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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24778374 No.24778374 [Reply] [Original]

Where will the world head? How can we adjust or prepare for it, economically speaking.
I always had the theory that jobs keep requiring more intelligence while selective pressure for intelligence is or was on a steep decline and that it will lead to a world where only 30-50% actually have a job and a function in society.

What economic sector is most likely to be positively or negatively impacted? What companies will thrive if the trend stays.
Please don't delete jannies I specifically ask for a discussion about economic impacts.
And yes we're all aware of the impact of genes and possibly race (arbitrarily externally defined clusters of genes) but let's keep the discussion on the economic side of things and not too /pol/ish.

>> No.24778408

> copies thread from /pol/
> Let 's keep the discussion on the economic side of things and not /pol/ish

White people are the new niggers

>> No.24778438

Surprise surprise, America imports low iq trash, their offspring turn out to be low iq as well.

>> No.24778447

Whipsaw effect. We'll decline for a couple decades until China's up-till-then-secret CRISPR and stem cell research leaks and can be replicated in the west. Then it's a biohacking arms race.

>> No.24778780

>China doing something first and having it copied by others

>> No.24778897

kek but seriously SARS 2 was created through gain-of-function research the West is too scared to do, they made those AIDS-resistant babies (then immediately covered things up), and they've got the best spy penetration of western academia since the Soviet Union.

Even if half their research is a low quality scam, it's still leapfrogging anything our diversity respecters put out.

>> No.24778991

The Confucius institute thing is genuinely disturbing. A buddy of mine was a genius programmer, getting scouted by major tech companies while he was still in college, but he was an incel, lonely and awkward. Suddenly he shows up with this Chinese girlfriend, with a permanent demure smile, and strange, robotic reactions. He falls head over heels for her, but admits privately he things something is strange, she seems only interested in his work, and which companies are scouting him. Makes all the right affectionate noises and does all the physical romantic stuff, but it feels strange somehow. Then out of nowhere, she dumps him, and his life goes completely down the tubes. He emigrated and I haven't heard from him since.

Mossad commonly pulls the same crap. Rising stars in business and tech suddenly show up with an Israeli on their arm, and then disappear from the scene forever.

>> No.24779017

>experts are scratching their heads as to why


>> No.24779380

After the war, West Germany had a dearth of eligible bachelors (for obvious reasons). One of the Stasi's most successful operations was identifying lonely, powerful frauleins and sending over Chads to woo them. Incels really are a national security threat, just not in the way feminists screech.

Tack on things like Hillary selling out every CIA agent in China and Obama's diversity hire causing the OPM hack (leaking all the government's blackmail on anyone who applied for a security clearance) and, I don't know, if Trump had the competence to build a power base that'd be one thing.

But now we're just gutshot, shambling towards our own Suez crisis.