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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24823808 No.24823808 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled and Trump has uneqivocally lost the election, was he a good president from a business perspective?

>> No.24823833


>> No.24823861
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>> No.24823890

Trump won

>> No.24823906

>he’s right

>> No.24823951

As a "businessman" he should've had some basic understanding of intangible assets, in this case American prestige. He made sure it went down the toilet and turned his country into a laughing stock for the world.
Hillary and Biden are just as fucking retarded though so I really don't care.
- t. Canadian

>> No.24823979

Being American hasn’t meant anything for decades, since Clinton sent our jobs to China you stupid leaf

>> No.24824001

No he was a shitty leader who constantly made bad hiring decisions, didn't do the one fucking thing he was hired to do (fire everyone), and basically just didn't know what the fuck he was doing so he let himself get stonewalled for four full years.

Even with all that, he's in the top 5 presidents of all time because he didn't do anything actively evil while in office. The Union is a fucking joke and we're that much closer to full on dissolution now, thank god.

>> No.24824015

Better than than the last 2 but that wasn’t hard

>> No.24824036

He made America so great, it elected Biden.
Thank you Trump. Made America Great Again!

>> No.24824063

>American prestige
imagine thinking prestige is based on what faggots, trannies, niggers and eurocucks think of you lol

>> No.24824071


The TCJA did its job in boosting asset prices and making the rich richer. That’s about it.

>> No.24824152

Israel benefited a lot from Trump so he's a good goy businessman.

That was all that matters.

>> No.24824259

>He made sure it went down the toilet
we were laughing at obama and bush just the same, nigger

>> No.24824274


>> No.24824288

He cut some taxes so that's cool

>> No.24824289


>these are the same people that will be spamming YOULL SEE... YOULL SEE in 2023

>> No.24824317

He did not lose the election. The election was stolen by Sleepy Joe Pedophile and his satanic pedophile democrat/deep state allies. It was the greatest voter fraud organization ever built, according to Joe himself. Only a complete fool or a demon would deny this objective fact.

>> No.24824341

I, too, seek the dissolution of this American Union.

>> No.24824354

>Israel benefited a lot from Trump so he's a good goy businessman.
say what you want but i liked the 4 year break of new US wars

>> No.24824401
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Holy kek how does it feel to be a low IQ conspiracy theorist faggot brainlet retard? Imagine actually believing this. You sound mentally ill

>> No.24824404


So Trump was either too much of a pussy or too incompetent to fight it. MIGA!

>> No.24824494

ITT people who don’t actually own a business
I own a concrete company and we specialize in warehouses. When it’s attractive for companies to do business here, they build warehouses and other infrastructure. When they’re handcuffed by useless gibs programs, they go to countries that don’t force them to pay such a high tax rate.
The tax cuts alone put so much extra money in my pocket that I would’ve otherwise pissed away in taxes, I was able to expand our sales, hire more people, and set myself up for retirement.

>> No.24824541


how could Trump fight the deep state if he is too busy golfing and tweeting all day. he sure didn't seem concerned and didn't do anything after Epstein's "suicide" to catch the pedos.

>> No.24824563


Yeah we all know you were about to move your concrete business to China until Trump came along. Retard.

>> No.24824586

That doesn't mean you can't make things worse retard. Your image went from being "World Police" to "Idiocracy Incarnate"
>ignoring the fact that there are conservatives all around the world laughing at him
It's hilarious that you turbo virgins think everyone on the right is on the same page with your reality tv star president.

>> No.24824607

based schizo anon

>> No.24824646
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Yes for israel and jews

>> No.24824675

>low IQ conspiracy theorist faggot
well maybe consider you're the faggot
>epstein is real
>biden family is proven to be corrupt
>satanis rituals filmed by alex jones years ago
>not sure if it was outright fraud but rules in swing states have been changed last minute and it was reason enough for 20 of your states to go to court
so what was anon wrong about?

>> No.24824679
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>Trump won, by a LOT

>> No.24824720
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>Alex Jones

>> No.24824862

Epstein was trumps fuckbuddy, its funny how you polcels always sweep that fact under the rug.

>> No.24824982

This. The absolute state of trumptards making fun of Biden for being a pedo when Trump is no better with his Epstein connections. The cope on you is all fucking hilarious

>> No.24825007

Trump ratted Epstein out to the FBI in 2007, retards

>> No.24825076

Well no, he's saying he wouldn't have gotten payed to build warehouses if amazon built those warehouses in china.

>> No.24825121


1. It’s a LARP
2. The CBO itself said TCJA did virtually nothing to spur investment and hiring in the country. It boosted stock prices to make the wealthiest shareholders even richer, and that was it. Trickle down remains a meme, same as it always was.

>> No.24825180

Agent double-o 7

>> No.24825248

that plus he supposedly knew election fraud was going to happen and did nothing about it.

>> No.24825249

It scares me that people the moronic exist.

>> No.24825517

Yes. Record stock market. Good for bitcoin

>> No.24825560

Your country already was a laughing stock fren

>> No.24825576
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>> No.24825624


>> No.24825635
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>> No.24825686

And that's a good thing.

>> No.24825842

Monster for paying for sex.
No men should give women money unless it's to buy food.
Age of consent here is 14 btw.
Epstein had his own Jurassic park.

>> No.24825913
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>record stock market

>> No.24825931

Why didn't they help him win the 2nd term then if he was good with them. Why snub him with that walking corpse Joe

>> No.24825999

>basic understanding of intangible assets
>elects dude weed lmao

>> No.24826027

Imagine falling for this. He knew Epstein was fucked in the future so he threw him under the bus to try to take away suspicion from himself. Same thing many people involved in crime like that would do

>> No.24826060


>> No.24826125

Because they didn't need him anymore

>> No.24826163

fuck this faggot, he was always anti-crypto

>> No.24826453

lol what the fuck else would it mean retard?

>> No.24826774
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cope, Trump was all in on it, just like he was with Roy Cohn, the jew connected to Mayer Lansky and who was running the Pedo criminal ring way before Epstein.
you will never see this discussed on /pol/ though, because this dumb board is nothing but a cult of personality around Zognald at this point.

>> No.24827009

You can't be this stupid right

>> No.24827162
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Trump won right? two more weeks!

>> No.24827226

Best president in American history but the American people have never been more retarded.

>> No.24827311

He may be out of office soon but the salty tears of leafs, euros, ccps, and commies everywhere will never ever stop. His name will become a slur. And for that, I thank the man.

>> No.24827324
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just get some SDX (swapdex), thank yourself later

>> No.24827376

Clinton's greatest achievement was just not changing what H W set up. The uncertainty of constant arbitrary change is more destructive to the market than any other policy. The market as detached from the reality of infrastructural integrity in business sectors, of course.

>> No.24827927

>Trump broke not one but two casinos
>He was baby seated by banks for a decade, since he was a liability
>got fired from his TV show
>got voted out of the white house after his first term
>accomplished nothing in 4 years

Are you tired of winning yet

>> No.24828120



>> No.24828170

>no crypto regulations
>every deal restructured to give the US president leverage
>neutered the following anti-human corrupt globalist organizations: MIC, Israel, UN, NATO, WHO, The Republican party.
He set things up to win too hard in the second term, the globalists knew they had to go all in and make sure their puppet became president no matter what so they completely abandoned the pretense that fair media exists and showed their hand.

No reasonable person can deny the conspiracy anymore, the globalist media declared publicly they are above the democratic system and can dictate what democratically elected presidents can or can't say.

>> No.24828230

You hate america? Gtfo then, commie

>> No.24828278

you mutilated your body and it will never heal. you will constantly smell like shit and will never be a woman.

>> No.24828304

his tax cuts saved us from a credit crunch and rose wages. Beside that, he made Whores and Trannies seethe which was awesome

>> No.24828517

You think he neutered israel?

>> No.24828535



>> No.24828754

I'm being tongue in cheek, reality isn't a cartoon. He gave all those groups concessions in exchange for less long term leverage over his presidency.
If you ever played crusader kings it's like when your king dies and you need to spend 20 years just establishing that you're the king again by dealing with powerful vassals. He failed though, the vassals gained control again and Biden will entrench them even more making it even harder for any future leader that actually wants to lead to get anything done.