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File: 138 KB, 937x261, Screenshot_20201216-195057_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24874544 No.24874544 [Reply] [Original]

Ahh geeez dude

>> No.24874561

and bill collectors want me to payback $3000. kek

>> No.24874575


>> No.24874589

kek fuckin checked.

>> No.24874597

ah geez dude i dunno i can pay like two dollas

>> No.24874604
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>> No.24874615
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>> No.24874622

>Ahh geeez dude
brown curry stained hands typed this post

>> No.24874640

Wake me up when it’s a quadrillion

>> No.24874642

Ohh noo that sucks

How will Berg get his monthly billion?

>> No.24874646

Why don't we just print $28 trillion real quick and start over?

>> No.24874651

I got this foot problem

>> No.24874666

Modern Monetary Theory works. It's time for MMT for the goys and not just the chosen folk.

>> No.24874726
File: 107 KB, 640x867, vezgtyk0pmz51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern Monetary Theory works.
You absolute fucking brainlets need helicopter rides. You're literally responsible for global poverty. Kill yourself central bank bootlicking cuck.

>> No.24874749

Libertarians have been moaning about the national debt for 150 years and their prediction has never come true.
Give it up.

>> No.24874758

That's just 1 billion BTC.
Oh wait, there aren't that many.

>> No.24874782

It works for the banks yeah, like everything does

>> No.24874807

Mate, I'm sorry but the gold standard was totally jewed. I don't give a shit that niggers and panjeets are living in poverty. The west is all that matters.

>> No.24874812

>Libertarians have been moaning about the national debt for 150 years and their prediction has never come true.
Except every single recession and depression.
We are correct. Seethe more.
Your policies would push us into another great depression.
You bootlickers shouldn't be allowed to vote.

>> No.24874849

>Mate, I'm sorry but the gold standard was totally jewed.
What do you mean jewed? You mean taken over by jews and destroyed in favor of central banking? Yes.
>I don't give a shit that niggers and panjeets are living in poverty.
It's not just niggers you fucking idiot, it's YOUR living standards. You're literally implementing Africa tier policies like Zimbabwe.

>> No.24874856

Oh sure, the US is perfectly fine as it is today.
Bet you voted for Biden.

>> No.24874865

gosh that's a lot of commas

>> No.24874909

Central banking is the best way yet devised of managing a currency supply, which is why even countries like Iran have adopted it.
The problem is that currently our central banks are run by the wrong people.

Instead of the Central Banks being the pay piggy for multinational banks, how about they serve their respective national governments.

>> No.24874977

The nations problems have been first and foremost cultural, everything streams down from there.

Yes, the Great Depression was totally not caused and prolonged by the Fed's decision to do nothing and the governments decision to shut down international trade via tarrifs.

>> No.24874979
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It's fine if you're an investor and landowner.

>> No.24874995
File: 585 KB, 813x498, economics in one lesson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Central banking is the best way yet devised of managing a currency supply,
By managing do you mean destroying?
>which is why even countries like Iran have adopted it.
Oh yeah because Iran is a successful country lmao. States adopt central banks because it benefits the state apparatus and the financial elites.
Imagine thinking states have the best interest of their people in mind.
America had an industrial revolution with massive increases in living standards and falling prices under a free banking gold standard system

>The problem is that currently our central banks are run by the wrong people.
Ah, yes we need a white central bank which will do the same exact thing, destroy the value of the currency.

>> No.24875032

>Yes, the Great Depression was totally not caused and prolonged by the Fed's decision to do nothing
The great depression was CAUSED by the federal reserve's money bubble creation and the massive government intervention that followed.
Please read a book.

>and the governments decision to shut down international trade via tarrifs.
At least you acknowledge that.

>> No.24875057

Central banks just artificially increase asset prices(stocks, housing, land) while everything else lags behind.

>> No.24875061

>Only 67.5k per person
>This is 13.5k per person per year in 5 years
>Even lower if we make it progressive taxation and proportional making the top 1% pay 99% which would be 13,365 for them and normal people paying around 135 per year.
>$135 dollars tax


>> No.24875073

>Yes, the Great Depression was totally not caused and prolonged by the Fed's decision to do nothing and the governments decision to shut down international trade via tarrifs.
depression of 1920 was arguably worse and yet was over within a year solely because the government did nothing and let the business cycle do its thing rather than interfering

>> No.24875113
File: 54 KB, 370x130, 2020-12-16 21_12_52-U.S. National Debt Clock _ Real Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related you're wrong
also this doesnt include the unfunded liabilities

>> No.24875120

Ah, look at the greenbacker. Your policies will turn the US into a shithole real quick. How many socialist countries to fall victim to hyperinflation before you get a clue?

>> No.24875149

>Your policies will turn the US into a shithole real quick. How many socialist countries to fall victim to hyperinflation before you get a clue?
They're fucking clueless, they fail to learn anything from history. They're just clueless authoritarians.

>> No.24875169

>debt per taxpayer

>> No.24875193

There were massive recessions in the 19th century, but because cameras didn't exist, you didn't know about them.
Do you agree that deflationary pressures are a problem at all? How can you service growing production with a stagnant money supply without massive deflation?

Iran is destroyed because of your nation (US presumably) enforcing an international oil export embargo on them.
Yes, states can have the interest of the Nation and people at heart:it's called fascism.
The industrial revolution tripled yearly working hours in my country (and didn't triple yearly wages for a long time after) and paved the way for modern wage slavery.

>> No.24875211

is the government doing a match your dollar program or something, where they match 1:1 with every dollar in tax you give to them?

>> No.24875228

You could argue many of these cultural problems were caused by our financial policy. Everything from women in the workforce to our continually rising costs of living.

>> No.24875227

Arguing with them is pointless so I steer them towards the cartoon version of "The Road to Serfdom." Easily digested...

>> No.24875251
File: 385 KB, 900x710, 3B503F01-8241-4937-9D35-BE04B514DBB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

under a gold standard nothing would stop the government from controlling the metal mines, fixing prices, and manipulating the market

>> No.24875261
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>> No.24875361

Have you read Galbraith, Friedman or Keynes' opinion on the great depression? Because they offer a more rounded perspective.

Why do you want to wipe out peoples pension funds? People don't realise that the national Debt in western countries are 80%+ Boomer psuedo taxes via the sale of government bonds.

But that's what they did for the great depression too. Ask yourself why the situation was different (hint a weak banking system)

>> No.24875389

this is the real blackpill. humans are hardwired to game systems to their benefit.
due to the current extreme wealth inequality seen globally, it actually doesn't matter if your project has a fair launch or is ideal or anything like that, at least not in the long-term. the inequality corruption will flow upwards onto any project built upon it.

>> No.24875399
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>but because cameras didn't exist, you didn't know about them
Why are state/CB shills so retarded bros

>> No.24875417

Explain how women started to join the workforce from the 50s and 60s, when America was King of the World?
Women in the work force is a totally cultural issue, driven by consumerism.

>> No.24875434
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>There were massive recessions in the 19th century
They were relatively minor compared to the ones have since the fed.
All of those recessions were either caused by central banking or government heavily intervening in the market/banking.

>Do you agree that deflationary pressures are a problem at all?
I think Keynesians are retarded and that a normal natural deflation being the result of an increase in efficiency is an amazingly good thing. Inflation is what is bad.
>How can you service growing production with a stagnant money supply without massive deflation?
Are you people actually this brainwashed? From 1865-1913 we had a massive increase in production, massive increases in living standards all while on a deflationary gold standard.
How the fuck do you explain this?
Price fell year after year.
>Iran is destroyed because of your nation (US presumably) enforcing an international oil export embargo on them.
Also due to their central banks, but okay.
>Yes, states can have the interest of the Nation and people at heart:it's called fascism.
That's when the state has it's own interests in mind and tells the people to be it's slaves, only cucks think otherwise.
>The industrial revolution tripled yearly working hours in my country
This is highly unlikely or you are extremely confused.
The industrial revolution in america massively reduced working hours, long before government or unions got involved to change anything. pic related
>modern wage slavery.
Something you idiot inflationists SUPPORT. You're happy your wages constantly lose value and the working class has no savings.

>> No.24875441

>But that's what they did for the great depression too. Ask yourself why the situation was different (hint a weak banking system)
they did for a bit, but after FDR was elected he completely cucked and ruined the recovery by intervening and the US only got out with WW2
the business cycle is natural, you need to let it run its course

>> No.24875463
File: 8 KB, 197x256, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you couldn't get pics like this with 19th century cameras.

>> No.24875487

aaah dude my population is on those fenta pills dude

>> No.24875488

Ah geez dude, 27 trillion?
I could give you uhh 3 dallahs?

>> No.24875497

>this is the result when boomers control the country for 5+ decades

>> No.24875502

replace every time you said central banks with the word communism and now you realize how colossal of a faggot you are

>> No.24875507
File: 1.53 MB, 2550x3300, the fed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are state/CB shills so retarded bros
I dunno man, it's almost a religion with these people and socialists.

>Have you read Galbraith, Friedman or Keynes' opinion on the great depression? Because they offer a more rounded perspective.
These "explanations" are a fucking joke and austrians have refuted them in depth. Rothbard's book on the depression is the most in depth book on it ever written.
>the business cycle is natural
It's not, it's the result of government intervention and central banks creating an artificial boom.

>> No.24875535

meant for

>> No.24875537

>under a gold standard nothing would stop the government from controlling the metal mines, fixing prices, and manipulating the market
Under a gold standard all of these things wouldn't happen because the gold standard would prevent these things.
Free banking by definition means the government cannot control it.

>> No.24875563

>Have you read Galbraith, Friedman or Keynes' opinion on the great depression? Because they offer a more rounded perspective.

Mmm, who will i read, freemasons or fabian socialists? Such a hard choice!

>> No.24875564

>muh central banks

You can have central banks but also not have debt backed Fiat currency thats backed by nothing too.

Why do Jews and Boomers think they are mutually exclusive?

>> No.24875580
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When is the government going to apologize for creating the great depression with it's interventionist policies and causing massive human suffering?

>> No.24875606

>It's not, it's the result of government intervention and central banks creating an artificial boom.
except go back to prior to 1913 and you'll see the same cycle in action throughout american history. it's a natural process

>> No.24875625
File: 502 KB, 1440x3521, Revenge of Keynes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this ecomic guru. She seems to know what she's talking about :^)

>> No.24875644

>except go back to prior to 1913 and you'll see the same cycle in action throughout american history
Yes, either through government intervention or central banking. We had other central banks before, you know.
There's nothing natural about it.

>> No.24875673

Holy fuck MMTers are like actual children. The worst thing about this is they are playing with people's lives. Real people will suffer with their policies.

>> No.24875712
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>> No.24875715

debt to who? america dont have to pay back shit lmao

>> No.24875731
File: 212 KB, 573x586, 1607887321874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking yikes
people actually believe this shit

>> No.24875733

>This is highly unlikely or you are extremely confused.
The average working hours of a tenant farmer were 15 hours per week in the UK before machines.

>They were relatively minor compared to the ones have since the fed.
Umemployment was solved by shipping labour out west, leading to a rise in wages and business confidence.

>From 1865-1913 we had a massive increase in production, massive increases in living standards all while on a deflationary gold standard. How the fuck do you explain this?
A much larger percentage of the population being farmers meant that little had interaction with the wider economy. With the rise of industrial capacity and the inability to ship more people out west, this created a time bomb that exploded in 1929.

>That's when the state has it's own interests in mind and tells the people to be it's slaves, only cucks think otherwise.
You're just wrong, I'm sorry.

>> No.24875742

Who cares? The whole thing is going to come crashing down in the next few years.

>> No.24875781
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Ahh cheeese dude

>> No.24875801

brb brain cancer

>> No.24875821

Ben Bernanke literally wrote an essay on how the Fed caused the Great Depression... they know but they said their mistake was that they tightened liquidity... so they are making sure they will never make that mistake again... by printing to infinity

>> No.24875846

I lost IQ points from reading that.

>> No.24875884
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>The average working hours of a tenant farmer were 15 hours per week in the UK before machines.
This is a complete myth and based on bad data. If this were true, people in the third world and native tribes etc would have short working hours.
I just showed you data how the industrial revolution reduced working hours. Here's another worldwide.

>Umemployment was solved by shipping labour out west, leading to a rise in wages and business confidence.
What? What does this have to do with anything? Recessions back then were simply solved by cutting spending and leaving the market alone. There weren't massive shipments of people out west whenever there was a panic, this wouldn't have done anything anyway.

>A much larger percentage of the population being farmers meant that little had interaction with the wider economy.
What a load of bullshit, they sold their food to cities and traded with cities for tools and supplies. The amount of food per capita skyrocketed as well.
You're completely ignorant on the gilded age in america.
>With the rise of industrial capacity and the inability to ship more people out west, this created a time bomb that exploded in 1929.
HAHAHAHA What the fuck?
Is this your pathetic excuse as to why deflation and a gold standard worked extremely well from 1865-1913?
The depression was caused by artificial money expansion by the federal reserve.
>You're just wrong, I'm sorry.
Not an argument.

>> No.24875885


>> No.24875891

im an austrian, i agree government is at the result of all this, causing artificial booms. my point is all of the major panics have been a result of government. the business cycle is natural and 1920 depression proves it where government did nothing and it was over within a year

>> No.24875902

>it's actually x4 times more if you do exact calculation and only include tax payers
>135 x 4
>540 bucks per year for 5 years

>paying taxes proportionately, based on who benefitted from the debt the most in assets, Fed purchasing bonds and 0% interest rates which benefits the richest people getting loans somehow means wiping out pension funds
Imagine being this cucked and wanting to pay more taxes.

>> No.24875906

The Monetary History of the United States of America is thicc af.

Also I hate that fucking 98% of the purchasing power meme. The purchasing power of a currency is measured relative terms to other international currencies ffs.
Also, how was the Glass Steagall Act bad?

If you think that Freemasons have anything to do with anything, then you are a retard. The fabians were Jews. Austrians are jews. The only Goy economist is literally keyens, so I listen to him over the rest.

I'm sorry pops, but a nation's wealth is built off its production, not on how many shiny bars it has stored underground.

>> No.24875915


>> No.24875937

>Ben Bernanke literally wrote an essay on how the Fed caused the Great Depression.
Yes because he believed they should have intervened more, not that they intervened too much.
Ben Bernanke is a lying corporate fascist who knows exactly what he's doing.

>my point is all of the major panics have been a result of government
Okay mine too, but this doesn't mean the business cycle is in any way "natural"(as in happening without any rhyme or reason

>> No.24875958

oh, it's on this time

>> No.24876004

Is this bubble going to pop or not?

>> No.24876063

Genuinely brilliant article on the national debt, at this point the only way to "deal" with it isn't paying it off: https://archive.is/mKnUZ
Worth a read even if you don't particularly like Rothbard

>> No.24876160
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The debt market is going to pop this round. They will have swoop in to replace the currency as it fails.

>> No.24876223

>Okay mine too, but this doesn't mean the business cycle is in any way "natural"(as in happening without any rhyme or reason
if the government had never intervened in the economy before do you think we'd be in a perma bull market? that there'd never be a recession?

>> No.24876227

How do you know it will pop and when?

>> No.24876240

You're table starts in the 1870s, the zenith of the industrial revolution. Farmers have no work to do in the summer or the winter apart from scaring away a few crows and other pests. 6 months to go to church and have children with your wife.

>There weren't massive shipments of people out west whenever there was a panic, this wouldn't have done anything anyway.
Explain how a fall in the supply of labour doesn't increase wages and therefore spending?

Also it took the 1848 gold rush, deflating the money supply, for the USA to fully recover from the 1837 panic.
Most of the rest of your points are not worth responding to. Presidents were assassinated in the guided age because of the poor handling of the economy.

>> No.24876251

>If you think that Freemasons have anything to do with anything, then you are a retard.
Ever heard of Adam Smith?

>The only Goy economist is literally keyens
Oh sure, "based" Keynes. Remember when he gave a lecture on the USSR about how population control was the most important thing in socialism? Even Trotsky thought he was too radical.


>> No.24876296

Yes and Adam Smith's theory's on economic management are no longer relevant, being BFTO by Nash. Your point?

>> No.24876329

Fucking libertarians are such god damn clowns. I keep seeing you idiots argue for the right of corporations to take aware our rights and subvert our governments. This is Antifa levels of useful idiocy.

>> No.24876345

I'm sure that kike mises would also agree that the man who saved him from the nazis was also a eugenicist, winston Churchill. Everyone was a eugenicist in the 20s and 30s.

>> No.24876351

Why are you too retarded to get the joke? How ironic you clown posted.

>> No.24876374

You are just in time :)

>> No.24876572

Can I ask why all you amine posting weebs idolize japan despite it having a debt to GDP ration of 250%?

>> No.24876700

>unironically being lolbertarian

>> No.24877305

You do realise that banks actually started fractional reserve banking and that they handed out derivates based on Gold that they didnt even hold? Why are you anti government niggers so fucking retarded and historically illiterate?

>> No.24877333

Don’t give JPOW any ideas, he lurks

>> No.24877751

Doomers predict a crash every year and get a crash once a decade. Meanwhile S&P goes up by 3000% and anyone who bought two or more houses in 2009 has it made.

Yeah keep stacking silver and gold under your mattress you loser.

>> No.24878014

>Africa tier policies like Zimbabwe.
Greese, germany and hungary all did it first in the 30's and 40's

>> No.24878048
File: 44 KB, 386x106, 2387461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just posting the one that actually matters

>> No.24878053

ahh geeezzz duuudee i can pay ya back like $3 a month? ahh geeezzz i'm on these pillz dooood and that's all i can afford dood

>> No.24878103
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>> No.24878109

I’ve seen and heard this memed before, but what does this actually mean?

>> No.24878187

I can do maybe $3.50?

>> No.24878212
File: 30 KB, 343x225, dollar ratios 12-16-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick. Tock.

>> No.24878308
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gosh it's almost like there is more supply than demand...

>> No.24878332

Checked and based. Money isn't real neither is any debt tied to it.

>> No.24878490

pensions insolvent

>> No.24878506


Yes, I did vote for Biden. Last 5 recessions are from REPUBLICAN presidents. Democratic presidents create better economies. So cope.

>> No.24878585

fucking kek

>> No.24878656


>> No.24878688


simp take. both platforms seek to undercut the (financial) base of support of the other.

>> No.24878855
File: 28 KB, 299x76, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is current 2024 projection.

Check the time-machine yourselves:

We are about to ACCELERATE.

>> No.24879092

no stress cobba she'll be right mate

>> No.24879117
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>> No.24879137

BASED economics in one lesson poster

>> No.24879316
File: 2.63 MB, 1280x720, Too Big To Fail (Clip).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24879365
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>He wants the partisan corrupt hacks in pic related to control the money supply.

>> No.24879538

Ahhhhh jeez, maybe $2 bucks a month?

>> No.24879654
File: 53 KB, 500x500, r6ueru6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here comes Debo you can ask him for your money

>> No.24879706

hello newfag

>> No.24879792

Kys newfaggot

>> No.24880016

at this point fuck it. Lets see how far we can go

>> No.24880058

checked and hyde pilled

>> No.24880061

Ah I hurt my leg

>> No.24880221


I don't bro I can do like 3 doller by end of year.

>> No.24880237

Who else read this in Sam’s voice?

>> No.24880523
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 51iZMhizapL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stephanie Kelton—economics professor at Stony Brook and advisor to the 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign

>> No.24880803

>Except every single recession and depression.
you mean small dips in a perpetual uptrend where we are at the all time high? green line go up forever and debt is imaginary

>> No.24881005

literally eat a cyanide pill

>> No.24881648


>> No.24882158

holy shit you're right
and you know what? They always UNDERESTIMATE these projections. If it says 48 tril, how high is the real number going to be?

>> No.24882196


who cares it's already just some infinitely high number that nobody cares about, they might as well just make up a number

>> No.24882229

the higher this number is, the greater likelihood of an economic collapse

>> No.24882312
File: 62 KB, 960x960, 1489542141051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Hurt My LEG, BRO!
I can't pay $27T ..
How about..... Three DOLLAHS?

>> No.24882360

>he calculated based on the us population and not world pop
>not in on us plan to tax the rest of the earth
>ignorant to the fact this has been going on for some time
Ngmi desu

>> No.24882387

I can print like $3T a month?