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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 218x134, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24791141 No.24791141 [Reply] [Original]

you DO realize that employers will require a vaccine to work, right? you do realize that in order to travel anywhere you will be required a vaccine, right? whether you like it or not you WILL be required a vaccination, in order to do literally anything.

>> No.24791155
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You DO realize I hold LINK and am not a wagie, right?

>> No.24791168
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>> No.24791169

>What is (working from home)?

>> No.24791177

there's your problem.

>> No.24791186

off grid homestead and off grid blue water solo yacht and off grid van

>> No.24791196

That’s why I’m going to make it from crypto

>> No.24791207

I plan on neither working nor goycationing at trendy "hot spot" X for the picture to post on kikebook.

I'm going to buy cncs/lathes to make funs and fun accessories, and I'll pay extra to NOT have to see any of you faggots near my compound.

Fucking scammer better hurry the fuck up

>> No.24791213

>what are fake records
Anon, it's like you never met a crooked doctor or lawyer before.

>> No.24791270
File: 10 KB, 231x218, 7A91EB95-FB74-4FFD-86B7-3FBC1123FF9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I don’t wanna take it now? What if I wanna wait a bit to see what happens? I’m a young healthy guy.

>> No.24791289
File: 338 KB, 1920x1080, F68F0DF7-A033-4F2B-B496-3C9EC2851041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, I’m a humble quail farmer. Do you think my hens require a vaccine from me??

>> No.24791323


>> No.24791326

Mandating vaccines for travel is unconstitutional, the moment they try is the moment they get sued. Yes even an airline

>> No.24791343

Yes, I saw this coming a long time ago and have since prepared. I'm not taking the vaccine.

>> No.24791348

>hello sir, to board this private airline we need you to confirm that you've been vaccinated so that you don't risk getting other passengers sick


>> No.24791352

you DO realize that your attempts at cucking wagies has no power in /biz?

>> No.24791375

correct, they’ll be sued. Furthermore these airlines were barely solvent before the crisis, you don’t think they’ll be falling over themselves to offer vaccine-free travel if it means selling a ticket over their competitors?

>> No.24791388

Corperations dont give a shit about Government policy. FAGMAN control the U.S. not some puppet leaders.

>> No.24791410
File: 262 KB, 2024x2672, bestfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pussies act like you never contemplated suicide before. Fucking slit ur wrists, light yourself on fire, bitch slap a doctor with a needle. Go fucking bonkers. Throw yourself on the gears of war.

death ain't shit .. nothing happens when ur dead it's just blackness and no thinking. They wanna force u to do something, you always got another option. Nobody can make suffer more than you decide to suffer. It's all a fucking joke, this world it doesn't matter. Do whatever there's no consequences.

No man, no government, no entity in this world can force you to do anything. You always got an ace up your sleeve. But you can only use it once.

>> No.24791421


>> No.24791454

sued for what?

>> No.24791494

hur hur, so and so gonna do this or i won't have a job. nigga then don't have job then? fuck idk. shit. Push that shit as far as you want. Don't have a job, don't have a car, don't have anything. Be a man and stand for what you believe in. Go all in on the poker game call their bluff and if they got a better hand and it backfires just fucking will urself into a self inflicted euthanasia

>stop acting like you got something left to lose.

>> No.24791524

Spirit Airline would put a person with ebola on board if it meant selling another seat.

>> No.24791527

living in a city has its down sides, but I don't think I would enjoy living in a rural area much. I really love culture and the performing arts. How much of that can you really get in a rural area?

>> No.24791531

holy shit dude are you 14
There's no point trying to reason with these retards, they're probably the same group of people who simultaneously believe covid is fake, not that bad, and an engineered chinese supervirus.

>> No.24791534


>> No.24791548
File: 2.07 MB, 400x400, WorldEconomicForum2030.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that globalists are using the coronavirus to bring about Great Reset

>> No.24791568

Depends what you like. In my view the city only offers entertainment in the form of pay to watch or eat something. Gets boring fast. Burbs and rural offers dirt bikes, shooting, hunting, boating, fishing. It depends if you are a person who can make their own self directed fun or if you need prepackaged expierences made by the jew. You can always go into the city for some art shit if you want, but I'd rather have space to create art. I turned my shed into a little stop motion studio.

>> No.24791569

Only positive in that entire thing is the organ printing. I'd pay for a brand new heart and liver right now if it meant I didn't have to worry about a heart attack from all the abuse I put them both through.

>> No.24791571

Real bread and circus guy over here

>> No.24791681


>1 post by this Id

>> No.24791683
File: 242 KB, 1749x666, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded?
wake up and smell the stench of death and despair all around you. I am merely pointing out that there are other options. Define your rock bottom and be prepared to push the eject button in case of emergency. This is world war 4.

>> No.24791920

Throw the nurse a few bills at your local Urgent Care. Problem solved.

>> No.24791971

Im a pharmacist, I give myself shots and I'm already planning on squirting it into the garbage and have told all family and friends required to get it to come to me and I'll do the same for them.

>> No.24791997

Imagine believing this, you conspiracy theorists are just gonna have to accept you’re gonna need a vaccination to travel anywhere

>> No.24792025
File: 82 KB, 746x960, FF4E49B9-A4B8-4710-9E15-DBD6430C6435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related for any vaccine conspiracy retards

>> No.24792112

you are right.

It's not about tracking. That is actually a side quest.

It's about eugenics.

>> No.24792134

I'll just kill myself if it gets bad enough lol idc

>> No.24792144

Where the fuck do you think you are? Cattle deserve to be injected with mystery goop from their masters.

>> No.24792159

sir this is an anti quail farming forum

>> No.24792181
File: 6 KB, 348x348, 1241h249124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I care? I am a NEET who lives off crypto in mom's basement.

>> No.24792186

Nobody knows how much crypto I own. In that same line of thinking, my earnings aren't clear to anyone except me.

>> No.24792200

are you getting a vaccine?

>> No.24792215

Of course not, vaccines are for the goyim

>> No.24792235
File: 156 KB, 270x270, 1588517004801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah....I'm thinking based

>> No.24792269

>working from home
>literally putting 70% of my paycheck into BTC/ETH
>i only go out to go to the gym and stay /fit/

i dont give a single fuck, i just have to make it for another year or two until people start dying horribly from the vaccine or the country collapses

>> No.24792340

And that’s why you fuckers lose money. Quails are the perfect hedge against inflation and market uncertainty.

>> No.24792344

Most people won't die from it so soon. They'll just gradually feel less energetic and worse as the years go on, until they die from cancer a decade later.

>> No.24792779

How much do you make from quail farming? Worth it?

>> No.24792792

i feel bad for people living in nyc

>good jobs still
>still have a lawn but can drive to the big city
>CHEAPER than nyc
>can have a backyard, garden, and driveway
>weed is LEGAL but in nyc youll still be cheated out of life and cant even enjoy the ultimate plant and drug

>> No.24792882

NEET dormant masterrace reporting

snark at the traveling, working PLEBS

>> No.24792919

they're both shitholes desu. I hate having to get in a cuckmobile to get anywhere in LA. at least NYC I can bike or take the subway.

>> No.24792947

I don't need a vaccine to be a NEET.

>> No.24793017
File: 50 KB, 700x707, Umaru Merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fake vaccine passports
Fucking GPs are gonna make mad $ under the table.

>> No.24793352

> t. someone who has never used the subway

>> No.24793369

The Jew fears the quail farmer