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File: 2.13 MB, 1899x973, IBM blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24788958 No.24788958 [Reply] [Original]

Are you guys aware the captains of industry are rapidly implementing blockchain technologies but completely inhouse? They're not adopting your shitcoins they're building it themselves and keeping all the profits. Speculators not needed.
IBM is doing what UniBright is except they're 10 steps ahead, and you and I can't buy in.
UBT and its competitors will be relegated to the mom and pop shops at best although there's no reason to believe they wouldn't just use IBM's or Amazon's (inevitable) solutions instead.

>> No.24788987

why use an inhouse blockchain instead of using a plain old relational database?

>> No.24789019

non open blockchain is just a glorified sql database.

friendly reminder: only open, pow, scalable and turing complete blockchain is BSV.

>> No.24789024

I know a lot of company that already integrated the blockchain technology in their services and no, none of them is using your scammy ERC20 tokens that are supposed to make you rich.
That's just speculation.

>> No.24789054
File: 284 KB, 1067x792, 1582003574762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you aware they have their own websites and hardware?
They don't need ours.
>low IQ detected

>> No.24789064

If you’ve ever listened to FTC and regulators speak about crypto adoption for real use case in banking then you would know they constantly speak about there being private sector collaborations. You have to understand the government doesn’t have the funds or even the time to start from scratch when we’re at the point we’re at right now.

>> No.24789068

please name literally one (1) corporate inhouse application of blockchain that cannot be solved with a regular database

>> No.24789093

Blockchain is only useful for a group of parties who aspire to trust each other but for various reasons cannot fully trust each other. It's a political development more than an efficiency-producing widget.

>> No.24789099

Bullish for link

>> No.24789114

Integrity and Transparency

A key property of blockchain technology, which distinguishes it from traditional database technology, is public verifiability, which is enabled by integrity and transparency.

Integrity: every user can be sure that the data they are retrieving is uncorrupted and unaltered since the moment it was recorded
Transparency: every user can verify how the blockchain has been appended over time

CRUD vs Read & Write Operations

In a traditional database, a client can perform four functions on data: Create, Read, Update, and Delete (collectively known as the CRUD commands).

The blockchain is designed to be an append only structure. A user can only add more data, in the form of additional blocks. All previous data is permanently stored and cannot be altered. Therefore, the only operations associated with blockchains are:

Read Operations: these query and retrieve data from the blockchain
Write Operations: these add more data onto the blockchain

Validating and Writing

The blockchain allows for two functions: validation of a transaction, and writing of a new transaction. A transaction is an operation that changes the state of data that lives on the blockchain. While past entries on the blockchain must always remain the same, a new entry can change the state of the data in the past entries. For example, if the blockchain has recorded that my Bitcoin wallet has 1 million BTC, that figure is permanently stored in the blockchain. When I spend 200,000 BTC, that transaction is recorded onto the blockchain, bringing my balance to 800,000 BTC. However, since the blockchain can only be appended, my pre-transaction balance of 1 million BTC also remains on the blockchain permanently, for those who care to look. This is why the blockchain is often referred to as an immutable and distributed ledger.

In short, the difference is Decentralized Control

>> No.24789131

Blockchain is only useful for a group of parties who aspire to trust each other but for various reasons cannot fully trust each other. It's a political development more than an efficiency-producing widget.
Sounds like humanity itself.

>> No.24789159
File: 1.97 MB, 1361x3197, ibm2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some advantages but I'm not really qualified to explain them. Unibright's white paper goes over a lot of it I believe.

Good point. Kind of goes against what it's all about doesn't it.

Not an argument.

>> No.24789213

Why would a corporation want decentralized control ? Its an anathema to the very nature of a corporation.

all the stuff you said about integrity can be solved by limiting user permissions to alter a database

>> No.24789336

Who limits it/ who sets the permissions? Can that user not change the permissions at will, make edits and set the permissions back?
I don't know, I'm asking.
>why use an inhouse blockchain instead of using a plain old relational database?
In your opinion why is IBM investing so heavily in this? Just marketing?

>> No.24789406

DMG is value. DMM is real, true, % from actual assets. But hey, we warned you.

>> No.24789409
File: 788 KB, 1920x1080, 1*YE7JTMVp56ntzKGtJv4eog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, that sucks for unibright.

>> No.24789433


Yes, you have to trust an administrator to set permissions, but the overhead (storage space + system complexity) you're going to accrue by using a blockchain to get rid of your administators hardly seems worth it.

>why is IBM invested heavily

I don't know. I can't imagine why a corporation would want to decentralize control when they whole point of a corporation is centralized control. I could be missing something though.

>> No.24789434

And then you still have a centralized point of attack. There's literally no point beyond marketing hype to make your own internal system. It's just a database.

>> No.24789550

>25 month old news

>> No.24789580
