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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 509x377, gayjannie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24841485 No.24841485 [Reply] [Original]

I've got a bone to pick with the jannies of this board.

I have never seen such useless cowards in my entire life. Not ONCE in my time here have they made themselves known - unless its deleting/banning quality posts. These faggots let countless scams go on, they used to let people blatantly post porn and trannies. They have refused to do anything about adding flags to this board.

What the fuck is the point of these garbage people? They don't ever talk here ever. If I had it my way we'd toss them all out and start fresh.

This board could be so much better. Make /biz/ great again. Fuck our current jannies. Hear that jannies? FUCK YOU. GET BETTER!

>> No.24841508

The hiroshimoot approach is no public bans and no podting as mod jannies ehich is very shit. I miss the days of seeing a big red ban hammer on a post.

>> No.24841534

if you impose censoring this place will become no better than reddit.

>> No.24841551

Fck tranny jannies

>> No.24841552

Are you illiterate?

>> No.24841617

lemme guess,
>muh friday 13th

>> No.24841650

How does cleaning this board from Pajeet and Nigerian scams make this board more like reddit, dumbass. OP wants this board to return to the greatness it once was where quality free thinking business and finance content was allowed no matter how much tranny jannies disagreed with it. Now tranny jannies do a horrible job and delete content that doesn’t align with their personal views rather then breaking a rule.

>> No.24841689

They will probably delete this post once they see it during their 5 hour Intervals of actually doing any janny work.

>> No.24841705

the pajeet scams serve as a filter to fuck over newfags and discourage normies from using the board. and tranny jannies do not delete content that don't align with their personal views. give me an example.

>> No.24841723
File: 93 KB, 631x425, 1606418906834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the shit posting (which I admit Ive been involved in) slides threads which is a sort of censorship. The best thing jannies could do is simply enforce on-topic threads, no porn, and push for this board to have flags.

>> No.24841755

if you can't determine where a poster lives based on their typing style you're ngmi

>> No.24841797

I made a decentralized 4chan a few months ago and none of you fuckers would join

>> No.24841827

> This board could be so much better.
As someone who has been here since /biz/ was created, I doubt it.

>> No.24841849

How rich are you? What did you learn on here?

>> No.24842009

0xchan or whatever? Nigger I ain't paying to shit post, I want my jannies to do it for free.