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24775755 No.24775755 [Reply] [Original]

spend all weekend not doing DD edition


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Previous: >>24771957

>> No.24775780
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plz tell me ill be rich soon

>> No.24775800
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ITT we pray for a sell off in ABNB

>> No.24775804
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We're all gonna make it

>> No.24775818
File: 66 KB, 549x650, StIgnatius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Ignatius of Laconi, the patron saint of beggars, blesses (You) and blesses the global financial market.

>> No.24775821

airbnb will drop after Q4 earnings

>> No.24775824

any time i get worried holding my calls i look at shit like this and i realize there are people risking way more than me and i diamond hand it

>> No.24775830

Damn I really haven't done any DD this weekend. I did however come across IMMR which looked interesting if anyone wants to check it out. Also wtf I love tinny now NAK NAK NAK NAK

>> No.24775834

that's dumb, what you can afford to lose it completely different from what other people can afford to lose

>> No.24775836

i hope it craters. the IPO sucked up all the profits.

buy at 50B and sell at 100B was my plan.

>> No.24775842

Word. I pay 3k in rent when I would pay 1800/m in property taxes anyway. No upkeep, no maintenance, no shoveling snow. I live 5 minutes walk away from work making 350k household income, gambling most of it on stocks. Pretty comfy.
Only problem is my wife is depressed and lazy so I do all the cooking and cleaning.

>> No.24775843
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If pullbacks scare you, don't be in the market

Pic related was me shitting my pants Wednesday

>> No.24775854
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Why did you tell me to buy the GME dip, /biz/?!

>> No.24775862

show friday losses

>> No.24775866
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But then Thursday happened

What a Rollercoaster. Can you guys even comprehend

>> No.24775869

DD? dicking dykes? anyhow, should i go in on pharma etfs since it seems like its going to "moon" with these vaccines?

>> No.24775871

>portfolio $630,000
>available cash $171
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.24775872

If you have an engineering degree, you can get easily get a job in Japan and you don't even have to learn the language. Sony for a job with Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and tell them you want to be on the Yokosuka detachment.

>> No.24775877

> Wells Fargo down 45% for the year
> hasn't recovered at all post-COVID
Surely this is undervalued?

>> No.24775879
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This was Friday on close down 45k

I'm enjoying this ride

>> No.24775885

my buddy who didnt know what a stock ticker was just bought 10k in tesla. that might be the top.

>> No.24775887

bruh that vaccine isnt doing shit. ive been looking through youtube videos about the vaccine and the comments do not have a single fucking positive thing to say. its literally just 8000 people saying dont take it and no one wants to take it and everyone say its a rushed vaccine.

the government even somehow made it so vaccine companies cant be sued later on for them. no one is taking that shit. only boomers should have to take it

>> No.24775888

nobody cares faggot

>> No.24775890

CLF is the blockbuster of steel companies. Smart people bought X.

>> No.24775897
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>holding anything cash

>> No.24775900

>This was Friday on close
>"Your CLF $17 Call expires Friday"
I smell shit

>> No.24775902

we need more nigger posting to chase away the r*ddit roaches here.

>> No.24775903

probably easy money. tough to predict interest rates though.

C has been marching higher also.

>> No.24775907

I bought AI at $120, am I in trouble tomorrow?

>> No.24775913

yeah, i know. at work though, all the dumb millenial normies won't shut up about how its finally "cured" covid. eager to be the first ones to get vacc'd.

>> No.24775919

Both the /pol/faggots and the ledditors deserve the rope.

>> No.24775923

thats just the money you deposit into robinhood retard... that doesnt reflect his bank account at all

>> No.24775944

what's the story on LAZR? Do you folks like this company? I'm bullish for automated cars and shit

>> No.24775946

why so specific?

>> No.24775947
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I mean I just took that screenshot. Options portfolios don't move on weekends

I do have options expiring Friday

>> No.24775957

it's just the start

>> No.24775963
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Glowing green rocks
2.43 neutrons per Collison
Thorium cannot compete

>> No.24775964

what if robinhood IS his bank account though?

>> No.24775975

I just have personal experience with it so I know it's an easy lick.

>> No.24775980

they dont even have a physical location or a routing number

>> No.24775986

he also bought it in robinhood

and seriously he didnt know what a stock ticker was

>> No.24775992

priced in
doesn't matter if vaccine is a success. the market just wants a vaccine to exist, think of it like a mental support to the corona hysteria.
let the leftist normies get vaccinated, don't question them. it bothers me how much the center and right wing is willing to save leftists from their dumb decisions. in a few years from now we will see how their bodies react to it.

>> No.24775997
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Threadly reminder that CLF is not profitable and has a target price between $4-$12.

>> No.24776010

which religion would help me not get a vaccine? i have my own religion but idk if itd work in my religion i hate god and i worship satan and i think all science is the devil and im vegetarian

>> No.24776015
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>Last night he had a full on aspie freakout. Like the git water scene in rain man

can i get a screencap of this, or at least a link to the thread in question? sounds like a fun read.

>> No.24776018

be patient

>> No.24776019

Kek feels good. Zillow says a house right up from me, 3 bed 3 bath, 1870 sqft is going for about 169,000. I didn't pay that much for mine lol.

>> No.24776030

the price of iron ore drives kliff and other miners. kliffers are pretty bullish on the global economy next year. hopefully it works out for them.

>> No.24776046

I don't know anything about fucking 401ks. My 401k is in fidelity and being managed by financial engines, with aggressive growth. I try to look at what the funds it is invested in and it's a bunch of weird letters and numbers that look like voodoo to me.

>> No.24776047
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>kliffers are pretty bullish on the global economy next year
You can say that about any stock, especially for companies that can make a profit this year.

>> No.24776050

it probably mimics the SP500

>> No.24776052

dont know if aggressive growth is good for the current market

>> No.24776063

They're mostly profitable. A slight increase in revenue and they're good. I'm not bullish on the economy though.

>> No.24776071

I don't have a cap but somebody last thread posted his youtube channel and it's worse than we thought.

>> No.24776072

can you go to your 401k and just be like "hey can you just say fuck it to all that garbage and DCA my money into SPY instead"?

>> No.24776073
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Why aren't you going all in on Blockbuster?

>> No.24776083

not really. any global slowdown craters iron ore prices. while facebook or mastercard dont really give a shit if there is a small slowdown.

materials/energy are pretty boom or bust.

>> No.24776086

Tell them it's a secret. Or say scientology. Scientology Chad's scare the soiboys.

>> No.24776102


>> No.24776110

Depends on what your plan provider allows. If they allow you to choose your own funds you can just find a 100% S&P option and go balls to the wall.

>> No.24776121

my 401k options are pretty clear.

idk what yours are.

>> No.24776123

Anyone still buying VOO? I’m not sure if I should just hold and keep my remaining cash to ride out the wonder.

>> No.24776126

you donate at least 10% of your income, right anon?

>> No.24776148
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Can someone explain why CBOE is so cheap?

>> No.24776150

not buying at these levels. would nibble at 10%, bite at 20%. use emergency cash at 30%, and use margin at 40% dip

>> No.24776165
File: 512 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201213-111039_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you do some research on what happened to CLF from 2006-2008 before you post nonsense

>> No.24776176
File: 53 KB, 999x350, 2.2b in debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What part of the company do you think they're going to sell of to stay in business for next year? How will that impact their profits? They were $2.2b in debt last year, and are even in a bigger hole because of this year. You did read the prospectus, right Anon?

>> No.24776191
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I will unironically start doing this in Jan '21. I make over 100k and even after expense etc and putting money into my brokerage account, I don't need it all. Peter Singer etc do make compelling arguments. also I'm a dirty lib.

>> No.24776210

i would only donate to something that helps animals because i hate what humans do to them. i dont care what happens to humans

>> No.24776218

>donating income to causes you care about to offset how much you pay in taxes
Aboslutely based. Taxation is theft.

>> No.24776223
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donate it to us you fucking cunt or gtfo

>> No.24776227

its always interesting how commodities move together. oil chart looks just like that also.

>> No.24776233
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I want to add cause this retard is looking at generic TA charts that are out dated

If this nigga knew what he was talking about he would note CLF became profitable this Quarter! LOL

Meanwhile X is still losing money every quarter

>> No.24776251

I'm quoting 2020 figures while you CLFaggots are quoting 2019 figures.

>> No.24776252

how did you become a stock genius?

>> No.24776254
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the dump yester yesterday was completely predictable

>> No.24776256
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crypto absolutely mooning we are gonna poomp so fucking hard tomorrow bros

>> No.24776259

I make over 100k but I sadly need every penny because I live in NYC.
it fucking sucks idk wtf i'm doing living in this piece of shit city anymore

>> No.24776267

>its about duh future! but not with X
cmon man

>> No.24776281
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>> No.24776283

im sure clf was a widowmaker for many traders.

>> No.24776298

maybe post-COVID companies will realize we can do all this shit remotely, and, assuming you have a remote-friendly job, you can move.

>> No.24776312

Reminder if your job can be done remotely it can be done from India.

>> No.24776319

not everyone in india can speak english

>> No.24776334

I’m not worried about India ever doing my job. You will ALWAYS get a mediocre product from India. A lot of the time you wind up spending more time fixing their mistakes.

>> No.24776342

>You did read the prospectus, right Anon?
Why would I? I don't care about the company.
All their debt is trading pretty high.
There's also their acquisition. They have lots of cash. They will be fine if the economy does well. I don't think it will but that's not a point that you have brought up.
Your fud is low quality.

>> No.24776344
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So where is CLF not profitable if they beat earnings for the 5th quarter in a row for Q3?

Its either profitable or its not, goofy.


I smoke a lot of dabs and lot of weed. Also a shit ton of 2k on my PS4 and fighting games


X and CLF move relative to each other. What's good for X is good for CLF

However please take note of who is the biggest steel producer pro forma this 2nd M&A

>> No.24776352

Hey guys what's good its ya boy lil Tesla here streaming once again. Today as always we're gonna buy leaps on Tesla and then sell them for 200% profit half an hour later. Annddd that concludes the stream. Hope you enjoyed this educational financial stream, please subscribe if you have amazon prime. Peace yo

>> No.24776353
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kek, from Wednesday on a complete lockdown in Germany till 10th January, possible no Brexit

Europoors will tank the market

>> No.24776354

>implying it would even be a good buy after that

>> No.24776356
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Friendly reminder that the meek shall inherit the earth, but not its mineral rights.

>> No.24776376

Actually, I did just switch jobs to a fully remote job... once my lease is up, I'm at least moving to a nearby suburb. I should just make a clean break but I have family around I help take care of
My remote job employs from America and from Colombia, they hire Colombians for cheap but they want a staff of Americans to better deal with American clients

>> No.24776377
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So is tomorrow going to be blood green because of vaccine news or will it be a "sell the news" event and be blood red?

>> No.24776378

I hold CLF

>> No.24776394

Do you really, REALLY think it's going to do that again?

>> No.24776400

I bought some puts on NIO, FB, CLF friday

>> No.24776406

For real did you get some kind of stock tip related to CLF? Or just a tip in general about the business?

>> No.24776423
File: 2.89 MB, 3024x3024, 1607119348985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sitting on 207 shares of American Airlines. I'll probably hold them for a year for the tax benefit and to let my gains appreciate.

Am I going to make it?

>> No.24776439

Yes it's been discovered and mentioned many times that his brother hooked him up with the CLF pick.

>> No.24776443

Only because I have almost 1k left in my 401k contributions this year. Have a little over 200k in cash for a dip. Doing some memes in my yolo account.

>> No.24776448

AAL is arguably the worst of all the airlines to hold.

>> No.24776469

I mean who has to be sour enough to actually care about that? WE got hooked up by HIM like 3 or 4 months ago and most of us just laughed. Who really cares, really?

But I think the $50 meme is retarded.

>> No.24776490

europoors have no money to tank the market with

>> No.24776512
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I hope they don't die before I can cash out my miles desu

>> No.24776515
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>Tesla’s shares currently trade at nearly 1,000 times earnings, compared with a paltry 14 times for General Motors Co. and 53 times for the NYSE FANG+ Index.

Jesus.. bullish for CLF

>> No.24776534

I don't really care myself, but somebody asked

>> No.24776543

Jesus please fly me to russia with your miles.

>> No.24776551
File: 851 KB, 1028x1219, D39051A1-AEC6-46CD-8DDB-F8387D3402E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

europeons are poor

>> No.24776563
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Man CLF went to $3 in March and FUD was sky high during the summer. Thats when I became a contrarian and sold my house and dumped it all into CLF. Now I'm beating every bigwig hedge manager returns for staying true to my roots


CLF at $39 is only 15b mkt cap. Go look up NUCOR stock price. $50 is not unreasonable. Its the perfect storm

>> No.24776584


They're the largest, have the youngest fleet and the price was cheap. It'll make some gains.

>> No.24776592

Sorry carry on I was just waiting for the next person to bring it up so I could pop off.

>> No.24776598

You might think that, but EU has pretty much secured the massive "pump it"-deal now. Even Soros is mad about it

>> No.24776599

>no brexit
No DEAL brexit. Brexit is set in stone and tensions are already rising over british fishing waters.

>> No.24776612


>> No.24776617

Peter Lynch would be proud.

>> No.24776618

how long are you holding?

>> No.24776638

I have like $1500 left in my portfolio and I need to just dump it into something so I can finally be free of this nightmare, stocks are making me lose my mind.

How far out do the calls have to be for $20 to make it, CLF Chad? I just want to be free from the markets for awhile. Most of my portfolio is already in CLF and UUUU. Might put some in AHT for the 7-bag meme dream.

>> No.24776641




Funny you mention that I'm going to Barnes and Noble right now to buy his book for a lazy Sunday read

>> No.24776655

That’s the stuff

>> No.24776672
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Maybe these will give you ideas

Load Aprils Julys or August's if you dont want to pay an arm and leg now for leaps


I'm holding until CLF goes to 50-100

>> No.24776674

I had a dream clf would hit $20 this week. I woke up with a massive boner and just about bust a nut. Were gonna make it

>> No.24776683

$50-100 damn you got big balls im gonna buy more calls for you

>> No.24776702


Its definitely possible. Just read the sentiment from people posting on ST



Good luck my friend. Iron hands to all

>> No.24776722

i have trouble believing comments on anything because they ALL say bullish. ive looked through yahoo finance and shit and literally everyone will just believe the stock their holding will be bullish no matter what

>> No.24776730

Is it too late for me to buy in now?

>> No.24776763


>> No.24776771

UAL calls seem expensive. any thoughts on good ones?

>> No.24776775
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Nigger youre gonna go broke kek

>> No.24776783

Thanks. Just so you know I dropped 1k on Friday into CLF because I saw it dropping and I wanted to help save your calls. It went up .01 after that so I like to think I made a difference.

>> No.24776788
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..but tesla it's a tech company

>> No.24776822
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>not wanting to support you country and politicians
people should be taxed up to 70% desu

>> No.24776832
File: 555 KB, 1125x994, F3151D22-CBAD-4006-B2B8-F99EAA466ED7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the BABA shill is responsible for this
>he actually made Alibaba advertise on this god forsaken website thanks to his posts

We need to nuke this board

>> No.24776833
File: 7 KB, 250x228, 1603354304605s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys meme the consoom, but I bought:
- a new gaming pc
- a smartwatch
- a new coffee machine
- a waterrower

with my gains

>> No.24776841

isnt tesla technically a mix of ai, tech, and car? i dont get why people only compare them to car companies. theyre literally collecting data on their ai every day and making batteries

>> No.24776845
File: 56 KB, 830x738, 4613502E-544E-44A6-9E9D-9FAB3A0DB3B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw clf moons this week. Im so happy bros

>> No.24776863

top is in

>> No.24776866

Everything there is acceptable except the fag watch

>> No.24776867

Rowing is gay as fuck brah.i was a d1 collegiate rower for 4 years that shit was retarded boring.

>> No.24776877

I wish I had gains.

>> No.24776879

im gonna buy a new office chair and a new mattress when my take-profit gains settle

wish I hadn't overstayed GME then I would have an additional $10K grand of gains

>> No.24776884

SNEEDbros, ready for the moon?

>> No.24776889

Where does their revenue come from?
Will a significant part of their revenue ever be independent from their car sales?

>> No.24776905

You'd have a point if Teslas AI wasn't rated dead last. What will they do if Waymo decides to lease out their technology to existing car companies? They can't compete with Waymo.

And about batteries, Tesla is worth more than other battery producers combined

>> No.24776908

Europeans are irrelevant to the american stock market sorry bobo

>> No.24776910

nothing wrong with those things, at least you're not financing a smartphone or something

>> No.24776949
File: 45 KB, 689x795, 5CB3BED7-768A-4E4E-B824-2A081F6A55FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here read The Peloponnesian War? Im finding it to be quite based and redpilled

>> No.24776953
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the only thing that will possibly dump is the DAX and only because german investors are retarded

>> No.24776955


>> No.24776977
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>> No.24777036

Sir what great advice sir! Thank you for doing the needful!

>> No.24777040

sir this is the stock market general no one here wants your pajeetcoin

>> No.24777054

>still sneeding

>> No.24777058

>Can you do some research on what happened to CLF from 2006-2008 before you post nonsense
You fucking pot-addled, potato-brained nigger, weren't you kvetching about "muh stocks don't trade on past history" last thread? Which is it, at least stick with one story.

>> No.24777071
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How do I profit from this?

>> No.24777083

Wheres my bcrx Chad's at? Gonna be a good week

>> No.24777120

Thucydides Account?

>> No.24777136

Commodities general
Commodities general
Commodities general

>> No.24777140

buy the "middle-class-misery" ETF

>> No.24777163

>beat "earnings"
>"earnings" are negative
congrats on not losing as much money as they thought I guess? CLF is still going to tank.

>> No.24777196

>top is in
Top is $16, see digits

>> No.24777199

Guess what at $200 dollars UUUU is only trading at a market cap of $30 billion dollars, and that will only be a book to value ratio of 5,000. That's like pretty close to Tesla's valuation, and considering uranium is needed to power the electricity for your tesla I'm honestly a lot more bullish on uranium. UUUU has nearly doubled its revenue YoY, they're making way more then before covid even so that's pretty bullish, just 14 more quarters of doubling revenue and we're a bigger company then apple. We can do it UUUU bros, 100× in 3 years or less. That's not even including inflation honestly.

>> No.24777248

Held UUUU, BCRX and WKHS over the weekend. What exactly am I in for Monday?

>> No.24777270

UUUU doesn't have the same level of memes TSLA had to actually achieve those levels.

>> No.24777272

How was it based? It weakened both, a bunch of boring peace deals and the "campaigns" was basically sparta running around freely raiding shit because Athens didn't want to fight them

>> No.24777291

PLTR unironically

>> No.24777306

even my turbolib mom who harasses me saying i don't believe in covid etc. said they'd give her the vaccine over her dead body

>> No.24777318

Fuck the memes. We'll literally be the richest company in history if we keep doubling the revenue like this dumb bobo.

>> No.24777338

I bought a new mattress ($2200) and a new AR15 ($1500)

>> No.24777343
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Please explain how CLF is going to tank if the PE is currently sitting at only 4 or 5 LOL

>> No.24777408

but Zack's says to sell UUUU!!!

>> No.24777424

Ok but how is UUUU gonna tank if the P/E is 0 then huh retard?? Yeah that's right

>> No.24777425

Own housing/real estate?

>> No.24777456

I hope so, cunt.

>> No.24777457


>> No.24777495

That's because they aren't based momentum traders. We DOUBLED our YoY revenue in 3Q, UUUU should be valued at 1.8 trillion right now honestly

>> No.24777496

Doubling a stock price isn't as easy as it sounds, dude.

>> No.24777499

there are more things that make wagies suffer

>smaller homes and apartments
any real estate groups
>lower standarts for food
mcdonalds, "big chicken" industry etc
>lower wages with higher work hours


>> No.24777542

Well anon I averaged down to 0.58 and I can see the draw point soon, I’m so excited to sell without a loss

>> No.24777548

>Doubling a stock price isn't as easy as it sounds, dude
And yet 4U did it in a month.

>> No.24777589
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>Japan approval any day now.

Hold on to your butts.

>> No.24777594

I don't get some people. They'll say shit like "pullbacks are normal don't paper hand like a fucking incel" and a minute later they'll say "cut your losses, it's trading 101". What is it bitch?

>> No.24777622

Yea dumbass

>> No.24777643

Yeah it's easier to double at lower prices. It's twice as hard to double the next time.

>> No.24777647

i cant wait until uuuu and that mushroom shit dies so you shut the fuck up about it

>> No.24777652

It's not 10. It's negative.

>> No.24777659

What r U a dumb bear or something. You're arbitraging the Amazon of uranium bro

>> No.24777660
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>I don't get some people. They'll say shit like "pullbacks are normal don't paper hand like a fucking incel" and a minute later they'll say "cut your losses, it's trading 101". What is it bitch?
Both you gay faggot nigger. You gotta evaluate the asset and pick an accurate price target and trust it but admit you could be wrong

>> No.24777670

>BCRX up 80% in a month
>SHRMF up 100% in a month
> NUMI up more than 100% in a month

Anon, I think you hold the wrong tickets.

>> No.24777692

Virgins cut losses, Chad's hold to 0.

>> No.24777712


>> No.24777730

chad must be a crsr holder then

>> No.24777761
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>> No.24777800
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Don't forget GME!

>> No.24777814
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Should I sell my RDS tomorrow?
What do you think, oil bros.

>> No.24777857

GME bagholders are insane

>> No.24777862
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are you ready for the futures opening /smg/?

>> No.24777895
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>Should I sell my RDS tomorrow?
It might still have some.... gas

>> No.24777900

lol every woman ive seen in the forbes list was either a lying whore or they lost it all or both or they were a porn star that lost it all

>> No.24777925

ya when does that happen

>> No.24777976


>> No.24778010
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>not reinvesting every single dollar you earn

>> No.24778048
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For me, it's chili and sea bass futures.

>> No.24778055

Any ETFs to buy that still hasn't recovered from march?

>> No.24778057

Boys do I take BABA short put assignment at 280 this Friday like a man, do I roll or do I take the L?
Delisting is not worrying me at all, but whether Jack comes to his senses and kisses the ring...

>> No.24778106

The only woman I respect is Lisa Su, bros.

>> No.24778119

Does ameritrade do OTC shit like that?

>> No.24778137

maybe if they are junk

>> No.24778151

why wont moon show up on google

>> No.24778154

Good time to sell my bitcoin for a profit and go back in at a lower price or will it continue to rise?

>> No.24778156
File: 53 KB, 701x624, home alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah they charge 7 dollars a trade for OTC

>> No.24778176

Is HZON merging only fans? It's starting to rise rapidly.

>> No.24778239
File: 22 KB, 360x360, pepe_eyes_closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a dream that CLF stock plummeted to <$1 and I lost all of my money...

>> No.24778244

what airline to invest in for comfy profits?
delta united and southwest look nice. delta/united also are more globally focused than southwest. aal looked like it was shitting itself even before the pandemic.

>> No.24778261

Home alone 2 first then horny mom's home alone with their dildos, thanks.

>> No.24778290

Anything NASDAQ 100, semiconductors, and the Military-Industrial Complex.

>> No.24778337

If there's anything I've learned about stonks since I've been here, it's that you never ever ever sell. Everything I've ever sold has mooned shortly after.

>> No.24778356

I want to suck your dick so bad.

>> No.24778368

>i sold MMED
i was one of the original shills here. im not going to make it am i

>> No.24778371

If I have a million dollars in 28 years for retirement, is that even livable?

>> No.24778377
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>> No.24778393

running the wheel on 1mil, or even just sticking it into safe divvie stocks nets you a good amount

>> No.24778394

no, its not enough now dummy

>> No.24778413

What do you mean, like retire AT 28 or $1M saved up to retire when you're 55?

>> No.24778424

Not in the US. Everyone's goal should be to make it and get as far awAy from America as possible.

>> No.24778428

that image hurts my soul

>> No.24778432

Is it even possible for millenials to retire? I make 29 an hour, spend like I work at mcdonalds, and I'm fucking scared.

>> No.24778451


Retire in 28 years, I'll be around 59

>> No.24778453

I bought UUUU and they literally paid to have someone come lick my wife's disgusting monkey holes so I don't have to do it. I'm proud to invest in this company!

>> No.24778454

T. Bofum millennial

>> No.24778477

oh jesus i'm a retard, haven't been up long enough. no that is not enough. maybe if you have no kids / spouse and live frugally in a fly over state

>> No.24778533

Ok maybe then and only if you're going all in on something too, kliffs for me. I waged, might still have to. But right now I feel like I have a real shot at financial freedom and for the first time.

>> No.24778543

Is this post from May? Jesus, are we headed for a blow off top?

>> No.24778551

lol no. Your retirement will be just another subscription service.
You will own nothing
You will be happy

>> No.24778593

I’m a poor chad, 4 digit account going to be a five digit account in the coming weeks due to huge potential gains. Im now more worried about the taxman, taking my hard earned money, money I made via hard labour and investment gambles.
Fucking blood sucking scum our governments are, always giving themselfs pay rises too

>> No.24778597

/cmg/ for all your water, steel, and lean pork future needs


>> No.24778654

Tax time isn't fun, trust me. Schlomo is taking 40% of your gains.

>> No.24778693


>> No.24778697

i like the idea but then half of smgs convos just go to this thread

>> No.24778711

Wish I could have an offshore bank account haha

>> No.24778726
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>> No.24778728

All developed nations are dead.
The only reason boomers will make it is because they'll be gone before the fall.

>> No.24778734

>4 digit
>worried about taxes
Youll be ok.

>> No.24778741

i wanna get rich just so i can own a nice house and smoke weed all day and fuck sluts

>> No.24778762

Look at the retard in this thread who don't know what crypto is.

>> No.24778770

Thats the plan stan.
Except im leaning more towards a successful wife and kids. Ill be a stay at home dad idgaf thats based. Ill trade all day and spank the kids for being naughty.

>> No.24778776

"Brexit talks going well!"

>> No.24778798

They delayed their spaceflight due to computer problems but everything else is a go and they said they will begin their next test flight soon. I am expecting a sell off tomorrow due to the delay and this is a perfect opportunity.

>> No.24778809
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>> No.24778830

>everything's fine guys I swear, just buy! Cheapie!

>> No.24778832

They delayed their spaceflight due to computer problems but everything else is a go and they said they will begin their next test flight soon. I am expecting a sell off tomorrow due to the delay and this is a perfect opportunity to get it cheap.

>> No.24778841


i want to get rich so i can become a real woman, it could possibly prevent my suicide.

>> No.24778843

So.. Brexit deal is a thing now?

>> No.24778844


>> No.24778864

Oh it was extended and shit, meh

>> No.24778874

I just wanna at least be able to live off a part-time job instead of wage slaving full-time. I really hope my all-in gambit on CLF/UUU/AHT pays off.

>> No.24778875

shutup leaf

>> No.24778886
File: 56 KB, 638x586, 2020-12-13 19.33.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm conflicted about my biotech strategy. My first idea was to hold a bunch of stocks that I thought were decent, but most do absolutely fuck all when they don't have positive news. So the other idea is FOMO at open into whatever just released good news then sell 3 days later (except for baby stocks like MMED or NUMI which are holds).

Speaking of which NTLA released potentially mildly bullish news on saturday, so I'll watch out for it in the premarket.

>> No.24778892

>all in
>random stocks pepe told you to buy
You got it dude.

>> No.24778894
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I want to get rich so that I can have a wholesome tomboy gf and a femboy sidepiece behind her back

>> No.24778896

BABES IM DRUNK lmaoooooooooooooo

stock markets

>> No.24778903

How much are we talking?

>> No.24778916

Hmm airlines will be booming soon. But something to think about; all those planes require service to stay in operation. This is where GE,RTX,and RYCEY make a nice pile of revenue each year. Guess who owns shares in all 3 companies? Me.

>> No.24778917

Nobody said to buy AHT but yeah basically. I did some DD on them though and even tried to FUD them to see how good they actually were.

>> No.24778939

stop, i'm sensitive

>> No.24778945
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Based you go girl!

>> No.24778947

300k into divvies might do it, I haven't thought about it I'm just trying to make money for now.

>> No.24778948

Humans are gross with your addiction to nasty sweat and bacteria filled monkey holes. Eww.

>> No.24778984

>my all-in gambit
wanted to know how much that is

>> No.24778988
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What will CLF and UUUU do tomorrow?

Also is CCJ better than 4U?

>> No.24778993

If you haven't licked a slender cutie girls butthole you truly haven't lived. Women's buttholes are for sex, men's buttholes are for waste management. Gays are putrid creatures, although trannies are ok sometimes.

>> No.24779003


>> No.24779024


>> No.24779026

Kill yourself

>> No.24779031

>implying that you are anything else but a smart monkey as well.

>> No.24779037

Like 3k my dude everything else is locked in a Japan bank that's too autistic to let me transfer to a broker.

>> No.24779041

CCJ is 15x the size, actually produces, and has a dividend

>> No.24779052

Checked. Hopefully drop so I can load up more.

>> No.24779054

god damn it dude why do people ask shit like this? not even people who have made billions off the stock market and looked at it for 90 years straight could tell you this.

itll either go up or down

>> No.24779064

Monkey wants power over girl monkeys holes yes? Oooo oooo aaaaa aaaaa her holes are for my flesh stick losers oooo oooo aaaa aaaa. Mmmm delicious think of all the thick syrupy biological fluids filled with bacteria we will make come out of monkey holes, it excites my monkey brain to see monkey holes I can put my flesh into.

>> No.24779077

It could also go sideways.

>> No.24779076

>investing in a senior instead of a low debt/debt free US based junior in a soon to be uranium boom/bull market

>> No.24779083

pls respond

>> No.24779085
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Love ma gains

Hate dem roasties

Simple as

>> No.24779092
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>> No.24779093
File: 1.43 MB, 750x1334, 202F0D08-AC67-405B-8B9D-4FD9146B115A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish for CLF

>> No.24779102

Just hold all three like I do.

>> No.24779115

Fuck anything Richard (((Branson))) touches. You fell for the meme.

>> No.24779120

>push it sideways

>> No.24779121
File: 18 KB, 460x595, 1607717056491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monkey wants power over girl monkeys holes yes? Oooo oooo aaaaa aaaaa her holes are for my flesh stick losers oooo oooo aaaa aaaa. Mmmm delicious think of all the thick syrupy biological fluids filled with bacteria we will make come out of monkey holes, it excites my monkey brain to see monkey holes I can put my flesh into.

>> No.24779123

t h e t a
g a n g

>> No.24779124

Any books about scalping? Or do I just stare at 5m/1m charts all day long until I start to notice patterns?

>> No.24779134

What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.24779136

i usually respond with a pessimistic prediction to punish them for asking retarded questions.

>> No.24779153
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fucking CLF fags never read the other posts. THEY EVEN MADE YOU YOUR OWN THREAD

>> No.24779158

Of fuck I’m gonna cum

>> No.24779164

should i get some monthly's to try and beat theta gang

>> No.24779167

>Any books about scalping? Or do I just stare at 5m/1m charts all day long until I become schizo?

>> No.24779184


Seething GME retard lol

>> No.24779187

start here

>> No.24779196
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Based are we tranny posting now?

>> No.24779210

what is clf? i suddenly want to buy this for some unknown reason

>> No.24779301
File: 64 KB, 200x201, Doomed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hanging with all my friends around the fire
>this group is all dirt bikers, mudrunning truckers, street racing, you get the gist.
>All into stocks, talking about their tsla, or roku calls
>Bring up steel
>All start talking about how they cant get parts , everything is on backorder thats made of metal. These guys have connections and they cant get their hands on anything.
>mfw CLF nigger was right.

Im thinking buy more steel.

>> No.24779313
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>> No.24779330

>beat theta gang
you buy LEAPs

>> No.24779363

lol stay poor

>> No.24779368

odd green even red tomorrow

>> No.24779406

could someone bake please so I can post something that will make uranium holders screech at me?

>> No.24779414


>> No.24779417

nice, sqqq going all the way baby

>> No.24779425

I already know what it is.

>> No.24779428

btc is up i smell a pump

>> No.24779455
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Everyone all the sudden in CLF




I know the problem here.
/smg/ is lacking diversity. You guys are all idiots.
I'm off to WSB

>> No.24779468

Why does nobody talk about ABCL?

>> No.24779481

it will do good or bad, if it does bad you get the see shit like the gme dip that hurt almost every poster on here

>> No.24779490


>> No.24779519

>this japan FUD 3.0 will totally make people dump UUUU for CLF hehe
Go away I can smell your monkey holes. disgusting.

>> No.24779543

actually, I'm going to FUD both! CLF will get a FUD post too :^)

>> No.24779547

GME was the same thing. GME at 5$ only 3 ppl in. GME at 15$ almost everyone

>> No.24779568

Easily. Even putting that shit on QQQ or SPY would net you a 70k-100k income yearly (and if you reinvest, that will snowball fast).
Don't fall for the dividend meme, though.

>> No.24779584

people here are so extremely retarded they actually think a stock is getting better when it rises in price or whatever.. CLF fags will get the rope

>> No.24779599

new thread

new thread

>> No.24779602

That's precisely how it works by design, the difference is that CLF fag was the biggest fag in the world, hence why nobody was in when he was talking about it. Had he acted rational instead of lying with every breath, we would have 5-10 people in CLF at the bottom, which is your signal to get in. If there's 1 person in, it's a scam. If there's 3-12, it's good. If it's everyone, it's the top.

>> No.24779610

a delayed transaction cucked me out of some big gains, if it doesnt arrive on monday im killing something

>> No.24779655

>hehe dey don't no about day interest rates and duh money velocity
Literally 0 people here knew who zoltan power was or understand why this time is different than the last decade. Commodities bullrun is incoming tard

>> No.24779667


>> No.24779709

Dividends are superior to any other investing strategy
>buy growth stock
>it stops growing
>oh no no no it’s tanking
>lose everything forever

>> No.24779726 [DELETED] 

>WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A sophisticated hacking group backed by a foreign government stole information from the U.S. Treasury Department and a U.S. agency responsible for deciding policy around the internet and telecommunications, according to people familiar with the matter.

>"The United States government is aware of these reports and we are taking all necessary steps to identify and remedy any possible issues related to this situation," said National Security Council spokesman John Ullyot.

There is concern within the U.S. intelligence community that the hackers who targeted the Treasury Department and the Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration used a similar tool to break into other government agencies, according to three people briefed on the matter.

>The hack is so serious it led to a National Security Council meeting at the White House on Saturday, said one of the people familiar with the matter.

its overs

>> No.24779754

Don't Israel and China know they can just politely ask?

>> No.24779819

But seriously, why is nobody discussing ABCL? I think it's flying under the radar.

>> No.24779954

Why would we? It's 8 years old, lost 2m last year on 11m of revenue, and seems like yet another biotech IPO exit scam/lottery ticket.

>> No.24780229

>>24779954 peter thiel is involved

>> No.24780372

>Thiel was named to AbCellera’s board last month and acquired a small stake earlier in the year, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
>acquired a small stake earlier in the year

Right, exit scam.

>Lilly anticipates manufacturing 1 million doses of the treatment, known as bamlanivimab, before the end of the year and has reached a deal with the U.S. government for 300,000 doses. AbCellera is entitled to receive a specified percentage of proceeds that Lilly receives from these sales.

Pumped by sales that will dry up as winter ends and vaccines roll out.

>> No.24780427

Oh, shit... it's actually real