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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24836118 No.24836118 [Reply] [Original]

slow and steady 2x, hasn't dumped significantly even once since the airdrop

>> No.24836189

sleepers gonna sleep

>> No.24836304

how much do you hold? I just kept my airdrop :/ kinda wish I had put in more

>> No.24836362

I have a nice stack

What amazes me is the selling absorption.. This thing is behaving like UNI first few days of airdrop except longer

>> No.24836407


Nobody is selling because everyone wants their DIGG drop.

>> No.24836419

how much longer can it keep the pace you think? thinking of dropping a few more ETH into it and staking it

>> No.24836456

Do you get DIGG by holding Badger?

>> No.24836461


just deposit on one of the curve.fi pools and get the rewards without the exposure to badger

>> No.24836488


The launch of DIGG is the 20th but nobody knows how they will distribute (it will be an airdrop to badger thats for sure), possibly to all participants and based on the amount they put onto the system.

>> No.24836664

who knows? chart is bullish but is it bullish from long-term accumulation or DIGG hype?

>> No.24836875

DIGG hype is huge, basically airdropping BTC to anyone staking. Also marketcap is only 10 million, fully diluted 250 million but only around half are being distributed so more like 150million.

>> No.24836973

I just don't want another YFV fiasco. Hype was huge also and then it all went to shit.

>> No.24837029
File: 54 KB, 680x453, 1592014604903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deposited into the LP sett on the first day. Making good returns on it and the deposit has compounded. Between the token price rising, and the compunding deposit, my money has doubled.

>> No.24837149

Nice work king

>> No.24837164

Here's an audit if that helps.

>> No.24837343

Badger is so comfy. Making really good returns in BTC and Badger setts and will be even better once dig is live.

>> No.24837356

Haven't heard a word about dig. Found the site.

What's the association with badger?

>> No.24837915

DIGG is their BTC stable coin being released to people who interact w/ the badger + badger-related staking

>> No.24837923

it's insane that /biz/ doesn't know about Badger, ESD or DSD.

>> No.24838068
File: 19 KB, 253x229, 1591846808646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys.

Found the announcement in the launch parameters. Hyped.


>> No.24838867

Let them sleep a bit longer

>> No.24839345

I'm a poorfag I hold only 20 of those and I can't buy more until jan, kill me please.

>> No.24839531
File: 627 KB, 1200x627, badger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol been talkn about this for 2 weeks almost and biz now just catches on. i thought biz was better then this

>> No.24840150

i sold 3,000 Badger at $3.80. AMA. I want to kill myself. I didn't understand DIGG.

>> No.24840619

badger is next yfi level going to $75

>> No.24841030

plz stop

>> No.24841085


>> No.24841198

Delete pls im accooimulatimg

>> No.24841263
File: 2 KB, 125x84, 1592014009062s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stake that badger bruuuuuuuuuuuh

>> No.24841286

delete this

>> No.24841414
File: 506 KB, 640x640, OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC Badgerbros spread it

>> No.24841466

so deep in staking badger that if this shit crashes my wife will divorce me

>> No.24841554

im not fucking joking you clearly dont understand badger
most complicated airdrop yet, yeah they fucked it up for some people but made huge connections doing it
they have so much in the works and its only 2 weeks in this is going to moon hard for awhile.
This is a lesson in who can a spot actual projects and who is running around chasing reflect and keeper and core clones.

>> No.24842045
File: 79 KB, 400x225, badgerkong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24842143

where my badger meme nft chads at

>> No.24842545

Few more pineapples and I got me a Silk Road/Pizza

>> No.24842845


>> No.24843768

Just looked up digg. It’s an ampl for btc. Basically means it’ll be another major pump and dump. Remember to sell the top bizbros

>> No.24844338

because it's a ponzi and they literally lock in your BTC and put half into the token itself to pump it.

>> No.24844628


>> No.24844637

I'm staking wBTC/Badger. I can unstake whenever I want, I don't see anywhere that indicates the opposite

>> No.24844921

do not listen to any of these faggots. they do not have your best interest at heart. just do nothing.

>> No.24845014


>> No.24845485

badger badger badger badger

>> No.24845846
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>> No.24845896

im close too you better not mint before me fucker mine mine mine

>> No.24845997

>t. Did not bother to do any research once so ever literally what a failure

>> No.24846802

Daily reminder that Vitalik did the Badger dance and his father blessed this coin

>> No.24847877

what retarded telegram group is cross fagging this hard kys and dilate you fucking faggots

>> No.24847945

>be me
>stake badger
>Digg Initial Supply: 6250
>15% to stakers
>i'll probably get 0,000001

>> No.24847953

what is that DIGG everyone's talking about ?

an AMPL like but pegged to BTC ?