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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 531 KB, 748x1700, Black Diamond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24832801 No.24832801 [Reply] [Original]

post em, bros. tell us about your unconventional investments

>> No.24833223
File: 11 KB, 193x261, 9k=(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World War Two small print run militaria books from niche publishers
Pic related bought for €30 sold for €800

>> No.24833332
File: 273 KB, 880x561, 1 pocket book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One pocket is the book of gamblers in the billiards scene...one game can take 15 minutes to several hours and usually big sums are bet on the game. This book was printed in small volumes due to a dispute with the publishers it's no longer in print.

>> No.24833342


>> No.24833594

I just bought a SUPREME branded pipe wrench.

>> No.24833656

can you find these at thrift stores? if not where?

>> No.24833684

very cool. thanks for the share.

>> No.24833709

/biz/ is a board of peace.

>> No.24833718

Shit my parents had a bunch of VHS covers but I threw most of them away a few years ago.

>> No.24833743

what exactly have they edited ?
I've heard of this but never seen an exmaple

>> No.24833831

Part owning race horse foals. Rich cunts and pikeys do that all the time. Pay the upkeep, hope it makes lot's of money either at auction, race days or stud.

>> No.24833843

>Shit my parents had a bunch of VHS covers but I threw most of them away a few years ago.
that's EXACTLY why these things will skyrocket in value eventually. people are throwing them away thinking they're worthless but they contain the original movies.

>> No.24833953
