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24808915 No.24808915 [Reply] [Original]

im considering suicide rn
i went all in because of the schizo threads
im like 97% while btc keeps skyrocketing
i cant express with words how bad and sad i feel
anyways, does this coin have ANY hope to go back to 70 cents or something?

>> No.24808960

it'll 30x chill dude. we are fudding xrp to get more before it goes vertical

>> No.24808990

yeah dude. just fud with us. no one has doubts anymore. xrp is fucking lit senpai

>> No.24809004

Just cut your losses no need to rope.

>> No.24809008

piece of shit

>> No.24809058
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kek is this nigger actually attempting to fud The Standard?

>> No.24809096

Give those worthless XRP to me OP ill take them

>> No.24809106

stfu, every xrp under 0.50 is basically stealing, the guilt i feel rn for fudding the fuck out of this whilst dropping every 3k paycheck in it since march KEK (i have no guilt, if you're retarded that's not my fault) you can still make it if you buy now tho, w/e gl

>> No.24809163

imagine fudding THE FUCKING STANDARD. XRP wiill make my grandchildren gorrilionaires.

>> No.24809167

maybe the real gains are the schizophrenia you developed along the way

>> No.24809171
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Don't even care about the price, I'm just in it for the schizoness.

>> No.24809255

On jan 1 we can truly and finally move on and leave the shizos behind. They think it's fun and games wasting my time.

>> No.24809277

they'll have so many "just around the corner" dates to troll you right into 2022

>> No.24809320

That's what you get for buying literal shitcoins that will be forgotten in a few years.

>> No.24809347

piece of shit shitcoin man, I was retarded enough to fall for the memes too. Not selling though

>> No.24809353

Imagine somthing with literally billions of tokens being worth more than a dollar.

>> No.24809360
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op if you haven't done your research and independently realized that xrp is literally the future than you don't deserve to make it


>> No.24809854


Sell when it gets back to 70c.

Then kys when it hits $20.

>> No.24810632

Disregard the plebs, they will off themselves on their own after it becomes the standard and they missed out.

>> No.24810877
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in this case they face deletion or feminism.
She chose wisely

>> No.24810924

>anyways, does this coin have ANY hope to go back to 70 cents or something?
Yes, its going to make a new ATH after BTC breaks its ATH, stop being an impatient retard all you have to do is wait and you're going to 10x or more off XRP this cycle

>> No.24810956

It works just like any other coin we trade. Buy low. You didnt. Sell high. Looks like you either sell low or get an xrp logo tattooed on your ballsack.

>> No.24810972
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>> No.24811022

zoom out

>> No.24811024
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Get on the INJ before it leaves the station. If you miss out on making your money back, just think how horrible you'll feel then.
>INJ $10 eoy

>> No.24811068

>im like 97% while btc keeps skyrocketing
Also, I did almost exactly this last cycle when XRP was at .17-.19 cents ... XRP crabbed and bitcoin mooned to 20K, I was right where you are questioning if I had made the right decision trading almost all my BTC for 40000 XRP ... and then one day BOOM, I'm suddenly holding $130,000.00 in XRP and not feeling so down anymore

>> No.24811257

Why will xrp go higher now?

>> No.24811303

It wont until the 2021 q2. The omens and the word of our prophets agree on this. Check these digits and behold

>> No.24811569
File: 104 KB, 885x960, 1607690294132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are the digits anon?

>> No.24811615

I didnt get them because I honestly almost sold a little bit today. Just the tip. I should have bought more at .49

>> No.24811646

XRP is the standard.

>> No.24811831

kek underrated boaste

>> No.24811862

right here bitch

>> No.24811874

digits can't be forced, fren
they happen naturally for the pure of heart and mind

>> No.24811893

of which I am clearly not

>> No.24811906

just cut your rope no need to lose

>> No.24811930

We have both sinned. Atone by shorting ETH.

>> No.24811985

>xrp breaks ATH a few weeks after BTC breaks ATH
>we are literally less than 1000 away from breaking ATH on BTC
>doesn't buy XRP or sells/shorts now

literally always do the opposite of biztards and you'll be rich af as quickly as a hooker leaves after getting her cash