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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 457 KB, 1280x853, GenericMinimalistOffice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24829349 No.24829349 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking hate "minimalism" in office spaces.

It's just an excuse for your company to deny you privacy and space at work in the name of "aesthetics". Holy fuck, I would rather be stuck in a cubicle all day than have to share my desk with 2-5 other people who can all see and hear what I'm doing. Why can't we just have normal offices spaces and actually take the effort to build more space instead of just cramming everyone in together like sardines?

Next thing you know, they're going to come up with "minimalist restaurants" where we all share the same table or "minimalist housing" where the walls between apartments are removed.

>> No.24829464

this doesn't exist rn because of the coof you smooth brain fuck

>> No.24829485

No shit sherlock, but once it ends it's right back to this shit

>> No.24829539
File: 18 KB, 512x512, leadership-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have an "open-desk environment", anyone is allowed to sit anywhere in theory. This means that you are not allowed to leave ANYTHING on "your" desk when you leave.

In practice no one ever changes seating place, now we just have to follow the rule of not leaving anything behind. real fucking stupid. means I cant leave documents, office supplies nothing.

end of wage cage rage

>> No.24829655

We should start threads that are focused on making a concerted effort to work from home. It sounds like heaven to me.

>> No.24829756

Software jobs are save from this. All sales/account managers/hr/other assorted drones at my company use laptops with a docking station to work with computer screens on a desk. They have no personal desk. Devs, DBAs, network guys and technical support all need beefier pcs which can't be moved as easily, and thus have personal desks. Shit is cash.

>> No.24829760
File: 26 KB, 420x316, cubicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this worst than wagie cagies. Literally clumped like rats

>> No.24829813


Forgot to add that I do work from home now ;)



yup work in finance, didnt sign up for it

>> No.24829858


OP is just mad he has to wage cage and didnt buy link at 30c

>> No.24829871

go back to work fucking wagie

>> No.24829880
File: 36 KB, 740x310, matrix-a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wish we had this setup, feels much more personal.

This is the plan of the "you vill eat the bugs" guy

>> No.24829891

Holy shit purple top lady is going to have a fucked up arm working like that. This site clearly does not take H&S seriously.

>> No.24829943

If your company is smart they will continue to let you work from home. At least part time. There is a lot of money to be saved by cutting down on office space cost and many companies are realising this now. Slow, boomer led companies will refuse and put up a fight though.

Here is to hoping they do. I work at a start up/scale up and they have embraced wfh completely. Half the staff have barely set a foot in the office since they were hired this year

>> No.24830032


I work in the finance department of a large IT firm, they are ((never)) going back to the regular arrangement as we've managed to saved tons on staff working from home.

unfortunately no funny hotel trips, but i will take it.

t. business controller

>> No.24830131


whats that guy on the ladder doing?

>> No.24830505


>Forgot to add that I do work from home now ;)
Until this fake pandemic is over or permanently?

>> No.24830563

Fuck working tech

>> No.24830683

It's amazing how the 90's corporate dystopian vision actually looks kinda comfy when compared to today's crap in op's pic

>> No.24830694

>white man complaining again

>> No.24830708


I had the same chair were I worked at before Covid, does anyone know the name of the company that makes them? they are super comfy.

>> No.24830756

>we demand sit stand desks for ergonomics!
>spend $1MM on them
>everyone still sits all day
This happened at my office.

>> No.24830834

Collectivist bugmen, females, and diveristy hires don't mind. Wonder why that is?

Protip: it's okay to be white, so go and be white

>> No.24831084
File: 17 KB, 512x512, accounting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Permanently for sure. We've cut the expenses by approx 80% for staffs.

These are costs for
- transportation, (flight, taxi hotel)
- food
- cleaning staff
- check in staff

not even accounted for electricity bill that we might save on. 95% of the building is empty, I would imagine not needing that 95% of the building in the near future.

It's is never going back.

>> No.24831207

Nice, I hope more companies realize it is beneficial to do this. Everyone is complaining about having to stay home. Sounds really nice to me.

>> No.24831256

I hate it because i have urinary incontinence so it's not uncommon for me to piss myself a bit. In a cubicle i can dry off/change trousers but now open offices mean i can't apply for a job.

>> No.24831400


> Everyone is complaining about having to stay home.

I would attribute that to the wagie cagie mindset for sure. They need a cage to stay disciplined and groomed.

In the future they will have that as a requirement for sure.

If you're currently looking for a job
get a good camera and a nice microphone, because the recruitment staff and HR are def going to look for remote workers in the future.

>> No.24831444

>once it ends

>> No.24831459

I have the same thing but with my bowels. I got fired because some Stacey saw shit leaking out of my pant leg. This literally happened because I couldn’t wipe myself off due to the bugman open office meme

>> No.24831466

>once it ends
I’d pay money to be this bluepilled

>> No.24831474

Well i want to go in to work, for me it's freedom and opportunity, the opportunity to meet people, do new things, see new places. But since weeing myself is a risk of going out anywhere for more than 10 minutes i'm severely restricted. If i had an office room with my own toilet it would work perfectly but i'm not trained or skilled so it's unlikely to happen.

>> No.24831484

>once it ends
should we tell him?

>> No.24831531

yeah, cubicles are way better imo. also....pretty sure minimalist restaurants are already a thing. I've eaten at a few. "Family style seating" I believe is the kike term they gave it. minimalist housing = pod living and it's a real thing too

>> No.24831537


Honestly can't tell if you're larping or not and for what reason.

How long have you had urinary inconcitence. What is your position in the company?

>> No.24831571

I just want my own office but ill probably kill myself before I move up the office foodchain.

>> No.24831611

>minimalist restaurants are already a thing
It's called uni cafeteria, kek.

>> No.24831614

I'm unemployed as a result. Had it for about 3 years, don't know what caused it but one day i was waiting for a bus and needed the toilet. Thought i could hold it for a while and wait but it came on hyper fast, within 2 minutes i just pissed myself in front of everyone. Super embarrassed. Since then i can rarely hold it and go at minimum every half hour. At home i don't bother putting on trousers anymore and just piss onto the floor. Just not compatible with office work,

>> No.24831621

Any other recommendations? What skills will be best for the first wave of remote work? I'm learning to program.

>> No.24831645

Why not give every wagie a work bed and lots of pillows? It's a lot more comfy and the cost would probably be similar to buying all of those desks.

>> No.24831650

no, I'm talking about actual restaurants, not cafeterias. hipster restaurants with overpriced drink menus setting up long tables that seat 10-20 people where they sit you next to people you've never met before.

>> No.24831669

Some people pee in the sink out of spite but this is just next level.

>> No.24831727

I have kitchen roll around and it's not like i'm pissing more all in all than normal people, it's just smaller amounts a lot more frequently, so it's not a tonne. Everyone cums on the floor so it didn't seem like a step up to piss as well and it's laminate flooring.

>> No.24831756


>> No.24831764

When I was a kid I unironically wanted a cubicle job because of how comfy they looked. But my first office job ended up being a trendy open office. I set the bar so low, and they couldn't even give me that.

>> No.24831880

Some of them are Herman Miller Aeron, others are knock offs.

>> No.24831905

I've got an aeron, they're great.

>> No.24831970
File: 34 KB, 512x512, analysis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Change your fucking diet anon. Could be an oxalate buildup. and go fully zero-carb. might just be the solution.


I dont work in HR, i work with company finance, and based on what costs we've decided to cut ((and what we
ve managed to save)) we are never going back to pre-covid.

However if you're a crypto holder I strongly suggest you to apply for a international taxation course online ((free) ofc.

>> No.24831995

Thanks. I work for Herman Miller. Love coming into these threads and listening to everybody bitch about open benching floorplates vs what customers ask for. Glad you like you're Aeron. They are expensive but great chairs.

>> No.24832036

Obviously having walls and some privacy from a cubicle is better fucking idiot

>> No.24832055

Yeah, it's comfy, removes all backpain and as said i have incontinence issues so require a non-cloth chair which is hard to find whilst still being high-end and the aeron can be totally wiped down.

>> No.24832062

I'm so glad I work in arguably the most boomer subfield of the financial sector in a downtown office where 19/23 employees are white boomers and every employee that doesn't have their own enclosed office has a massive cubicle with high walls and plenty of space/privacy.

My salary may be lower than most techfags but at least I don't have to deal with ANY poz in the workplace

>> No.24832094

prior to when my work "upgraded" to work from home i had the comfiest cubicle. large, private, quiet, away from my boss and most coworkers. large desk with overhead storage. even had a nice private view of downtown. then with open office gave me major anxiety due to the feeling of always being watched and monitored. no privacy no peace.

>> No.24832166

Open office is the fucking worst, especially if its busy. People will be talking on speaker phone near you all day and when you put on headphones you get asked to be more present in the office, just fuck off

>> No.24832407

woops "upgraded" to open office

>> No.24832421

That's actually looks more visually noisy and distracting versus just having blank white walls w/ a few pictures IMO. Way too far + money wasted with that shit.

>> No.24832491

>At home i don't bother putting on trousers anymore and just piss onto the floor.


>> No.24832560

The lockdowns were never about the virus. It is hardly different from a bad flu season. The lockdown are just another power grab by the elites using fear. There is no reason to go back to "normal" for them. Once the novelty of the pandemic has worn off again they will push a different fear but all the control mechanisms set in place by the pandemic stay in place. Likely the next big fear they will use for power grabs is home grown white right wing terrorism. No more bitcoins soon.

>> No.24832663

We will have rolling pandemics until New World Order is complete.

>> No.24832696
File: 353 KB, 1280x1684, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you gotta stay home to flatten the climate curve, anon.

>> No.24832700

Stop fudding idiots, just check fucking Base and see who is your Daddy now!
>I will make money here and you will die poor faggots

>> No.24832707

>once it ends it's right back to this shit
>he still thinks the coof is ending and won't be used for total control in the name of safety
When governments acquire power, they don't give it back.

>> No.24832743

I would quit if I had to work in an open office, fuck that. Especially with someone sitting opposite you, they would get their throat slit real quick.

>> No.24832931
File: 40 KB, 828x782, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god imagine pulling off to hype minimalistic walls so retards demolish their load-bearing walls and either get electrocuted or crushed by the collapsing house

One can only dream anon

>> No.24833047

this, though thankfully right after getting open offices we went remote

>> No.24833085
File: 103 KB, 992x537, 1599160089549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The ceramic-jew fears the floor pisser

>> No.24833132
File: 44 KB, 600x706, bones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once it ends

>> No.24833212

That office looks really gay

>> No.24834362

Taxation course? Just so I know what taxes I have to pay on my gains or what?

>> No.24834457


> Just so I know what taxes I have to pay on my gains or what?

To know how to avoid paying them.

>> No.24834508

You WILL live in a pod
You WILL eat the bugs
You WILL take the vaccine
You WILL wear the mask
You WILL not have your own work space

>> No.24834564

how do I scratch my balls in a workplace like that?
I really itchy balls, it sucks

>> No.24834675

he's the only one who is working

>> No.24834962

oh of course, sorry I can be a naive brainlet at times