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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 650x495, Farmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24844269 No.24844269 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not going all in on a Hedge Fund with a p/e ratio of around 3. FARM has 100M more TVL than YFI, earns more profits, and is 1/14th of its market cap.

They just showed up on the Bankless podcast, and are due for a Poloniex listing


This is going to melt faces over the next few weeks. By all rights this should have a higher market cap than YFI, but even at half of its market cap each FARM would be at $896

Buy on uniswap:

Graph :

>> No.24844689

Bump, I like FARM. It's my comfiest hold. Even when prices are low, I still win because each buyback can buy more FARMs and higher APYs. Was getting 300%+ when it was in 100s, now down to the 220-250% but still awesome

>> No.24844802
File: 1.80 MB, 3022x2764, 7150CF63-9E31-4BBD-A682-DBEC9B613F69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy on uniswap:


>> No.24844820


I bought this shit when it was $90, hold all the way to 340 and then all the way to $100 again and sold, fuck this shit.

>> No.24844930

Kek sucks to be you mate, but we're on our way back up -- already at $130. Not too late to catch the train, you get awesome APYs either way

>> No.24844978

just bought 10 and staked
what am i in for lads

>> No.24845002

top kek
you did good anon
imagine holding a shitcoin that got flashcucked

>> No.24845109

I staked 54 FARM, I feel like GOD.

>> No.24845219
File: 365 KB, 1484x2101, 20201206_000103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend you join the discord friend. Watching each doHardWork call go off is a thing of beauty as you see the profit machine buy back farm at market and distribute to stakers.

They're careful to ensure emissions to depositors are less than the 30% take so as long as TVL is high and the profits are good -- the perpetual profit machine goes on

>> No.24845297
File: 52 KB, 561x560, 1607760584169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitcoin that gets liquidity scammed on a monthly basis
> Anonymous chink devs
>Dev holds majority of tokens

Checks out.

>> No.24845571

Nigger I literally have no idea what you're on about. None of that sounds anything like Harvest.

You sure you're not confused with HarvestER? Very different projects lmao

>> No.24845584

>buying a coin that got hacked

>> No.24845619

Never got hacked lol. It was a flash loan arbitrage attack. The code was not at fault, the vulnerability was relying on Curve as a sole price oracle, which has been fixed.

All victims have also been distributed GRAINS which will be progressively bought back by the Devs and burned until there are none left.

>> No.24845645

Why buy it. Just farm it. Interest rates are already s tier. The only thing holding me back is the long term outlook of their operation. If they last another 6 months no hack ill be interested in putting in 100k

>> No.24845665

>fixed after millions were taken
I totally trust them now!

>> No.24845898

Kek your loss bud, they are already back at 600M TVL, 60% of what they had pre-attack.

You can wait till they recover fully but that'll be 3x from now :p

>> No.24846154

Sold. Im in for 0.5 ETH

>> No.24846542

Based and Farmpilled.