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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2479331 No.2479331 [Reply] [Original]

This board seriously needs a newfag question thread. Want more people to put in monies into crypto? DO A FUCKIN STEP BY STEP BOOKLET YOU CUNTS. I have no time for reading about wallets, safety precautions, brokers, how to cash out and so on and so forth. Hundreds of newfags just want to get on the spaceship and are procrastinating because it's so fucking time consuming to setup your shit.

>> No.2479347

Lurk you fucking normie

>> No.2479349
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Guess not everyone can be rich

snooze you loose, and you definitely lost

>> No.2479351

just leave it on exchange with 2FA

>> No.2479364
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>> No.2479370

"hurr can I be a millionaire without doing any work please?!" Fuck off lazy ass cunt

What the fuck is so important about your time? Are you a fucking brain surgeon saving lives all day? Retard

>> No.2479387

If we told you what to do we wouldn't be able to take your losses.

git gud scrub

>> No.2479404


The more normies get on the wagon, the more money you make. Is it so hard to comprehend?

>> No.2479453

Yes, but we don't want them to know what they're doing because the money we make has to come from somewhere. Is that so hard to comprehend?

You think we need you but we don't. The quick and big returns crypto offers to those who know their way around it is enough to entice new people into the game. If that is too much for you to learn through some lurking and research just go wagecuck and shitpost on /r9k/. You won't be missed anon.

>> No.2479472

We need an infograph on which coins are ded (Maid for etc.) and which coins are still alive and kickin'

>> No.2479495

I barely started looking into crypto a month ago and have learned everything myself by researching.

Don't be a lazy fucking dipshit and stop expecting everyone to hand everything to you.

You're not gonna make it.

>> No.2479533

Took me about two days to figure out how to begin. Made some small test purchases, got verified and learned enough in the time that took to make a larger buy. Went big on wherein and bitcoin, bought about 50 ltc. Spent about 5k usd. Portfolio now at about 7.5k usd and got some verge, digibyte and ark for long term.

It really isn't that difficult. Lurking, YouTube, and Google searches. Basically what you do now, just with a purpose.

>> No.2479635

Newfag here, how do you do the research? Already have a couple of LTC in the bag

>> No.2479648

No. This stuff is what people pay me to do for them.

>> No.2479655


>I own gold
>It's a finite commodity
>I don't want more people wanting to purchase gold

OK retard. Thanks for your input.

>> No.2479661

Everything here pretty much applies to coins.


>> No.2479713

Here ya go lazy faggot. A Udemy course for 'investing' in crypto. Costs $24 https://www.udemy.com/cryptocurrency/?utm_term=_._ag_Business-Cryptocurrency-Affinity-_._ci_1223900_._._pi_1709508829089174_._gi_all_._ai_18--65_._an_OeDsGA_._lo_%5BAustralia,%20Canada,%20United%20States,%20United%20Kingdom%5D_._&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=NEW-FB-PROS-PROF-Business-Cryptocurrency-EN-ENG_._ci_._sl_ENG_._vi_PROF_._sd_All_._la_EN_.&k_clickid=b2bd866e-15e3-40eb-bedc-cb4be9d42f9b_126129379&utm_medium=udemyads

>> No.2479719


I'm not talking about strategies or what shitcoin to buy next.

I'm really just saying there should be a sticky something like:

get this wallet, it's safe and easy to use. If you're a beginner there's really no reason to get another one.

If you live in this country, use this platform.

and so on...

>> No.2479724

how old are you?

Nigga it's easy to research. Literally go to google and type in "cryptocurrency" and start reading.

I spent/spend several hours a day just reading about shit. Not just with cryptocurrency but with finances and normie stocks too.

>> No.2479728

Here's a hint that most of /biz/ is too retarded to do: READ THE WHITE PAPERS.

>> No.2479740


I'm reading about it. I'll be fine anon. I just wish there was some helpful info around here instead of begging threads and shitposting.

>> No.2479756
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I understand and apologize if I was too harsh. It just bugs me when people are too lazy to do the research themselves.

That shit used to drive me up the wall when I browsed /fit/.

Of course, it would be easier if there was some sort of sticky on this board but it is what it is. Just continue reading up on it.

>> No.2479765

The problem is that it's all very sketchy and any clearly stated step by step guide is going to reveal that there really isn't anything safe or secure about it. Such a guide, if it were truthful, would probably drive a lot of people away. You should just stick to hype, hot air, and shilling.

>> No.2479768

You get whatever wallet for the coin you need, then you send the coins in. Usually you find the wallets at the coins website. No wallet is safe and easy to use. Everybody should back up their private key into a safe place. So, I don't get it, are you talking about just holding coins or trading to make money?

>> No.2479795

Are you in the US op? If so, use Coinbase to convert BTC and dollars. Use Poloniex to buy minor coins with BTC. Mycelium for Android and Breadwallet for iOS. Keep large amounts of money off web exchanges for security. Use 2FA on everything. Control your own private key.

>> No.2479805


See, something like this, more detailed obviously, would be a great thing to have around here.

>> No.2479905

Buddy join my discord for beginners and read the pinned faq's https://discord.gg/8pTYu8

>> No.2479922


buying crypto is so fucking easy a literal retard could do it

if you have the mental capacity to wipe your own ass, you should be able to buy some Bitbeans

>> No.2479947


I'm nervous about cuckbase locking me out for transferring some coins to Bittrex. There are mixed opinions on whether this is allowed. It's against the T&Cs to withdraw to other exchanges but enforcement seems lax.

>> No.2479975


good stuff anon.

>> No.2480066

Just transfer them to an address you own then to Bittrex. In general I don't ever transfer from CB directly to an exchange.

>> No.2480076

>Want more people to put in monies into crypto?
I really don't. I need more time to accumulate you dumb faggot, stay the fuck away from my meme money.

>> No.2480104

what should i use in australia?

>> No.2480114

This discord for beginners is made by an ausfag

>> No.2480144


Gonna try to do that tomorrow, as long as my ETH gets pulled out I'm good

>> No.2480162

Newfags seriously need to understand the phrase lurk moar