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File: 400 KB, 1024x768, Swarm City SWT.001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2484344 No.2484344 [Reply] [Original]



>Boycott SWT
>No more pajeet scams on /biz/

Last time /biz/ stood up against this shitcoin it dropped 6k sat in value and it keeps falling.


I'm not advocating any other coin, I just don't like these scammers.

>> No.2484364
File: 10 KB, 551x39, cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you faggot.

>> No.2484379

>INB4 Shill team 6 lights this board up.

>> No.2484381

SWT confirmed not a scam


>> No.2484397

Proof pajeet. Your claims are meaningless without it.

>> No.2484422
File: 222 KB, 741x839, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rekt dirty jew

>> No.2484442

Literally what the fuck am I looking at. Are you seriously going to try to pass that as proof the coin isn't a scam?

>> No.2484465
File: 1.43 MB, 400x206, 3424.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tech works, people retweeting successful deals

That is PROOF its not a scam

In fact all you have to do is sign up on the website but of course you wont do that, you'll just post shitty Pajeet memes and call people pajeets without even testing the platform

you're a retard. The platform is already out and running


>> No.2484486
File: 471 KB, 633x754, chrome_2017-06-17_17-33-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2484496
File: 115 KB, 1616x949, Screen Shot 2017-06-17 at 12.32.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What happened yesterday anons?

>> No.2484504

BTC and ETH went down in price.

>> No.2484512
File: 90 KB, 1238x692, Advisory Board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally what the fuck am I looking
Are you really going to sit here for months shilling this bullshit?

Pic related is their advisory board. Really mate try harder, it's obvious you missed the spike.

As to it currently dropping, well DUH, that's called selling the news, you would have too if you weren't a fuckwit. This was a release of their MINIMUM viable product, a public alpha.

>> No.2484524

Looks a lot less AIDSy than his brother

>> No.2484525

BTC is +7.33% and ETH is +1.24%

Try again.

>> No.2484533

That's Vitalik's dad you numpty lol.

He's also an accomplished programmer himself.

>> No.2484539
File: 2.73 MB, 1954x2946, 1464736571259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean they went UP, this was SWT keeping pace in USD, actually slipping some

>> No.2484546

>What happened yesterday

>> No.2484565

The OP is a dedicated fudder btw. He made 3 "Pajeet" threads at once at the boardwalk release, you can see in his screenshot the (you) where he capped someone's reply to himself, arsed about putting it in a screenshot, and then repeatedly makes threads with it lol.

So much effort. Ask yourself why.

>> No.2484588

Because I hate you pajeet fucks. Also I think this craigslist / uber / wal-mart coin is absolutely a scam.

>> No.2484653

>I think
>I hate
>I want to buy this cheap, plz drop the price biz, plz plz plz, I missed out so much.

Sure mate, the only thing you are, is a complete and utter twat.

Seriously you trying so hard screencapping replies to yourself and using the exact same screenshot, spamming threads everywhere and making up bullshit, (look at that advisory board lol, scam, really?), well, your actions speak for themselves desu.

Are you the barely literate third-worlder who keeps making the ETH fud threads too? As that would explain a lot as well.

>> No.2484680

Get rekt, the tech works, SWT is here to stay and only get bigger than here

u mad brah

>> No.2484698

Prove it. Other than showing me your fake pictures, actually prove it.

>> No.2484708

Fucking great to see people actually using it already lol. I've just bought back in now, was going to wait a bit longer.

This release was only to test the fucking under-the-bonnet fundamentals, certainly wasn't meant to be for actual use yet, but people ARE using it already it seems.

Just how big is this going to go once you can use any hashtag (ONLY #pioneer at the moment), and with better UI.

Anyways ignore the child OP, have a read for yourselves whether you think this will be a worthwhile investment or not, and whether it will actually have the appeal for a fuckload of normies.

Business Presentation (Keep in mind this is from before the release): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1DmrmXUZ-tv_1M2qGU6hrCPblOlB808eKw15hsNPdrrw/edit#slide=id.g1b9dd54841_0_1

Overview of Boardwalk, the MVP in this release: https://press.swarm.city/swarm-city-boardwalk-overview-9a362f19411f

OP obviously didn't know how to do his research, so missed out buying the dips and now he's desperately trying to keep the price down so he can buy in. Soz mate but slowpokes miss the train, go sprout bitbeans.

>> No.2484717

>Those pics are real
>Twitter is social proof
>There is literal proof on the website https://swarm.city/
>Dirty little jew pretends that it doesn't exist and asks for proof


u mad?

>> No.2484730

Wouldn't hold this shit coin even if I got it for free.

>> No.2484755

Course you wouldn't, you'd sell low like /biz/tards always do. Then come on screaming about pajeets and scams lol.

Seriously mate, crypto obviously ain't for you.

>> No.2484872

Feel free to get left behind, nobody's gonna wait for you. If normies start adapting this, it will outperform every single coin out there.

>> No.2484876
File: 179 KB, 326x326, SWT-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more. You must either be a dev or a neet with too much time at this point.

If you are a dev I just want to let you know that you and all your friends look like dumb faggots in the pictures you post.

R.I.P your coin.

>> No.2485025
File: 14 KB, 183x232, 324234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SWT being used in real life
>I tried so hard to tank the price but failed
>better post shitty pajeet meme even though Im a dirty jew that wants to keep them on fiat
>*Sees Tweet*

>> No.2485062

Do I sound American, you fucking kike?

Seriously, projecting this much.

>> No.2485077

Is it really though? I've got a feeling you guys are bullshitting. Tweets aren't real life.

>> No.2485097
File: 32 KB, 380x380, 4234234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you masturbate to cuckold porn, you fudding anon?

Do you want to be slaves to the jews?

Oh wait

>You are the Jew


>> No.2485113

>I think
>I hate
>I've got a feeling

>> No.2485145

Just let this obvious scam coin die

Spamming biz with threads is just as much shitposting as the devs shitting in the streets

Anyone that doesn't know it's a useless poojet coin by now just can't be helped.

>> No.2485178

>but people ARE using it already
Not they are not. A chink tweeted a transaction with Forrest. What is marketing?

>> No.2485181

Buy for the pump sell for the dump faggot. Economics 101.

>> No.2485201
File: 40 KB, 470x471, Lajos Bokros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed browser now. Same person.


Yes yees, keep using that fiat goys, mmm all that tax, yeeeees.

>> No.2485231


>more than one person is calling out my shitcoin
>Better double down my shilling

>coin with actual use
No one that has access to indoor plumbing is using it, Rajeesh

>> No.2485235
File: 87 KB, 596x643, sholomo-sheckleberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirty jews, when will they learn?

We're moving off of fiat. Get over it already

>> No.2485493

What's that site/program?