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File: 27 KB, 1687x537, 2020-12-16 13_36_11-bitcoin - Explore - Google Trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24861124 No.24861124 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24861148

the 2020 pump has been entirely tether manipulation
the 2017 pump was 80% tether manipulation, 20% normie fomo

>> No.24861149

You realize that your graph proves that this bullrun is not driven by retail fags but rather smart money right ? Or are you that low IQ we have to spoonfeed you the most basic analysis ?

>> No.24861172

It has just become.... next stop, the Moon!!!

>> No.24861174

IMO we're still about a year away from the real bull run because at the moment institutional money and larger investment firms are accumulating, meaning we're getting close to media attention but not quite there yet. I think we have yet to see the real "bear trap", but who knows.

>> No.24861544

Yeah but now most people know about btc. Most of that huge spike wasn't people investing but people just wondering what it was.

>> No.24861587

wtf bitcoin parabolic soon, get in here fags, x100 imminent, dont miss this, hurry up buy, based dev legit fork

>> No.24861795

We institutional money now dumb ass

>> No.24861839

>Yeah but now most people know about btc.
Bullshit. That train is still in the station.

>> No.24861923

$20K per coin is over priced for an asset that could lose 90% of its value. I know I won't be investing in btc.

>> No.24861939

>smart money
Imagine thinking institutions are getting in this shit.

Why would they want something which is essentially worthless? It's like buying air.

>> No.24861988

I'd pull my money out of whatever institution was buying in at this price point.

>> No.24862191

Btc is an infinite money machine for megacorps, that's what Dorsey and friends realized. They can just sell coins to each other to keep raising the value of the other coins they hold which raises the value of their company which causes normies to Ape into their stock rinse and repeat. One coin is now worth infinite money.

>> No.24862201

Sure, if by smart money you mean Bitfinex pumping this shit with tether

>> No.24862261

>Imagine thinking institutions are getting in this shit.
Grayscale, Microstrategy, Paypal, Square, MassMutual, Guggenheim, etc.
You have to go back.

>> No.24862300
File: 242 KB, 1600x1073, 13189712-15886124419775326_origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slowly entering the media attention phase

>> No.24862334

Normies are asking me how to buy btc at my office
I'm scared guys. Too soon

>> No.24862368

say you have no clue and ask what a bitcorn is

>> No.24862447
File: 192 KB, 896x682, 1607303484445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One coin is now worth infinite money.
Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.24862458

ponzi scheme

>> No.24862511

Nobody needs to google what bitcoin is anymore...You can literally buy it on robinhood

>> No.24862589

Mining prevents that

>> No.24862611

Kill yourself

>> No.24862682

we are at return to normal you retarded bull nigger, see you at 7k

>> No.24862771

Actually, this is pretty good. It means smart money is moving into crypto, instead of the dumb money of 2017.
It leads me to think we will indeed have a lenghtening cycle, but not like the permabear Ben had predicted. We are going up to one million by 2025 and only then we will have a bear market, making this a 8-year long cycle (2018-2025).

>> No.24862779
File: 215 KB, 778x545, Grandma 2 - Supercharged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. don't forget to sell in time boys. but remember, there can only be 21M

>> No.24862873

we're in uncertain territory. Maybe the money printing keeps brring and we enter a gilded age of hyperinflation.

Or maybe Covid causes a few big firms to fail, spooking the markets and tanking everything.

The only thing we can say for sure is that this market is unnatural. Everything hitting ATH at a time when people are legit broke is not bullish at all

I run a shitty Amazon affiliate website and I'm doing 1/3rd the sales I did last year, even though my traffic is 25% higher. Normies just don't have enough money to spend.

Brrring can only work so long

>> No.24862952

So what? All the fiat is manipulated.
Tether is actually safer than the USD.

>> No.24862982

You cannot have hyperinflation when the velocity of money is nearly zero. This is the issue with fractional reserve banking, the banks have absolute authority on loaning to people aka creating new money and disrupt the effects of monetary policy.

>> No.24862999

Smart money, you mean millionaires buying otc hoping they 100x their investment and totally crash the market when they decide they made enough? Letting those fags buy is worse than better. Short term yeah cool they might pump it a bit, but long term they will completely destroy it and leave nothing of it. Trade your tulips safely!

>> No.24863030

You will be doing this when btc goes to 0

>> No.24863042

wasted trips

>> No.24863063

The gilded age was based and it actually had massive DEFLATION

>> No.24863154

How stupid do you have to be to post this nonsense?

Let's see, in just the last few days:
1. Some big insurance company in Massachusetts bought 5,000 BTC
2. One River Asset Management announced it had bought 50,000 BTC
3. MicroStrategy announced it was buying another ~32,000 BTC (if today's prices hold)
4. Some London "family office" firm announced a buy-in of ~37,500 BTC

That's on top of

5. PayPal letting its users designate funds as BTC, resulting in PayPal buying ~630 BTC per day
6. Grayscale having to buy thousands of BTC to cover all the investors buying into its GBTC Trust with their 401Ks
7. Some other investment firm filing SEC paperwork to buy another ~20,000 BTC (assuming today's prices) through Grayscale

"Oh no, waitresses aren't buying it! It's only giant institutional buyers announcing that they've bought up over a third of the annual mining production in just one week!!!"

Yes, I KNOW they spread those buys out and announced after they were done -- so these are the ones who have finished buying, now how many more are ALSO buying in the background hoping to get in before retail FOMO takes over?

>> No.24863185

This. Bitcoin isn't regulated by securities legislation so there is nothing to stop these big players from coordinating a dump once demand picks up.

>> No.24863205

You do you.

>> No.24863258
File: 61 KB, 620x465, 1F42B5CF-ACF7-4AEB-8A4E-ECA9AD756A4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m excited for the day where Borneo’s start using slang to brag about their ownership of mere fractions of a Bitcoin.

Imagine a world where owning 0.1 BTC means you are set for life. Where owning a whole Bitcoin is talked about with reverence and hushed whispers...

>> No.24863291

Normies, not Borneos lol***

>> No.24863325

your mom manipulated my dick last night

>> No.24863329

Go back to r/buttcoin.

>> No.24863476
File: 152 KB, 910x608, 1524700210131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year 2022
>Let's see, in just the last few days:
>1. Some big insurance company in Massachusetts bought 5,000 LINK
>2. One River Asset Management announced it had bought 50,000 LINK
>3. MicroStrategy announced it was buying another ~32,000 LINK (if today's prices hold)
>4. Some London "family office" firm announced a buy-in of ~37,500 LINK
>That's on top of
>5. PayPal letting its users designate funds as BTC, resulting in PayPal buying ~630 LINK per day
>6. Grayscale having to buy thousands of LINK to cover all the investors buying into its GLINK Trust with their 401Ks
>7. Some other investment firm filing SEC paperwork to buy another ~20,000 LINK (assuming today's prices) through Grayscale

>> No.24863681

>Tether Market cap 20 Billion
>Bitcoin Market Cap 400 Billion
>Somehow Tether manipulates the price of the 20x times bigger Bitcoin
>Not even talking about other cryptocurrencies
>Even if all available Tether was put into Bitcoin right now it would only raise the price by 5%


>> No.24863945
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1548979190616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400 billion needs to be invested in bitcoin for the market cap to reach 400 billion

>> No.24864301
File: 68 KB, 514x775, 1605198314258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

….But the USDT wouldn't just be burned after traded for BTC... you fucking mongrel. It would still exist in USDT Mcap.

>> No.24864381
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>> No.24864427
File: 7 KB, 250x240, 1527972327508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

institutional has not started their shill campaign yet

>> No.24864512


we just barely went over the previous ATH and normies haven't even started to FOMO yet and you think that's it? Why are you so retarded and gay?

>> No.24864643
File: 123 KB, 1000x845, smartbrainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>institutions buy and NEVER sell!!!1!!

>> No.24864844

Bought at 10k, if I break even it'll be the same as if Ieft it in the bank

>> No.24865166

Help me out here anon. If we're having a Hyperinflation, if I can get a loan now for a period of 20 -25 years, and the hyperinflation hits in 5 years more or less. Does this mean I will be able to pay my loan of with more ease/ faster because money will be worth less ? If yes, It would be a good time to get a loan for a house??

>> No.24865331

>Bitcoin isn't regulated by securities legislation so there is nothing to stop these big players from coordinating a dump once demand picks up.
Of course. It isn't going to go up forever.
You need to be very afraid when peak euphoria kicks in. Time to pull the ripcord.

>> No.24865370

>Imagine a world where owning 0.1 BTC means you are set for life. Where owning a whole Bitcoin is talked about with reverence and hushed whispers...
Yep. Soon the notion of a private individual purchasing an entire Bitcoin will be Ocean's 11 shit. Most people will discuss buying adn selling sats.

>> No.24865411

>$20K per coin is over priced for an asset that could lose 90% of its value
holy shit you're a fucking retard, cme gap at 3k amirite?

>> No.24865534

my iq just went down reading this thread. News flash you dumbfuqs - bull run hasn’t even started yet

>> No.24865955

Coordinating a dump is the worst way to dump you moron.... they would have to coordinate a trickle out if they actually wanted to cash out at high prices and at that point who cares if they cash out bitcoin will rule the world

>> No.24866089

What is software and what is a network.

I bet you are in rocks and houses

>> No.24866197

They will go for a digital dollar and you will get rekt

>> No.24866240

I got out around 19k expecting it to dip a bit and then buy back in like a retard. Is it worth buying in now or just wait for it to dump like 2017?

>> No.24866303
File: 66 KB, 1220x493, 1582702370177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well looky what we have here...Thanks btc for the beginning of the run

>> No.24866304

that car, lmao. bet those tires cost more than the buick.

>> No.24866342
File: 3 KB, 640x110, last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i buyed the last bitcoin under 18k?

>> No.24866447
File: 579 KB, 1680x1260, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with new highs, we can see new peaks in the number of the users. ethereum still need well designed L2 solutions like tokamak network or smt like that. plasma chain technology can help dapp ecosystem so much

>> No.24866584

it should drop below 18k, probably 16k, and then go back up again

>> No.24867069

They said that in the 3 figures range

>> No.24867082

We're not even in 2017, it's 2016 when BTC hit $1k, breaking 2014 ATH. But only quality alts and newer projects will be along for the ride, nobody is taking your heavy bags of nano, iota, or whatever shitcoins you were saddled with last time anon.

>> No.24867093

This shit happens daily no matter what. Doesn't matter if there's a pump or not their goal is views only

>> No.24867161

Network effect, asset with unique properties, not controlled by banks like gold. But nobody's making you buy, lots of people watched the stock market run since 2012 pass them by too

>> No.24867205

consider the following:
every single person who googled bitcoin back then does not need to google bitcoin in order to enter the market anymore
>is every buy preceded by a bitcoin google? of course not...