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24790675 No.24790675 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever thought about how if you made it with crypto and continued a life towards maintaining and expanding your wealth, months and years after the life changing event you would have to basically change everything about you and your personality. We’re not here to be frugal, we will have money and power to do as we please

>> No.24790846
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Yeah, keep your fucking mouth shut about it. Unless you're willing to lose some friends and family (inevitably, as money allways makes things complicated) then keep quite about it and don't flash your toys around people. Sure, show people around you a little upgrade, but don't tell or show anyone your expensive stuff or wealth. Also, most people here just want to be left alone after making it. Most of us don't want to attract the attention of money grabbing pricks and just want to pursue hobbies or interests, maybe even start a family. I feel you're a bit misguided in the reasoning for making it. It's not to buy expensive things, but rather to secure freedom from the clown world. Re-orient your heart OP or you will be lead down a path of self destruction. Seek higher things then material possessions.

>> No.24790882

I'm just going to leave everyone behind and buy a house on Madeira and live off my passive income for the rest of my life if I make it.

>> No.24790939

This... And I don't want bitcoiners who made it to go around acting like hype- douchey and flashy joggers, because then they'll just be whipping up public resentment of us. That sort of behavior could provoke the bucket crabs to claw us through the shitshow political system.

>> No.24790970

I purchased a house in the mountains and live like I'm middle class until crossing the pond. My kids are going to flip shit when I die.

>> No.24791010

Thanks for your advice anon. I understand your point but I’m also talking about life after our assets are valuable and we have to move our money around other investments, there’s a whole life behind it, it’s not about just spending. The retards thinking they’ll just sell their crypto and consoom depreciating assets while accumulating liabilities are going to lose everything and kill themselves. No matter what path you choose, this will have a deep impact emotionally and psychologically

>> No.24791047

It probably makes sense at that point to move your net worth into a traditional investment vehicle like the S&P 500 or something and live off the passive income.

>> No.24791209

That would be safest bet, but I’m talking for those who want to take more risk and be creators. I unironically believe crypto is still in its infancy and all those who hodl fat stacks till the end could eventually become banks. It really depends on the individual I guess. Personally I feel a life without some kind of goal or struggle would be boring and pointless, being on vacation for the rest of my life is unappealing

>> No.24791282

I also see the potential in crypto, but not pulling out of crypto after you've made it seems very reckless to me. Putting 80-90% into traditional investing and the rest into crypto might make sense there. You don't want to be the guy who has made it but then lost it all by being greedy.

>> No.24791376

>you would have to basically change everything about you and your personality.
Not really. All it means is you won't have to worry about money any more. What you do with that is up to you.

>> No.24791448

Do you not understand that we live under constant fear of survival? We work and eat because if we don’t we die. Once we don’t need to exert force to continue living then you’re basically on vacation for the rest of your life and this WILL bring mental and emotional complications. Many people who choose to do that also lose everything because they’ve accumulated liabilities. The only big brained plan would be to seek expansion. A lot of people here have never actually met a millionaire, it takes a special set of features to grow a small project into a franchise. Making it with crypto is basically wining the lottery in slow motion except a lot of people into crypto are already open minded risk takers

>> No.24791763

>Do you not understand that we live under constant fear of survival? We work and eat because if we don’t we die.
Not really. I could quit my job right now and live off unemployment benefits until retirement. Wouldn't be a life as comfy as now, but not that horrible either. I don't quit my job though because I don't hate my job that much and I wouldn't know what to do with all the time anyway.

>> No.24791924

>accumulated over 3k eth
>told everyone in my family who are retarded brainlets who never got past manual labor
>now in my upscale apartment driving a nice car

Im gonna get killed arent I? Pretty much everyone knows

>> No.24792090

>tfw broke and got in late

>> No.24793451

I don't know if I want every waiter and grocery jockey knowing I have crypto and a pass phrase hidden somewhere in my house, just by looking at my watch.

>> No.24793491

>lose everything because they’ve accumulated liabilities.

aka, a wife.

>> No.24793513

You probably won't get killed or wrench attacked for that much. Unless eth goes to $10k, then you want to think about relocating and not telling anyone.

>> No.24794123

that's when you tell them you already cashed out when the price was lower and spent a majority of the money if anyone asks