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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24834451 No.24834451 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about how to REALLY make it and escape the wagecuck life that literally anyone can do. Skilled trades. 4 years paid apprenticeship that starts between 18-25 an hour depending on the trade, freedom to go anywhere once you are a journeyman, position fight to hire you not the other way around gives you the ability to say "Fuck You" to asshole bosses. 100% matching 401k, insurance that would make a Jew blush with envy, union funded retirement to the tune of 50k a year, 6 figure income. NO STUDENT DEBT.

>> No.24835358

Trades are gay, it’s more nepotistic than white collar desk slavery. Unless you know somebody, even if you test well and interview well, you can get cucked because a literal retard who tested below you knows someone already in that union. Trades also destroy your body, so you’re trading off student loans for body joints over the same amount of time it would take to pay off a loan.

>> No.24835487

Bahaha, you know literally nothing about trades or the interview. I will come in, overcharge you 300 bucks to snake your drain for 10 minutes and you will pay me with a smile while I laugh at you. In 15 years I have never lifted anything heavier than a 30lb tool bag and get 6 mos a year completely off while STILL making 6 figures. Go die under you florescent lamps for the next 5 years till your programming job is automated away by bots and AI. I'll toast you during one of my 2 vacations a year abroad while you are trying to survive on your 1000 a month UBI subsidy.

>> No.24835628

> an't lift over 300lbs
> doesn't fit
> doesn't pray to the iron temple
> brags about not being able to lift 300lbs
> gf/ wife is probably 300lbs if they are not single
> makes 6 figures but doesn't know that office workers get equity as well, which is worth more than a salary
> still has to get their hands dirty
> cannot automate their job
> brags about getting 6 months of work off a year, doesn't know that office workers barely work over 15 hours a week despite getting paid for 40
> thinks bots and AI which are programs themselves, can self program themselves.
> thinks robots wont be able to automate MANUAL labor in the future. which is primarily what robots are meant to do.
> appears to be a plumber, has to touch shit for most of their day, while we are comfy at home.

Hmm..yeah you're right, you have it way better than us.. fuck

>> No.24835689

yeah trades are dumb. OP is clearly coping. Most office jobs give employees full benefits these days. I pay absolutely $0 a month for a full comprehensive insurance plan. This cuck has to give up a % of his salary to a middleman who has to negotiate on their behalf, and controls their raises YoY.

big kek

>> No.24835752

phone posting - 30lbs not 300. Your wife is definitely 300lbs if you cant lift over 30

>> No.24835798

pretty sure he meant on the job he has never had to life over 30 lbs, not that he cannot lift 30 lbs, stupidity of this board amazes me sometimes

>> No.24835815

You lost me when you showed you can't read, and when you thought a bot will be able to plumb a house sometime in the next 100 years kek.
I work because I enjoy it, havent needed to work since I paid off my house after the second year.
You want to work tech but you dont even know bots and AI are already writing programs by themselves? Good luck.

That's just the infancy. Creating a bot that can write code is only getting easier, creating a bot that autonomously navigate a house, diagnose a problem load the materials needed for the fix, perform the work and leave from a remote site? Bahahaha. Enjoy your delusions.

>> No.24835853

Yeah, just laughing at the cucks drowning under student loans watching their jobs get automated away. Let them cry.

>> No.24835864

Don't listen to this fucking NEET, tradeskills are great. There is a major shortage of tradeskill workers, you don't have to know anyone, and your body will last longer from moving around during the day instead of rotting in a tendie basement while doing office or NEET shit.

>> No.24835977

This guy gets it. I still work because it keeps me healthy and active. Anyone trashing trades when your guaranteed 6 figures + useful life long skills is clearly pissed about getting out earned and outlived by someone that didnt sign up for 30k student loans just to be told they need 5 years experience in a program that hasnt been around for 3 by someone that cant even use google. kek.

>> No.24836503 [DELETED] 

its sad though, I had student debt but paid it off in 2017 by cashing out some crypto gains. We were all lied to by teachers/the establishment of how we NEEDED to go into debt to have any sort of future. In an ok paying accounting job, but I acknowledge trades would have been the way to go.

>> No.24836578

> shares FUD article
> first thing you see on said article "Welcome to ‘Female Founders’, the Information Age series profiling 12 "
> Female engineers

Into the trash it goes. Ok well good luck. Enjoy manipulating literal pajeet shit for the rest of your life. I'm going to enjoy my 200k job that I managed to get without having any sort of college degree.

>> No.24836670

underwater welding by any chance?or perhaps a pilot?

>> No.24836672

>I'm going to enjoy my 200k job that I managed to get without having any sort of college degree.

Same! Except your 1 in a million, meanwhile with trades literally anyone can have it. Dont want to do any physical labor? Go operators union. Sit on your ass and drive a grader for 45 an hour. Enjoy outdoors? Work remote. There is a trade that pays 6 figures for anyone that wants it. No competition, easy job and no luck involved.

>> No.24836691

Underwater welding gets 150 an hour + but it takes a lot of work to get there and is dangerous as fuck. Bit of that's your bag, go for it.

>> No.24836754
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I learned the ways of the blockchain.

Specifically getting some API3.

>> No.24836806

Cybersecurity - self taught, started hacking in high school back when public wifi became a thing and WEP was still being used (dating myself a bit).. I do enterprise security operations now

>> No.24836892

Good for you, sounds like you made it. Not sure why you are in this thread trying to fud the easiest and most feasible way for you avg person to easily achieve in 5 years what it took you a lifetime of effort and luck to accomplish.

>> No.24836992

It's somewhat dishonest to market that trades are easy to get into. There are a limited number of apprenticeships available each year. Further, if what you say is true, the most logical thing to happen is that a large corporation like Amazon (or a net new firm) will end up busting down unions (this is bound to happen eventually, they have too much money) and will form a corporation that consist of entirely blue collar workers. Those blue collar workers will then be farmed out to other large corporations that own all of the real estate around the world due to how much they were able to acquire from wealth transfers over time.

If you think this sounds improbable, you should take a look at some of the asian countries around the world. This is already happening on a micro scale (See South Korea and Samsung basically owning everything)

>> No.24837045

Submitted to soon but right now this only happens at the corporate level. It will eventually make its way down stream to the retail / domestic / consumer level. Once that happens, your comfiness will disappear (assuming you haven't retired by then). You should read up on industry 4.0

>> No.24837059

Never to late to start, I was in class with guys that where in their 40's when I started. Just go to a union hall and ask when interviews start. During the interview when they ask why they should select you say, "Because no one that you are going to Interview wants to work as bad as I do. I've already made all the mistakes, got all my drinking and partying out of the way. Now I just want to learn a valuable skill that will provide for me and my family for the rest of my life."
You will be accepted, it's just that simple.

>> No.24837061

youre going to be replaced by mexicans that will work for a 3rd of your wage in less then 5 years

>> No.24837229

Good luck. Unions have too much power and union lobbyists have placed layer upon layer upon layer of laws in place to protect them. Maybe one day, 100 years from now what you say may happen, but everything else will fall before the trade unions do. We literally ensure the rest of the country works. Office drones, retail workers, burger flippers etc. Are all expendable to the elites, but trade unions will survive even the most dystopic future. World is always going to need plumbers, welders, carpenters, masons and electricians. Once we reach the point thos jobs are automated we are either in the Star Trek future or Judge Dredd future.

>> No.24837300

Bahaha, someone with zero understanding chimes in. If they could they already would have. You have no idea just how powerful the unions are, more to the point you underestimate how much skill and training it takes and how many people it takes to keep things running. Even now with massive immigration of both skilled and unskilled labor there is about 1/5th the number of tradesman needed to keep this country running. Why do you think I can literally move anywhere in the country and be making 50+ an hour within a week with zero contacts or connections.

>> No.24838145
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>You lost me when you showed you can't read, and when you thought a bot will be able to plumb a house sometime in the next 100 years kek.
>I work because I enjoy it
Dumb nigger alert, pic related

>That's just the infancy. Creating a bot that can write code is only getting easier, creating a bot that autonomously navigate a house, diagnose a problem load the materials needed for the fix, perform the work and leave from a remote site?

It's called state spaces you shit pipe fixing pee brain.
You see humans are needed to "code" because complex problems have an unbounded possibility of solutions

Here's a basic statement of the problem your too dumb to learn about https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travelling_salesman_problem

What is this thread?
just a way to suck your own cock for making X dollars per hour?
Imagine thinking wages which have the worst tax treatment are superior to investment returns you create with your mind from anywhere in the world.

Get a grip on yourself you literally install shit pipes, a job that has been around since Roman times!