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24866259 No.24866259 [Reply] [Original]

btc will likely outperform link in the short term. Besides holding what do you recommend doing in that scenario?

>> No.24866295


sell if you're mid IQ and think you know better

>> No.24866332

I keep dcaing into link. Just curious how it will react to a btc bull, which it has not experienced yet.

>> No.24866539

1k EOY

>> No.24866557

How do you cope with the opportunity cost?

>> No.24866724

Bruh all eyes are on bitcoin rn. Money that goes into bitcoin eventually disperses into other coins. It hasn't even been half a day at $20k and you're already getting anxious. If you're holding link long term, you clearly aren't selling anytime soon, so don't let the price bother you. It's likely going to bleed sats short term while gaining in USD, and continue to slowly trend upwards before a spike. Then a dump and it has a higher lower than previously, and we continue waiting. Just set a price that you'd like to sell at, and wait for that number. If it doesn't appear during this cycle, oh well, just keep waiting

>> No.24866765


>> No.24866820

there is only one opportunity cost and that is missing the opportunity of being in LINK when staking is inevitably announced.

>> No.24866976

by panic trading link for bitcoin when link is over 75% down against bitcoin

>> No.24867041

There are bullish divergences piling up on the chart, plus the market still didn't realize what WEF means.

At the next WEF meeting in April LINK has it's own presentation.
Look up who attends WEF. LINK gets shilled to every central bank, every head of state and every NGO on the planet.

Basically LINK has partnered with ZOG and the weak-handed retards are selling.

>> No.24867200

If you really feel you need to, you can take out a small collateral loan against your LINK through aave or something to long other projects whilst keeping your link. It's a little risky though. I would just hold desu. The chart looks really good.
This too.

>> No.24867313

>which it has not experienced yet
It did a 10x from late 2017 to early 2018, newfag. It will do it again, most likely even more than just a 10x during the next.

>> No.24867408

>At the next WEF meeting in April LINK has it's own presentation.
>Look up who attends WEF. LINK gets shilled to every central bank, every head of state and every NGO on the planet.
I've never felt so conflicted. I want link to succeed, but not like this. I suppose this is just the way the game's played.

>> No.24867443

just need 1 more 10x to make it. I'm holding until $100

>> No.24867529

Jesus, when you put it that way... just a 10x from prior ath and I can retire for life, with luxury

>> No.24867571

This is actually why Vitalik has hated Sergey/LINK from the start. Vitalik envisions a future where ETH beats the big corps and banks. LINK intends to work with and improve them.

>> No.24867578

zog is the only reason any publicly traded asset goes 1000x
you're either in or you're poor

>> No.24867580

Thinking of putting money in btc and xrp for the idiot bullrun

>> No.24867592

listen to this dude. Wait for LINK/BTC to peak at around 150000 sats, pile your Link in to BTC at the top, wait for link to bleed those same sats and buy double your stack back with your BTC gains. Also do the same thing with ETH if the timing is right.


His video titles are cringe as fuck but his investment strategies and predictions are pretty good. Basically none of this crystal ball bullshit, follow the previous data and base your decisions on that.

>> No.24867645

Dancing while watch BTC chart wainting for Link to pump.

It's been working out for me at least

>> No.24867665
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I'm afraid it's much more insidious than that

>> No.24867740

Im sub 100 IQ, can you explain?

>> No.24867794

Low iq brainlet checking in. I just do whatever you guys say. I'm never fucking selling.

>> No.24867842

decentralized Hitler

>> No.24867853

chainlink is kingmade by some very naughty people who are effectively enemies of the human race

>> No.24867891

Fuck just sold

>> No.24868004


I need a 30x for luxury but a 10x gets me to like 3 Million which is upper middle retirement in the Midwest

>> No.24868549

I'm not saying never take profits but his assessment of hur dur sell the top buy the bottom is kind of dumb. Assuming we have an ETH type run there will be a point where all signs suggest taking profits and the risk metric on LINK is too high and a retrace should occur. It will seem like a no brainer and then it will go another 5-10x and not return to where you sold for a year or 2 if EVER. Don't get me wrong I sold some at 19 and bought again albeit too high but with what LINK is worth I don't want to get burnt and miss the whole parabolic cycle. I wish I would have doubled my stack when I had multiple chances in the past but I absolutely can't lose if I don't play that game. I have 21K and it should be enough.

>> No.24868663
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Incoming schwabpill. Some anons learned the hard way

>> No.24869233

It did more than a 100x during the bear market. I'm buying more and looking forward to what this thing can do in a bull. Looking at the past link seems to enjoy violent upwards movement followed by painfully slow bleeding. There is no way to time it and catch the pumps, I'm not going to risk anything with my golden ticket.

>> No.24869234

My strategy is to wear a tarp and close my eyes when big Serg diarrheas 1 million coins on us each Friday. Maybe I'll curse him a bit for muting LINK through the bullrun.

>> No.24869292

How do you know it has its own presentation?

>> No.24869529

IMO the framework of giving a clear entry and exit from your asset is better than just saying "bro hold forever because it could suddenly do a 1000x" as an investment strategy. Without a proper strategy you're just going on emotion aka gambling and emotion is not reliable, ask any guy who has spent a week in vegas.

The previous data clearly proves when link tops and bottoms and using the uptrend as a guide as to when to swap it to btc is sensible. It isnt like you're putting it back in to a tether. You're taking it from one appreciating asset in to another.

>> No.24870349


Obviously an exit plan should be determined and basing it on the risk metric and trend lines its been following routinely is better than nothing but his suggestion of selling all to magically buy the bottom seems like poor advice. At least do laddered sells and buys or something. I guess if you are bouncing between LINK, BTC, or ETH its less risky but eventually that will fail too as the whole market retraces.