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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 944x777, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2488089 No.2488089 [Reply] [Original]

Alright lets see some hands raised, who actually fell for the latest Pajeet scam? Let me see those bagholder shills!

>> No.2488106

It's clearly not a scam and clearly /biz/ is tired of your gay threads projecting how much of a pajeet you are.

fuck off faggot, you're worse than dutchdude

>> No.2488115

The only bags I got holding is ripple and Zencash, I would much rather be taking a heavy loss at ripple than anything else

>> No.2488128

I fell for it at 99k and sold at 160k a few days later.

>> No.2488140

It clearly is a scam and you're retarded if you think otherwise.

Go ahead and catch the falling knife though? No one gives a fuck.

>> No.2488144

DGB is next to get dumped.

Gullible people were made to lose money.

>> No.2488155

Please buy my swarm city bags

>> No.2488167
File: 9 KB, 219x230, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The platform works, its not a scam you faggot

fucking kikes

we are tired of these gay fucking threads, no one cares

>> No.2488169

>remaking the same thread after you got called out in the last one
You have a lot of time to waste, huh.

>> No.2488181




>> No.2488220

>Not part of the dev team
>Pretty clear /biz/ is catching on that you dont want people to move to fiat
>Probably jewish

It's called meme's, you kikes. You dun fucked up.

>> No.2488228

t. bagholder who fell for the elaborate pajeet scam

>> No.2488232

I wish I screencapped all those threads of people saying this will be 10 bucks after the MVP. Fucking retards

>> No.2488244


I don't understand how it would be advantageous for me or anyone else if people cashed out of crypto.

What the fuck are babbling on about you American History X background actor?

>> No.2488526

here we go again with the PoSW comparison chart. You may remember this samefagging kid posting this shit over and over in DGB threads.

As well as the fucking spider one with ETH, and the shit about BAT and all the rest.

Same fucking guy, over and over. Barely literate, can only reel off thread after thread with the only argument being "pajeet", "Ponzi" and "scam".

>> No.2488550

Obvious shilling pumping it for the short term to sell the news.

It's called a MINIMUM Viable Product for a reason. This obviously isn't the actual release.

>> No.2488553

Hi anon. But I own ETH, BAT, & DGB? Your argument is invalid and you're most certainly the gayest man this side of /b/

>> No.2489626

after posw missed all those goals on their roadmap, then they announced they're trying to come up with a whole new business plan right? whats the latest on this scam? i havent been following