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File: 1.46 MB, 2880x1920, FrankfurtNewECB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
248734 No.248734[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Frankfurt has beaten Paris and Luxembourg as Europe's Remnibi trading hub (Chinese currency)

This, together with the new central bank construction and new financial regulator will really set apart Frankfurt as Europe's financial capital.

Frankfurt will also continue to be the financial centre with the highest quality of life, along with Zurich. (Source: Mercer)

>> No.248737
File: 97 KB, 595x601, millionaires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankfurt is also the richest city in the world, when measured by millionaires per capita. 7.5% of the population is millionaires, compared to 5% in Munich (also German) the second highest city. In third place is New York with about 4.7%.

>> No.248741
File: 32 KB, 619x540, Cities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we see the highest quality of living cities. Note Frankfurt's position at the top. Despite being a major city with almost as much millionaires as London and the same as Paris, Frankfurt only has a population of 600,000 - 3 million (depending on if we use city definition or metro area). The corresponding figure for London and Paris are about 8-12 million each.
Frankfurt also lacks the ghettoised areas that London, New York and Paris share, and is much cheaper. Thus Frankfurt is like the best part of the above cities without the bad, undeveloped parts, and is much cheaper and has a higher quality of life.

>> No.248742
File: 159 KB, 590x742, credit-ratings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politically Germany is highly conservative. Evidence 1 is their AAA rating from all agencies, Germany being the only large economy to enjoy such a status

>> No.248745
File: 235 KB, 1190x918, Deficit2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additionally Germany is one of the only countries with a balanced budget - and even a budget surplus. For reference China would be yellow on this chart, America and Japan would be dark red

>> No.248747
File: 170 KB, 620x575, PublicSector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally there is the public sector which is very small in Germany. America is at about 18%

>> No.248749
File: 42 KB, 313x861, Wages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German wages are also among the highest in the world, even though East Germany brings down the average

>> No.248754
File: 103 KB, 715x500, Frankfurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cost of living in London (United Kingdom) is 51% more expensive than in Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Cost of living in Paris (France) is 23% more expensive than in Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Cost of living in Zurich (Switzerland) is 55% more expensive than in Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Cost of living in New York City (United States) is 30% more expensive than in Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

Despite Frankfurt's very high density of wealthy people and financial institutions, the cost of living is much cheaper than other international cities

>> No.248765

>Frankfurt will also continue to be the financial centre with the highest quality of life, along with Zurich. (Source: Mercer)
Bitch, please. Frankfurt is a shithole full of shitskins and subhumans and people there are depressed and jaded. If you want high quality of life you have to move to Munich.

>> No.248770

See here
By global standards Frankfurt has a very high standard of life. Compared to other western cities Frankfurt doesn't have that many non whites.

>> No.248795

Czech here.

I'm considering moving to Germany and I wanted to know if Germans are cool with white, (sort of) qualified immigrants who speak decent German and English.

Or will I be considered eastern subhuman scum who took your jerrbs by the general population?

>> No.248800

I don't need to see and I don't give a damn about what some foreign paper pusher fabricated based on bleak charts and nonsensical statistics, despite never having been there himself. Just because 7.5% of its population are millionaires doesn't make it the Willy Wonka wonderland of be all end all things. Not in Germany, let alone the world.

I myself work in the finance sector and consider myself affluent. Some of my friends from Frankfurt who would be considered millionaires by your definition flee that shithole each weekend to their secondary residence somewhere else much nicer. Even if it means putting up with 4h of travelling (just in one direction).

I lived in Frankfurt for 8 years. It's a shit place to live in. Period.

"The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself" - Winston Churchill

>> No.248808

why is it a shit place?

>> No.248809

Frankfurt sucks. I live about 30 minutes from there and rarely visit. There's no need. I don't think there's a city in Europe I hate more than Frankfurt.

>> No.248821

I went to Germany on a school trip once, in Frankfurt I literally saw a man squat down and take a shit in the street, the whole coach was just staring at this in hysterics.

Forgive me for being a sceptic, that kind of thing leaves a lasting impression.

>> No.248834
File: 156 KB, 899x1174, 1375456345001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankfurt is a nice place.>>248795
>Czech here.
>Will I be considered eastern subhuman scum who took your jerrbs by the general population?

You will get a decent place in the typical German immigrant hierarchy:

God tier: Western Europe & Anglo immigrants
Decent tier: Eastern Europe & qualified Asian
Meh tier: South Eastern Europe, qualified Turks & Arabs
Critical tier: religious ordinary Turks & Arabs
Shit tier: illegal Africans

>> No.248840

>That pic

You realise what "Migration background" means in Germany right?

If your parent is an immigrant or has immigrant background themselves, you have immigrant background. Since 1950

So if your great grandfather is a Pole who immigrated in 1950s? Then you have immigrant background. Germany is 94% white and 65% of Frankfurt's immigrant population is white

>> No.248853
File: 2.30 MB, 353x234, 1396138698001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting to live in such a large city.

>> No.248872

FIDF pls

>> No.248887

You lost credibility with that chart alone.

>The lowest public sector

Greece's public sector was one of the main reasons the country bankrupted.

>Greece has a capitalist economy with a public sector accounting for about 40% of GDP

FIDF pls

>> No.248889

The problem with Greece is that nobody pays taxes and they have fuck all industry

>> No.248911

I thought austria was above germany?! A lot of workers in austria are from germany because the pay is better (plus we have a 13th and 14th salary). 10 years ago it was the opposite, a lot of austrians worked in germany (on the boarders)

>> No.248923


Farmboy pls go back to fields.

>> No.249030

its Germany dude no blecks . city life is good,

>> No.249049

I scored in Frankfurt, if you know what I mean

>> No.249697


Except like all the pill pushers in Frankfurt. I swear, not even Berlins train station was on the same shit-tier level as Frankfurts.

>Wanting to live in the major city with the highest crime-rate in Germany

Everyone hates Frankfurt, it's like a worse version of L.A.