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24798806 No.24798806 [Reply] [Original]

I hate how NEETs look down on people. My dad was a NEET for my whole life. You guys are scum.

>> No.24798931
File: 667 KB, 1137x581, ncom1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this boy I sent back to r*ddit here a while back — my ban and my testimony. He rugged a 14y/o tranny.
Coindesk said it was flaw in the contract, but he told me there wasn’t any contract to it. Told me that he’d been planning to rug somebody for about as long as he could remember. Said that if I turned him out he’d do it again. Said he knew he was going to /r/cryptocurrency. Be there in about 15mins.

>> No.24799058

It's hard to offend neets since they hate themselves more than you could possibly ever hate them. Even the ones who made a ton of money, especially they in fact. I don't even know why, I'd love to be financially free and neet it up. But it's true. All of them want to die or the world to end. It's crazy.

>> No.24799128

It's because they know they have no value. No one needs them or appreciates them.

>> No.24799277

You are deluded if you think the average person has any """value""" and provides meaningful contribution to society these days.
>inb4 cope

>> No.24799299

love you too bro

>> No.24799303

circular logic of neets is to play victim instead of changing they just get worse

>> No.24799324

>You are deluded if you think the average person has any """value""" and provides meaningful contribution to society these days.
Who says I'm average, NEET?

>> No.24799334

true but neets are literally the lowest on the social hierarchy

>> No.24799351

See, that's your problem. You believe you can either be
b. A wagecuck

>> No.24799366

People who work for themselves are not NEET or wagecuck, they are free.

>> No.24799399

Can't spell scum without cum

>> No.24799456

yeah typical neet would think there's only two options in life wage to death or just live with parents. neither will bring happiness or meaning

>> No.24799477

I'm pretty happy living with my parents. I love my parents

>> No.24799497

>People who work for themselves are not NEET or wagecuck, they are free.
I totally agree. But NEETs always pretend like they only have two options and call everyone who isn't a NEET a wagecuck.

>> No.24799503

Kek. Sorry you can’t imagine it m8 but my friends provide TONS of value. Maybe you should get out more.

>> No.24799544

most parents hover over every single thing you do and will always treat their offspring as children just as a reflex

>> No.24799574

>most parents hover over every single thing you do
Good thing mine don't. Love you mom and dad

>> No.24799594
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>> No.24799690

i think as you get older it's weird to not want to live away from family. you develop a slave mentally and become comfortable with the things parents provide.
to truly be free is to have risk and not be told what to do having a boss, a partner or a parent make decision for you just leads to misery. feudalism never went away it merely evolved becoming governments and corporations we have today.

>> No.24799716

you're either in ignorant bliss or just really young and not ready to move out which is okay but you should consider it if you live with them and are over 30

>> No.24799730

>I'm pretty happy living with my parents. I love my parents
But they don't love you anon. You are a daily reminder that they are a failure.

>> No.24799770

flash backs to when mommy had five men in her bedroom and they all took turns giving mommy hugs

>> No.24799773

How do your parents let you just stay home and leech ? I don’t understand how people are allowed to do nothing all day

>> No.24799815

How hard is the cognitive dissonance when you try to feel accomplishment in life?

>> No.24799824

parents work all day and have no time or energy to tell their overgrown child they need to move out or they develop a co-depdency on said child

>> No.24799862

They do love me. And they make it clear every day with their actions. Love you mom and dad

>> No.24799882

doesn't really matter to me as long as i get drips of dopamine i feel alright

get good grades at school i'm happy
make money on shitcoins i'm happy
move out of parents house with fiance i'm happy
i guess its the little things that help me get by

>> No.24799885

28, not moving out any time soon. It's great

>> No.24799916

you're literally a slave and you're happy with it you delusional fuck

>> No.24799977

How am I a slave? I get to live on my own floor and not pay for anything. Thank you mom and dad

>> No.24800058

Motherfucker. When I was your age, I was halfway through getting my bachelor's. I'd lived in 8 countries and had served 3 years in the army.
Fucking child.

>> No.24800102

>how am i a slave
>proceeds to define literally slavery
if someone provides things for you you're literally a slave.
wage cucks are slaves, but so are neets
living on your own floor doesn't make you free you still dependent on them. idk how to make that clearer

>> No.24800120

Good for you, if that's your thing I guess. I have loving parents, it's pretty damn great

>> No.24800142

i'm 20 and still live with my parents plan to move this year and join army would you recommend?
i don't want to end up like this manchild

>> No.24800149

Don't you have any desire to be a man and challenge yourself?

>> No.24800173

clearly not this poor soul doesn't even realize he has chains around him.

>> No.24800192
File: 40 KB, 600x584, Auberto Barbosao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting a single minute of thought for NEET opinions

I can't even call them an NPC, anon, they aren't even playing the game

>> No.24800197

>if someone provides things for you you're literally a slave
What kind of gigacope is this. If a girl provides a blowjob for me then I am a slave? lmao
>living on your own floor doesn't make you free you still dependent on them
How so? I can literally do whatever I want, because like I said my parents truly love me

>> No.24800232

i only did it because i couldn't sleep and just needed to pass the time i'd usually just read or smth

>> No.24800244

>i'm 20 and still live with my parents plan to move this year and join army would you recommend?
>i don't want to end up like this manchild
kek. I'm from bongland. I was crazy when I was younger and actually ended up dealing drugs in the army and went AWOL for 5 years (hence all the countries). It was not for me. I'm a loner. I hate working as a team and team bonding. Also, so many NCOs were dumb as fuck, literally have trouble reading a children's book. I did not fit in.
If you go for a trade or even military police you'll find a higher calibre - don't go for infantry or cavalry.

>> No.24800306

Incel cope

>> No.24800335

you dumb fuck i'm talking about providing things you require to live and be independent. you don't see millionaires, self employed or business owners living with their parents. and if they do they're usually provide for them. only a complete valueless neet would think sucking off his mothers tit for the rest of his life was a good way to live. using your blowjob example the only one giving head is you

>> No.24800356

>be a man
Already am.
>challenge yourself
Sure I do that too. Won a music production contest a few weeks ago, making more than minimum wage from that alone. It all goes into LINK though, 100% for 2 years now because I have expenses. It's pretty great

>> No.24800382

i was only going to join part time and probably do a trade like communication IT or engineer mostly for experience as my bachelor is related. I was originally from bongland now live downunder.

>> No.24800429
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Will you let your kids NEET? My family drank the bootstraps kool-aid. The world is not so simple. If my kid ever decides that they've had enough I will let them NEET. I can't create a life and not provide them a safety net against the world.

>> No.24800430

So, not a single argument of why living for free on my own floor is somehow being a slave, other than your parents clearly not loving you?

>> No.24800480

Nothing more repugnant than a grown child. Like a 14 year old who sleeps in the same bed as his parents.

>> No.24800481

I'd personally recommend military police (my regiment), you get lance corporal when you finish training and you can get super well-paid security work when you leave (security on cargo ships in the gulf of aden for example - make a grand a day easy.
If that's too alpha for you, working as a submariner in the Navy is pretty based. Great money and you get to travel and live well when you have shore leave.

>> No.24800490

because I have zero* expenses.

>> No.24800492

i already said it's beneficial for building character.
whether my parents love me or not isn't relevant here.

>> No.24800518

i'll look into thanks for the advice man

>> No.24800544

>muh zero expenses
notice no one here except you actually believes this is a sustainable lifestyle.
the only way it's acceptable to have a relationship with parents is to start providing for them.

>> No.24800616

>notice no one here except you actually believes this is a sustainable lifestyle.
It's by definition sustainable. For 28 years straight. Thanks mom and dad again, love you
>the only way it's acceptable to have a relationship with parents is to start providing for them.
I don't give a single fuck what you think is "acceptable" or not. Most people think it's acceptable to go in huge life long debts as soon as they turn 18 and become bank slaves till the day they die.

I will take good care of my parents in old age though, that's the least they deserve.

>> No.24800625

Don't be silly. Neets "looking down" on wagies is just a cope that we should go along with. In reality, being a neet is extremely destructive to you self esteem and mental health, even if you're a billionaire.

>> No.24800640

>being a neet is extremely destructive to you self esteem and mental health

>> No.24800674

>waaaah the people the entirety of society shits on the MOST got lucky one time in history and now they don't instantly forgive and love the people who shit on them their whole lives

What goes around comes around.

>> No.24800708

>It's by definition sustainable. For 28 years straight. Thanks mom and dad again, love you
As a man, I just don't get it. Did you not have any strong male role-models you wanted to emulate as a child? Did you not look at all the danger and adventure in the world and feel awed? Did you not want to explore the world and yourself and see what your limits were?
You just seem so soft and weak. I just imagine you having flaccid arms and baby-soft pale skin. I really have a look of revulsion on my face as I type this. I'm always really disgusted by 'men' like you, ngl.

>> No.24800720
File: 185 KB, 409x409, 1547484404944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we live in NEET golden days right now

social anxiety, depression, autism, all of that was just called "slow retard loser" back in the day.
no one cared or gave a shit about those things, and today you can get literal drugs LEGALLY from your own doctor if you are just plain sad. you get government money just for being unemployed and staying at home doing nothing.
in some countries you can even get government funded sex partners if you are that disabled because sex is considered as a human right. and now you are declared a hero just for staying in your room not going outside.

based times indeed

>> No.24800753

Neets bring their reality on themselves, no one forced you to be a neet you fucking loser. Stop playing the victim card, this is why you’re a neet in the first place

>> No.24800776

I only look down on the ones that larp as conservative, don't like the hypocrisy of it

>> No.24800790

Yes, being alone for long periods of time is unpleasant and painful, even traumatic, for normal humans.
You know that, but still pretend the lonely(or other rejects/outcasts/pariahs) are just doing that to themselves on purpose because the alternative is too uncomfortable and might make you think about your own behavior and thinking.
You're the kind of person who unironically spits out "just" advice when people say they have problems: "just" do this, "just" do that, assuming that they have never tried once in their entire lives, are "just" walking piles of negative personality traits, and that any hardship they face is simply their "just" deserts.

>> No.24800824


this fuck actually thinks he has it good living off his parents. i never said to move out at 18 i just don't think staying after you finished college or make a decent living working is worth staying at home. racking up debt is not instantly going happen just because you move out. just goes to show how insecure you are about moving out.
what you've done is created a scenario where you've given over your life to someone else without ever trying to live for yourself honestly you're a disgrace and you contribute very little to anything probably just a mindless consumer. unironically should read aynd rand or max stirner get some perspective on the subordination of your mind.

>> No.24800854

>Did you not have any strong male role-models
Sure I did
>Did you not want to explore the world
Saw plenty of that early on because my loving parents provided me with that as well. Most of it just starts blending into one another after some time though, maybe Japan was more exciting because of the different culture but that's it.
>and see what your limits were?
I do that in my home gym 5 times per week. 7 years /fit/, lift and eat better than anyone around me.
>I just imagine you having flaccid arms and baby-soft pale skin
See above.

>> No.24800872

>social anxiety, depression, autism, all of that was just called "slow retard loser" back in the day.

just sounds like a cope for not ever living a real life but i guess that's how most people here prefer to live.

>> No.24800884

Haha, look what this brain-damaged cretin shat out while I was typing.
The first thing your mother ever told you was that the world isn't fair, but as soon as you got yours you conveniently forgot that- because you have built part of your identity on the idea that you deserve everything you got. For that position to hold you must also cling to the belief that everyone else deserves what they get too. That there is some cosmic force keeping a tally and keeping "balance." There isn't, that's hocus pocus bullshit.

A person cannot single-handedly rise above being discarded, unloved and unwanted. To expect them to makes you a sadistic psychopath.

>> No.24800890

Don't listen to this homeless faggot.

Go Air Force. Score high on the easy as shit entrance exam and choose a military career with some prospects on the outside AS A FALLBACK. What you really want is that GI Bill education money so you can coast tuition-free for 3 years afterward and pursue the education of your choice.

If you cnt find meaningful employment after school, fallback on that technical trade you learned in the military until you get your shit together.

And buy bitcoins throughout.

This is a fool-proof path to independence and wealth.

>> No.24800928

You just repulse me dude. Why can't you just provide for yourself instead of weening on your mom's tits still at 28?

>> No.24800945

Spotted the cave troll. NEET is a fucking choice, not fate. Being a NEET loser with an ego just makes you more repugnant to the world, and claiming that is somehow opressing you into further NEETdom is smooth brain bullshit. If you got lucky in crypto and CHOOSE to maintain your destructive lifestyle, you've got nobody to blame but yourself when shit doesn't get better aside from your net worth.

>> No.24800949

>this fuck actually thinks he has it good living off his parents
Yes it's pretty great
>what you've done is created a scenario where you've given over your life to someone else
How so? You keep saying dumb shit like that like your dumb slave comment with literally no argument. I can literally do whatever I want, I have loving parents like I said
>aynd rand
The Fountainhead is overrated

You seem more angry at yourself there buddy, whole lot of projection. I hope your parents love you

>> No.24800991

>You just repulse me
Think whatever you want. Life is great

>> No.24801026

>Think whatever you want. Life is great
My cousin has down-syndrome. He's so happy all the time.

>> No.24801057

Good for him glad to hear. I hope he remains happy till the day he dies

>> No.24801206

>you have to be a wagecuck to be happy
I'm sorry that your brains are wired in a way to make you a slave

>> No.24801211

do you plan to live off your parents forever?
i'm trying to understand how that relationship would even work.

>> No.24801220

All I see here is cope. Do you have a debilitating physical injury or mental illness? If no then shut the fuck up and stop making excuses for yourself, always complaining about your shitty situation is a surefire way to never improve it. And I don’t mean depression or anxiety earlier, many extremely successful people have dealt with that throughout time

>> No.24801252

Meant to quote this neet

>> No.24801339

We'll see. When LINK staking is up I'll get my father a new car for sure, he really loves cars especially the ones from the 80s. They can afford it, but would be a great birthday present so why not. And like I said when they get in old age I will get the best care for them possible.

For now I don't see a single reason why I should change anything, life is perfect.

>> No.24801363

yeah maybe my parents fucking hate me and i just feel pressure to move because of their poor life choices being projected onto me. still don't you have goals that go beyond you're parents dwelling i know i do i live in a small town in the middle of no where i'd much rather live where there's things actually happening.

>> No.24801367

This, that dude is just a coping incel retard
>thinks there are literally only 2 options on this planet
>you have to be either be a neet or wagecuck
>what is self employment

You’re fucking retarded anon. I’m neither a neet nor a wagecuck, I work for myself and myself alone at home running my own business. I have some neet like qualities with playing video games and smoking weed quite often and shit like that, but I don’t let that solely define my existence and still maintain healthy relationships with some individuals. Plus I still make it out in society and have traveled to various countries to gain culture/experience rather than being a loser always complaining that the world is out to get them and that life is so unfair

>> No.24801462

>still don't you have goals
Sure, I am working hard with music production, so far going great can't complain
> i live in a small town in the middle of no where i'd much rather live where there's things actually happening
Well then go live where and what you want. For me, this is perfect

>> No.24801522

i suppose you're just content with mediocrity i guess i find that frustrating maybe cause im a sperg and i just find it annoying when i see people not working on their interests 80+ hours a week when i'm not studying my major i'm usually doing a side project related to that field or looking for ways to make money. kek

>> No.24801663

>i suppose you're just content with mediocrity i guess i find that frustrating maybe cause im a sperg and i just find it annoying when i see people not working on their interests 80+ hours a week when i'm not studying my major i'm usually doing a side project related to that field or looking for ways to make money. kek
I like this anon's motivation. Kill it anon.

>> No.24801672

I literally spend half of my day on music. The rest is lifting weights and shitposting here. All money goes into LINK for 2 years now, even the money I get from music.
I love it

>> No.24801742

>I literally spend half of my day on music. The rest is lifting weights and shitposting here. All money goes into LINK for 2 years now, even the money I get from music.
>I love it
Do you really not understand? Everybody here finds you repulsive and it's like you're just a happy retard.
"I love mom, I love dad".
Am I speaking to someone with a head injury? That sort of how you sound.

>> No.24801748

im just a computer nerd and i aligned my weird hobbies with major at school hoping it pays off long term if not i'll just get rich off crypto

>> No.24801782

ITT: people trying to get their lifestyles validated by 4chan autists

>> No.24801918

Not sure why everyone is clowning this anon so hard, yeah it’s lame he still lives with his parents but at least he lifts and works on something he’s passionate about with music. That’s way better than most other neets in the same situation. I live on my own but this is similar to me, when I’m not working/trading I’m working on both my gaming YouTube channel and my music (I rap kek but I do underground lofi straight rap shit none of that mainstream shit)

>> No.24802061

I don’t think he cares about the opinion of coping trannies on 4chan. He’s clearly living his best life and is doing what he enjoys

>> No.24802077

But you're out in the world. Mommy anon can't make the final step to adulthood. He doesn't need soft kind words, he gets them from mom and dad everyday (he loves them so much you know).
He needs hard challenges. He needs to feel scared and overwhelmed with life and then to navigate a path forward by his own, building confidence and self-esteem. By overcoming challenges, you feel confident you can take on new and bigger ones - and it actually makes you feel determined, you want them, because you want to destroy them.
inb4 I challenge myself in mom and dad's basement. Fucking gross.

>> No.24802116 [DELETED] 
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Guys what the hell am I suppose to do now?
I'm 18 and had everything but I threw it away due to my delusions and insanity in the last few months, and now I am on the verge of throwing out whatever I have left in order to force myself to be left with nothing in order to then commit suicide because I'll be a worthless person once I throw out what I have left.
I won't go into my story because you guys don't care and wouldn't believe it anyways
I lived by the phrase "I'll build the tower of Babel, but I'll tear it down myself before God could ever get the chance to," and well I guess I am very close to dismantling it after I had come so close to having everything, and I'll have to pay with my life.
Everyone who I respected thought I would become someone successful, I'll never be able to show my face to them again after what happened to me, it's a total loss, it's difficult to sleep.
Pic related, someone who I idolized, fought to the end for the delusions that eventually consumed him and destroyed him, all while losing so much, to no avail. He berated defeatism, but in the end failed anyways, I'll have to pay with my life

>> No.24802154

You're gonna have to be a bit more specific than that anon.

>> No.24802176

>I rap kek but I do underground lofi straight rap shit none of that mainstream shit)
Let's hear it anon

>> No.24802268

Im 27 and Live at home as well, I'm saving a shit ton working from home and paying off debt. Must feel bad to have shitty parents that don't love you kek. My gf lives with me too and were moving out together in a year or so fuck you wagie mortgage boomers.

>> No.24802307
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the only time i think about wagies is when its a holiday and you all rush to go out and clog up the road or when a wagie takes a bathroom break and makes a post like this.

>> No.24802312

Yeah Join the zog anon don't be a loser like the anon whos saving money and going to buy a home soon !

>> No.24802494

Seems we have some ragie wagies in this thread. Seethe more losers. NEETS will always be better than you slaves. You are nothing more than beta providers for our neetbux.

>> No.24802617

at the end of the day you're the one typing insults and angry messages. it's my our fault us neets are able to appreciate and understand the value of ample leisure time. perhaps brutes of lesser intellect prefer to keep busy with cuckin' it, but for the man of refined taste and pursuits leisure time is the greatest gift life can offer. i took time away from my morning painting to post this

>> No.24802637


I Work from home and Live with mom and dad @ 27. I can easily afford to move out but why so I can have the validation from normies who think i should " pull up my bootstraps" Fuck off, The Rental Market is trash. I don't feel like expending a majority of my monthly income on just being a " adult" Rather Invest it into ETh/Link, Pay off Debts and Save Money so I can BUY a home and Move out soon. Fucking Christ, I lived on my own for a year and a half and fucking hated it. was the most depressing shit ever and the stress was unbearable. Just cause you have a 30 year loan and have to work 8-10 hours a day so you can literally survive does not mean your better than a anon who lives with his parents but has way more purchase power than you.

If this is what makes me a loser than fuck it I'm a Loser

>> No.24802699
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>perhaps brutes of lesser intellect prefer to keep busy with cuckin' it, but for the man of refined taste and pursuits leisure time is the greatest gift life can offer. i took time away from my morning painting to post this

>> No.24802770

You get a lot a shit but I think people NOT missing free rent and mom's food are either liars or have a shitty family. I've made a good amount of money when i went back to parent's house after school. It was great to leave tho.

It's ok to live with your parents your whole life. Many families does that, it was the norm in my country 50 years ago and many people seems to forget that. People being mad at you for such a matter are immature pricks. Good for you if you feel good living with mom and dad. I left because I needed space. And parents are the best at being parents. Not roomates.

>> No.24802816

>being proud of being a kike puppet

>> No.24802851
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Havent seen NEETs this smug since 2016.

Good thread. If we have NEET comedy club threads again then I'm sold.

>> No.24802930

30 here. Live with my dad in a pretty big house. Can bring girls over, can sex them. once I sexed a girl when he was mowing the lawn. can do drugs can do whatever I want as long as its not highly illegal. Why the FUCK would I move out? I pay for my own food by the way, I work from home. it's great. I almost have enough money to buy a property with NO MORTGAGE.

>> if someone provides things for you you're literally a slave.
no you moron + cope
kek these plebs don't like the family unit, I like the idea of a close family that stays together. what a bunch of copers.


super cope. having a mortgage contract to pay is a challenge you enjoy? fucking stupid.

gigacope indeed lmao

thats cope and not true. being neet is great if you aren't a complete retard.
stay coping, rent and mortgage fags. and stay poor.

>> No.24802959

based of bassest

>> No.24802980


>> No.24802986

congrats on your timeline achievements

Everyone else has different timeline achievements.

>> No.24803020

Please be b8

>> No.24803038

Life is good yes. I hope you find happiness some day

>> No.24803103

>Everybody here finds you repulsive
The irony of this post. Everybody is making fun of you bro

>> No.24803132

don't mind these poorjeets fren. they fell for the rent jew or the mortgage jew and are jelly that you are doing good. stay healthy.

>> No.24803155

> nooooooo you're not allowed to develop heckin combat skills and be able to protect your homeland

Poltards dont realize that muh zog and fight for Israel memes are actually pushed by Israeli intelligence to try and weaken the US military. They don't want the US to have a strong and capable military so they push this narrative. Lucky for us 4chin neets arent likely to join the military anyways so its a wasted effort.

> but we give muh Israel SHEKELS

We want muslims to keep attacking Israel instead of the US so we give them money so they can keep the war going so it stays off our doorstep. Not to hard to figure that out.

>> No.24803760

>It's ok to live with your parents your whole life.

>> No.24803781

>having a mortgage
Did I mention a mortgage. wtf..?

>> No.24803894

yes im sure their dropshipping/ecommerce business is very valuable, LOL!

>> No.24804029

>yes im sure their dropshipping/ecommerce business is very valuable, LOL!
That's your response? They must be losers?

>> No.24804088

>I'd love to be financially free and neet it up
its soul crushing after the first 3 weeks. Think about solitary confinement and the only people you can talk to is on your computer

>> No.24804229
File: 456 KB, 621x697, chad farmsteadpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy. A. FUCKING. FARM. Even if you don't want to have a lot of work, you can just plant fruit trees.

>> No.24804275

its soul crushing if you are a fucking retard that only sits behind his computer wanking and gaming in his basement for moths on end.

>> No.24804311

>tfw own several rental properties but still live with parents
>mommy food, clean sheets and general parents love
>rake in that cash and buy more flats and Link

I'm the same as you, I can bang chicks since I've got a whole floor for myself, I play tennis (clay master race) or cycle everyday
I love you dad and mom
Keep seething faggots who had bad parents

>> No.24804506

protip: most neets larp as workaddict wagies in /biz/ to bait other neets

real workaddict wagies don't even have time for reading this board

>> No.24804583

>I live with my dad and have sex with girls, how cool is that
>Btw I'm 30

>> No.24804669

Best place to buy a farm?

>> No.24804780

Go slow based neets, you're killing em!!

>> No.24805031

based fellow NEET producer.
what contest was it? desu i only make money occasionally for SC rap beats i sell to drug dealers. my actual music gets me 0 money atm.

>> No.24805049

neet life, best life

>> No.24805090

Was your dad a good father? How was he a NEET? Did he get rich and retire early, or was he living off of assistance of some kind?

>> No.24806024

I just do it as a hobby for myself to vent out thoughts and stuff, literally never posted this shit anywhere because I'm still trying to find a sound that works for me. Plus my editing is straight trash so if I ever were to pursue it more I would work with someone who's good at sound engineering and can actually make it sound good. Fully prepared to get clowned on by anons here but fuck it, since you asked here's a couple of the newest shit I've worked on, just keep in mind they're real rough cuts. Been slacking on it lately though as I've been focusing on my YT channel more

>> No.24806764

That up to you and depending on your budget. Preferably a place where you could become self-sufficient.

>> No.24807433
File: 618 KB, 1050x670, neet map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24807560

idk bout that, anon. seems like everybody wants to be your friend when they find out you've retired at age 30

>> No.24807701

I'm a Bong and I left the country and never paid my student loans. After 25 years, they expire.
Being in the army (military police) taught me self-discipli... Never mind.

>> No.24807767

>Was your dad a good father? How was he a NEET? Did he get rich and retire early, or was he living off of assistance of some kind?
Shit father. Used to have his own company. Went bust. Father was depressed and on benefits for the rest of his life. Taught me, indirectly, to be everything he is not.

>> No.24807774

Living with my parents until 30 damaged my development in so many ways that I didn't realize until I had been gone for years. You live your life in constant guilt and try to please them/follow their guidance, and your cowardice is rewarded by realizing you are retarded in so many metrics that you feel your life is ruined. Money is important but self worth and independence cannot be ignored.

>> No.24808147

sounds like you are projecting your experience to everyone else

were your parents young?