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24872865 No.24872865 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just too excited to sleep, I feel I can make so much money, it fucks my sleep cycle, so I get insomnia, depressed, think about life problems, regrets, but then see I have 1.5 btc and going to make it, and enter the excited phase again, really weird feeling
anyone else feeling that way?

>> No.24872902

yes its weird. one second I am on top of the world that I own a wholecoin of BTC and then the next I am feeling extreme fomo that I'll never be happy because I didn't buy more

>> No.24873195

I used to feel that way the year I got into crypto (2018). Now I just feel impatient and just want to at least reach $1 million dollars.

>> No.24873209

>but then see I have 1.5 btc and going to make it,

>> No.24874064

I can live off 500$ per month

>> No.24874115 [DELETED] 

If you want some more money here's a compound invite to get some.



>> No.24874166

I have over a ml in crypto and still get the same feelings anon it’s normal, it’s hard not to get some emotion when the market moves heavily in your favour and you’ve seen the pump and dumps

>> No.24874198

>1.5 btc

>> No.24874228


You need at least 5 btc to make it

>> No.24874820

Shit i only got 120 eth

>> No.24875024

Take a magnesium supplement with your dinner and have some sleepy time tea with valerian root before bed. Also wear one of those strips on your nose that keeps the nose airways open so you dont mouth breathe at night and you will have the best sleep ever dont do this every night just as needed.

>> No.24875458

I had this when I went all in on something back in summer. If Id just chilled tf out I could have got cheaper but there I was thinking it was going to moon, whilst Im the one pushing the price up.