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24861112 No.24861112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bros I have a problem (gf).

We met on tinder a month ago and she lives with me now, cooks me says she loves me etc. I want freedom, I’m tired of it and don’t feel anything, everyday feels like a drag. I WANT TO GO TO THAILAND FFS (she can’t because of legal issues)

TLDR Should I do a rugpull and end my rent/move out and fly to Thailand tomorrow? I am a remote soft eng earning 100k plus so money is not an issue

>> No.24861168
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>> No.24861187

Just tell her she is smothering you and that you need space.

>> No.24861193

knock her up, marry her and have at least 3 children with her

>> No.24861203

Leave cheap shitty coins, don’t be an retard! Go base and make cash while they are making rebase!

>> No.24861223

if you're not happy, end it - goto Thailand and get aids fucking hookers in Patpong..... but dont come back and give it to this poor lass you're stringing along, hmm'k?

>> No.24861231

Oh no no noooo....

>> No.24861246

rolling for mommy e-thot but she's actually nice and fun

>> No.24861251
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Just cheat on her.

>> No.24861275

not /biz/
>moved in after 1 month
you're an idiot, and you will fuck up way worse than this

>> No.24861280

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.24861298

>a month
>moved in already

why do normies do that ? first you go on a vacation with her to test the waters first of all. second a month is not even enough to let her sleep over at my place let alone move in.

>> No.24861361

Just move to Vietnam

>> No.24861409

you literally gf'd a tinder whore? kek. yeah rugpull leave and feel no remorse.

>> No.24861410


>> No.24861418

I am aware, that’s not my first gf.

She is from another city and studying here. I have a pretty cool condo in a new building. I just feel like she is using me sometimes idk...

In prev relationships I never moved in with a girl so early on. But idk how to break free from here in the most interactionless way possible

>> No.24861442

Dude... she moved in with you? What the fuck are you thinking? Even moving in with a partner of 2 years is a bad idea. Dudes need their space. Girls need their space too but are also incredibly clingy. You will obviously kill yourself if you continue dealing with this for 5+ years. Get her ass out of the house, take her on a nice date once a week and 1-2 chill hangouts on other days of the week. Done.

>> No.24861456


>> No.24861482

it's only been 1 month together. Go live your dreams

>> No.24861488

you're a dumbass, kick her at out before habitation laws go into effect
it might already be too late, at which point you will need to have her evicted (could be a months long process)

>> No.24861512

>But idk how to break free from here in the most interactionless way possible

When she is out of the house pack all her things into her bags and place them infront of the door. Change the locks and ghost her on all social media and such. Then get in your car and visit your parents or so and come back a week later.

>> No.24861530

Start acting like a beta, comment all her pictures, give gifts, etc. She will leave.

>> No.24861559

>let a thot know where you live
>let the thot live there too

>> No.24861643

Congrats, anon, you found a borderline. Run. Run your ass off.

>> No.24861651

>I just feel like she is using me sometimes idk...
don't go down the justification route. she probably enjoys being with you but she's a shit person and deserves to be used then discarded and she knows it. don't try to rationalize why, you're not doing anything wrong here.

>> No.24861652
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Might do this. But she says she loves me and looks really sincere, she also shared a lot of secrets with me. Should I still do it? Is it possible that she does something stupid?

Would like answers from older anons mainly

>> No.24861654

You should be honest with her and break up obv

>> No.24861723

I literally can’t bring myself to do it to her face this time. Partly because it’s been really sweet so far and I haven’t event started preparing her for this.

What are the consequences if I just end my rent, disappear and duck off to other country?

>> No.24861746

Other women will say they love you in the future. Spend time with her if you like her but get her the FUCK out of your house right now. I had this happen to me and it gets messy fast. Please for the love of god just tell her you need a little more space and alone time. You should be in control of how often you feel healthy seeing a partner, not being forced to spend time with them whether you like it or not.

>> No.24861802

Serious and unironic advice, anon, check out Sam Vaknin's channel on YT, look for his depictions of borderline personality disorder. Describes your gf to a tee. I mean it, run-your-ass-off.

>> No.24861903

There are no consequences for either action, at least in the way you think. These consequences just sound like anxiety/ negative emotion. What do you honestly think could happen to you if you just dump her and move on? You think she'll hurt you in some way? You should dump her face to face, it builds character and sets her free.

>> No.24861951 [DELETED] 

ez dubs

>> No.24861970

please dubs

>> No.24862021

You met and moved in together within a month? Congratulations you are retarded

>> No.24862026

rolling for fucking anything I'm so lonely bros

>> No.24862048

We had unprotected s e x

I mean, she had some expectations probably. Idk, it just seems that there will be some backlash if I just drop it on her, disappearing might be a better strategy

Either way for her it will seem like a complete 180, out of the blue event

>> No.24862110

it won't you retard. this has happened to her before 100,000,000%. you think she doesn't know what's going on in your head but it's the other way around. the only reason didn't dump her earlier is her manipulation

>> No.24862158

THIS. Also, ask me about lovebombing.

>> No.24862203


>> No.24862240

W-what is lovebombing?

I want to think she used me but she just seemed such a sweet girl. And it’s new year, we already started making plans for NYE

Fuck. I need to disappear, it seems like the only option. Throw out all my shit, end rent and live in hotels until I get to Thailand

>> No.24862367

I will help but need more info

What does she look like and act like?

Is she a stone cold 10 or a utah 7?

Any pic?

>> No.24862375

>I want to think she used me
you're talking like you need a casus belli for breaking up with her and can only do it if she "used you". you can't win that battle. no justification, no rationalization.
YOU have changed your mind. your feelings have changed. goodbye.

>> No.24862382

Oh fuck ya man you're in deep shit. Once you break up with a girl you basically become her enemy and she will do anything to destroy you/not care about your existence. I don't know what she's like, but alot of guys itt say she has borderline.
>IF you think she'll do something to fuck up your life run

>> No.24862419


>> No.24862423

women might look random but they aren't. she might scare him or cause him some nominal damage but there won't be anything serious unless he deserves it.

>> No.24862471

Sam Vaknin can give you chapter and verse, but in one sentence , it's what she's doing to you, anon, showering you with attention, sex, whatever, like a carpet bombing campaign, to throw you off balance, and once she thinks you're done, she'll start to show her REAL self, the monster. Borderlines are psychopaths, anon. First they idealize you, "you're my daddy/true love/whatever , then, when something pops the bubble, knifes out. It's called splitting, you were an angel, now you're a devil. You're in deep shit, anon, because i suspect you're a co-dependent, she'll eat you alive, unless you RUN .

>> No.24862483

Rolling for dubs!!

>> No.24862525

Don't walk away, run. Pull the rug, but RUN.
Fucking this (I'm sorry if you also learned it the hard way). You have been warned OP, in no time (and without ANY signs) she'll turn into a literal demon, you can't save her or the relationship.

>> No.24862538

Montana 6.5, no pics sry. Blond hair blue eyes though, but I barely can get it up with her now

So disappear? I can do that since she doesn’t know where I work, or where my family is etc. I want to go to Thailand and be F R E E so bad man

>> No.24862584

When the literal fuck did she become BORDERLINE?

You faggots know BORDERLINE is a mental disease and needs to be diagnosed by a PSYCHIATRIST right?

>> No.24862613

Yes, i did learned it the wrong way. I'm a magnet for these girls, took me a while to understand why.

>> No.24862619

She kinda fits the bill desu but how have you guessed? I gave very minimal descriptions of her.

She sometimes starts to be really cruel when when she is feeling playful then apologizes, but she even ordered me some pancakes the other day

>> No.24862640

Grass is always greener
Realtalk, do you luv her anon?

>> No.24862646


I was a retard and let my gf move in with me during covid but it’s pretty based, we have sex every day, she cooks and cleans for me, she also pays for all the groceries and utilities saving me $500+ a month. I also get to cuddle every single night. Never getting married tho

>> No.24862653

Absolutely no

>> No.24862671

She’s not your girlfriend if you only met a month ago.

>> No.24862745
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So what the question
is is
>an hero gf?
You got yourself a nutty?

>> No.24862763

Lol women are an investment and you're a bad investor bro. Have strong hands, be patient, keep moving her in a good direction for both of you, give her freedom and resources to explore interesting things, be gentle and caring but strong and patient. Good things will come to you both if you do this. You dont feel anything because you've been brainwashed by the internet and media to hate other people and find enjoyment in yourself only, which is why people who can connect with others rule everything. It's not to late for you, relationships are supposed to be hard you're sharing your life with another person fully that's not an easy task, it means sometimes you may not even feel the love and thats natural, but you keep going and keep building dont be a paper hands faggot.

>> No.24862780

Weird incel larp.

>> No.24862788


>> No.24862790
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enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.24862816

No it’s not, I’m not trolling or bragging, she is not even that attractive why on fucking earth would it be a larp you nigger

>> No.24862827
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no nigger no nigger no nigger no nigger no nigger

>> No.24862835

Seething BPD detected, join the 10% already
There are signs to it anon, thinking on extremes (splitting) is one of them. Either way, you should be suspicious of someone getting this commited in such a short timespan, there's clearly something off (in this case, it might be BPD) I say cut your losses and move on
I'm so sorry anon, I just hope nothing really bad happened to you

>> No.24862838

Haha this
>she moved in after a month and loves me. Must be borderline personality disorder
If you are in a relationship with a borderline you'll fucking know cause it'll be the worst experience of your life

>> No.24862844

Rollin idgaf about your problem

>> No.24862850

maybe separate for a while
tell her you need some space
fuck off to thailand
& see if that makes you happier

>> No.24862859

>moved in after a month
come on bro. If this is real and you want to end it you need to kick her the fuck out before she's legally a resident there. Eviction becomes a lot harder after a certain point depending on what state/province/whatever you live in

>> No.24862870

Idk sounds very cucked anon

I’ve seen what women are capable of, my father for once so I’m negating your opinion altogether

>> No.24862875

>I am a remote soft eng
always the IT cucks with this sort of gay shit
memes aside and unironically, software engineers should be banned from the internet (or confined to very specific places like hacker news and plebbit)

>> No.24862907

that's either a virgin or a woman

>> No.24862912


Kek it’s true. We are all desperate simps

>> No.24862918

Go fuck yiutself, 4chan was literally found and first inhabited by programmers and weebs

>> No.24862934


>> No.24862967

No tranny pls

>> No.24862988

Why do you want to go to Thailand and where are you currently located?

>> No.24863007


>> No.24863025

true but that was a funny post though

>> No.24863028

also, i got married from a similar situation. it happened quick. so quick i cant even believe it.
make your move now and cut her off. asap

>> No.24863033

there we are again

>> No.24863058



>t. dated a BPD girl for a year, ruined my psyche for approximately 12 months after we broke up, only starting to recover now

>> No.24863062
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>> No.24863077

qr nigga gf to marry roll please

>> No.24863101

In Germany, I have multiple passports though. Thailand just opened the visa-free entry for my citizenship and from there I can go to other SEA countries.

I can live in hotels until departure. If I’m rugging I must do this tomorrow since she will be back to my city on Saturday. I basically need to throw my shit out and call my landlord company and that’s it.

>> No.24863114


>> No.24863130


Unfortunately I think you will have to go through this rollercoaster because that's the only way you will learn. I think it doesn't matter what people here say because you've been trapped by the BPD psycho and you'll always rationalise or justify her behaviour until she completely crushes you by dropping one or several nuclear bombs in short-succession.

I had these doubts as you OP but I ignored them and thought I was just being insecure. Turns out it destroyed my innocence/soul and I doubt I can ever get close to a woman ever again.

>> No.24863132

ya man you should dip, only because she might be pregnant

>> No.24863135

just read his tripod website

>she just seemed such a sweet girl.
they're all conniving, some are just more innocent looking and some are more innocent .
If she has any pathological personality disorder gtfo asap

>> No.24863143

Kek hard

>> No.24863157

> women are an investment

What’s the average annual return in that market -90%?

Unless your pimping her out on onlyfans or something lol

>> No.24863190

This. We're not exaggerating, I once ignored this advice, OP. Make sure she has no way of contacting you after you cut her out of your life, things tend to get nasty afterwards.

>> No.24863212

You say this and principally I agree with you, but it completely ignores the chaotic variable that is BPD psycho bitches. These women cannot be helped and cannot be "cured", and it doesn't matter how much love you show them because they are like a black hole which just sucks everything in and gives nothing back. At the end said black hole will eventually swallow you and you'll be spat out on the other side of the singularity as an empty shell of a man.

>> No.24863223

How the fuck are you going to fly to Thailand during the pandemic?? Isn’t Thailand closed for tourism?

>> No.24863267

>principally I agree with you
r-really? you agree with having strong hands WITH A WOMAN? they are programmed to use you if you let them. you will never see anything back.

>> No.24863383
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>met on tinder a month ago
>she lives with me now

>> No.24863391
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If she hasn’t actually done anything yet don’t be a dick. If you wanna stay together tell her that you’re having doubts and you wanna slowdown the relationship. If you wanna break up with her give her some time to find an apartment or stay with a friend. If you just ghost her you’ll be proving feminists right

>> No.24863395

This is not true and is an incel-tier argument. Women need strong men in their lives to anchor their soul, that's what they mean when they say assertiveness is attractive etc. This does not mean they use you for money or wealth or status, it's much more complicated than that.

>> No.24863423

If she loves you, she will join you in Thailand for threesomes with the other skans.

>> No.24863445

>you cheat on her and don’t get caught
>you cheat on her and get caught but she forgives you. Now shes more attracted to you cause she knows you can replace her
> you cheat on her and get caught and she breaks up with you. She’s moves out like you kinda wanted her to anyway

Is this negotiation books mean when they say win/win/win solution?

>> No.24863458


>> No.24863477

c'mon dubs

>> No.24863488

why does it have to be like this man

>> No.24863500


op your dumb

>> No.24863525

and i rolled a man too im going to kms

>> No.24863545

Which gross whore am I rolling for

>> No.24863551

Ew, you like Thai womyn?

>> No.24863586


>> No.24863588

Yeahp exactly never dating. Just banging girls who look like this roll

>> No.24863693

Bpd bitches are fucking nuts. Fun to fuck though, just make sure you only ever go to their place so they dont know where you live.

>> No.24863776

Rolling, just give me 3 already.

>> No.24863825

lol take your meds, she’s not real anon

>> No.24863986

1 6 9 plssssssssss

>> No.24864065


>> No.24864098

Read yesterday’s news

>> No.24864114

Rolling and you met on tinder so the entire "good feminine woman" gig is an act to tie you down

>> No.24864133


>> No.24864230

live your life man...
now for the roll

>> No.24864290

>Women need strong men in their lives to anchor their soul
do you have some resources on the topic

>> No.24864311

George W. Bush framed Al Qaeda for 9/11.

>> No.24864332

Wtf, witnessed

>> No.24864383
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>1 month since meeting
>she loves you
>lives with you
>in an official relationship

Jesus fuck OP what the fuck are you doing

>> No.24864446

rolling for 6

>> No.24864776

enjoy herpes and 87 different strains of hpv

>> No.24864845

Oh, I already do

>> No.24864848

OP you won’t rug even if you wanted to. You are stuck with her for life.

T. Someone who was you 4 years a go and still with the same bitch

>> No.24864963

o no wonder. enjoy mommy gf then

>> No.24865027

I fucking will. I may be soft inside but biz bros help me to find strength, i unironically will step over my nauseating weakness and do the needful. We all deserve freedom and strive for a better life

>> No.24865096

lmau roll dubs