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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 182 KB, 2178x946, ChadFarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24790773 No.24790773 [Reply] [Original]

Ever see a token with 200% reliable APY moon? No? Let me introduce you to FARM.

Hedge fund with a P/E ratio of under 3. They're still down in the dumps because of the hack and it was paired with a stablecoin so moonbois dumped to chase that original eth pump. Fuckin awesome profitshare APYs and they are making a come back.

Last time they were earning this much profit they were at $150+. Easy buy and stake at 200% till that happens

>> No.24790874
File: 202 KB, 750x843, 7A3FE855-D7BD-4591-B56E-6082D3704739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy on uniswap:

Graph :


>> No.24790921
File: 365 KB, 1484x2101, 20201206_000103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some FARM.

Pic related is how they maintain the APY, as long as they are making profits on their TVL, their profitshare APY will be high. They are making record profits right now.

>> No.24791007

Over half a billion dollars in deposits, up to 600% APY.

>> No.24791338

It's not quite that high at the moment, but 200%-250% sustainable is miraculous amongst all the farm and dumps out there.

This is what YFI should have been. A real profit-sharing mechanism for investors. Think of this as an extremely high-dividend stock of a hedge fund.

With weekly inflation cut, it'll get harder and harder to accrue FARM, so in the future, the only way to get FARM will be to buy it on the market. Buy and farm now while you still can.

>> No.24791363

Hacked for $25m like 1 month ago

>> No.24791453

Why would you mention a hack in your shillpost lmao never touching this shit

>> No.24791537

Wasn't it a flash loan attack which has since been fixed vs a hack?

>> No.24791561

Your loss bud. They've recovered nicely from the arb attack, the TVL has already returned to over half of their peak.

You can play it safe and wait till they fully recover but that'll be 3x from here lmao

>> No.24791587

I have nothing against them just worth mentioning. $25m lost in traditional institutions is a huge deal. It was the same hack as bzrx is all i know so yea i guess its fixed but im not an expert and honestly i thought they were already using oracles and was shocked when it happened in the first place. For an anonymous team they seem professional im not knocking them

>> No.24791891

I literally get a higher APY if I stake on the platforms Harvest is farming by myself.

>> No.24791944

Of course you do. Thats literally the case for 100% of yield aggregators. The difference is harvest compensates you with free Farms for staking with them, and optimises gas and auto-compounding.

It's worth it if you have a smaller stack since the gas cost of compounding manually is prohibitive. 578M TVL currently thinks the value proposition is worth the take, and for as long as they do, FARM hodlers benefit from the take.

>> No.24792501
File: 18 KB, 543x156, badger-full.1ec11327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention the supersetts on badger that'll up the APY on harvest tokens by ~150%


>> No.24792566

Stake your RenBTC deposit on badger and add 113% to your apy

>> No.24792692

Yeah, they have a few collabs. They got a partnership with Idle, Badger, SnowSwap, Benchmark and Perp.fi.

They're also in talks with Rari Capital now.

>> No.24793137

Their LP and profitshare APY is technically accurate, but practically, slightly misleading.

The APR (which every other projects quote for their APY) is actually about 150%. Still good though, don't get me wrong -- I like FARM a lot.

Big fan of their devs Devs and their Discord mods TFR and Brandon are genuinely high IQ dudes. They all understand the metagame, it's a breath of fresh air. Way too many dummies and scammers in defi.

>> No.24793731

Yea fair point, but they're leagues ahead of the other arb attack victims. Their rectification scheme actually generates income for victims and is quite well thought out, unlike Pickle's

>> No.24793790

lightning doesn't strike twice

>> No.24794439

Tell that to Bzrx lol