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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24860380 No.24860380 [Reply] [Original]

There are only six types of frens on /biz/

1. Poorfags desperately trying to get rich quick
2. Scammers ripping off the poorfags
3. Boomers investing in rocks and stocks
4. Zoomers investing in shitcoins
5. Richfags that can't tell anyone IRL they're rich for fear of being murdered
6. Schizos that live in an alternate reality

Which one are you? Which type of /biz/ fren smells the worst?

>> No.24860399

1 and 6

>> No.24860449
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checked and seconded

>> No.24860486

1, 4 and 6

>> No.24860512

3 and 6

>> No.24860516

probably a mix between 2, and 6... I dont scam /biz/, but I make a lot of money selling shit people don't need to normies because Im good at sales/marketing. Its not different than any other retail company I guess, but once you learn base-level psychology and sales tactics, it totally feels like a scam. All the things I used to naively think were businesses "passing on the savings to me" are just marketing scams.

I could make a normie believe they absolutely need a bag full of my shit for $20, and then sell them the spoon to eat it with after

>> No.24860540

1 and 6 where I convinced myself $1000 link is a possibility

>> No.24860566

3, please kill me

>> No.24860577

I most relate to #5

>> No.24860585


>> No.24860586

2,3 and 6 here

>> No.24860612

Same #5

>> No.24860617

so basically a Q tard?

>> No.24860643

Mostly 3 I guess.

>> No.24860692 [DELETED] 

Mainly #4, mona finance is a pick for this week

>> No.24860717

so millenials all count to the poorfags probably

>> No.24860777

All frens welcome here.


>> No.24860850

5 and 6. Becoming a wizard was a huge mistake, I really should have fucked a hooker when I had a chance. I cannot unlearn this forbidden arcane knowledge.

>> No.24860877

Wow so many schizos. Thanks for keeping this board crazy

Ya, millenials are either 1 or 5 depending on if they invested in Bitcorn or not.

>> No.24860898

3 and 4, I am the chad currency shorter that only holds his wealth in crypto and metals

>> No.24860903

Are all frens welcome fren?

>> No.24860914

All the above is #6 right?

>> No.24860936

Seconded, I don't want to die, but I don't know how to live

>> No.24860995

4 and 3

>> No.24861039

Yes fren

>> No.24861074

1+4+6 combo

>> No.24861116

#2 spotted

>> No.24861118

5 here but we're all frens in the end

>> No.24861139


>> No.24861171
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>> No.24861195

5 and 6, not gonna lie.
I keep having fantasies about me ruling my country with an iron fist when I get wealthy enough.

>> No.24861230
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Its scary. I would totaly loose all extended family, as they would only start seeing me as a cash cow.

>> No.24861281

I can relate to this. Not to mention that they wanted me to teach them how to make money like me, it's not like they can learn in 1 day what I've learned in years and years.
Now I just prefer to tell anyone that I'm either broke or I make a low amount like $50 a day.

>> No.24861342
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>> No.24861397

Kek, fuck you faggot. Ruggers get the rope

>> No.24861436


>> No.24861486
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I find it really easy to handle when people ask me how to make money. I tell them to read a book I recommend and then talk to me when they finish it. To date not a single person has done this even though the book (The Wealthiest Man in Babylon) can be finished in one sitting. I feel absolutely no guilt about this.

>> No.24861501

Mix between 3 and 4.

>> No.24861532

Probably 4. Maybe 1 as well, because I'd be considered a poorfag in first world currencies.

>> No.24861574

Boomer, stocks and real estate. I've considered crypto but I'd rather take the medium-risk, medium-reward path of life. If things go well with my RE side business I could still be fairly rich in my middle age.

>> No.24861684

1 and 4 are the same. 3 and 5 are the same.

>> No.24861696


>> No.24861796

woah we're all frens here, fren

Plenty of poorfags that don't invest in shitcoins.
Plenty of boomers that aren't worried about being murdered. Funds are safe in traditional finance.

>> No.24862508

5. Getting murdered hasn’t crossed my mind because I have no friends.
I don’t tell my family because I’m never cashing out.
It is a game for me now and the only thing I find enjoyable. I treat it as an expensive hobby.

>> No.24862615
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I become a wizard in 2 weeks... Oh no...

>> No.24862678

What do you tell them? I’m thinking just say you work from home.

>> No.24862719


>> No.24862806
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1, 4 and 6 mother fuckers

>> No.24862814

1. I just invested for the first time ever in bitcoin and have no idea what to do from here.

>> No.24862819

Lol same fren. I’ve tried to give advice to a few of my young cousins and I even did the effort of downloading the book on their phone when I visited them a few months ago, and till date literally none of them have even opened it.
The zoom zoom generation is doomed anon, there are just so many distractions.

>> No.24862837

I'm going to murder you

>> No.24862866

Uh anon, Bitcoin isn’t a get rich quick investment. It’s for those who want to keep their wealth.

>> No.24862872
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what a go-getter!

>> No.24862889

#6 but on my way to #5

>> No.24862963
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>> No.24863011

4 and 1

>> No.24863166

all of the above

>> No.24863274

frens don't murder frens, fren

multiple personalities?

>> No.24863300

5 and 6
feels good man.

>> No.24863314

2, have you heard of LuigiCoin?

>> No.24863336

I guess the closest one to me is 5 but I only have 300k. I don't feel like that's very rich.

>> No.24863342

I hate how every normie thinks they're going to get a 10x with BTC lmao. It's a hedge against deflation

>> No.24863467
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>> No.24863679

1 and 6

>> No.24863856

I just wanted to add, if you’re a zoomer and really want to escape your current situation, I can guide or mentor you. For free but only through email, no discord/other shit because I’ll only be replying to you when I have the time. Do not waste my time, You don’t have to be smart, just determined and consistent. It’s not gonna be easy but it’ll be worth it. The first thing you’re gonna do is a dopamine reset, and yes that means no porn or cooming.


>> No.24864001

4 with a dash of 6 and 1

>> No.24864235

4,5 and 6

>> No.24865379

2,3,4,5 and 6 are all the same as 1

>> No.24865433
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am fren sirs pls to giv privat keyes

>t. Pajeet Shitinstreet

>> No.24865444


>> No.24865502

1 + 3 + 6 tbqh
i'm poor, buy shiny rocks and schizo around all day for fun.

>> No.24865620

A mixture of 1., 5. And 6.

I’m middle class but a raver with a bunch of poor ass friends who are increasingly becoming drug addicted and who would beg me for money and try to scam me if they knew I had any.

>> No.24866533
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#3 frens

>> No.24866544

1 and 666

>> No.24866592

>1 and 5 are the same
>poorfags trying to get rich quick are the same as richfags
What is that, Buddhist?