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24862349 No.24862349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aren't you bored? What do you do all day?

>> No.24862457

engineer. cant find a job because commodities prices are near 0 across the board. i play video games, piano, and work out. bit of reading but fll out of that habit.

>> No.24862529

why are their shoes so dirty I can't fap to this?!

>> No.24862580

play vidya, woodworking, crypto shit, some reading, watch youtube, play my guitar, draw, video editing, work out, and cycle every here and there

>> No.24862585
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Yeah thanks but I was more thinking about guys who stopped wagecucking after making it, as that's the plan for most of us.

>> No.24862803

>learn languages
>read books
>work out
>develop skills for small business
>research investments
>work on healing childhood trauma

>> No.24863169

>work on healing childhood trauma

>> No.24863382

Hey anon. I read, try to be a source of strength and light for my family and friends, keep the social and family fabric together, workout, work on longterm projects, plan, learn new skills, etc

>> No.24863504

>walk around or ride my bike
>play video games
>surf the internet
>research markets/investments

basically what i did before i retired, just in larger amount.
"you're here forever" is extremely accurate. what you spend most of your time on now, is how you're going to spend most of your time when you stop working.

>> No.24863527

Literally whatever I want.

>> No.24863528
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i never understood this "if you don't work you'll be bored" mentality. Why is being bored such a miserable thing? You wouldn't be bored 24/7, and even if you do get bored on occasion it would be a million times better than wage slaving

>> No.24863558


I got furloughed in march and got on unemployment and they asked me to come back in august and I said I couldn't because covid and I'm still getting checks and it looks like I'll still be getting checks well into next year. feels great man

>> No.24863590

meditation , books about healing trauma , positive affirmation , visualization

>> No.24863591

That's what people say before actually having that opportunity. A lot of people go back to work eventually. On better terms, sure, but they can't manage neeting it out forever.

>> No.24863602

I trade crypto, go to the gym, listen to music and hit on my optometrist.

>> No.24863632

Imagine being ultra rich and not fixing your eyebrows

>> No.24863637


some people have a slave mentality, what else can you say

>> No.24863658


>> No.24863688

If you're mind is so boring, you can't entertain yourself at your own direction, you'd never stay successfully self-employed anyway.

>> No.24863711

>what you spend most of your time on now, is how you're going to spend most of your time when you stop working.
the ultimate blackpill. The dream is that once you stop working, you can deprogram/reprogram yourself and with your newfound time and energy you'll pursue the childhood dreams that got sidelined when you started wagecucking. The reality is that if you had really believed in those dreams you would have pursued them in the first place, and the fact you didn't means you never valued them very highly. And quitting your job now isn't going to change what you really value deep inside. If you prioritized video games and VR fap marathons in your free time before, you'll keep prioritizing them after as well.

>> No.24863729

Work doesn’t have to be something that someone else makes you do.

>> No.24863733

>learn a language
>go /out/
sums up my typical day. im happy but im also terribly lonely

>> No.24863771

how stupid do you have to be to ask this?
I wish I didn't work but off the top of my head
>playing music
>studying languages
>romantic interests

Seriously, how fucking low iq, watching videogames being played on youtube dumb do you gotta be, almost like as if the only thing interesting about you is money.

>> No.24863809

>Scale your money making
>Buy cool shit
>Become unconventional and interesting
>Take up socialable pursuits merely for fun
>Chat up women

>> No.24863814

Extremely fucking bored. My sleep schedule spirals. Normally I go watch live music but this is the new normal. So I just sleep and get up randomly. Everyone else is busy with work and families. I have no friends to hang out with because of it. I might go back into a wage cage or go for a bs college degree just to have something in my life.

>> No.24863884

Somewhat true. But it’s also true that work takes up a chunk of mental memory that could be reallocated into other things.
The time I spend now on thinking about crypto and how I can escape slavery can be put into hobbies that objectively make no money like music or drawing.
Also, having more money gives you the resources to improve your environment, which in turn affects your future behavior. You could for instance invest in a whole house RO water filter that will make you think clearer, have more energy and better mindset.

>> No.24863890

Chicks with thick eyebrows are hot, no need for drawing them on like 90% of them now do.

>> No.24863907

Their fucking shoes, holy shit

>> No.24863942

NEETing, assuming you have some sustainable passive income stream, only becomes boring if you stop putting goals in front of yourself

Why most wagecucks HAVE TO wagecuck is they don't know how to come up with a goal so they need someone else to give them one lest they wallow in self-hatred because their whole self-identity is tied into how 'useful' they are to someone else

The final red pill is that wagecuck or not, you determine your value, whether or not your rely on another or yourself to be the granter

To survive independently, you must become your own source of value and be OK with that

>> No.24863971

Wallowing in self pity is a time consuming hobby I don't have time for jobs

>> No.24864016


what's wrong with having an extra 40 hours a week to enjoy video games and VR fap marathons if that's what you enjoy

>> No.24864122

Get high and play rocket league

>> No.24864137

fap, binge netflix, apply for some jobs I don't even think I'll hear back from, repeat.

I'm not happy. I am bored. But even the classes I'm taking don't interest me and I'm not looking forward to anything in my future. I'm not even excited for christmas.

My shear lack of optimism and cringing about my past is definitely my biggest weakness. fuck

>> No.24864159

Waiting for XRP to moon so I can finally start my life

>> No.24864232

Wtf? Just get a hobby, learn a new language. Start a business. Nobody who makes it just sits around jacking off all the time.

>> No.24865675

Cambodian child prostitutes.

>> No.24865703

God i wish i could bang her like hunter.

>> No.24865790

thats called 'outdoors' anon

>> No.24865844

how the fuck would i get bored when I can do whatever the hell i want?

i rent a space in a coworking area which i go to a few hours after waking up
at around 5-6 of shooting the shit and getting some stuff done i go to the gym
after about an hour i get home, take a shower/bath
if something happens later on in the day do that otherwise chill maybe shitpost on /biz/ a little
fap, play some game and sleep

>> No.24865866

I've been doing college online but yes I'm bored even with YouTube and video games, that's why I'm gonna look for another job after the start of the year

>> No.24865969

>no snow
>corona lockdowns and restrictions
>travel restrictions
>social distancing
>normies have become officially insufferable
>in the middle of revelations
>vaccines, protests, clown world
Doing absolutely nothing

>> No.24865985
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reading the law of one and obsessively finding out new information about aajonus vonderplanitz and his raw diet since i've been doign it for 2 years and it saved my life. heart healed and skin cancers went away since i was on acne meds my whole life

>we're gonna make it bros

>> No.24866030

I quit my job more than a year ago, I shitpost and play games because I'm bored.

I haven't made it yet so I'm just waiting for everything to moon so I can enjoy spending money buying useless expensive shit because I don't find much joy in other stuff :/

>> No.24866039

Too many people let work become their life and once they leave it they don't know what to do with themselves

>> No.24866055

Based and blackpilled

>> No.24866086

>how stupid do you have to be to ask this
Based retard. I'm asking strangers what they do, how the FUCK would I know. I LITERALLY can't.

>> No.24866104


>> No.24866116

>Extremely fucking bored. My sleep schedule spirals. Normally I go watch live music but this is the new normal. So I just sleep and get up randomly. Everyone else is busy with work and families. I have no friends to hang out with because of it. I might go back into a wage cage or go for a bs college degree just to have something in my life.
Read this, retards. Read it carefully.

>> No.24866150

Gabor Mate on YouTube

>> No.24866154

>Get high and play rocket league
What's your rank

>> No.24866183

>Cambodian child prostitutes
I wanted unironic answers

>> No.24866184

Read, watch shows, crypto, workout
not working is fucking awesome. i do wish i had more money tho

>> No.24866194

>Aren't you bored?
Only a (spiritual) wagecuck would ask something this fucking stupid.

>> No.24866205

I'm not being ironic, it's great.

>> No.24866367

The idea that you need to wagecuck to avoid boredom is as pleb as it gets. As if wagecucking isn't boring? It's the same uninteresting slog day after day.

Do you see wealthy people running out and getting day jobs? You see the Queen getting a job? How about Bilzerian, or these retired wealthy sportsballers?

Without wagecucking, you now free up 40 new hours a week. We'll say 50, as two hours each day you soend getting ready and to and from wagecuck.

>Sleep an additional half hour each day
>actually take time to prepare and enjoy good meals, rather than cram down junk into your face as you're rushing to wagecuck
>golf and do other sports
>longer, luxurious baths and showers
>spend more time in your current hobbies
>expand into new hobbies
>actually get a gf and have sex, something most sad wagecucks don't get. The ines that do barely even have time to do it, and have poor stamina thanks to wagecucking and not excercising and eating properly

Just off the top of my head I gave some ideas that can cut right in to that extra 50 or so hours.

>> No.24866389

>not working is fucking awesome
For sure nobody enjoys wagecucking per se

>> No.24866407

>Chicks with thick eyebrows are hot

>> No.24866612

Very based. Well said and true.

>> No.24866788
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>their whole self-identity is tied into how 'useful' they are to someone else
Born honked.

>> No.24866963
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Would rather have the chance to semi retire than constantly work until I die. I would probably play vidya, browse biz, and make music if I made it.

>> No.24867040

Lol well put. I would definitely get laid more seeing as wagecucking forces you to get to bed early, or suffer sleep deprivation.

>> No.24867062

Yes. Sometimes yes.

I'm going back to work but I'll probably work part time.

>> No.24867734

There is literally nothing wrong with the eyebrows on that hot little whore.

>> No.24867825

the best part for me is being able to wake up every morning whenever the fuck you feel like it, no alarm. every day i wake up and roll back over for another hour with that comfy feel. its like people become so used to the chains they feel uncomfortable without them