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File: 23 KB, 900x900, unbeatable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24826252 No.24826252 [Reply] [Original]

They're taking over the world, aren't they?

>> No.24826316


yup. GOP trickle down paradise where mega corporations control everything “because at least they’re not the government”. We’re living in Milton Friedman’s wet dream.

>> No.24826359

>He isn't a shareholder of the inevitable

That sounds like a *you* problem.

>> No.24826362

Nope I would short Apple. Everyone is out of work and even the Middle classes can no longer afford their products. China will replace them.

>> No.24826369


Au contraire. That doesn’t mean I think it’s right.

>> No.24826424

Ripple partnership in the works with Apple pay. Watch out for the breadcrumbs.

>> No.24826443


>> No.24826447
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>yup. GOP trickle down paradise where mega corporations control everything “because at least they’re not the government”. We’re living in Milton Friedman’s wet dream.

>> No.24826499

>A chinese comapany called "XINPOW ANTPUTER" is going to eat apple's lunch
>THE apple.
>the first letter of the dictionary
>the symbol of genesis
>the greatest brand ever created
>who recently created the best computer of all time as well


>> No.24826504

ngl their new M1 computers look sweet as hell. I'm just waiting for the next iteration and I might ditch Microshit forever

>> No.24826513

>being short on the only company that consistently delivers superior ux, great integration and interop while every competitor out there is only after your data and deprecates products after 1y

anon, don't be like this.

>> No.24826544

It's a metaphor you literal minded moron.

After all this, they're still a growth company

>> No.24826583

I'm going to buy my first apple computer ever. They've smashed it. I'm not going to bother waiting for the next iteration, I don't care about the touch screen or bezels. The OLED would be nice but whatever.

>> No.24826618
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Probably, on account of Android becoming a poverty symbol. As soon as she sees that green bubble she’s all of a sudden “busy” Monday night.

>> No.24826642

I got the Mac mini, it is very cash.

>> No.24826678

I was eyeing that as well. Is it legit fast or just meme hype? Was going to build myself a Ryzen PC otherwise but Windows sucks balls and all 5xxx series Ryzens are sold out everywhere

I'll be running Photoshop and Ableton on it primarily

>> No.24826780
File: 19 KB, 640x511, BE399F32-278A-499E-920F-A7FC153CD66A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple should get their own stable coin.

Wow, I’m so smart, can’t believe I just thought of this, damn!

Imagine the billions they will be saving if they like partnered with one of those stablecoin projects like XDB or that other one.

Oooooh So pumped for ZUSD possibly increasing my XDB bag price

Fuck yeah

>> No.24826781

It is fast as fuck. Never gets hot in the slightest. I only got 8gb ram too
Only thing it sucks at compared to a PC is 3D rendering but obviously it’s not really made for that. Photoshop and Ableton will be buttery.

>> No.24826819

Not for long bitch, apple is not decentralized, it’s gonna be phased out in the next 10 years if they don’t join the fintech revolution

>> No.24826901
File: 13 KB, 463x293, D0B4BB44-7795-4FAD-9EFE-12EEDDEE3D7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding XDB is a way to go long on ZUSD. Makes sense, maybe I would have believed you if you weren’t another 4chan retard.

But it does make sense.
Fuck it, I’ll do my own research, I also want to make money

>> No.24826910

I am HOWLING you must be joking surely

>> No.24826963

Apple makes their custom chips that run on arm. Also Apple will become a health care and health monitoring hardware company. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

>> No.24827213

thanks anon. A Mac Mini is going to run me about the same as an equivalent PC here. I don't know these fuckers managed it but they've done some engineering magic here

>> No.24827678

I was a windows/android fanboy my whole life. One day I gave macs and iphones a shot and I'm never going back. I feel autistic for not trying them earlier out of some kind of devotion to Microsoft.

>> No.24827812
File: 98 KB, 317x511, Screen Shot 2020-05-12 at 8.12.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not right now they're not....Covid stopped them dead in their tracks. Also they've exhausted their market share..also the last few years they have no major products that people are dying for. Hopefully for the they can get the M1 chips going so they can fuck intel but until that, all i see is people basically using this stock as a "bond" because bonds are shit returns right now. but what the fuck do I know I'm just some neet on 4chan.

>> No.24828103

They have seriously impressive performance in Apple-made software particularly. The operating system I find nicer to use too.
Yeah in fairness all the ching chong special smartphones are pretty good for the money, but I definitely think there is a stigma there that with time is not going to get better with all the shit going on in China, unless they shut down their concentration camps and tyrannical social score system all that kind of shit. That being said, the non-chingchong flagship Android phones are damn expensive (apart from the Google Pixel which looks to be pretty good from my experience).
Also the Mac computers are becoming cheaper while Windows devices become more expensive, whilst still being quite shit somehow.
Happy to be wrong though if anyone has more info

>> No.24828291

the mind prison of the linus tech tips pc master race crowd.
the I really wanna sound like I know what I'm talking about even though i dont, kind of people

>> No.24828624

Dont be daft. Link already has this

>> No.24828967

Stay poor nigger. I know things you don't, how about you listen to those in the know for once?

>> No.24828997
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1608024059583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit on apple when anyone asks me about it
>bought the IPad Pro

>> No.24830048

CVP is taking over the world soon ;)

>> No.24830771

You guys are all idiots


>> No.24831315

> They have seriously impressive performance in Apple-made software particularl

If it's that significant, I'll just switch to Logic from Ableton. It's far cheaper than Ableton anyway

>> No.24831379


I still prefer PCs. Apple computers are falling behind and are grossly overpriced. Microsoft has figured their shit out with their OS.

But yes, iPhones are more enjoyable to use than Android so whatever.

>> No.24831425
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>I also want to make money

>> No.24831442

>he thinks GOP trickledown is responsible for endless liberal bailout money

>> No.24831487


There's levels to this. First of all, "trickle down" isn't a real policy, it's supply side economics. Secondly the US is living proof of the fact that wealth does in fall cascade through the ranks as our poor buy 70" TVs, drive nice cars, and live in functioning houses with internet, TV, and plumbing whereas the poor in poorer states would consider their lifestyle godly. A rising economic tide does in fact lift all boats.

>> No.24831638
File: 97 KB, 1100x733, Bozos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s not Amazon

>> No.24831745

Look at this fucking retarded Burger

>> No.24831788

amazon is on the way out
in 10 years their mcap will be lower than right now
screencap this

>> No.24832035

My point was the meglocorp problem wasnt created by trickle down. Bailing out companies that cheat, commit fraud, and crach the economy, makes them too big to fail, not the other way around. We havent stopped using deficit spending to buy corporate debt and having corporations pump the bond market using fake printed money, we've done it every year since 08. This creates the goliath meglocorps like apple and amazon that can never be threatened by anything, not deregulation.

>> No.24832428

Tim Cook will die of aids and woz will return to take his throne as king of apple.

>> No.24833028

That could just mean they bust a Google and create some new alphabet like macro corporation

>> No.24833060

Would be based

>> No.24833129
File: 176 KB, 1076x894, 2363578357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24833400

I’ve used Logic for around 9 years, it’s very different to Live so may not meet your needs but if you look at some videos of it and it meets your needs & works then you won’t regret

>> No.24833463

I literally just bought an iPhone SE for my mom for Christmas because it was only $400. Apple now dominates all classes. Why buy a shitty Android for the same price that will crap out in two years when this phone will last 5+

>> No.24833546

As a kid I had the "but mac has no games!!" argument which was a solid argument. Plus pc had a huge range of different programs. Pc was so flexible. But now as I'm older the only game I play is casual League of Legends and the occasional Blizzard game. I don't use alot of pc exlusive programs anymore and the most I do with my pc I could do on a mac. Plus building a gaming pc nowdays is bizarrely expensive with the second best cards up in the 1000$ bracket. Last time I built a gaming pc the gtx 970 was the second best card and I got it for like 400$. The price on pc gaming parts have skyrocketed like crazy. I feel like a complete fool when I put together a decent upper tier pc and see the price. There aren't even any good games getting released anymore. Might just get a fucking macbook or something next time I buy a new computer.

>> No.24833945

This seems to have trickled into laptops, I could be completely wrong though.
I was looking for a laptop for my gf and holy shit Windows laptops are so expensive for the shitty hardware they have, they are made out of crap materials and look like shit. I haven’t looked at windows laptops for ages so my memory is probably a bit wrong but I was expecting them to be a lot better for the price idk if anyone else has experienced this.

>> No.24834145

Apple products are shit.

>> No.24834185

I mean, I don't know. I'm still on the fence. I'm just bored with windows and pc overall and the "lower price" factor isn't a thing now with pc gaming parts skyrocketing in price. I scouted some pc laptops too and as you said they're ugly and plastic and surprisingly expensive. The gaming laptops might look badass to a 15 year old but as an adult I'm not into that red/black shit with leds everywhere and the "stealth bomber" design. Plus they're fucking humongous and heavy. As a 15 year I would've fucking loved it. But now that I'm older it doesn't and pc's don't fit in with the style I want in my home. I've been a windows user all my life and changing to mac would feel so weird at first. Almost like I'm selling out to "the man" or something.