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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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248258 No.248258 [Reply] [Original]

>Communications Majors
>Sociology Majors

>> No.248267

>industrial engineering
Don't let the word engineering fool you, these guys don't actually know anything. The entire degree is tricking others into believing you know shit.

>> No.248283

>"business" majors

>> No.248285

Business Admin
Hospitality Management

>> No.248287

forgot human resources bro

>> No.248293

As for god tier, Finance with a dual major or minor in comp sci with a relative project in investing during college. Quantitative/electronic traders make bank at my firm. One guy clears 2M after bonuses. Even if it's a shit algorithm you made in college, it'll get you in the door.

>> No.248298

An individual sperm has a better chance of inseminating than most people have being a Quant. But if that doesn't pan out, there is a lot you can work with from both those disciplines

>> No.248307

Acceptable tier:
>Computer Science
>Applied math

Trashman tier:
>pure math
>hard sciences
>social sciences except economics
> business majors except finance

>> No.248318

whats with the econ bias?
I get that sciences suck because it's Post grad that counts

>> No.248324

That's true for all fields of academica, though.

>trash tier

What the actual hell?

>Biotechnology energy production
>Genetic Engineering
>Medical Research

Honestly I don't even. If you can't get a well-paying job with a biology degree, you wrote your dissertation on the reproductive habits of dick-shaped-frogs. And you'd probably still get hired.

>> No.248338

biology is pleb
my former roommate majored in biology and now he
rather work in a pyramid scheme than sit in a lab

dont blame him, sort of

>> No.248344


>no accounting

>> No.248348

shouldn't be a major what in school have you learned that you had to unlearn once you got experience?

>> No.248380

>not going biz major - marketing focus / sociology minor
>not using herd behavior to sell the masses on shit they don't need

Do you even lift?

>> No.248383

>implying lib schill agendas can assist you in that

>> No.248384
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"Computer" "Science"

>> No.248388


I'm doing ICT (information communication tech) and im organizing a double degree and getting a Geology major.

Any good?

>> No.248400

BIofag here. There isn't much of a market for people with a bio education so it has few and low-paid prospects. How's an $11/hr dead end job in a major metro area for that bachelor's sound?

>inb4 PhD
Check out post-doc hell.

>> No.248410

This is oh so true. I went to a McKinsey recruitment drive at Cambridge and they basically said "We don't want 'Business' majors. They are people who can't think outside of the box. If you come from another field, then we really want you. Don't worry about not knowing 'business', we'll put you through a three-week intense MBA that we have designed which pretty much covers all you need to know about 'business'."

>> No.249025

Perhaps I'm biased, knowing that those close to me with Biology degrees have gotten good jobs. Perhaps it's that most of them specialized in molecular biology?

You just need good specialization courses.

For Pharmacy take:
>Basic Physics
>Medical/Latin Terminology

For Biotech take:
>Molecular Biology
>Organic Chemistry (as much as you can)

For bioinformatics take:
>Computer Science
>More computer science
>Statistics and math.

>> No.249034

Sociology may be the most useless college major, too bad it's also the most interesting one.

>> No.249047

It's all about work experience. I got a sociology degree, but also was an undergrad research associate, with years of supervisor level management experience. I'll just teach high school while saving up money to get an MBA

>> No.249054

>tfw dual majoring in business and film

I'm changing my name to David Goldstein.

>> No.249058

>tfw pursuing a MSc in Economics
At least I'm acceptable.

>> No.249059


women's studies
art history
business management
and communications say hello

>> No.249060

>interesting or useful
It's like a dumbed down version of psychology, and psychology is toeing the line of pseudoscience. How dumb are you?

>> No.249067
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>tfw computer engineering major
>shit GPA, <3.0
>get internship paying $20/hr anyway

>> No.249071

what would you consider good tier then? almost nothing left

>> No.249859

Degrees are by definition not a good thing, being acceptable is best case ontario

>> No.249863

>econ grad
>now a NEET
feels shitty man

>> No.249897

Communications. It makes me so angry this bitch I know brags about getting straight A's. Meh I'm a fin major with a 3.17 and got a $22/hr internship. She can fuck herself in the ass with those A's and no job

>> No.249921


You can also get a good regulatory/environmental job if you specialize in organismal biology/ecology and Monsanto will totally pick you up if you specialize in Plant Biology. As long as you don't a bachelor in Physiology, Molecular Biology, or (gasp) just Biology, you should be able to get a decent job with room for advancement in industry or government.

>> No.249994



>> No.250047


what do you do in psych classes

>> No.250197

> tfw computer science

If it has taught me anything, it sure wasn't financial responsibility.

>> No.250228

Very few degrees are going to be useless. People just have this stupid idea that getting a bachelor's degree in a field means that they can immediately start making a middle-class income in that field. Broaden your sights a bit and you'll realize that most jobs just want a degree, period.

If you want to actually work in the sciences or whatever, you'll need to go back to school.

(This is excepting schools like the art institute. Those are some bullshit degrees.)

>> No.250367

>psych classes


>> No.252095

mostly go over stats of stuff people do
, its like shit people say the major.

>> No.252132

Who are these people majoring in biology and NOT going to medical school?

The whole point of majoring in biology is to use it as a pre medical degree.

I cannot even fathom why someone would do this.

>> No.252155

Lucky people then. No one I know that graduated in Biology has a job doing Bio or any science even (although I'm in a different situation than them because I moved away to a small city after graduation).

Btw, we took most, if not all, of those courses you've listed (you can take CS classes instead of language classes).

>> No.252180

Because I want to do neuroscience research and most neuro researchers get their undergrads in bio.

>> No.252185

CS is only remotely worthwhile when combined with something, be it biology and genetics, art, finance, or some hard science/math.
Everything is computer oriented these days.
EE with them would be substantially better obviously, but that's hard in the first place, to combine it with something would require quite a bit of time.

>> No.252284

Finance grad
Neet now
>Feels bad man
Know Excel and office in and out(read all books and more)
Doing FRM, CFA, going for a master in finance...
Fucking HR
>Well, you don't have any experience, why are you applying for this unpaid internship?

>> No.252381

>HR drones
can't believe I forgot that. Fuck business majors as a category, they're like the fucking Borg

>> No.252385

Any degree can be premed. Those who do physics or even women studies are far better off than bio* majors.

>> No.252389

Oh god no, I am majoring in finance now... What should I do to avoid your fate? And how does one get around the experience dilemma?

Also, how could you have a CFA if you have no experience? Unless I'm mistaken (which I obviously could be), I thought you needed a few years of professional work experience to go for it?

>> No.252394

I'm making assumptions but start earlier, apply for internships sophmore year, get your fucking shinebox and lick those boots,

>> No.252480

Doing my master's in geography, already have 2 job offers, at ~50k!

If you're gonna do geography though, make sure your master's is relevant, and not some kind of crap degree like cultural geography, or identity/gender geography.

>> No.252485
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Womens Studies. Music Therapy.

>> No.252503

did you have any internships? Because that's what really matters. Also, if you're not getting a job now don't be expecting to get a high paying job right away. Finance starts low yet has the highest ceiling.

>> No.252669

Networking, networking, networking.
I'm passing the last level of CFA, but I won't get the charter until I get 2 years of experience.
Well, at least its one more bullet point on my resume.
I'm willing to work for free. I would be so happy to work for minimun wage full time.
I have community work experience, but its not really relevant to finance.

Anyway, working on networking and building a website to show that I can do finance modeling and write/explain well.

To those looking for some excel experience.
Look up Lynda, infinite skills videos

>> No.252694

get your ass in a Finance internship if you haven't already. Unless you have a steller GPA (I mean something around 3.9) you're likely not going to get hired without internship experience. You might have to work for free, but it will open the door.

>> No.252698

Why aren't you doing internships?

>> No.252700

>"Communication Design"
>basically a computer science degree without any math or applied programming, aka insta-trash

>> No.252704
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>electrical engineer
>2 months from graduating
>feel like I didn't really learn anything
>just bombed a technical phone interview today

I feel like complete trash. I'm a smart guy but I'm not a quick thinker and I don't really retain information that I don't use on a regular basis, so I do really shitty on technical interviews. I can make myself an expert on anything in like a day but obviously that doesn't help on interviews.

I really hope I can find someone willing to hire me. I don't mind being a paper-pushing engineer, design is for overachievers anyway, but god it is hard to get a job when you're just an average engineer with no real passion for it.

I might start applying to government jobs, but I don't really know what else to do, I've been dreading being unemployed after graduating ever since I began and now it seems like that's getting more likely. I don't even have a bad GPA.

>> No.252707

>CS is only remotely worthwhile when combined with something, be it biology and genetics, art, finance, or some hard science/math.

>be me
>pure CS degree, no "concentrations"
>have shitty GPA
>get 10+ job offers upon graduation
>accept a job for $60k + full benefits
>EE, ME and CpE majors scrambling to find something, anything, any kind of job while I literally laugh and count money


>> No.252712
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Perk up, this

>> No.252726

You worked that in so smoothly

>> No.252758

>Muh nigga

>> No.252764

What's wrong with an education in Ontario?

>> No.252767

>tfw graduated with a degree in art history and got a job working for 36k a year straight out of college
At the time I was single and paying 450 a month for rent/utilities. Quit that racquet and enrolled in school to study nuclear systems.

>> No.252781

>not a quick thinker
>can't retain information

What exactly is your criteria for "smart"?

>> No.252785


I can learn something new (or long forgotten) very quickly and retain it as long as I'm using that skill on a regular basis.

But if someone asks me a question, like on an interview, about something I haven't done in a while I pretty much can't give a good answer.

>> No.252800

You can major in art history and go to med school as long as you do pre-med requirments.

>> No.252807

I'm like this too, when interested I can learn something at the drop of a hat. Thing is I'm the kind of person who would also retain that information. Hell I can sit in class on the computer and when the test comes the words flow back into my head.

The problem comes because I panic, always panic, and when I panic forget everything.

>> No.253912


look at muh rote memorization!!

Networking and being able to conceptualize new ideas. Those two things make people "intelligent" these days.

>> No.253914

Is pure math too bad? If I'm about to graduate, what are my best options from here?

>> No.253920

Almost no degree is useless there proof of competence.
I know plenty of people with well paying good jobs in a field completely in related to their degree.

On the flip side I know plenty with degrees working minimum wage.

>> No.253929


Computer science intern or .... Teacher?

>> No.253933

>tfw double majoring in International Business and Finance
>tfw I might make it

>> No.253934

Isn't teaching shit money? I've been told I'm pretty good at teaching people things but I don't really have any passion for it. What do you mean by CS intern? There are masters in the CS department I can apply for so long as you have a reasonably 'numeric' degree, like math or physics. I already do a lot of programming for fun. Just wondering how much I fucked myself over picking pure math over applied or statistics or something.

>> No.253969

BA in Strategical and security studies combined with political science (just for fun). I have real neato internship at our ministry of defense. Maybe I will get UN one next year. Also I want to get PhD just for the hell of it. Uni education is free here.

>> No.254014

at my community college a professor could make anywhere between 30-40 an hour. Regular school teachers make shit money but get government benefits. Choice is yours

>> No.254034

If you are doing a degree in just Biology and not something more specific like Toxicology, then you are full pleb

>> No.254039

Why not just do a Bioinformatics degree or a Pharmacology degree

>> No.254070

>Women's studies
>Ethnic studies
Pretty much anything with studies in the name.

>> No.254102

b-but what about political studies?

>> No.255343

you're a young guy who just graduated. and now youre going RIGHT BACK INTO SCHOOL where you will stay for the next 40 years. same routine and everything. Wake up, coffee, say bye to your bitch wife, go to class, see annoying young people, etc

>> No.255381
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yeah, they should change the name to something like computational mathematics
the mathematics of computation
or something like DAT

>> No.255821

Bio major here.

The degrees you speak of are done during a master's degree. Undergrad you have two choices at most universities: General Biology, ecology, or Bio-chemistry.

You can do undergrad coursework in those subjects but your degree will still be general bio.

And yes decent paying research positions require a grad degree. An undergrad in bio qualifies you to watch centrifuges for $12/hour in a room by yourself or with a high chance your one asian coworker assigned to the project doesn't speaky de engrish.

>> No.255833
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>Physics Major
Feels good to be at the top

>> No.255836

>civil major 2 months from graduation
>friends all looking for grad jobs
>cant be fucked, hear that all engineering really is sitting in front of a computer running simulations, doing spreadsheets, and writing reports that noone reads

im at the cross roads and i dont fucking know what to do

>> No.255854

>tfw majoring at International Relations
>tfw loving it
>tfw working at a really big corporation with 21 years old before even getting my degree
>tfw wanting to get a MBA in logistics or consulting

I guess things are going be acceptable

>> No.255862

Accounting/Econ double major here.

Should I change out from Econ to Finance?

>> No.255863

>normalfag logic
Any 4-year degree alone will get me a job
>4chan logic
Only certain degrees will get me a job

The correct logic is that if you network correctly and start job hunting by at least your junior year, its hard not to get a job with any degree. The idea that only certain degrees are worth going to college for is almost as bad as the idea that you can just sit through classes for 4 years and get a job ezpz.

>> No.255865

I dunno but that's what I've been thinking of doing. Wouldn't Finance + accounting minor be god tier?

>> No.256380

but certain degrees have more intrinsic value than others. Also, we're assholes and want to put down people we know IRL via proxy

>> No.257313

>almost as bad as the idea that you can just sit through classes for 4 years and get a job ezpz.
This is true for my major, sorry.

>> No.257447

I'm majoring in:
>BSBA Information System w/ a minor in Computer Science and Engineering

Did I do good /biz/???

>> No.257491

>didn't network
>started job hunting 3 months before graduation
>walked into a $100k/year software job
CS is pretty nice

>> No.257494
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pick one

>> No.257519

>do psychology
>walk into 100k USD starting salary at a bank
>mfw Cambridge University

Seriously, what's the point of going to university I'd its not top 10?

>> No.257554

It seems like you guys are stuck in a loop. Anyone here thought of becoming a 4-yr RN? Or a Nurse Anesthetist? Actually, anything medical related?
How about boot-strapping and starting your own business, that way you could be make all of the motherfuckers feel your wrath, and depending on the business, could earn 1M+ per year.

>> No.257567

>computational mathematics
>the mathematics of computation
but computation is a very specific thing that doesn't describe what CS is

>> No.257780



>> No.257791

>theorical linguistics
>visual communication
>education without internships

>> No.257794

>there are people who believe that you can get a good job that is not practical work if you don't have an MD
>2001+13, many space odysseys

>> No.257895

Getting an associate's degree in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration Technology.

The community college I'm attending offers a scholarship to associate's degree holders to basically transfer to a nearby 4 year university and make tuition dirt cheap (the deal is, you pay the same there per credit hour that you paid at the CC) and I'm considering taking advantage of it.

Would a civil engineering degree on top of the HVAC program be a good idea?

>> No.258029

You forgot to mention that you should major in something that relates to businesses and industries that operate where you want to live.

>> No.258092

if you want to do HVAC get the HVAC degree and get a job. If you want to do civil engineering get a civil engineering degree. Keep in mind civil engineering is a very broad field.

>> No.258163

hell yeah. Love applying for all these research positions...

>> No.258185

So GIS, basically?

>> No.258197


HVAC degree? Just join a union and become an apprentice. I make close to 50$ an hour as a union electrician with no college experience. Comes out to 95k when you include my overtime.

>> No.258206


Where do you find unions that will take you in with no experience?

>> No.258208

the HVAC is a workforce degree and will not transfer to a 4 year.

>> No.258209

I live in DC so I just went to the local union hall and applied for an apprenticeship. 90% dont have any experience. They will school you. When i was an apprentice I had to go to school once a week, for four years. They pay you for going to school though so its win-win.

Once you "graduate" you can work anywhere in the world that the IBEW has a union at.

>> No.258230


>> No.258236


I am pretty much the same way... mostly because I panic and because if people use their own unique phrasing on certain quests I get thrown off pretty easily. If you leave me to my own vices I can pretty much do whatever, once I get some interview questions or verbal questions I just lock up.

>> No.258245


>> No.258258

>wanting to be a quant
>not getting a phd in math
>300k starting

>> No.258265

Is this actually true or some joke everyone just takes the piss out of?

>> No.258273

only the elite makes it to 300k...if you think that is real enjoy your 80k while working crushing hours under stress

>> No.258283

Dude nobody does a Phd in STEM for money anyways.
You can't compete with true nerds for quant jobs.
Look for something else.

>> No.258286

I do finance I was just wondering if the maths thing was true or not

>> No.258288

well yeah you can get a job as a quant with a phd in math and some knowledge in programming.

>> No.258304

Not a major but I have a philosophy minor.
My university only requires 2 class for the minor. And 1 of the classes counted as a general education credit. So I had a free slot another year, so I did it for shits and giggles.

>> No.258332

Teaching can be shit money if you teach in a shit district. Some districts will start you off at 50k a year which isn't bad considering all the off time teachers get, not to mention most states have pretty decent teacher retirement funds. If you get the right certifications you can move into administration which can pay upwards from 60k depending on the district. I'm sure in some places there are high school principals making over 100k a year. Hell if you really pushed you could get into a superintendent position or upper level admin position. There are superintendents right now making half a million a year, it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.258421
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Going to college to learn any trade in general is stupid. If you're an artist, go to art school. If you're a musician, go to music school. If you're a chef, go to culinary school. I don't know why people still insist that college is the only way to succeed in life.

>> No.258445
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Silly goy, don't you know you need to be well rounded to succeed?

>> No.258446

>>Communications Majors

Why do people trash?

Basis of all economies is communication manipulation. The person who manipulated the best gets the most power/money/prestige thus comm degree if applied correctly in practical terms can EASILY net you infinite gains depending on your ethics.

All leadership jobs are communication jobs, all political jobs are communication jobs, all CEO jobs are leadership jobs. Everything else is for them to allocate the technical jobs to others and make sure they get their shit done.

>> No.258457

>my parents literally tell me this

>> No.258463

Your parents aren't wrong, they're simply in the wrong era. For them going to college was a privilege and higher learning was something only half of them did, if they were lucky. They've been told their entire lives how amazing it'll be for their kid to go to college and become a scholar and walk right out into an amazing career.

Problem is its 20+ years since your parents set foot in college, let alone went to one, and they don't realize its become High School 2.0

>> No.258467

Soo Edgy

>> No.258489

>tfw BASc in Financial Engineering
>tfw meet the education requirements for my PEng and CFA designations

>> No.258601

Illustration here.

I...I like it...I think I can do this.

>> No.258663

that's great, but a comm major with no quantifiable skills really has no say in anything. You're basically stating that a quality (leadership) that many possess naturally, and many more practice and learn over time, is worth 100k+ in loans. In reality, nothing taught in a comm degree is directly focused on leadership, half of the time they're just english/journalism majors or undecided 2.0. No one ever says that communication itself is not necessary for global functions, shit its probably the #1 skill a grad needs to have. No one gets hired by being autistic 24/7. But the degree itself has no inherent value, unless you think these CEO leadership jobs fall out of the sky.

>> No.258674

it doesn't really make any sense for you to 'transfer' into a civil engineering degree, where essentially none of your credits transfer. Unless you have taken up to DiffEq or Linear Algebra, 3 physics classes, 2 theoretical math classes, and a random CAD class then you're probably going in to be a babby level Freshman taking Chem 1, Calc 1, and other shit

>> No.259033


probably was in the 80s 90s. now every University on the face of the earth has 20,000 Asian students doing that major

>> No.259117

I majored in Pure Math and Communications. ..

>> No.259158
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Women's Studies
Criminal Justice

>> No.259269

I guess you're right. HVAC seems better to jump into right now.

It's an associate's degree in applied science. It will transfer.

I already tried. They want school.

Either way, I can have 1 of the 2 required years of work experience to get a journeyman's license waived if I have schooling.

>> No.259276

I've already had chemistry and calculus. Why would they make me take it again? All of my gen ed is done.

I had to take an advanced chemistry and calculus class to go along with refrigeration science and electricity & circuitry.

I've seen the course mapping, the credits do transfer.

>> No.260044
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>people in non-english speaking countries believing that majoring in english will be a great way to be above everyone because "hurr muh international language"

>> No.260054


A lot of people are already doing that.
Plus most of the core skills that you study in
business majors you can learn on your own and relatively quickly. You;d be better of doing some type of engineering (not industrial) and then minor in finance or applied mathematics with a minor in finance. Major in something more technical then minor in something business related (accounting, finance, econ)