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24790386 No.24790386 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw i have to go to bed for wageslave in 5 hours 3 mins and 10 seconds

>> No.24790424

Good hes smiling

>> No.24790441
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I wish I could prevent it friend.
I'm sorry.
One day we'll bind together.
We won't yield anymore.

>> No.24790467
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Should have picked a job with more holidays.

I get paid 90k a year and have 11 weeks off.

>> No.24790480

Very impressive. What's the job?

>> No.24790518

School teacher in Australia. Living the dream.

>> No.24790539

neat, tell me more

>> No.24790573
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That sounds sublime. I'm happy you're cruising mate.
Now if you'll excuse I'm going to watch my world slowly unravel into the baseline fated for generations as among all generations; a virus built to crush for you've enough delusion to believe anything else may have been fated for you.
Dirt will cover my eyes. The pile will flatten.
I can at least join the brethren sent deep into war fronts without a thought more to them, as all thoughts of mine still leave me the same confused man I was ten years ago.
My mind may as well have been the same

>> No.24790601

>tfw i start when i start
>tfw if i smell like beer i smell like beer
sorta comfy i guess. wish i didn't have to drive 200 miles a day.

>> No.24790606

What grade do you teach? My mate teaches History and English to grades 8 and 9 and wants to kill himself.

>> No.24790681


Just teach film and television. I run the entire department so I designed teaching and assessment to be really easy to mark and deliver (which is like 80% of take home work). The only downside is the students are feral af which sees a high turnover rate of staff.

Expectations are also pretty low since half the kids in the school can't read.

>> No.24790709

Work From Home Chads WW@?

>> No.24790710

HS teacher in Sydney here
Def don't recommend it unless you're extremely patient and can deal with teenagers.
There are much easier ways to make a buck in Australia

>> No.24790806


Teenagers are cooked but surely far better than primary school aged kids. I reckon you'd need more patience.

>> No.24790825

Are you okay?

>> No.24790839

Some guy said he had a job pressing 3 buttons all day and got paid good money.

>> No.24790840

>staying up all night to finish up all your Q4 deliverables before everyone goes AWOL during the holidays
Yes, I love waging

>> No.24790857

Perhaps. I think primary schools would listen to the authority of the teacher more whereas teenagers are in that rebellious faze and are constantly throwing tantrums.

I find myself constantly managing behaviour and covering my back

>> No.24790876

reporting in. my dad got corona so i can just wfh as long as I want?