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24769697 No.24769697 [Reply] [Original]

A friend of mine has received a hand delivered note through the door of his home address telling him to transfer 1 Btc to an address or he will be visited by a gang when he least expects it. His address and phone number was part of the ledger hack. What can he do? Anyone else had same thing yet?

>> No.24769713

i'd just move lol

>> No.24769720

Move or buy a gun. Just move

>> No.24769751

Lmao so much for muh hardware wallet is safe. Nobody leaks my encrypted wallet using veracrypt in an airgapped PC

>> No.24769762
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>> No.24769768

see this is why you buy your ledger from a shady ebay seller
this has nothing to do with the hardware and everything to do with the companies data collection

>> No.24769770

Uk, no guns. Owns house so not easy to move quickly.

>> No.24769781

you hand the note to a police officer.

>> No.24769786

was he part of the 9500 customers with leaked addresses? also just curious what country is this? and is it a urban, suburban or rural city? does he live in a shitty part of town?

>> No.24769797

how do they get personal information from a ledger?

>> No.24769808

Police dgaf anymore. I know of people that have had house robbed and police didn’t even come out to investigate.

>> No.24769810

install a camera that's visible from the front of the house then they cant do shit.

>> No.24769816

your friend deserves this, only a retard would purchase a ledger over a trezor

>> No.24769834

Apply for section 2 shotgun licence, get a gun safe. Took me 6 weeks in total. If he can’t be arsed doing that shit tell him to get a big fucking knife/machete or a crossbow. Never negotiate with these faggots it’s worth doing jail time to teach them a lesson.

>> No.24769837

Yeah he should pack everything that is 100% necessary right now and move like now. They likely have someone watching hom so he should leave at night of course. Preferably In the next couple hours or tomorrow morning. He can get a airbnb and rent for 1 month ahead of time they go for $1000-$1400. Once he arrives he should get a new phone # but only after dealing with all his 2fa keys. If he doesn’t already tell him to get a domain and a email for it. Use this to verify a authy account as those are easier when dealing with multiple phones. He’ll likely be broke or jobless if he’s not a decent trader so he should try and pick up amazon flex and jailbreak an old iphone. Use this to help you secure good gigs where you can average $25-$35/hr. If he doesn’t want to deal witnh rona he can likely just do surveys on cointiply making $12-$14/hr. He should then spend his spare time buying kleros sirs.

>> No.24769842

9500 customer thing is a lie. Just look on twitter, many people not contacted by ledger to say they are part of the 9500 people but they’ve been getting non stop sms with their real names on them. Ledger are covering this up.

>> No.24769854

first of all, tell him to get a gun, report to police, install cameras, and if possible move to another place

>> No.24769860

He has a wife and a young kid. I guess the gang will just wait until he’s out and then get them hostage.

>> No.24769864

Kill every niggers in da neigboh hood!

>> No.24769872


spend 3k on firearms and kill them

>> No.24769874

Sidenote: This will uniroincally become more of a thing as the bullrun continues and BTC gets more expensive.
Stop telling people you hold crypto.

>> No.24769885

you're not LARPing right? does he live in an large, medium or small town?

>> No.24769929

How do these high profile crypto influencers sleep at night knowing a lot of people know who they are and they have a lot of value stored on their wallets at home ?

>> No.24769932

I don't particularly understand the reasoning behind this. Yeah sure they know you have crypto but why assume you have any money? I guess it's because you can send crypto to an anonymous address... Still, people have no idea how much actual money you have

>> No.24769948

The uk has more cameras than anyone. The crime is extortion, thats a felony no matter what the jurisdiction.

This seems like a larp.

>> No.24769950

>the gang
lol, it's most likely a single individual, someone who got their hands on the leaked list and sends this same note to literally all of the people on the list hoping some will fall for it. that's what i'd do if i wanted to scam people. breaking and entering is a huge risk that most people will not do, thieves that are technically sophisticated enough to get a hold of this list are not the type to be in a "gang"

>> No.24769966

You have a power of attorney, they move the crypto through custodians, banks and institutions.

You might as well ask why anyone with a bank account pin number isn't scared

>> No.24769976

Enough to warrant buying a ledger I guess. Suppose most people own minimum of $500? Is there a way that if ledger have someone on inside leaking information that they can also see how much is on the wallet a person ordered?

>> No.24769993

Harder to trace than bank transactions?

>> No.24770096

Um, yeah.

But getting back to the heart of the matter, custody is a way of diversifying your risk. People say "dont leave it on exchanges", "not your keys, not your bitcoin" but exchanges are more like banks than the shit shows they used to be. They have slush funds, insurance, and airgaps and accounting protections. Its much easier and less risk doing the old fashioned: Scams, phishing, malware, etc.

These ledger leak boys are fucked though. I'm still not clear how ledger got all this information, I'm assuming through the retail side of selling direct to consumers?

>> No.24770100

Yeah that's what worries me. If there are any potential security leaks of ledger live. But ledger would be opening themselves up to a class action lawsuit of the century.

I'm getting scam text messages too. I'm not too worried, there's not much we can do at this point, and eventually people are going to find out we own crypto once KYC wallets become a thing. I think once KYC comes to crypto alot of this criminal activity is going to go away.

But then again I'm thankful that I ordered through Amazon. So they shouldn't have my personal info. I would be more worried if I was the ones who had all their info leaked

>> No.24770112

Shipping address and phone number when buying direct from ledger.

>> No.24770115

This is the worst crypto fud larp I have seen in weeks. You should get a pay cut.

>> No.24770162

What's really weird though is that I'm getting text messages. But they said that just email was leaked. Clearly, there is a lie here

>> No.24770203

do nothing. i for one have got in the habit of throwing out all unsolicited notes placed on/through my door due to the prevalence of marketing pamphlets. the religious ones have candies taped to them which is a good thought but candy is the last thing i need these days. candy was a good gift 150 years ago.

>> No.24770205

>Give up BTC worth $18k
>Buy gun and ammo for $500
What's so hard about this decision?

>> No.24770217


>> No.24770225

Ledger is covering it up. So many people are getting sms with their full name on them now.

>> No.24770230

They are all poorfags larping
Just like you OP

>> No.24770250

Whelp, time to change my email and phone number.

>> No.24770266

Neighbor came to my house one day pissed yelling screaming deunk and threatened to kill me and young kids at my house. Cops wouldnt wven let me officially report it

>> No.24770270

Your phone number could have been cross referenced with email from one of the many leaks that happen from online stores.

>> No.24770282

And home address if your ledger was shipped there

>> No.24770300

Don't accept this blackmail attempt. Take the suspect straight to kleros court.

>> No.24770312 [DELETED] 

Its just a phishing campaign. This is Nigerian-prince tier... sms every number on the list, get the ones that hold bitcoin nervous, maybe they pay out, but how stupid would you have to be? Second level, get access by email phishing, lock their device with malware and then automate the theft with ransom. Use all the ledger logo shit. Third level, go directly to targets house and leave threatening letter.

All I know is Third level implies a level of commitment beyond what the vast majority of successful criminals would pursue given how easy it is to steal crypto without ever leaving the building. So this could be a Legit third level, dangerous thug type situation.

You wanted to be your own bank. You have to start acting like one. Lasers, fog machines, cameras, keypads, panic buttons. Just don't be surprised maybe it was an inside job all along.

>> No.24770313

I'm getting them too. Thinking of getting a trezor and sending most of my crypto to it and having the ledger be a backup/decoy in case I'm held hostage lmao

>> No.24770355

the absolute state of noguns kek

>> No.24770375

>high profile crypto influencers
Who the hell is paying them to spew shit all over twitter

>> No.24770376

Guise! The Rolex customer lists were leaked and now I got a hand written note demanding that I send my Rolex to a post box or I will get attacked when I least expect it!!

Guise, guise! The Toyota customer lists were leaked and now I got a hand written note demanding that I sell my car and send the cash to a post box or I will get attacked when I least expect it!!

>> No.24770408

Guise! Guise! I just got a hand written note saying I ("the occupant owner of this house") have to sell my house and send the funds to a post box or I get attacked by a gang. How did they even figure out that the house had an owner??

>> No.24770410
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Bottom line is that everyone's security is going to have to increase to meet the new state level advanced persistent threats. You're going to get phished in advanced ways in the coming months. Your shit is going to get read right off your screen from malware waking up from some app you installed years ago. Your going to get calls from people whose voices are wrapped in fake audio signatures. There are whole city blocks in India where they are just cold calling motherfuckers off a list.

>> No.24770429

Where are addresses stored in relation to bitcoin??? How does this even happen?

>> No.24770443

Don't be an idiot.
It's one guy that's not going to do anything.
Imagine you're a scum bag and you want to make some money. You can either break into a house on the list and take someone hostage and risk years in prison or even dying, or you go to as many houses on that list as possible and slip this note under the door hoping someone will get scared enough to send a btc.

>> No.24770456

Guise! Guise! I was just out jogging when some guy handed me a hand written note demanding I hand over my sneakers or I would be attacked by a gang! Guise!

>> No.24770764

Are you in London, North,. South?

>> No.24770787

Oh shit! Guise! Guise! I was just heading to the coffee shop to buy a tea with my last dollar when I passed a bum who saw the dollar bill in my hand and demanded I give it to him or I would be attacked, when I least expected it, by a gang!
Fuck, I really wanted that tea.

>> No.24770791

This guy was one of the unlucky Ledger customers that had his home address leaked, cope.

>> No.24770801


>> No.24770806

Faggot. The gang is just fishing. They probably send it to hundreds of addresses.

>> No.24770827

This guy gets it

>> No.24770852

Plot twist. OP is the one behind the letter

Why don't you do nothing and contact the police?

Also do you have or any neighbours CCTV OR ring doorbell.

I would send them 10$ and then wait for them to come back with another note

>> No.24770854

Oh I'm coping. I'm coping so hard! But I've learned my lesson, oh yes sir, thanks to you and your helpful colleagues I now know better than to invest my real money in speculative, backed by nothing internet funny money, which will only get you attacked by gangs when you least expect it! I can't thank you enough! Any advice on how I can learn to better cope?

>> No.24770863

>buy a gun
>can't he's in the UK
well what's the next best thing then? can you buy a civilian taser? pepper spray? a metal baseball bat? at least have something

>> No.24770873

>the gang
Yes, I'm pretty sure a gang exists. I'm also sure this victim exists, and that OP has not made the whole thing up because he is paid to spread fud like this.
> omg I made $100k on crypto but no bank will let me cash out!

>> No.24770948

Picture this, you get home from work, tired, open front door, hang coat up and you are then grabbed from behind by Kimbo Slice’s stunt double, he drags you into your bedroom where the rest of his crew have your wife / girlfriend/ boyfriend/ dog held at knife point. He politely asks you to transfer the funds. No chance to grab your bat or pepper spray.

>> No.24770980

oh shit oh shit oh shit guise guise guise I'm so fucked I'm so fucked
I went in to my local BoA branch office to deposit a check to my account and a friend of a member of a gang saw me go in. When I came out, the gang was waiting in the parking lot.
> ey, amigo, I see you coming out of the bank there, eh?
w-who are you?
> a gang
well...s-so what?
> well, a man coming out from a bank like that...he usually have a bank account with that bank, eh, amigo?
> and the reason to have a bank account is to have money on that account, am I right amigo?
...I have no money! My account is empty!
> whole gang laughs.
> No amigo. You have money. Si. You have ten thousand dollars, that is what people with bank accounts have. You give this ten thousend dollars to us now, amigo, or...we will attack! When you least expect!

Fuck. I really needed that $10k.

>> No.24771010

>encrypted wallet using veracrypt in an airgapped PC
Unequivocally based. I literally thought I was the only person on /biz/ that actually did this.

>> No.24771050

Any "gang" would just send thousands of emails out instead including your home address. Much easier, cheaper and faster than traveling thousands and thousands of miles to drop off multiple hand written notes through people's doors. Imagine traveling 300 miles just for a chance to steal 700 Doge.

>> No.24771076

>rest of his crew have wife/ girlfriend/boyfriend and dog
Well now that the secret is out, I prefer the dog.

>> No.24771194

I did this too. Fuck the brainlet's who go on about hardware wallet's, I ain't spending 60$ on a broken USB

>> No.24771233

Run this in Windows Powershell. Just copy it into Notepad, change what you need to, then copy it from there into Powershell (right click will paste it all)

>replace password you want to encrypt where it says
>replace 'unencrypted private key/seed goes here!' with your private key or seed (keep the ' at each end)

enter password here!
$a=new-object system.security.cryptography.aescryptoserviceprovider
$r=new-object system.security.cryptography.rngcryptoserviceprovider
$k=[system.text.encoding]::utf8.getbytes('unencrypted private key/seed goes here!')
>replace password you want to encrypt where it says
>replace 'encrypted private key/seed goes here!' with the result of the encrypter (keep the ' at each end)

enter password here!
$a=new-object system.security.cryptography.aescryptoserviceprovider
$k=[system.convert]::frombase64string('encrypted private key/seed goes here!')

>> No.24771259

The idea is to print the entire decryptor code with your encrypted key included onto paper so you dont need to rely on needing to get the source code from anywhere. Then you can just input it into a PC, replacd the password bit and shazam.

>> No.24771341

Ok bro let me just grab my ledger I've got it hidden right here in this aluminium baseball bat BANG right in the costa del sol he goes down and I fuck my wife in front of him

>> No.24771364

Then just hand over the 1 btc cuck.

What the fuck are you even arguing about. You've been given dozens of good solutions and you come up with a reason to be cucked.

It doesn't matter if they know he has btc or not, he could just be living in a nice house and receive the exact same later since it's safe to assume just about anyone has 5-10k cash to pay in extortion.

This is not exclusive to btc, I used to live in South America and got notes, people visiting to warn me about some very dangerous people planning to break in etc.
Anyone can be exhorted it doesn't fucking matter if people know u have a ledger you fucking brainlet it's safe to assume anyone has 20k lying around if they're upper class.
What is there to do then, bend over because muh children.

Buy a fucking fishing harpoon and pump the gas to the max it will literally nail someone to a wall.
Set a camera at your place see if you can catch who has been slippin these notes and beat the fuck outta him.
Bring him Inside and put the harpoon in his mouth.
That's what I did and worked wonders cuck.

>> No.24771392

You still wouldn't be able to use it for self defense without being charged for manslaughter at best.

>> No.24771566
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>state-sponsored theft
Hmmm wonder what that could mean

>> No.24771609

Imagine having a ledger lmao. Where my trezor niggas at?

>> No.24771678

>You still wouldn't be able to use it for self defense without being charged for manslaughter at best.
That's utter rubbish. It's something someone always says after citing the Tony Martin case. The force you use depends on the context and the law is very lenient in this regard. If you've received a death threat and a guy breaks into the house and is coming at you with a kitchen knife, and you have your wife and children to protect, of course a shotgun would be reasonable. Shooting thieves in the back when they're running away is not reasonable use of force. There's a stark difference.

>> No.24771738
File: 62 KB, 720x720, Are_ya_choking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I do that too

>> No.24771755

Bad news anon, encryption implementation is not consistent across major versions.
You have to decrypt with the same version you encrpyt

>> No.24771827
File: 107 KB, 781x589, Legder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting pic-related emails from sender contact@legdersupport.com (notice the misspelling) but none have mentioned my name or address. I suspect it may have been some other crypto related outfit ie not Ledger which has been breached and it's just phishing. Obvs clicking the dodgy link takes you to an install for their doctored Ledger Live software. Still, not pleasant to see.

>> No.24771880

you sent the note didn't you?

>> No.24771920

>Yes officer, when I heard the noise I had the shotgun out of its safe for cleaning with gun oil for maintenance. Wanting to avoid harm to myself or others I went to the gunsafe to put the shotgun away when he entered the room. This was when I saw the knife. He was aggressive and seeing no alternative while fearing for my safety I told him to leave as I loaded in a shell from a box in the safe. He then ran towards me and in that moment I feared for my life and pulled the trigger

>> No.24772211


Never going to happen

>> No.24772234

Tell him to hire Robocop

>> No.24772248

tell him to print a FGC-9 asap

>> No.24772267

A gang attacking you because they *think* you own money but aren't sure seems a bit unlikely to me. Might be a nerd that's bluffing

>> No.24772287

they violated the NAP.

>> No.24772538

They will know because it seems there is a ledger insider leaking information

>> No.24772589

Ledger fud.
However, let me share what should have as minimum on or in your house in the UK, not just for crypto thugs but for general theft and fuckery:
>Crossbow - Something quick enough to cock like Ek archery Cobra. This is a deterrent in so much as loaded and pointed at someone they are more likely to do what you say than being unarmed, fire it and you are fucked
>CCTV - 6/8 wired, no blackspots, 2 monitors, wherever you spend most of your day (I.e bedroom and living room)
>Camera with microphone for front door
>Telescopic drive bollards
>High insurance rated and fireproof underfloor safe
>Smart bulbs in all lights - Any fuckery at night you turn on all house lights at once and immediately, don't get caught in the dark
>Venetian blinds on all windows, all downstairs at a minimum
>Magnetic window alarms
>Prickly bushes and other sharp or awkward obstacles underneath ground floor windows
>Motion sensor security lights on all outside walls, brighter the better
>Fence/anti-climb spikes
>"Patlock" if you have patio doors (Avoid buying somewhere with patio doors altogether ideally)
>Antisnap 3 star kitelocks
>Door chain - Police approved TS003
>Door bolts
>Kickstop bars on entrance doors
>Perimeter alarms, depending on layout, could be overkill for small houses. Essentially infrared trip wires that alert if tripped
>Window bars for the extra paranoid but they can also be (from the outside) a clearer indicator than anything else you are hiding
All done with common sense of course, don't put your safe under a rug in the living room, put your cameras high up enough and wires out of cutting reach.
When buying a house keep security in mind, factor in the cost of the above and consider it's location, not just in terms of "Good area" or "Shitty area" but is it a cul de sac? is it the last in a row of houses that is out of sight on a dimly lit street? Does my back fence have an alleyway behind it? etc

>> No.24772620

Just ignore it, UK people full of shit

>> No.24772624

I can confirm, I was never contacted by Ledger that I'm part of the 9500 and I get SMS and calls every few days. I live in a shitty east European country.

>> No.24772636

i've had shit similar to this. letters from darknet market dealers and such. fuck it man, is what it is. tell the police then forget about it. if we die we die. fuck all we can do. don't pay anything ever, obviously.

>> No.24772644

Anyone that threatens with a "gang" doesn't have a gang, They will just pull up without saying so, self incrementing before doing something is just dumb, its probably just some Cuck

>> No.24772656

whoa free ledger?

>> No.24772659

don't buy french tech ever

>> No.24772744

denounce your citizenship and strip passport and then kys for being in a cuck country.

>> No.24772825

Lol bullshit. Post a picture of the letter ?

>> No.24773606

If he survives and refutes any of these claims you're done for.

>> No.24773623

Just spoken to my friend. He gave the police th letter and they said nothing they can do and maybe he shouldn’t be using crypto as it’s unregulated, basically play with fire get burnt bs.

>> No.24773670

the whole database leaked, Ledger is trying to cover it up.

Just think of it like this: if Ledger works so incredibly hard to keep this under control and spreads fake information about it only applying to 9500 customers, what will they do if there's an actual Ledger exploit out there?

This is not a honest company, they are showing they cannot be trusted.

>> No.24773826

One thing is sure though, if you pay once there is nothing stopping you from paying twice.

>> No.24773856

True. Is Trezor any better than Ledger? I mean it can’t actually be any worse can it?

>> No.24773938

Well, um, they most likely have no idea of how much he actually has. He may have cashed it all out or he may have it all in crypto.

So it could be worse if they knew his exact on-chain address. Also people dont get automatically robbed for having money

>> No.24773956

this is an obvious larp and you're all falling for it. No wonder scams do so well on here

>> No.24774012

Easy marks will send the funds, they won’t do shit just get cameras and a pistol, do a firearms course to know how to use it. Tell him to be more aware Of his surroundings which he should anyway as a man, especially with money, get a dog.

>> No.24774085

based but yeh I just keep a gun ready to go

>> No.24774092

this is why you need to get a fire arm, also learn some form of martial arts or learn how to box.

If someone wants my crypto on a ledger I gotten so attached to it that I truly think you'll probably have to shoot me before getting any access to my private keys. So your friend has to take that shit to the grave.

>> No.24774139

should have bought a coldcard faggots

>> No.24774187

kek underrated reply

>> No.24774200

Lmao this but with my shotgun

>> No.24774207

Are these gangs blacks or Muslims

>> No.24774246

Wow the UK sure sucks. Here i am in america, nice house, open land, a gun under my bed and others in a safe, no blacks or Muslims nearby. Sure feels good

>> No.24774276

this is why I ordered my Ledger with a fake name to random address that is like 30 minutes away from me, paid with BTC and once it was shipped I just told DHL to not ship it to the address but to keep it at their main storage so I just come pick it up, went there with a mask and a hat on because that's normal now, asked for my delivery, dude working there just asked for the delivery ID number and that's it

follow this autistic anonymous procedure and you can get your Ledger straight from them anonymously too

>> No.24774346

here in eastern europe it's even better, you literally can have your front door of your house open all day without any worry, can walk around drunk at 5 am in the night literally through the entire city without ever even contemplating of getting mugged/shot or whatever

the government is shit though, bunch of money hungry corrupt pigs

>> No.24774359

That's pretty cool man, nice

>> No.24774403
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>visited by a gang when he least expects it

>> No.24774529

Or just buy off Amazon from the official seller to a locker.

>> No.24774649

Also reset the ledger before use

>> No.24774700

take it to the kleros court, problem solved

>> No.24774752

Just hold your DIA on Metamask. Imagine falling for the hardware wallet meme.

>> No.24774806

This happened to my friend. He killed the invader. Shotgun blast to the chest. He bled out in excruciating agony, and my friend got away Scot free because he was defending his home and family. Plus, imagine not having CCTV.

>> No.24774823

This and OP is a faggot larper

>> No.24774840

another larp. What the fuck is with you larpers, get some interests

>> No.24774886

Top post

>> No.24774944

This technique applies to anyone who is known to have money OP.

Notes demanding money are not unique to crypto dumbass

>> No.24774980

Or just order from ledger since they probably have the safest customer database in the industry now since the hack. They also third party tested their security just recently so you’re probably safest shopping there now than at Amazon

>> No.24775006
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give them 1 BSV and a lengthy explanation why its the true bitcoin.

>> No.24775038

9500 customers is a lie. They leaked the whole database. I am from Germany an am receiving calls from Pajeets larping as LEdger tech support. They know my address and know my real name.

I have a friend from USA who got scam text messages with his real name and address.

>> No.24775794

This. There database is compromised. Inside job 100%

>> No.24776539
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>> No.24776542

this is a very interesting demoralization thread having to do with the idea of security. Who would benefit from posting such a thread?

>> No.24776565

>this has nothing to do with the hardware and everything to do with the companies data collection
It's impossible to get a hardware wallet without trusting the company who makes it, so this is definitely a hardware wallet issue.

>> No.24776627

>ledger fucked up
>time to get a trezor
you retards will never learn lmao
read tomshwom's guide pt3 and fix your own wallet

>> No.24776681
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put a big short on RSR at 0.0192 on binance future and this happens 30seconds after

>> No.24776773

Put up a note that says, "Fuck niggers," move your family to a safe location, and then hunker down like in the final scene of that movie Scarface.

>> No.24776779

Nothing is safe from the alpha criminals that take what they want.

>> No.24776804

ledger was hacked by a 15 year old kid lmao

>> No.24776887

Blockchain makes it easier to steal because it is decentralized. If they asked for an e-transfer from your bank then you could identify them and have them arrested, with crypto nothing can be done. CIA agents already flagged all the big goyim addresses and will send people to threaten them for their Link stacks.

>> No.24776932
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imagine actually paying though

>> No.24776982

He can simply keep increasing his level of gang-visitation-expectation monotonically

>> No.24777107
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why are you retards acting like this is some unique crypto vulnerabilty??

I someone jumps you or takes hostages they could demand fiat or metals or w/e just as well? What does this have to do with hardware wallets lmaoo

>> No.24777462

There are always trade-offs I guess. I hate my government (Germany) but at least I can get clean tap water and dont have to worry about contracting Hep-B from produce like shithole citizens.

Fuck ledger, I ordered their wallet yesterday but I immediately told them to delete all of my data, I am not that tech savvy so I have to go with something. Every single systems seems to have some innate flaws. Who knew crypto was such a pain in the ass?

>> No.24777745

Thank fuck, i don't know why people buy hardware wallets. you can literally put your shit on an encrypted USB and be done with it

>> No.24777772

*thank fuck i'm not the only true autist in here

>> No.24778085

Nice. So when do you think he will send you the btc?

>> No.24778155

do ledgers give you a private key?

>> No.24778266

Because it could be like getting similar amounts of money that they’d get from a bank job but with minimal risk or chance of funds being traced maybe?

>> No.24778294

I hate these annoying kike larp threads, fuck off.

>> No.24778636

Which is why you don't show wealth, specially if you live in a country where you can't own guns.

>> No.24779632

No. There's a miniature Frenchman who lives inside the tacky plastic case, and he holds it for you.

>> No.24779720

I hope an imaginary criminal gang come for my ledger. I bought one as a double bluff to hide my true crypto fortune on Coinbase.

>> No.24779744

Putting 'lmao' after your statement makes people take you less seriously, anon.

>> No.24779803

Oddly enough, an increasingly common robbery tactic where I live involves a knife and a demand that the victim transfer money using their phones bank app. (Seems pretty traceable to me, but maybe joggers don't think that far ahead)

>> No.24779965

make the police check for dna on the note