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24833053 No.24833053 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been applying to sales positions with a bullshit fake degree I photoshopped companied with a resume I copied that shows 10+ years of sales experience and I was just hired on a big company as a senior sales rep and I have zero clue what I’m doing. Any sales fags here that can quickly run me through the lingo? It’s a payment processing company. I think I’m basically selling payroll to companies ? I’m so fucked someone with knowledge pls help I really need this money

>> No.24833098


>> No.24833118

if Trump was able to larp his way into the oval office i have faith in you anon. Anything can be done

>> No.24833124

i'm pretty sure you just play golf and get drunk with other guys who barely do anything

>> No.24833126

based and hilarious if true

>> No.24833126,1 [INTERNAL] 

sauce on grill?

>> No.24833181

Where's that copypasta with the old guy business wojak?

>> No.24833303

Find a good audiobook on sales.
Get in your car.
Drive until you have listened to the entire thing.
Repeat every time you get a chance.
You'll be caught up in no time.

>> No.24833355

sales is all emailing people and calling them and talking about the product. thats it. just pester people about the product until they buy it

>> No.24833369

>payment processing

>> No.24833412
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kek this is the ultimate blackpill, until diplomas and other education shit is in one unified system scum like us will shit on the brainlets actually wasting their time "studying"

>> No.24833415

It’s true. And I’m worried I got myself into a big fuck here. I guess I’m just gonna wing it. This company pays residuals for life on deals closed. If I can work this I’ll be set

>> No.24833446

Payment processing is just transaction processing for companies. Just know your numbers and be friendly/not too pushy with your clients. Also, always be closing “ABC”. Find a way to get your client to be signing documents and paying you money. This is the essence of sales.

>> No.24833460

Lying is how you get ahead in life, especially for a fuck up like me

>> No.24833466

What kind of payment processing exactly? I work at Ford eCommerce and we need to replace Fiserv since they're shit.

>> No.24833493

Former sales, and it's not as easy as cold calling or just randomly showing up at places. You can belt feed emails to up and coming companies, but a large portion of your work will come from upselling your existing product to current customers (basically, getting them to buy access to more features your company offers). Cozy up with existing customers and follow any leads. Eventually one will spill it as to knowing another company that'll need your company's service. Ask them politely to refer you to their point of contact they know.

>Hey, Sergey is it? This is anon with (insert company). Vitalik and I got to talking and he said you may be in need of...

A lot of it is patience. Best of luck and good job bullshitting your way into a good job.

>> No.24833499

Thanks. I’m worried about the lingo, I have to sound knowledgeable. I just need to survive until I can learn enough to look and sound the part. I’m just trying not to get fired so I can make a few 100k and put it into crypto. I’m shocked I even got this far

>> No.24833540

This is solid thanks I can tell you have some experience. You sound like the people I interviewed with what they were saying

>> No.24833573

Payroll for business I believe its payroll software I’m selling to businesses

>> No.24833648

Read the straight line method by Jordan belfort

>> No.24833651
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get a part time job at a used car dealership for a bit and they will train you.
Make sure some greasy italian/cuban guys run it, you will be able to sell ice to an eskimo within weeks.

>> No.24833688

Thanks will consider

>> No.24833731

I did something similar but for an entry-level position. All my work experience was irrelevant bs from bankrupt companies, but I didn't want to admit to being a neet. It ended up working out great.

>> No.24833732

I’ll check that out. I actually just watched Belforts trading documentary called Trader(1987) he tried to get it deleted off YouTube but I downloaded a copy

>> No.24833750

>100k a year
no way in hell you'd ever make that base. only from commissions

>> No.24833765
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probably larp but hilarious nonetheless

>> No.24833778

based Josè poster

>> No.24833784

Read Influence by Robert Cialdini
It gives interesting views into how sales people operate etc. The key ideas are CLASSR
Liking - obvious, if they like you they'll help you
Apeal to Authority - 4 out of 5 dentists recommend
Social Proof - monkey see monkey do
Scarcity - convince someone something is scarce then they are more likely to want it
Reciprocity - do something nice for someone and they feel an obligation to return the favor (Read how Hare Krishnas hand out roses at airports and get donations)

>> No.24833793


If not larp, I'm not even mad.

>> No.24833807

C -> consistency, if someone does something then they will feel their future actions need to be consistent with their past

>> No.24833817

Read “how to win friends and influence people”

>> No.24833825

Start some fake companies overseas and sign some contracts. You’ll get the credit for them and by the time they get written off as bad debt maybe you’ll have figured out how to actually sell.

>> No.24833906

No problem. Usually getting your foot in any door is a pain in the ass for entry level shit, let alone sales lead positions. It's all in your mindset: if you're an outgoing kind of person you'll be good to go. Absorb everything you learn like a sponge, in the event you get busted or they just plain let you go for underperforming numbers. You'll at least at that point made some contacts within that company itself and you can take the experience (and good references) to bolster your resume for your next stop.

>> No.24833949

kek. start a massive pyramid scheme with fake companies

>> No.24833975

Exactly. Once your foot is in the door anyone is able to learn. This company allows me to keep ownership over the portfolio I build and with the choice to sell it back to the company when I choose to leave or not.

>> No.24833979

Obviously a larp, if you had no experience in sales that would be evident the second you walk through the door.

>> No.24834031
File: 240 KB, 1242x2208, 39E55743-F9CA-4A16-A61A-97E165912B73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a larp here’s one of the emails sent to me after being hired I blurred out company name

>> No.24834054

It’s a remote position occasionally meeting business owners

>> No.24834080

that's about PTJ you absolute retard

>> No.24834099

Ah shit your right lol idk why I confused Leonardo di caprio with Paul Tudor. Watch your mouth kid I’m a trader/senior sales rep now and I never spent a day in a cuck class

>> No.24834117

haha fair play mate, best of luck.
btw PTJ is a very nice guy irl, met him once.

>> No.24834334

Where did you find the documentary? link please

>> No.24834335

Sounds like some MLM, not surprising they “hired” you...

>> No.24834353

Who is this semen demon btw?

>> No.24834355

I used to work in the hardest arenas of sales - in timeshare and later selling corporate events. You never needed a degree, you just had to have charisma, confidence and linguistic intelligence.
You. Are. Fucked. M8.

>> No.24834371
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kek you are a fucking retard
I just emailed your company with screenshots of this thread
Enjoy your one-week "job" nigger

>> No.24834376

Search YouTube that’s where I found it but it may of been deleted since I know PTJ has been trying to get it deleted

>> No.24834399

Are you a retard? Good luck figuring out who that was sent to when it’s sent to all new hires. Enjoy that college debt faggot

>> No.24834404

Don’t overthink it. Mark Cuban is a good example of an excellent salesman. He got his start selling software and built his empire off of his fat commissions from that first sales gig. He sold software to companies iirc. He made a point to understand the software he was selling inside and out so he could demo it for potential clients. Do this for whatever it is you sell.

>> No.24834452

I guarantee this OP is a larp. His interview would have included this: "tell us about your most recent experience in this exact area." And he would have had no convincing answer. Quit wasting valuable internet pipes with shitsticks like this. Learn to recognize a scam

>> No.24834491

All these faggots saying read this book or that book.
You're either a salesman or not
You're either a fighter or not
You're either an artist or not
You're either a leader or not
You're either a techie or not
Reading books doesn't matter. Sales people at that level are born that way.
Seems like OP has been doing fuck all of value all his life, he already discovered who he is .And soon his colleagues will discover too.

>> No.24834496

Lol I simply recited my resume dumbass as if it were a song I sing to ur mum after she Nubs me

>> No.24834544
File: 1.63 MB, 936x1118, 10-4-2020_39485912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect an "incident" at your next meeting nigger LOL

>> No.24834546

>It’s a payment processing company.
You didn't trick anyone. They just didn't bother to check because they know sales reps come and go every month. They plan on their being tons of turnover because they know sales reps get burnt out after 3-6 months and either fail or quit.

"Senior sales rep" is a meaningless title. Companies make shit up like this all time time. others include:
>account manager
>client outreach specialist
>_____ consultant
>business development specialist
>account executive

100k is the compensation they promise every retard who gets into sales but the caveat is it's based on the notion of you exceeding quota by double or more. (you won't do that for at least 12 months while you figure out what the fuck you're doing).

But anyway, if you really want to succeed you need to understand the sales process and decision making process of your customers. and you need to work hard.

>> No.24834586


>> No.24834625

I'll try to be helpful. There is always the lure of high commission on sales. Some smash it, many others are mediocre and under constant threat of losing their job.
The question is not what the potential commission is, it is the base salary. How high is your base salary? If it's mediocre, you don't have to worry too much.

>> No.24834729

>green diamond sales professional
>green diamond in the job title

Ya, this is an MLM lmao.

>> No.24834766
File: 639 KB, 664x638, 1569157938826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw about to hit golden double ruby super sales soldier superstar

>> No.24834887

btw, the sales process is usually some variation of the following:

1. identify the decision maker
2. discover their need or pain
3. develop that pain to the point that not addressing it becomes uncomfortable
4. offer a solution that fixes the problem
5. eliminate all objections (except price)
6. close
7. If they don't close on the first attempt, revert to their pain and try to close again - this is when they tell you their true objection. address it and attempt to close again; discount or negotiate price now if you have to (sometimes people just need to feel like they're getting a deal).


>> No.24834951

No it’s not dumbass there’s base pay of 26$ an hour cope harder

>> No.24835362

Im a salesman and it depends how in depth you want me to go with advice. If its purely learning the lingo then check out this youtube channel.
