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24820350 No.24820350 [Reply] [Original]

First-generation crypto exchanges were the pioneers of the crypto industry.

You all know about Binance, Huobi, BitMEX, etc. One of the most common characteristics about them is that they started off as a spot exchange (except BitMEX).

Next-generation crypto exchanges are often designed by professional traders and have a better understanding of trading products. A well-known example is FTX.

That lead me to ACDX, new crypto derivatives exchange adapted for real traders.

World's first crypto exchange offering structured products.

So, what is the best place for trading?

>> No.24820697

Oldschool exchanges, i'm freaking about those 30K BTC that look like they'll get dumped soon. I can remember when they got hacked when i was forst learning about mining crypto. All exchanges are shitfull even DEXs
All exchanges need to be burnt down and start again.

Crypto deserves better

>> No.24820777
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Fucking Bitmex and shady Arthur fuck a ton of us over.
The last 2 years have had 75 exchanges 'hacked', exit skem or shut down.
It's so sketchy now if you have a long position open for a few days or a week. If its a big trade, i shit myself that even well known exchanges will rug and i'll be fucked over again.

This ACDX is less likely to rug how anon?

>> No.24820861 [DELETED] 

I've used Binance Bybit and Kucoin most and dont like anyof them.
Binance has DAF support
Kucoin fucked up their hack royally if it was a hack
Bybit isn't too bad, but i mostly use it becoz i got a referral bonus when i first signed up.

Derivatives exchanges are good when you want to short the crap out of a shitcoin like XRP kek

>> No.24820907

After all, I think no one will beat Binance. You can't find better volume.

KuCoin hack was mess. Complete mess.
Maybe even inside job.

Okex was struggling as well.

Exchange only for real traders sounds good, we will see how they'll deliver it.

>> No.24821014

Huh? Uniswipe

>> No.24821215

>>24820350 (OP)
I've used Binance Bybit and Kucoin most and dont like any of them.
Binance has DAF support
Kucoin fucked up their hack royally, if it was a hack
Bybit isn't too bad, but i mostly use it becoz i got a referral bonus when i first signed up.

Derivatives exchanges are good when you want to short the crap out of a shitcoin like XRP kek

>> No.24821327

XRP is actually good for trading. Binance is my number one exchange still. If something better comes up, sure I will switch. Why not. Exchanges dedicated to traders is a good idea cuz everyone is learning how to become a trader. In other words, ppl are lazy and want easy money from trading but they don't know how much stress that can cause.

>> No.24821390

Is there an exchange where I can trade directly from my wallet without a need to transfer my crypto into the exchange account, also where I can make limit and stop loss orders?

>> No.24821925

Nope, I don't thinks. Only every DEX. Kek Maybe not every, ok. Haha

>> No.24822247

It depends on what I want from the token I'm buying. For fast flip I usually use Uniswap, cuz that is the first place where they come. Also, some tokens are not listed on every exchange. But in general, I use DEX for real trading games.

>> No.24822343

Best place for trading depends on the user — features, contracts, etc. A nice UX can be a plus. I'm a fan UX but those orders ofc need to execute lol

>> No.24822394

yeah a lot of this. It's a hassle i hate about crypto, if you want low market cap coins or early stage projects you have to have accounts on a ton of different exchanges and most of them feel sketchy.
I use uniswap for ERC20 tokens, but fake contracts are fucking rampant.
Exchanges have to get better, look at how fast DeFi is eveolving with new types of products, exchanges need a massive fucking overhaul.

I'll check it anon, nothing to lose.

>> No.24822642
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shitty anon exchanges to be burnt and change with what the hell I think you're just drunk there are DEX platforms that are doing well such as plasmapay and there utility token is massive

>> No.24822675 [DELETED] 

I’d still go with Binance. KuCoin hack was a fiasco. Not even sure if it was a hack at all. Hard times for Okex as well. Exchange adapted for real traders you say? We’ll have to see how they’ll do.

>> No.24822725

KuCoin hack was a fiasco. Not even sure if it was a hack at all. Hard times for Okex as well. Exchange adapted for real traders you say? We’ll have to see how they’ll do.

>> No.24822855

Look for a reformed exchange mate. An exchange that has a strong FA and has a leader that has a vision and knows what he’s doing.

>> No.24822924
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Bybit's bonuses is a shitty scam to me since i can't withdraw the bonus but i can only withdraw the trading profit from the bonus. Binance also not bad though I get fed up with the way these companies handle crypto exchange and I'm exploring nfts now with wax at the top. I feel so many are coming to explore that space and try to bomb it as well

>> No.24823022

Was Kucoin really hacked or was it an inside job?

>> No.24823032

Isn't Plasmapay a payments thing not a DEX?
The name's a giveaway

I don't see the difference between a hack, exit scam and any of the other bullshit we're supposed to accept
If you have to put your funds somewhere, there needs to be gaurantees of some sort. I'm as dumb as the next anon, i didn't put any focus on how legit exchanges are. Kucoin was the bitter pill with exchanges thats made me rethink the whole skem.
> Having VIDT i couldn't withdraw for months and months when they would list new coins was total bullshit.

I've started using ACDX for BTC and ETH trades too anon, it's a shit ton more transparent and has responsive support that know how to fix problems and don't treat me like a 5 year old.
I still use other CEX and Uniswap for shitcoins, but as ACDX moves out of beta and lists more alts, i hope i can do it all there.

>> No.24823134

Structure is good. It builds a good foundation. If ACDX offers such products, then I think I’ll give them a try.

>> No.24823165
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I haven't used ACDX yet, but i will move there at somepoint, just because Andy's there.
All the time i used OkeX when he was COO it was really good, and after he left, the difference was noticable.
It didn't completely turn to shit over night or anything, but it lost it's edge.
I haven't been following whats happening with the new exchange as much as i should, but i know it's there and see the team he's built to make it the best. Like any real world business it'll grow in stages, i just hope that other exchanges follow and clean their shit up

>> No.24823225

I don't even know how I ended up there but I'm on Kraken.
Very low fees, but higher than Binance plus no wallet. Can stack ETH < 32 though, that's a plus.
Only 50+ coins listed.
Why am I here and not on Binance?

>> No.24823234

UX means nothing to me. I will adapt to everything. Easily. But options like placing orders directly to the book, setting subaccounts are something else. Make it easier for is to trade.

>> No.24823372

yeah i know OP is probably bullish on ACDX, and it will probably do all right based on how OkeX grew.
Any new exchange no matter how well run will always face challenges.
Anons probably don't think about it, but where money's involved shit gets real, and i bet CZ the slimy weasel makes life tough for new exchanges. He doesn't mind wash trading and manipulating so it'd be in character for him to be a fucktard trying to supress competition. If you look at Binance and their marketing style it's like Mc Donalds.

Serious traders don't line up for that, I know i don't. The more years you get your hands dirty in crypto, the more you stay away for shiney shit. So good luck to ACDX really, it's a tough game and from what i see they're tring to up the game

>> No.24823374


Never understood derivatives...

What makes it so special and why are they different compared to the regular exchange.

>> No.24823448 [DELETED] 

Not really into exchanges but ever since I missed Binance this thing has been giving me same vibes. Not ignoring my instinct this time.

>> No.24823494

I trade on Uniswap but I use Unitrade to place limit orders on it, it's all i really need desu

>> No.24823639

>Not really into exchanges but ever since I missed Binance this thing has been giving me same vibes. Not ignoring my instinct this time.

>> No.24823822
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Anon there are loads of crypto exchang platforms like bybit and plasmapay all working smoothly

>> No.24823843

I trade local, not really familiar with these exchanges you’re mentioning.

>> No.24823897
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Steel is finna moon

AT owns 17% of CLF

32.50 PT

>> No.24824011

You are talking about fiat? Lol

>> No.24824058

Op i had to google structiured products, i thought you were just an ESL parjeet, but turns out it's an uber Chad trading product. 4chan taught me something
Kek, uniswipe is a dating app for unicorn shaggers
kek, have accounts on at least 10 exchanges, probably a lot more. all gay AF
Fak Kucoin

Binance can lick my hairy scrotty. I use it but get my coins off of there as fast as i can. I wouldn't use it for open trades with long or short positions. CZ is just after ma coinz

Bottom line is exchanges have to offer us something. The rest of crypto is about adding value.
If the next generation of CEX and or DEX do that, i'll use them

>> No.24824161

I use Binance because of the "funds will be safu" meme

>> No.24824339
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The world has changed and evolved with defi and cefi and there's this amazing platform plasmapay that bridges cefi and defi seamlessly. they even jusg announced liquidity mining

>> No.24824783
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anon I'm more in for NFTs now. I speak non-fungible tokens and wax is my king

>> No.24824840

The world is changing and we need to adapt. Otherwise, we will stay behind. If I understand well all this, we are now able to trade everything on those exchanges, even gold. But I think exchanges like Binance will also adapt to that system.