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File: 460 KB, 868x974, altercation_finaldraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24829685 No.24829685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was working for sams club. Drunk or hungover coworker was angry about how I was pushing carts (okay boomer) and when I ignored his complaining he grabbed me from behind in sort of a chokehold half nelson thing, twisting my neck and covering my mouth. I bit him and was able to flip him over my shoulder (it wasnt fast and cool like in action movies, it took me straining myself pretty hard). Anyway I was still quite winded, and he got up off the ground pretty fast to come at me again and I swung the little rope and hook tool we carry to control large lines of carts at him, striking his head. He put stopped, put his hand to his head and looked at his blood covered hand before calling me a fucking idiot and stumbling away. Anyway, ive been told 3 different stories about what happened and all of them try to paint me at fault. One story is I initiated the attack. One story is that I had the opportunity to flee (I did not, I was cornered and it was outside along the side of the building). Finally, the newest story now is that there were several witnesses saying they saw everything and that after I got toby off my back he started to walk away (and that I hit him in the front of his head while he was facing away from me, somehow.)

I cant even get unemployment because walmart/sams told the unemployment people i was fired for workplace violence and misconduct. On top of that, this happens when I am in the middle of paying for dental work and in the middle of a fucking pandemic where people aren't doing much hiring to begin with.

I know I'm fucked and can't do anything to make Sam's hire me back even though I need the job very badly, but I will be finally getting unemployment benefits, as soon as the workforce commission appeals tribunal gets back to me. It is very good thing I called the police and wrote my affidavit and had the officer statement supporting my side of the story because otherwise I would have not had any document to support my unemployment appeal.

>> No.24829779

I ran out of room to type because I ramble so much: Currently what i do is while i wait for one of my applications to get me hired, I stand outside the Sams Club i was working at with a sign explaining my struggle and how I have been treated. The company should be protecting me but instead it is easier for them to just hire a new cart pusher and push me aside in a time of desperate need. Would anybody be willing to call my former supervisor and their supervisors as well? I guess it isn't productive but I've been fighting this since October 3rd and I'm so tired. I know other people are suffering and its not all about me but I have been wronged and dont know what to do other than to just keep calling Walmart/Sams' open door hotline, ethics hotline, and so on.

>> No.24829823

Find a workplace attorney and stop posting about this online.

>> No.24829877

Lawyer up, press charges.

>> No.24829981
File: 252 KB, 864x1000, 1607889489847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fired for workplace incident
>does not hire lawyer
>DOES make 3D model to explain incident to anonymous strangers on freshwater eel breeding image board
OP you are a fucking schizo retard, and while I find this entertaining I believe your life is suffering because of it

>> No.24830022

The 3D model isn’t super clear, could u make a video

>> No.24830061

@anon GsWToIQA

I already did that, thats how i was advised on how to get my unemployment taken care of (its just a waiting game right now because millions of people are without jobs and income right now).

That aside, I live in Texas, an at will to hire state, and they can fire me for any reason real or fake so long as it doesnt smell like an attack on race, religion, ethnicity, creed, etc... which I know it is not, so i'm not going to even pretend that it is.

Anyhow, its come down to Sams saying "we may be wrong but legally we can do what we want so suck it"

Even in the face of the officer's report of the scene, even with my assailant admitting he attacked me, even with cameras being pointed at the area it happened (though they may just be dummy cams) they refuse to help me and every time i get an open door case opened it gets closed again... So thats my deal.

I already got to an attourney. They helped me in the ways they can. Now I think the only way to get back my lost compensation and lost potential future career with the company is if somehow the media or enough angry people call in to shame them into treating me right.

>> No.24830075

I agree, need video. If you can't do a video with 3D renders just dress up in a Sam's Club outfit and play the different roles yourself

>> No.24830112

Did you actually go through the trouble of recreating all these scenarios in Garry's Mod? Are you planning to sue or something?

>> No.24830130

@Anon QJp8Jm2p

lol thats actually funny because I am a medicated schizophrenic and was in special education classes until 10th grade when I took my GED. yes I know the 3D model is bad, but I felt like maybe my statement, afidavit, and the police report was not communicating clearly why i was unable to flee from my attacker.

>> No.24830139

Get a lawyer.

>> No.24830152

>okay boomer
Fuck off zoomer faggot, you got what you deserved.

>> No.24830155

actually its worse than gary's mod I made the model in Second Life haha fuck my life

>> No.24830186

im not a zoomer, im 35. arguably worse than a zoomer, I am a millenial.

>> No.24830241

>1. You have autism
>2. You need to learn how to reply to people on 4chinz
>3. You need to lawyer up immediately if you want to fight this

>> No.24830245
File: 60 KB, 845x925, 1606571786589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly feel bad for you but what do you expect us to do exactly? Like okay you got screwed out of unemployment by Sam's Club maybe. If you went to a lawyer and the lawyer already told you there is no case (which is weird given the situation you describe) then what do you expect random strangers on the internet to do? Or are you just venting about this

>> No.24830247

yes guys I already talked to an attorney. they helped me organise my appeal to the unemployment people but told me because of how Texas laws are, there is no way for me to have a wrongful termination case.

>> No.24830348

>1. You have autism
>2. You need to learn how to reply to people on 4chinz
>3. You need to lawyer up immediately if you want to fight this

can you help me i havent used 4chan for over a decade.

and yeah i'm just venting really. I mean i dunno. i guess I am secretly hoping for internet army shenanigans but I know that wont happen because I'm nobody and as far as any of you know I could be a murderous asshole that did in fact attack the other guy... but i think the angle of the bite mark on his arm and the angle of the wound on his head would be proof of what direction everyone was facing during time.

also, not autistic, unless schizophrenia is on the spectrum now, though I am medicated and only rarely see auras, flickring lights, and smooshy walls. no screamies in my head with the hydroxizine and lithium i take, for years now.

>> No.24830354

No, you need to press charges against the coworker who attacked you. That's assault and battery.

>> No.24830400

Sounds like you have some mental health issues anon (though your story absolutely seems legit)
I think the best thing is to just move on from this entirely, and do your best to get a new job and/or unemployment.

>> No.24830428

You can kill everyone involved, anon.

>> No.24830447

This, law enforcement will be able to access any cctv and will cut through fake witness statements.

>> No.24830456

Talk to your union. This is exactly the kind of situation they are there for.

...You are the member of a union, right?

>> No.24830479

Well whatever you do please animate your op pic and share with us. If you got fired you probably have time on your hands and I'm sure we'd love to see it

>> No.24830495

oh okay here is how i respond to specific posts: sorry about that guys, like I said its been a long time. I already pressed charges and so on. the police kind of shrugged their shoulders about it though, and I dont have the financial ability to go after anyone, and frankly, I think him losing his job is punishment enough and he cant attack any more coworkers being without a job also.

one thing that the attorney told me to mention, though, is once i get to the appeal tribunal for my unemployment benefits, that I need to tell the hearing officer about the other guy's history of showing up to work drunk and getting into shouting matches with customers because Sams may at that point be guilty of negligent retention. The hearing officer for my unemployment appeal will be able to subpeona that personnel files and so if that gets uncovered, I may actually be able to protect myself and get the attention I need because if they had not kept this employee despite his history then he would not have been able to attack me, forcing me to defend myself with violence.

>> No.24830590

lol in texas unions are basicly illegal unless you work for the government.
i dont have a good enough computer to do that but it would be pretty funny to make a shitty flash animation to get played in court, though i'm trying to be serious despite my tendency to have a lofty perception of reality.

if i didn't laugh i would cry. sometimes i do cry. usually i laugh.
i have been told there was no security footage, and it was so close to the side of the building that I guess I can beleive that... though it happened right at an emergency fire exit with a camera pointing right at it. However, like i said, the officer who took my affidavit reviewed available footage and said there was no footage of the incident.

>> No.24830598
File: 62 KB, 635x457, 1606978866945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you 35 and pushing carts? You need to live your best life op, getting fired is a blessing in disguise and if you were on unemployment you would just do nothing for 8 months, and be in a somehow worse position than where you started. Being homeless is better than this, at least 100% of your time can be focused on improving yourself or learning a skill or just generally making you the most important project you are working on.

>> No.24830619

>I already pressed charges and so on. the police kind of shrugged their shoulders about it though, and I dont have the financial ability to go after anyone
Well then it really doesn't matter, you're already doing everything you can with the unemployment stuff. Also you sound mentally disabled, you should probably just try to get on disability after this.

>> No.24830678

>@anon GsWToIQA
>@Anon QJp8Jm2p
wtf is this reply format why the fuck are you on here go back to your normie sites

>> No.24830759

bump so you can find justice anon, god speed.

>> No.24830862
File: 45 KB, 808x208, censored_policerport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i doubt anyone cares but here i spent too much time blocking out the addresses and names so if anyone wants to make more jokes about me being schizo, retarded or autistic then uhhh here ya go.

>> No.24831021
File: 188 KB, 720x960, 41380309_722444884773622_6781955571739262976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been painting pictures again and as i mentioned have been getting some long needed dental work

with my medication i do fine and i have a very healthy body which my mind lives inside of and there is no job i am unwilling to do! i was even a cam whore in my early 20s but im not cute enough to do that anymore.

i only really look at youtube and pornhub anymore though im trying to get on deviant art and other stuff to try and sell my paintings

thank you thats really nice of you and i appreciate the sentiment

i'm not a smart person but I know how to work hard and i enjoy pushing my body to its meager physical limits (i'll never be a power lifter or body builder lol). I paint pictures but thats not really much of a source of income though I've made as much as 500 dollars on a commission, I typically only get between 20-200 dollars and at most one commission a month though usually more like one every three months. example of a painting i did for someone in the past attached.

>> No.24831074
File: 106 KB, 701x960, owly1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another painting i did recently for anyone who would like to look

>> No.24831183

Time to find another place to work. There are plenty of grocery stores that need help with this. Just find another place to apply to.

>> No.24831224

I'd really need a video of that whole incident in closest detail to judge this. I'm a lawyer btw so I could help you, but please at least make a decent video

>> No.24831307
File: 148 KB, 960x875, GIGYAS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been applying. sadly where i live is fairly rural, mostly retired people, so there is just two sams clubs and a few walmarts. my best hope right now is to get hired as a gas station clerk, but again, its all service jobs for the local retired population. Sam's Club was my planned way out of this shitty town, because with my foot in the door as a cart pusher I planned to climb the ladder and transfer to another city, maybe even another state. I cannot do that though, because, being terminated for workplace violence, I am black listed from working for any walmart or sams club... which is probably about half of the jobs around here, the rest all being fast food and gas stations which as aforementioned I have applied to and am just... waiting my turn I guess.

here is a painting of gigyas from Earthbound

>> No.24831339

Shit, anon, you look like a good person. I hope life works out for you. You seem to me you'd enjoy manual work somewhere outside the city, am I right? You could paint your pictures there also.

>> No.24831344

there is no video unless youre making another request that i make a machinema or whatever and I just dont know how to do that, it took me over an hour just to make that shitty 3D model of the incident

>> No.24831380

This is pretty good dude. You sell anything on etsy?

>> No.24831436

i did apply for a job as an assistant technician for the windfarms around here but again with the pandemic as it is, it doesnt seem like anyone is actually hiring right now, or they are just swamped with applications and mine is somewhere buried among them.

with no education documents past my GED from when i was 17 and tired of being in special education and no tradeskill im a fairly lackluster candidate for any position anywhere. anything I am qualified to do, anyone with a brain stem and 3 working limbs can do.

>> No.24831445
File: 60 KB, 411x298, 1608057231271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24831472

ive become such a boomer, I need someone to help me set all that stuff up. I have turned into a technology grandpa. not having a computer for over 7 years and being homeless for 3 of those years did not help. I'm practically a decade behind on all technology stuff. I just got a nintendo 3DS from a pawn shop earlier this year and only finally played fallout new vegas a year ago.

>> No.24831539
File: 153 KB, 708x960, hexadecimal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. the reason i made this model was to give a visual on where I was and why i was unable to flee the attack. if i ran diagonally past the blue flatbed carts i guess I could have run out into the empty lot by our store but I dont see how that would do anything other than put me at potentially further danger and isolation.

another painting just for the sake of sharing my work.

>> No.24831922

Hey retard, get a lawyer. Once you prove that guy is lying go after walmart for them not giving you unemployment for fake reasons and also how they created an unsafe work environment by allowing this guy to try to murder you. I see a big settlement check in your future anon, but you must make this work.

>> No.24832039

> Texas
We can't do much because of the laws in your state. There's a reason why Tesla and Oracle are moving there, it's because they can treat their employees horribly and be rewarded for it.

In your future, I recommend swallowing your ego and moving somewhere else. It's hard to even say that because Texas has created a system where you're basically trapped cart pushing with no real opportunity for economic mobility because that would be bad for businesses.

There are states and even countries that will pay you to move there, you just have to find them. You don't deserve to be treated like this and we are all bystanders.

>> No.24832140

i doubt all of that and i already consulted an attorney which is why i'll be able to get my measly 185 a week unemployment money which will all be going to dental stuff, phone bill, and finally helping my mom with utilities because with all of this going on I get the fine privelage of being 35 living with my mom. At least i have a girlfriend, though it is hard for me to see what she sees in me right now. We have similar tastes in movies. I feel fucking awkward as hell because she is 20, but I accept it because I really like her and she is the one who pursued me... like. Without her, I'd still survive, but it helps me a lot to have someone that treats me with so much love and respect. Between her, my mom, and my pet cat, I survive, but I want to give back, I hate just taking and taking like this and it makes me feel like such a piece of garbage.

>> No.24832194

Bruh this is a shoe in to make you a millionaire.

Get a lawyer and sue the shit out of walmart for wrongful termination as well as mishandling the altercation investigation.

They have videos, subpoena the shit out of it.

>> No.24832223

This visual diagram is granda A Autism. I love it.

>> No.24832225

He has no legal rights in this scenario and the police aren't doing anything. If you're lucky enough not to be living in Texas, you actually have some rights as an employee.

We've become so polarized because basic human rights are being abandoned for the sake of the economy but if the other side tries to reach out, they create figurative and literal walls to hide the abuse.

Your posting this on /biz/ which has the hivemind that celebrates eliminating basic rights as long as it gives them tendies.

The cavalier pride of Texans and other nationalists is a symptom that it's all you have left. No one can take away the fact that you're a Texan or American even if they take away your job, money, healthcare, and home. Unfortunately, this also blinds people due to scarcity trap.

I'm being bleak and my best advice is to not cry over spilt milk and move on. If you sell your art on some platform, I will buy it. Turn a new leaf and learn the lesson here. We're rooting for you OP! We not only want you to succeed but get enough tendies for a lambo!

>> No.24832245

thank you so much for understanding how bullshit Texas is with employment law. unless youre a cop or other state employee there is no union presence. i think electricians and carpenters have trade guild/union type things but since they are all contractors anyway At Will to Hire/Terminate doesn't apply to them because their contract will be stipulated in such a way to protect them from the horrible state of things.

And yeah.... all of the tech industry stuff coming to Texas. That is 100% why it comes here... but then the landlords started near-doubling rent in the city I was in, which is another reason I am living in podunk nowhere texas with my mom. If i hadn't come here I'd have never met my girlfriend, though, and she is the first person ive been in a relationship with that has treated me with so much respect and kindness.

My last girlfriend, I was basicly her oral sex toilet... which i mean, yah, it was fun... but it was emotionally very hard for me how badly she treated me when she didnt need an orgasm.

>> No.24832282

LAWYER UP I guarantee that shit is on camera

>> No.24832314
File: 257 KB, 960x960, dandelions&skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats so nice but if i ever had enough extra for a fancy car I'd rather buy economy cars for me and my friends and pay off my mom's mortgage so she can retire in peace rather than working this shitty grind she does just to be able to save my sorry two-winded ass from sleeping on pavement.

>> No.24832493

Your art is amazing. Please go on youtube and watch tutorial videos on setting up an Etsy. You can also ask your gf for help. That will eventually be your ticket out of the rural shithole you live in.

>> No.24832553
File: 154 KB, 741x960, NOLOITERING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am just waiting on my packet to come in from the texas workforce commission so that I can go to the next step of the appeals process, at which point my hearing officer can subpoena whatever hasnt been deleted already. There may only be personnel records, but if what I have seen the attacker do (getting into shouting matches with customers and other coworkers) and what i have heard about him being sent home for coming in drunk/hungover in the past is true I will have a case for negligent retention and at that point maybe I can get attorney to help me pursue this case of holding Sams Club responsible for not protecting me and other workers from this kind of shit. The way the club store manager has been acting, I do wonder if maybe he gave my attacker leniency in the past because they are friends because they always parked their trucks by each other on the far end of the lot. that is all just my imagination at this point, but when I mentioned that other workers told me about my attacker's history at Sam's Club these past 5-6 years he was working there he got REALLY upset to the point he called his cop friend (when the officer came up to in this instance they were patting eachother's backs and smiling and whatever) to serve me a notice of no trespass. I wasnt even on the property, I was across the street on the sidewalk and the cop buddy even had to say I wasn't doing anything wrong by standing where I was with my protest sign. (I started doing the sign thing on and off after my open door cases were closed and I was told to basicly fuck myself and move on). Holding that sign makes me feel pathetic, and I'm constantly denying offers of money(though this one old lady who always asked for me to help load her groceries saw me and insisted i take a 20 dollar bill or she'd let the wind have it so I took it because I do need gas for the truck and i've less than 200 dollars left in my savings and checking so I swallowed my pride and just took it and thanked her)

>> No.24832589

wtf is this

>> No.24832598

Make an Instagram and a Twitter and an etsy

>> No.24832664
File: 117 KB, 725x960, staceyandcompanion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the kind words, i improved alot in the years i was homeless because if i wasnt doing day labor, then i was in the starbucks where my last exgirlfriend worked painting 12-16 hours a day while enjoying "accidently made drinks" and food items that were expiring the next morning so they were being written off and thrown in the trash otherwise. The manager of the store even paid me to do the chalk art for their menus and displays with under-the-table cash and those "recovery" gift cards that they hand out like candy to all the karens who complained that their orange mocha frappucino had a half pump too much vanilla syrup.

>> No.24832851

I didn’t read your story, I don’t care. Have fun working at mcdonalds wagie.

>> No.24832980

lol thank you but I only made it after despite my written and spoken statements i was being told i had the opportunity to flee before needing to defend myself physically. a symptom of my schizophrenia is paranoia and a tendency to ramble and word-salad, so I was thinking, "okay maybe i am not doing a good job communicating with words" but i felt like a drawing would be improfessional so I made a sterile and static model of the incident and location to show these people who dont even live in the same state that I did not have a realistic opportunity to flee.

i am open for commission right now you can contact me on instagram if you would like. I know i responded to you before but didnt see the interest in buying art because im rude and dont pay attention but if youre serious uhhh here.


i feel like its not particularly wise of me to post a way i can be doxed but like, who am i, and what does it matter? the only thing im guilty of is being retarded and making unfunny jokes so im not really scared.

>> No.24833050
File: 85 KB, 677x960, 50507971_793902130961230_5289449351137984512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything is better than nothing and so long as I can pay bills and have enough money to feed myself and occasionally splurge on good ingredients to make an extra nice meal i think I am very blessed compared to those who have to sleep outside and have nobody to love and care for them.

>> No.24833127

fuck what a loser you are lmao

>> No.24833227

One notch above being homeless, congratulations!

>> No.24833251
File: 84 KB, 800x600, 1605577713915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About you apply to be a senior care-taker for now? Either apply online or go ask around if someone need a care taker. Church is also a good place to start networking.

>> No.24833344

i dont know if that would be a good job for someone with schizophrenia. though medicated, I admittedly can't handle a lot emotional stress. I guess I could apply and all I can do is my best and if it becomes too much i can apply for other work in the meantime.

>> No.24833380

You need a lawyer.

>> No.24833444

You got the schiz?
Damn you can definitely file for discrimination. Rip them assholes apart

>> No.24833495
File: 944 KB, 598x590, gingerthumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah they didnt fire me for my mental illness or anything, they fired me because I didnt just lay down and let this dude choke me unconcious

lol why does recaptcha keep having me identify traffic lights

>> No.24833532

>that Hitler pic on your ig

>> No.24833591

Lawyer up.

>> No.24833662

my mom got me these horrible charcoal tooth brushes and i could only see one thing when they were given to me. Hitler had a clit-tickler.

>> No.24833672

Hey anon you’re drawings are pretty decent, have you thought about making porn? Since you got no job now you could start drawing online and if you decide to cater to an underserved or obscure fetish then you could make serious bank. Some people are against it but if you’re against masturbating for some reason then you could still do it to support yourself.

>> No.24833780

Do this ,sounds fucked up

>> No.24833874

lawyer up, or go back and beat him until he gurgles to death on his own blood op

>> No.24833928
File: 139 KB, 723x960, alleyoftormentedangles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ive drawn porn before but i do it digital only so basicly mspaint art but i'd still do some pen and ink or even painted erotica for the right money which at the moment is basicly anything

already did, but Texas is pretty fuck-a-doodle about employee's rights. this is one of the worst places to be a low income renter in the country. land lords and corporations basicly do whatever the hell they want, which is true everywhere i think, but more so here.

>> No.24834015

Fellow texas bro, can you move to another big city, san antonio dallas austin for better work prospects? Very nice paintings!

>> No.24834065

dude get a fucking lawyer and stop shitposting on /biz/
are you fucking retarded?

>> No.24834124
File: 165 KB, 960x638, guts&corpsesoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i moved here from san antonio because of financial and medical/dental problems i was having. i couldnt keep up with rent and was facing evicition with less than 400 dollars in my savings so i just packed up a tiny Uhaul, probably threw away about half of my material possessions, and came to where I am now to live with mom rent free. i left my job in SA on good terms, even got texted a year later by my old boss because he wanted to see how i was doing (and if I was back in san antonio looking for work lol) but I wont be able to do it because I dont know anyone there anymore. Everyone I knew has moved to other cities or out of state so I wouldnt be able to just hop into a good room mate situation. I did try rooming with a stranger and she turned out to be a horrrrrible alcoholic that would hurt my cat when I wasnt around. I just packed up and left overnight from that situation and was living in a pay by the week hotel for almost 2 years after that happened... SIGH. I really hate looking back on my life, because as much as I learn and adapt, it never seems to really get better. Girlfriend and kitties are a blessing though, and plus I need to pay my mom back for all the help she has provided me so I gotta keep going. Keep going for them, keep going for me, keep going for dreams of a better tomorrow. Every sunrise is validation.

>> No.24834168

The absolute state of wagies. Get a software job and this will never happen.

>> No.24834198

You will be doxed, no doubt about that. Your art is good, try to sell it in some real online store, I'm sure some richfag here will pay you enough to forget about your shitty job.

>> No.24834222

lrn 2 read, i did contact an attorney, and that will get my unemployment going, but as for Sam's they can just treat me like shit and it is legal... but I wanna make a big noise and maybe help people who this has also happened to. their default policy should not be to terminate any two people who get into a physical altercation. they need to fire the aggressor, not the victim. i never thought of myself as a victim really, not since say, highschool. however, no matter how i slice it there is just no lesson for me to learn here other than that corporations can make up any rules they want to serve their bottom line.

Sams doesnt need me, I understand that. Anyone with a brain stem and two working legs can be a cart pusher. I bet someone without arms could do the job with the right equipment. It might not be safe to strap someone to some carts the way I am thinking in my head but if I had no arms I could find a way for me to do it even if I would never ask soemone else to do it.

>> No.24834297

>mspaint art
You should upgrade to a better program. GIMP is free to get and use, and if you’re willing to pirate try to find Clip Studio Paint
Also check out Patreon to learn about how all the other successful artists do their thing

>> No.24834299

Nice berserk painting, i am in san an now and am lucky to have found a cheap room with an old friend. I wish you the best . If you decide to come to san costa solutions is always hiring and pretty much hire anyone. with decent starting pay for people who have lttle training

>> No.24834336

Do you sell art at anime conventios ? Might be a good place for you

>> No.24834349

Chill out satan, he’s just trying to get unemployment.

>> No.24834351

im extremely poor with math, like as in I never even passed highschool level algebra let alone geometry or trig or calc. even when i was taking remedial algebra in college I failed twice and at that point they charge HUGE tuition so I just kinda gave up on the idea of a college education because of the math barrier. i even had tutoring but i just cant remember the formulas on my own and maybe

>> No.24834373

>pushing carts
>for Walmart
>in Texas

Yeah nah OP. They did you a favour.

>> No.24834543

i wasnt gonna do that forever. i was building up my savings with plans to continue moving north. i have been getting my dental stuff together, but without so much as unemployment for an income I am really in a scary spot. Thank goodness my mom is giving me a place to sleep. I am very blessed also to have a sweet girlfriend who always wants to buy me coffee and lunch and little gifts. She knows I'm not a material person though so the best gift she gives me is time spent with eachother just watching X Files and whatever.

>> No.24834624
File: 522 KB, 512x508, sephiroth_goblinnose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i have photoshop and stuff. cs/2 package so I dont have to deal with the DRM and paying a fucking monthly fee to use a software package. as well, the newer adobe suites really arent necessary. I'm not sure that there is anything you cant do even with old Corral Pro ad pre CS suite Adobe software. Its probably easier to use, but I was taught on CS/2 so even if it is out dated I can do things in it. Check out this fukken sloppy shit I made today for a discord channel i am in.

>> No.24834650

oh my god i should

it would at least be kinda funny

>> No.24834762

lmao, funny stuff

>> No.24834846

your paintings are unpleasant but in a good way. They really prove your head is not right but they are beautiful. Keep it up anon

>> No.24835071

ah geez thanks. i like to think i make pictures that are enjoyable to look at but theres a fair share of them that I think reflect the screamies and other halucinations and night terrors that are all a part of my memory.

usually i get commissioned to paint memorial portraits of pets, and I have to say, it really is an honor that someone thinks i am skilled enough to do justice to the memory of their pet across that rainbow road. I'd say that dead pets make about half of my commissions. I would really rather paint life, though. My least favorite commission was an architectural landscape I just finished pretty recently. Paid well, but good god is painting a picture of a house and yard boring. Still, I appreciate it, and it was to commemorate this newly married couple's first house and that is a nice thing... just... I'll likely do my best to avoid any arcitectural pieces in the future. I spent too long on it and while i'm happy with the quality of the end product ... it was just such a fucking chore to make.

>> No.24835415

You seem very positive and your art is great man, never give that up. Do your best to stay off the streets and find work. Physical labor will be rough but it might be a temporary option in your area. Craigslist might have people who need help moving shit, chopping trees, whatever.
Stay positive and keep making art. Hope the legal stuff works out for you pal

>> No.24835458
File: 34 KB, 598x724, walmartsamsnumbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway does anyone wanna call walmart open door for me lol the store number is 7676 (haha its fallout online times two).

press 2 for spanish and you get an operator faster and they typically answer in english to begin with

go hog wild, i'm black listed from being rehired anyway and i just sorta dont care what happens because i have no foot hold with which to place my care.

but like, only if youre bored and wanna help row row fight da powa or whatever. I dunno.

Nick Hund is the guy who ultimately made the decision that i was not eligible for rehire. He is regional manager of like 50 walmarts and sams clubs in the texas panhandle.

Think of it as a christmas present for a worthless human scum. Maybe ask about battletoads (please though dont do that lol) I dont even know what 4chan is like anymore but I think I'll hang out here again, it is nice to see one corner of the internet hasnt changed yet.

I put the numbers in an image so that they dont get copy pasta'd to hell but I guess how hard is it to type a phone number i dunno. Either way maybe if enough people rally on my side they will reconsider. Try to be professional about it if you can.

>> No.24835555

thank you and i never have been afraid of physical labor in fact i got in really good shape pushing carts! My limit was to push 14 of those giant Sams Club badboys at a time, after that they get too wobbly on the far end to guide safely in a parking lot full of vehicles. I once about blew an ass gasket pushing a row of 10 of those low wide flatbed carts. I would typically limit myself to 6 but if it was "on the way" i could do 8 of them at a time without murdering myself.

With the cartpusher machine I could do 30 at a time but usually kept it around 20. One time, when left closing alone after a day where we got ultra smashed I was able to push a line of 50 carts using the electric mule, but the lot was absolutely empty or i'd never have attempted it, strap or not.

>> No.24835799
File: 31 KB, 371x542, sangie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

before this pandemic came in and fuckadoodled everything I actually did pick up contracts installing temporary wifi and hardline network for conventions but not anime.

since this whole covid thing happened the company I would get these contracts through liquidated and the owners retired. must be nice sitting on a nest egg of like 200 million dollars in high tech assets.

here is an mspaint doodle i did recently.

>> No.24836104

I mean you don't pain good enough for digital art, but your oil paintings have this "honest" vibe. I think if you sell them together with that starbucks homeless guy story, it can lead to something. Start a pwtreon, maybe?

>> No.24836139

Overly complicated paintings like this and the cat are way to go.

>> No.24836235

i do digital art for cheaper because the computer engineers that made illustrator did the real work there, plus no shipping and handling.

>> No.24836313

If it sells, good for you. But the real money would be in physical paintings, if you manage to get them through to people. Take Bob Ross for example. His paintings were dogshit, but would sell like hotcakes.

>> No.24836345

Life is a bitch op :(

>> No.24836567

"are you okay, boomer?"
*places arm on shoulder, ready to hug*

>> No.24836665

are you kidding? his technique is excellent. aside from that, his work that ive ever seen is pretty boring. i'd rather own a kincade original, to be honest, as much hate as he gets...

but the real role models for me are the artists who were successful in life, not celebrated post mortem. whole lotta good it'd do me.

so fukken true i hate it

lol lol. i was wondering if you were responding to me but yah haha pretty funny. my girlfriend is a zoomer tho and i'm always calling myself her 30 year old boomer. i do the slurp sip and everything. fuck a monster energy drink tho. plain coffee for this bitch boi thank you. i did take pornographic amounts of cream before, but i've been getting fat in my old age.

>> No.24836692

I think your best move here is to forget this issue and leave it in the past anon.
Might sound difficult but you can't get hung up on shit. It'll hold you down and keep spiraling. Negativity feeds negativity.
>I ran out of room to type because I ramble so much
No kidding, sorry I haven't read all your replies.
I think you have two options. Go to a lawyer, see what can be done, enjoy dragging this shit out for months / years?
Move on, find a new job, pick your socks up and forget the bullshit.

Also visit /fit/, it'll certainly help your mental capacity, and next time this happens you can lift the fucker up and drop him on his head. I believe if you did this in the initial attack, nothing would have come from it as it would have been clear self defense.

>> No.24836753

This isn’t fucking r*ddit.

What’s that old saying? A story is 50/50 and some where in the middle is the truth. He probably asked you for help putting carts up because you were struggling and you spergged out ya fuckin incel.

Have sex

>> No.24836760 [DELETED] 

And for your art, check out - https://printify.com/
Make a website, sell your designs on all sorts of things. Another anon was talking about how successful this is for him recently.
I intend to do the same this weekend.

>> No.24836772

>This isn’t fucking r*ddit.
Clearly, OP is a self confessed schizophrenic autist

>> No.24836793

>@anon GsWToIQA
How do you even do that?

>> No.24836847
File: 22 KB, 519x389, dikpix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol okay i mean i already had some less than 2 weeks ago but this weekend im supposed to be bottoming and that's always fun in spite of all the preperation required for a thorough pegging

I typed it using the keyboard. I'm really retarded and didnt remember how to direct respond so I was responding to poster ID not post ID

boy howdy though i think it would be a disservice to autistic people to say that i'm one.

attached screenshot of my favorite image editing software

>> No.24836854

Oh my God you faggot how would a cart pushing Sam’s club person be in a union I could kill you for being so short sighted

>> No.24836857
File: 100 KB, 1078x1148, 1604531901218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He actually made a 3D model of the incident

>> No.24836872 [DELETED] 

>preperation required for a thorough pegging
Please tell me this is a joke or I am closing this window and never helping you

>> No.24836890

>i think it would be a disservice to autistic people to say that i'm one.

We all are a bit retarded anon, embrace it

>> No.24836893

I'm going to call every Sam's Club in Texas and tell them the guy who assaulted Toby is posting 3D models of the incident to a nazi forum.

>> No.24836897


Sue the shit out of them, anon. If there is surveillance and they did not delete it, it will corroborate your story. If it has been deleted, then it would look incredibly suspicious and work in your favor. Don't be afraid of legal costs; if you are telling the truth then damages would make you wealthy and cover the costs of your pet jew attack dogs.

>> No.24836955

This is a 16th century pottery appreciation society, Sir

>> No.24837056
File: 27 KB, 564x430, 8leggedbunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also i gave you the number to the literal store i worked at. i forgot to censor out my attackers name in my shitty second life prim model. fuk. i dun goofed.

it dont work that way in texas, we have At will to hire laws. Here they can absolutely get away with firing someone for race, gender, religion, creed... so long as they dont say thats why. Ive looked up similar cases to mine and in other states Sam's Club has been forced to pay up and reverse termination... but not in Texas. YEE HAW.

>> No.24837088

>Making 3D to illustrate how you were assaulted
Holy fuck. Sue them, you will win. Congrats on your settlement money.

>> No.24837146

I know, it's the reason why I still come back to this site

>> No.24837186

Huh, I have very fond memories of playing around with that software as a kid and now you've just ruined it for me by making me realise what it was called. I'll never be able to think about it the same way again.

>> No.24837278
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1597914901354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice art.
Look into making it into NFTs, you can sell your art over the internet and piggy back of crypto craze.

>> No.24837307

I like your paintings. How much are you thinking of selling them for?

>> No.24837402

dude i love your art, keep at it. start selling it on ebay but get some good digital copies and sell prints too. ygmi. im a draw/paint fag too but i dont have the confidence to finish anything. i love the schizo shit you put on there seriously

>> No.24837417


>> No.24837435

really i start at price first. for physical stuff to send, though, I typically say I start at 20 dollars for an 8x10 single subject monochrome canvas panel. I do mspaint doodles for as little as a dollar. I have a paypal business account so I can send out invoices and even pay my taxes correctly to the state of YEEHAW.

I once did a 36x30 inch painting of 3 poppy blossoms and 2 poppy buds for 500 dollars (just the canvas was like 50 dollars and probably put about another 50 dollars of paint on the thing).

So that's kind of the general range. if you have even 20 dollars I can probably make something for you. but even for like a dollar I'll MS-Paint your favorite videogame character or something.

>> No.24837459
File: 353 KB, 433x297, diddykongracingKDONG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh youre gonna love this piece of shit i made then:

>> No.24837483

That's kinda cheap though
how much would that skull in the grass painting be?

>> No.24837573

Right, okay, it was KidPix. Very good, you got me. Still ruined my memories.

>> No.24837592

I meant OP, not you fren

>> No.24837701

i sold it for 200 i think. all i have left is a couple mediocre quality prints to remember it by and i probably wont sell those. I'd make the whole painting over again for 200 though. or i dunno make an offer. 160 would be the lowest i would go. its pretty ridiculous line work because of all the grass, thats mostly why. it was a 12x12 inch peice on a wood panel i think.

>> No.24837810

$200 is more than fair for that
if that was available I might buy it for $200
but your other stuff is good too
put your shit up for sale. You're pretty talented and I think there's probably an audience for that style of stuff
I say forget the whole sams club situation and go ham on posting paintings to your instagram and selling those things. you put enough energy into it you'll probably be beating your shitty sam's club wages by the end of next year

>> No.24837942

well thats the thing I mostly make commissioned works, so I dont really have a backstock of paintings. usually once I finish a painting it goes to its owner within a day.

>> No.24837945

If there are several witnesses against you, it's kind of hard to believe your story. Did your coworker show any signs of aggression before?

>> No.24838139

that's rather optimistic. 15 dollars an hour at 32-40 hours a week was the best money ive made since my early 20s when i worked offshore (which was like 20 dollars an hour with overtime averaged in for 80-90 hours a week, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.)

that's the thing. there were absolutely no witnesses and this is news to me from last time i talked to them. I think they fucked up changing their story, because when I came in after the attack to deliver my statement (i wasnt even asked to make a statement or to come in, i scheduled the meeting with the club manager by my own initiative) they didn't know how my attacker's head got gashed so badly. so like... if there was a witness, 1) why would he now know how this happened when before he did not know 2) why did not at least one of these witnesses go get a supervisor. I would say 'why the hell did they not intervene? you know. help me while this dude was trying to choke me out?" but I mean, from that point of view, getting close or involved I could see how that could be scary and you wouldnt want to put yourself at risk... as for me if I saw something like that I would have shouted something like "hey you two stop that right now I'm getting a supervisor." or more likely, would have told a coworker to get a supervisor while I go stupidly try to break up the fight and de-escalate things, getting myself involved and fired in the process of trying to help lol

>> No.24838148
File: 15 KB, 244x206, 1607226133864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that makes you schizo I'm worried lol, but not really cuz I'm schizo, got more important things to worry about, like the voices in my head.

>> No.24838359

i hope the voices are nice to you, but even so, i more hope that you have access to proper meds to mitigate your symptoms

>> No.24838456

Are you walmart anon that always posted the walmart breakroom on /pol/

>> No.24838463

how long does it take you to do a drawing?
or put it another way, how good a drawing can you do in three hours? $60 worth of good?
just calculate your time and charge $20 an hour for your work. Do that for a couple months and then raise it to $30 an hour.
It's really not that much money. And people who buy art don't really worry about ten or twenty bucks if they like the art and think it'll hold its value anyway.

>> No.24838534

>the newest story now is that there were several witnesses saying they saw everything and that after I got toby off my back he started to walk away (and that I hit him in the front of his head while he was facing away from me, somehow.)

Nothing you can do, this story seals the deal against you. You may even get sued. It’s all about who the public supports and they choose the boomer over you. Tough luck. Your only hope is security cam footage

>> No.24838583

That’s a cool painting.

>> No.24838617

Make that 3 people from SA.

>> No.24838731

>zoomie assaults old guy at work
>thinks lying in 4chan will help him.

There's security cameras EVERYWHERE at SAMs. I guarantee you wherever you were there's security footage to clearly show who the culprit was. So Why are you lying to us OP? did you think posting here would make you get sympathy? Why did you assault an old man?

>> No.24838747

thats kinda why i do price first. i even do free mspaint doodles in a few discord channels just for fun and practice. but yeah man 60 bucks I'd work on that all day. I can finish a 8x10 single subject in one day i'd normally charge like 20 for that but i have done some furry art for like... way more money than i'd have asked, but they're just like "here have money" and im like thank you my neon colored cock furry overlord.

>> No.24838777

>I cant even get unemployment because walmart/sams told the unemployment people i was fired for workplace violence and misconduct. On top of that, this happens when I am in the middle of paying for dental work and in the middle of a fucking pandemic where people aren't doing much hiring to begin with.

You fucking idiot, you lucked out.

Now you can file for the Pandemic Unemployment shit that you can backdate to Feb 2nd because you don't qualify for regular unemployment.

Just say you were going to work in a different capacity ("Generation Zoomer Consultant") but COVID happened.

BAM, you'll get close to 20k in backpay.

>> No.24838789
File: 575 KB, 1108x1030, galactus_flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol there is no witness. if anyone is saying anything, I know who it is, because he is a friend with the attacker and has expressed problems with me. for what reason? I do not know. maybe cuz im queer as hell and dont have an accent so its obvious I, "aint from 'round here are ya, boy?"