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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24844474 No.24844474 [Reply] [Original]

>He brings his own lunch to work

>> No.24844510

>he goes to work

>> No.24845206

excellent thread OP, Tone Vays quality level of content right here

>> No.24845225
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>> No.24846221

I'd like to see you do any better!

>> No.24846249


>> No.24846688

Paper bag of trail mix and a gallon jug of water.

>> No.24846851
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>Look at this loser saving money for his future while I waste it all on empty sandwiches at the local bakery

>> No.24846887

I've eaten nothing but PB&Js at work for months. Switch up the jelly though.

>> No.24846900

I don't eat lunch.

>> No.24847017

Why don't you support the local economy?
Nobody likes a stingy jew

>> No.24847204

I take my own food/drink everywhere, sometimes I'll take a 2L soda to a restaurant and just ask for a cup/ice. Can't really get away with food but the drink is easy enough.

>> No.24847276

Why would I waste my money on another layer of labor for the sake of it being "artisanal" or whatever.

weak sourdough munchers NGMI

>> No.24847300
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American class, exemplified.
Also, who the hell drinks 2L of sugary water for a single meal? You fat fuck, you disgust me.

>> No.24847316

when I still went to work before covid. I fasted until the day was over. I only ate at evenings. fuck the sandwich jew

>> No.24847319

because low iq people need a job, too

>> No.24847390

2L of soda? Fucking hell you fat cunt, visit /fit/ and read about the hell that is diabetes.

>> No.24847519

>packing his own nutritious healthy lunch instead of eating unhealthy cafeteria or butter covered restaurant food
Yeah, I'm thinking based.

>> No.24847637

You’re employer got those vending machines for you retard

>> No.24848043

This is for me and someone else and we don't usually finish it

>> No.24848079

>he doesnt take in 16 sausage pasta to dab on all the cunts

>> No.24848101

Are you balding?