘cyber attack’ false flag. $2KEOY was a great larp because it will shake out most hands. However, don’t kid yourself. A $2k xrp is an inevitability and its just the start. Just don’t wait too long or you won’t be able to sell and your only option will be their buy back at a fixed price. Feel free to cap for the faggots that are doubting me.

>> No.24885897

Isn't he American? Why should I care? The world is bigger than your country, you obese fuck.

>> No.24885911

jesus take your meds man

>> No.24885958

the funny thing is if USA goes through with this BTC would massively spike in value because people would want to buy "illegal" coins before its too late, and people outside of USA will gladly accept all the coins for cashing out anyways.

>> No.24885978

>Take your meds, man

Yeah I think not you fucking glownigger

>> No.24886311

Very positive news is coming out on Friday. Usd based stable coins will need a special license, everything else is just clarifying that banks can hold crypto and legitimizing crypto/blockchain tech.

This pump is insiders buying in, when this news breaks the gbr begins.

>> No.24886395

Citation needed

>> No.24886436

I am fucking laughing at all the sellers/swingers. This shit aint stopping at least until 29k.

>> No.24886447

didn't this happen last week?

>> No.24886526

No, they didn't disclose anything but said there will be an announcement soon.

>> No.24886617

Do you really think PayPal and square or grayscale would be buying these amounts of bitcoin if they thought regulation was going to severely affect long term price? Do you really think they didn’t know what they regulations would be before going all in like this? They already know what regulations are coming and that it won’t affect institutional investing in bitcoin. The only people it will affect are people who thought they were going to fly to Malta and cash out without paying any taxes. This isn’t going to have any affect in you transacting with another individual if you want to sell them a boat or a gun or a piece of art. They can’t stop sending from one private wallet to another. All they can do is make sure that the crypto coming in and out of an on/off ramp has identified their wallet with the exchange by uploading an ID. Which most of us have already done oh coinbase or Gemini or whatever. But one you send your crypto to your private wallet, you can then just transfer it to a secondary wallet and then on to someone else’s private wallet. They person then needs to do the same thing to send their crypto back into the exchange platform before cashing out for dollars.

>> No.24886650

they will try to stop it but it will only make the utility tokens like SFT stronger

>> No.24886722

>it pumped but no one knew about this
>this won't be a problem, and that's being priced in
which one do you think is more likely?

>> No.24886852

>Transfers from non-kyc dex's like Uniswap to Coinbase will be blocked if the wallet has no KYC.

impossible to prove funds originated from uniswap. ethereum is decentralized. they can't make every address KYC bound.

>Defi yields can not be cashed out because there is no KYC
impossible to prove funds came in as defi yields

>Registering of Wallets and KYC. Uphold wallets are fine if they KYC
exchanges were already registered. blockcahin "wallets" (read: addresses) cannot be forced to kyc.

>Transfer of user information between exchanges that will slow down the transfer of funds
whatever, people just wouldn't transfer funds between exchanges

>Tracking of every transfer! No exception!
again impossible. they'd cannot prove whether a transaction was made to your own address or another persons'.

>> No.24886886

>exchanges were already registered
i mean, the ones that let you withdraw fiat. strictly crypto, decetralized exchanges cannot be forced to do anything

>> No.24886906

>cashing out
I already consume using only crpyto, food and bills are paid with my salary

>> No.24887286

Would this effectively ban paper wallets and non exchange wallets?

>> No.24887370

>Any more rumors? Post them here!
An anonymous source just confirmed to me that China just banned bitcoin. State media announcing it in 2 hours.

>> No.24887414


>> No.24887454
File: 14 KB, 259x194, 15921182034242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have non-KYCed ETH from 2015
>move to cayman islands
>create a very niche court in kleros
>join court as the only juror
>stake 10k PNK
>create a case for 1k ETH and specify 10000 jurors required
>adjudicate on my own case
>all the ETH goes to me, as income, in the Caymans
>pay 0 tax on this ETH because the income tax is 0
>move back to US
cheggmade drumpf

>> No.24887474

Lol just a reason more to use a local monero node on TailsOS and Bisq

>> No.24887511

what alts are good for us to be looking at?

>> No.24887976

>xrp founders are sitting on 60 billion xrp
>xrp 2k is fud
>tfw shizos think xrp founders are going to be worth over 120 trillion dollaridos
>twf shizos believe xrp market cap will be over 2 quadrillion dollaridos