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24799262 No.24799262 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know how to code? Do you read/comprehend white papers? Do you read educational books?
I want to get involved in crypto, more than just gambling on shitcoins and shilling stablecoins to friends. I want to be less retard pls suggest resources (books especially)

>> No.24799311

Most of those white papers should be understandable by anyone with a high school math education.

>> No.24799737

Reading white papers is about as far as I go, I have novice python knowledge but I want to get educated. Thinking about making a daily thread for crypto education. I see so many low reply threads that die quickly

>> No.24800013

The honest answer is you need quite a bit of knowledge to understand the whitepapers. Learning first year college math along with basic computer science (python) should get you a decent way there. I would be down for a telegram/discord chat to discuss fundamentals

>> No.24800105
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I studied engineering and got a math minor (it was just an extra class). I hate my career and would like to use my crypto curiosity to fuel some coding/systems/finance studying and maybe escape engineering forever.
A tg/discord would be cool, we need some smart anons to join though.

>> No.24800158

Im an AI researcher (starting phd in a year) so should provide some good perspectives.

>> No.24800757

Based. I think I’ll start making a daily, and if we get replies I’ll setup discord or tg. I feel guilty for all the time I waste, time to get involved in the crypto space.

>> No.24800804

Sounds good fren

>> No.24800832

>study electrical engineer
>want to die at my job
>just want to be involved with crypto and escape wage slaving

>> No.24801095
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I did mechanical. We can make it happen brother. Either we get new career paths or make knowledgeable investments so we can retire (or both)

>> No.24801175
File: 58 KB, 558x630, 9781929132140_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best book on the subject

>> No.24801197

I don't even know how to deploy tokens and frontend >:( all the tutorials are shit.

>> No.24801250
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>> No.24801263

You can study solidity and get a good grasp of how the language is written. Also go on ether scan and lean how the transactions are processed. Pretty much learn blockchain development and then you will understand what some of the tech behind these coins aims to achieve. If you want to know about Econ and crypto then “Bitcoin the Standard” is a good read. Educate yourself on some Solidity and Go programming languages fren.

>> No.24801277

Wait apples poop?

>> No.24801372

are they not a part of everyone

>> No.24801440

Great contribution, thanks. I’ve been watching a lot of Andreas Antonopoulos stuff about bitcoin. I’ll read your suggestion. Even the little I know about the basics of blockchain are mind blowing.
Gonna check out some Solidity stuff. I think it would be cool to set up a simple smart contract or shitcoin as a project.

>> No.24801554

What the fuck does AI researcher even mean anon? Asking unironically

>> No.24801654

I'm in a similar boat. I'm planning on studying computer science next year and I also practice code on the side. I made a small fortune in crypto just by holding since last year. I'm interested in the space and would like to know more.

>> No.24801725

https://www.cryptozombies.io is what I've been using to learn solidity shit. It's actually made me realize that some of my ideas were infeasible. Might want to check it out

>> No.24801857

Is this guy good to learn from if you're a beginner or not?

>> No.24801911

They design strategies that will enable the robots to take over.

>> No.24801935

You dont need all that if youre just in it to make money
Unless you want to make money the 100% safe way which is making your own shitcoins
Low IQ pajeets been doing it since forever by just copy pasting code
Issue is that you need to build some sort of following by spending hundred bucks on a telegram "community"

>> No.24801986

that job has already been automated

>> No.24802056

i'd be interested in that.

>> No.24802065
File: 1.48 MB, 962x980, F8240C67-BC10-44E6-B2EF-488CEABD1917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You dont need all that if youre just in it to make money
Yeah I know, but I’d like to be a bit more involved than just investing. I also think it would be beneficial to fully understand the tech so I can be super confident in my investments. If I actually really dive into studying the space maybe it could be a hobby/career.
I’d like to make my own shitcoin just for fun but I don’t want to rug people and I don’t know enough to make a useful project.

>> No.24802169

Shoulda joined the graph curator program kek

>> No.24803225

CS master race reporting.
You dont have to trade crypto to make it if you arent a smooth brain lib arts major.

>> No.24803265

I really don’t want to go back to school but it seems like studying the right CS niche = 200K+ salary :/
I see people on here talk about getting jobs without cs degrees but I’m not autistic enough to make projects that impressive